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Chapter 01 - State Department Of Agriculture And Natural Resources
Section 38-1-1 - Department continued--Office--Service of process--Seal. - 38-1-1. Department continued--Office--Service of process--Seal. The Department of Agriculture and...
Section 38-1-1.1 - Department continued--Performance of functions. - 38-1-1.1. Department continued--Performance of functions. The Department of Agriculture and...
Section 38-1-2 - Secretary of agriculture and natural resources as head of department--Appointment. - 38-1-2. Secretary of agriculture and natural resources as head of...
Section 38-1-3 - Oath of secretary. - 38-1-3. Oath of secretary. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 38-1-4 - General duties of secretary. - 38-1-4. General duties of secretary. The secretary of agriculture and...
Section 38-1-11 - Executive assistants--Oath. - 38-1-11. Executive assistants--Oath. The secretary of agriculture and natural resources...
Section 38-1-12 - Employment of inspectors and other employees. - 38-1-12. Employment of inspectors and other employees. The secretary of...
Section 38-1-13 - Terms of office of executives and employees--Discharge--Salaries. - 38-1-13. Terms of office of executives and employees--Discharge--Salaries. The terms...
Section 38-1-14 - Traveling expenses of departmental personnel. - 38-1-14. Traveling expenses of departmental personnel. The officials and employees...
Section 38-1-15 - Secretary and executives devote entire time to office--Restrictions on holding of other office. - 38-1-15. Secretary and executives devote entire time to office--Restrictions on...
Section 38-1-16 - Promulgation of rules. - 38-1-16. Promulgation of rules. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 38-1-18 - Promotion of agricultural interests--Experimental and extension work--Marketing of farm products. - 38-1-18. Promotion of agricultural interests--Experimental and extension work--Marketing of farm...
Section 38-1-18.1 - Grants and donations for promotion of and service to agriculture--Deposit and expenditure of funds. - 38-1-18.1. Grants and donations for promotion of and service to...
Section 38-1-19 - Collection and publication of agricultural and marketing statistics. - 38-1-19. Collection and publication of agricultural and marketing statistics. The...
Section 38-1-21 - Department as bureau of statistics--Dissemination of information--Cooperation with other agencies. - 38-1-21. Department as bureau of statistics--Dissemination of information--Cooperation with other...
Section 38-1-24 - Publication of promotional materials--Exhibits. - 38-1-24. Publication of promotional materials--Exhibits. The secretary of agriculture and...
Section 38-1-26 - Cooperation with State Fair Commission. - 38-1-26. Cooperation with State Fair Commission. The Department of Agriculture...
Section 38-1-29 - Apiaries and bees. - 38-1-29. Apiaries and bees. The Department of Agriculture and Natural...
Section 38-1-30 - Cooperation with commissioner of school and public lands in forest protection. - 38-1-30. Cooperation with commissioner of school and public lands in...
Section 38-1-32 - Regulation of nursery stock. - 38-1-32. Regulation of nursery stock. The Department of Agriculture and...
Section 38-1-36 - Cooperation in protection of fish and game. - 38-1-36. Cooperation in protection of fish and game. The Department...
Section 38-1-37 - Cooperation and coordination with other departments--Preventing duplication of effort. - 38-1-37. Cooperation and coordination with other departments--Preventing duplication of effort....
Section 38-1-38 - Representation of agricultural interests before federal agencies. - 38-1-38. Representation of agricultural interests before federal agencies. The secretary...
Section 38-1-38.1 - Principles of state before federal government. - 38-1-38.1. Principles of state before federal government. The State of...
Section 38-1-40 - Prosecution by secretary of violations--Security for costs not required. - 38-1-40. Prosecution by secretary of violations--Security for costs not required....
Section 38-1-44 - Definition of terms. - 38-1-44. Definition of terms. Terms used in §§38-1-44 to 38-1-50,...
