Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Collective Bargaining -- in General
Section 16-204 - Constitution and Bylaws of Employee Organization

(a)    An employee organization that is certified or that seeks certification as an exclusive representative under this subtitle shall submit to the labor relations administrator:
        (1)    a copy of the employee organization’s constitution and bylaws; and
        (2)    any change in the constitution or bylaws.
    (b)    The constitution or bylaws shall include:
        (1)    a pledge that the employee organization accepts members without regard to age, marital status, national origin, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender;
        (2)    the right of members to participate in the affairs of the employee organization;
        (3)    procedures for periodic elections of officers by secret ballot;
        (4)    fair procedures governing disciplinary actions;
        (5)    procedures for the accurate accounting of income and expenditures;
        (6)    a requirement that a certified annual financial report be produced; and
        (7)    the right of members to inspect the organization’s accounts.