Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Anacostia River Flood Control
Section 25-702 - Approval

(a)    Before the county enters into any contract or agreement with the United States and before any plan relating to a flood control or navigation project or the maintenance or operation of a flood control or navigation project is approved, the county shall submit for consideration each contract, agreement, or plan affecting a State road or land in a park or parkway under the jurisdiction of the Commission to:
        (1)    the State Highway Administration; and
        (2)    the Commission.
    (b)    The county may not approve a plan or enter into a contract or an agreement that is inconsistent with:
        (1)    the purposes of the Capper–Cramton Act, Public Law 71–284, 46 Stat. 482; or
        (2)    any agreement between the Commission and the National Capital Planning Commission related to the park and parkway system authorized by that Act.