Section 38-1-45 - Entry upon other's land to obtain samples--Prerequisites--Denial of access--Petition. - 38-1-45. Entry upon other's land to obtain samples--Prerequisites--Denial of access--Petition....
Section 38-1-46 - Request that secretary collect samples--Secretary's designee--Fee--Notice of sample taking. - 38-1-46. Request that secretary collect samples--Secretary's designee--Fee--Notice of sample taking....
Section 38-1-47 - Patent holder may seek protection order--Limitations. - 38-1-47. Patent holder may seek protection order--Limitations. If the person...
Section 38-1-48 - Samples--Where taken. - 38-1-48. Samples--Where taken. The samples may be taken from a...
Section 38-1-49 - Promulgation of rules. - 38-1-49. Promulgation of rules. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 38-1-50 - Results to be sent to both parties by registered mail--Time. - 38-1-50. Results to be sent to both parties by registered...
Section 38-1-51 - Information received by secretary not public records. - 38-1-51. Information received by secretary not public records. Data or...
Chapter 05 - Agricultural Census And Statistics
Section 38-5-1 - Agreements with federal government for annual census--Purpose. - 38-5-1. Agreements with federal government for annual census--Purpose. The secretary...
Section 38-5-3 - Duties of other public officers and employees. - 38-5-3. Duties of other public officers and employees. It shall...
Chapter 07 - Division Of Resource Conservation And Forestry
Section 38-7-1 - Policy of state--Purposes of chapters. - 38-7-1. Policy of state--Purposes of chapters. It is hereby declared...
Section 38-7-2 - Definition of terms. - 38-7-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter or...
Section 38-7-2.1 - Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry created. - 38-7-2.1. Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry created. There is...
Section 38-7-2.2 - Director of Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry--Nomination, appointment, and removal. - 38-7-2.2. Director of Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry--Nomination, appointment,...
Section 38-7-2.3 - Conservation functions performed by division--Direction and control by director. - 38-7-2.3. Conservation functions performed by division--Direction and control by director....
Section 38-7-3 - State Conservation Commission established--Purposes. - 38-7-3. State Conservation Commission established--Purposes. There is hereby established, to...
Section 38-7-3.1 - Direction and supervision by Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry--Independent functions retained by commission. - 38-7-3.1. Direction and supervision by Division of Resource Conservation and...
Section 38-7-4 - Composition of commission--Appointment and terms of members--Vacancies. - 38-7-4. Composition of commission--Appointment and terms of members--Vacancies. The State...
Section 38-7-5 - Conservation district supervisor member areas. - 38-7-5. Conservation district supervisor member areas. One conservation district supervisor...
Section 38-7-6 - Nonvoting members of commission--Tenure of office. - 38-7-6. Nonvoting members of commission--Tenure of office. The following persons...
Section 38-7-7 - Accommodations, supplies, and equipment for commission. - 38-7-7. Accommodations, supplies, and equipment for commission. The State Conservation...
Section 38-7-8 - Record of commission actions--Seal--Powers. - 38-7-8. Record of commission actions--Seal--Powers. The State Conservation Commission shall...
Section 38-7-9 - Quorum of commission. - 38-7-9. Quorum of commission. A majority of the State Conservation...
Section 38-7-10 - Chairman of commission--Delegation of powers and duties. - 38-7-10. Chairman of commission--Delegation of powers and duties. The State...
Section 38-7-12 - Employment of personnel by division--Legal services. - 38-7-12. Employment of personnel by division--Legal services. The Division of...
Section 38-7-13 - Record of proceedings kept by division. - 38-7-13. Record of proceedings kept by division. The Division of...
Section 38-7-14 - Detail of personnel to division by other state agencies. - 38-7-14. Detail of personnel to division by other state agencies....
Section 38-7-15 - Assistance in carrying out of district programs. - 38-7-15. Assistance in carrying out of district programs. In addition...
Section 38-7-16 - Interchange of information between districts and division. - 38-7-16. Interchange of information between districts and division. In addition...
