Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - County Planning Boards
Section 20-202 - Powers and Duties

(a)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, a county planning board:
            (i)    is responsible for planning, subdivision, and zoning functions that are primarily local in scope; and
            (ii)    shall exercise, within the county planning board’s jurisdiction, the following powers:
                1.    planning;
                2.    zoning;
                3.    subdivision;
                4.    assignment of street names and house numbers; and
                5.    any related matter.
        (2)    The functions under paragraph (1) of this subsection do not include the regional planning functions of the Commission relating to or affecting the regional district as a planning unit.
    (b)    (1)    A county planning board has exclusive jurisdiction over:
            (i)    local functions, including:
                1.    the administration of subdivision regulations;
                2.    the preparation and adoption of recommendations to the district council with respect to zoning map amendments; and
                3.    the assignment of street names and house numbers in the regional district; and
            (ii)    mandatory referrals made in accordance with Subtitle 3, Part I of this title by the county planning board’s respective county government or any unit of the county government.
        (2)    The Montgomery County Planning Board has exclusive jurisdiction over a mandatory referral made in accordance with Subtitle 3, Part I of this title by the County Board of Education, a municipal corporation or special taxing district, or a publicly owned or privately owned public utility.
    (c)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Montgomery County Planning Board shall:
            (i)    review the annual capital budgets of the county and future capital budget projections; and
            (ii)    submit recommendations to the county council.
        (2)    The county government shall have sole responsibility for the preparation of the capital budgets and programs of public works.
    (d)    Each county planning board shall:
        (1)    meet from time to time with its respective county council; and
        (2)    perform surveys, studies, and other planning duties the county council assigns to the county planning board.