Section 14-202 - Other Applicable Law - (a) Except as otherwise provided in Title 20, Subtitle 7,...
Section 15-504 - Duties and Powers - (a) The Office shall: (1) assist the Commission by providing...
Section 16-208 - Negotiability Disputes - (a) If a party to the collective bargaining considers a...
Section 16-503 - Coordinator - The county planning board shall designate a director to coordinate...
Section 18-102 - Required - The Commission shall prepare annual capital and operating budgets for...
Section 18-210 - Tax Status of Bonds - The principal amount of bonds issued under this title, the...
Section 18-307 - Administrative Tax - (a) The tax required under this section applies to property...
Section 20-201 - Membership - The commissioners from each county are designated as the Montgomery...
Section 21-201 - Intent of Subtitle - (a) This subtitle is intended to vest control over planning...
Section 22-116 - Invalid Licenses or Permits - (a) A license or permit issued in violation of any...