Section 38-7-17 - Coordination of district programs. - 38-7-17. Coordination of district programs. In addition to the duties...
Section 38-7-18 - Assistance provided to districts by federal and state agencies. - 38-7-18. Assistance provided to districts by federal and state agencies....
Section 38-7-19 - Dissemination of information--Encouraging formation of districts. - 38-7-19. Dissemination of information--Encouraging formation of districts. In addition to...
Section 38-7-20 - Representation of districts--Development of conservation policy--Cooperation with public and private agencies. - 38-7-20. Representation of districts--Development of conservation policy--Cooperation with public and...
Section 38-7-21 - Recommendations on programs of local, state, and federal agencies and subdivisions. - 38-7-21. Recommendations on programs of local, state, and federal agencies...
Section 38-7-22 - Provision of funds and assistance to districts. - 38-7-22. Provision of funds and assistance to districts. In addition...
Section 38-7-23 - Accounting and financial reporting procedures by districts. - 38-7-23. Accounting and financial reporting procedures by districts. In addition...
Section 38-7-24 - Request to Legislature for appropriations. - 38-7-24. Request to Legislature for appropriations. To accomplish the purposes...
Section 38-7-25 - Coordinated natural resources conservation fund created--Purposes. - 38-7-25. Coordinated natural resources conservation fund created--Purposes. There is hereby...
Section 38-7-26 - Source of money in coordinated natural resources conservation fund. - 38-7-26. Source of money in coordinated natural resources conservation fund....
Section 38-7-27 - Coordinated natural resources conservation program established--Promulgation of rules. - 38-7-27. Coordinated natural resources conservation program established--Promulgation of rules. The...
Section 38-7-28 - Administration of coordinated natural resources conservation program. - 38-7-28. Administration of coordinated natural resources conservation program. The Division...
Section 38-7-29 - Soil conservation award program established. - 38-7-29. Soil conservation award program established. The South Dakota soil...
Section 38-7-30 - Form of award--Promulgation of rules. - 38-7-30. Form of award--Promulgation of rules. Each recipient shall receive...
Chapter 08 - Conservation Districts
Section 38-8-1 - Filing of petition for organization of district--Number of signers--Contents--Consolidation of petitions. - 38-8-1. Filing of petition for organization of district--Number of signers--Contents--Consolidation...
Section 38-8-2 - Notice and hearing on petition for organization of district--Questions considered--Right to be heard--Hearing on inclusion of additional territory. - 38-8-2. Notice and hearing on petition for organization of district--Questions...
Section 38-8-3 - Factors considered in hearing on petition for organization of district. - 38-8-3. Factors considered in hearing on petition for organization of...
Section 38-8-4 - Determination of need for district--Establishment of boundaries. - 38-8-4. Determination of need for district--Establishment of boundaries. After a...
Section 38-8-5 - Determination of no need and denial of petition--Time for filing new petitions. - 38-8-5. Determination of no need and denial of petition--Time for...
Section 38-8-6 - Consideration of administrative practicability and feasibility of district. - 38-8-6. Consideration of administrative practicability and feasibility of district. After...
Section 38-8-7 - Referendum on creation of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote. - 38-8-7. Referendum on creation of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote....
Section 38-8-8 - Timing of referendum on creation of district. - 38-8-8. Timing of referendum on creation of district. The elections...
Section 38-8-9 - Conduct of election on creation of district--Certification of results. - 38-8-9. Conduct of election on creation of district--Certification of results....
Section 38-8-10 - Notices and conduct of hearings and referenda--Procedural regulations--Referendum not invalidated by informalities. - 38-8-10. Notices and conduct of hearings and referenda--Procedural regulations--Referendum not...
Section 38-8-11 - Vote required to authorize creation of district--Extent of participation in voting required. - 38-8-11. Vote required to authorize creation of district--Extent of participation...
Section 38-8-12 - Publication of referendum results--Determination and recording of administrative practicability and feasibility. - 38-8-12. Publication of referendum results--Determination and recording of administrative practicability...
Section 38-8-13 - Factors considered in determining administrative practicability and feasibility. - 38-8-13. Factors considered in determining administrative practicability and feasibility. In...
Section 38-8-14 - Time for filing new petitions after denial of district. - 38-8-14. Time for filing new petitions after denial of district....
Section 38-8-15 - Election of initial supervisors--District as governmental subdivision. - 38-8-15. Election of initial supervisors--District as governmental subdivision. At the...
Section 38-8-16 - Application filed with secretary of state by elected supervisors--Contents--Accompanying statement by commission. - 38-8-16. Application filed with secretary of state by elected supervisors--Contents--Accompanying...
Section 38-8-17 - Filing and recording of application and statement--Issuance of certificate of organization. - 38-8-17. Filing and recording of application and statement--Issuance of certificate...
Section 38-8-18 - Certificate of organization as proof of establishment of district. - 38-8-18. Certificate of organization as proof of establishment of district....
Section 38-8-19 - Petition for inclusion of additional territory--Procedure. - 38-8-19. Petition for inclusion of additional territory--Procedure. Petitions in a...
Section 38-8-20 - Inclusion of additional territory by amendment of charter--Notice and hearing. - 38-8-20. Inclusion of additional territory by amendment of charter--Notice and...
Section 38-8-21 - Resolution to include additional territory--Effective date. - 38-8-21. Resolution to include additional territory--Effective date. After giving due...
Section 38-8-22 - Petition for combination or division of districts--Number of signers--Form. - 38-8-22. Petition for combination or division of districts--Number of signers--Form....
Section 38-8-22.1 - Governing board resolution for combination or division of districts--Vote at general election. - 38-8-22.1. Governing board resolution for combination or division of districts--Vote...
Section 38-8-23 - Commission hearing on combination or division of districts. - 38-8-23. Commission hearing on combination or division of districts. Within...
Section 38-8-24 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of combining districts. - 38-8-24. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of combining districts....
Section 38-8-24.1 - Petition for referendum on organization of district--Commission action on petition. - 38-8-24.1. Petition for referendum on organization of district--Commission action on...
Section 38-8-25 - Appointment of supervisors for reorganized district. - 38-8-25. Appointment of supervisors for reorganized district. Within sixty days...
Section 38-8-26 - Certificates of organization for new districts--Certificate of dissolution--Assets and liabilities revert to new district. - 38-8-26. Certificates of organization for new districts--Certificate of dissolution--Assets and...
Section 38-8-30 - Petition for boundary adjustment between adjoining districts. - 38-8-30. Petition for boundary adjustment between adjoining districts. Petitions signed...
Section 38-8-31 - Notice and hearing on boundary adjustment between districts. - 38-8-31. Notice and hearing on boundary adjustment between districts. Within...
Section 38-8-32 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of boundary adjustments--Factors considered--Notice to districts. - 38-8-32. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of boundary adjustments--Factors...
Section 38-8-33 - Application to secretary of state for certificate evidencing boundary changes--Accompanying statement by state commission--Issuance of certificate. - 38-8-33. Application to secretary of state for certificate evidencing boundary...
Section 38-8-34 - Petition for change of name of district--Action by state commission--Issuance by secretary of state. - 38-8-34. Petition for change of name of district--Action by state...
Section 38-8-39 - Composition of district governing board--Number and qualifications of supervisors--Notice of available district offices--Nominating petitions--Election procedure. - 38-8-39. Composition of district governing board--Number and qualifications of supervisors--Notice...
Section 38-8-42 - Terms of office of district supervisors. - 38-8-42. Terms of office of district supervisors. For the purpose...
Section 38-8-43 - Removal of supervisor from office. - 38-8-43. Removal of supervisor from office. Any supervisor of a...
Section 38-8-44 - Filling of vacancies in district board. - 38-8-44. Filling of vacancies in district board. Vacancies in the...
Section 38-8-45 - Chairman and officers of district board--Quorum--Majority required for actions. - 38-8-45. Chairman and officers of district board--Quorum--Majority required for actions....
Section 38-8-45.1 - Meetings and hearings of district supervisors open to public. - 38-8-45.1. Meetings and hearings of district supervisors open to public....
Section 38-8-46 - Compensation and expenses of supervisors. - 38-8-46. Compensation and expenses of supervisors. A supervisor of a...
Section 38-8-47 - Employment of personnel by supervisors--Legal services--Delegation of powers. - 38-8-47. Employment of personnel by supervisors--Legal services--Delegation of powers. The...
Section 38-8-48 - Surety bonds required by district supervisors--Record of proceedings--Financial reports. - 38-8-48. Surety bonds required by district supervisors--Record of proceedings--Financial reports....
Section 38-8-49 - District as governmental subdivision and public body--General corporate powers. - 38-8-49. District as governmental subdivision and public body--General corporate powers....
Section 38-8-49.1 - Budget estimates of operating and maintenance costs submitted to counties--Determination and apportionment of costs--Funds derived from general county fund. - 38-8-49.1. Budget estimates of operating and maintenance costs submitted to...
Section 38-8-50 - Comprehensive district plans for conservation of resources--Programs and practices included. - 38-8-50. Comprehensive district plans for conservation of resources--Programs and practices...
Section 38-8-51 - Advice and consultation with political subdivision governing bodies. - 38-8-51. Advice and consultation with political subdivision governing bodies. The...
Section 38-8-51.1 - Cooperation with political subdivisions in implementing area-wide waste treatment. - 38-8-51.1. Cooperation with political subdivisions in implementing area-wide waste treatment....
Section 38-8-52 - Cooperation between districts. - 38-8-52. Cooperation between districts. The supervisors of any two or...
Section 38-8-53 - Conservation district special revenue fund established--Purpose--Loans. - 38-8-53. Conservation district special revenue fund established--Purpose--Loans. There is hereby...
Section 38-8-53.1 - Conservation district special revenue fund available for loans to watershed districts. - 38-8-53.1. Conservation district special revenue fund available for loans to...
Section 38-8-54 - District power to receive loans from special revenue fund. - 38-8-54. District power to receive loans from special revenue fund....
Section 38-8-54.1 - Borrowing funds and pledging credit of district authorized. - 38-8-54.1. Borrowing funds and pledging credit of district authorized. The...
Section 38-8-55 - County contributions to districts--Financial statement filed with county commissioners. - 38-8-55. County contributions to districts--Financial statement filed with county commissioners....
Section 38-8-56 - Notice and hearing on county contributions to districts. - 38-8-56. Notice and hearing on county contributions to districts. The...
Section 38-8-57 - Annual report filed with county contributing to district--Publication of report. - 38-8-57. Annual report filed with county contributing to district--Publication of...
Section 38-8-58 - Acquisition, administration, improvement, and disposition of property by district. - 38-8-58. Acquisition, administration, improvement, and disposition of property by district....
Section 38-8-59 - Exemption from general laws applicable to public property. - 38-8-59. Exemption from general laws applicable to public property. No...
Section 38-8-60 - Construction, operation and maintenance of structures by district. - 38-8-60. Construction, operation and maintenance of structures by district. A...
Section 38-8-61 - District conservation measures on public and private land. - 38-8-61. District conservation measures on public and private land. A...
Section 38-8-62 - Administration and management of projects--Acceptance of contributions. - 38-8-62. Administration and management of projects--Acceptance of contributions. A conservation...
Section 38-8-63 - Cooperation with and aid to other public agencies or land occupiers in conservation measures. - 38-8-63. Cooperation with and aid to other public agencies or...
Section 38-8-64 - Assistance to land owners. - 38-8-64. Assistance to land owners. A conservation district and its...
Section 38-8-65 - Contributions and land-use agreements required as conditions to assistance provided by district. - 38-8-65. Contributions and land-use agreements required as conditions to assistance...
Section 38-8-90 - Petition for dissolution of district--Number of signers--Public meetings and hearings. - 38-8-90. Petition for dissolution of district--Number of signers--Public meetings and...
Section 38-8-90.1 - Governing board resolution for dissolution of district--Vote at general election. - 38-8-90.1. Governing board resolution for dissolution of district--Vote at general...
Section 38-8-91 - Frequency of petitions for dissolution of district. - 38-8-91. Frequency of petitions for dissolution of district. The State...
Section 38-8-92 - Referendum on petition for dissolution of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote. - 38-8-92. Referendum on petition for dissolution of district--Form of ballot--Right...
Section 38-8-93 - Timing of referendum on dissolution of district. - 38-8-93. Timing of referendum on dissolution of district. The elections...
Section 38-8-94 - Conduct of election on dissolution of district--Certification of results. - 38-8-94. Conduct of election on dissolution of district--Certification of results....
Section 38-8-95 - Referendum on dissolution of district valid despite informalities. - 38-8-95. Referendum on dissolution of district valid despite informalities. No...
Section 38-8-96 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of continued operation of district--Majority vote requiring discontinuance. - 38-8-96. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of continued operation...
Section 38-8-97 - Termination of district affairs on determination by state commission--Disposition of district property. - 38-8-97. Termination of district affairs on determination by state commission--Disposition...
Section 38-8-98 - Application to secretary of state for certificate of dissolution--Recitals in application--Issuance of certificate. - 38-8-98. Application to secretary of state for certificate of dissolution--Recitals...
Section 38-8-99 - Ordinances and regulations terminated on dissolution of district--Division substituted as party to contracts--Liens and pending actions. - 38-8-99. Ordinances and regulations terminated on dissolution of district--Division substituted...
Chapter 08A - Soil Erosion And Sediment Damage Control
Section 38-8A-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-8A-1. Definition of terms. Terms as used in this chapter...
Section 38-8A-2 - "Land-disturbing activity" defined. - 38-8A-2."Land-disturbing activity" defined. The term, land-disturbing activity, as used in...
Section 38-8A-3 - Guidelines to be developed by commission--Citizen participation. - 38-8A-3. Guidelines to be developed by commission--Citizen participation. The State...
Section 38-8A-4 - Content of guidelines. - 38-8A-4. Content of guidelines. The guidelines developed by the State...
Section 38-8A-5 - Information and standards used as basis of guidelines. - 38-8A-5. Information and standards used as basis of guidelines. The...
Section 38-8A-6 - Districts to develop proposed standards in cooperation with local units--Time--Designation of fragile land. - 38-8A-6. Districts to develop proposed standards in cooperation with local...
Section 38-8A-8 - Hearing on proposed standards or revisions--Publication of notice. - 38-8A-8. Hearing on proposed standards or revisions--Publication of notice. Before...
Section 38-8A-9 - Transmittal of proposed standards to commission for review. - 38-8A-9. Transmittal of proposed standards to commission for review. Upon...
Section 38-8A-10 - Review of standards by commission--Recommendations as to changes. - 38-8A-10. Review of standards by commission--Recommendations as to changes. The...
Section 38-8A-11 - Adoption of conservation standards by districts--Cooperation with other local units. - 38-8A-11. Adoption of conservation standards by districts--Cooperation with other local...
Section 38-8A-12 - Governing board resolution or voter petition for revision of conservation standards. - 38-8A-12. Governing board resolution or voter petition for revision of...
Section 38-8A-12.1 - Filing of petition--Submission of standards to election unless supervisors approve revision. - 38-8A-12.1. Filing of petition--Submission of standards to election unless supervisors...
Section 38-8A-12.2 - Election procedures. - 38-8A-12.2. Election procedures. An election under the provisions of §§38-8A-12...
Section 38-8A-13 - District standards to be met by activities on publicly owned lands. - 38-8A-13. District standards to be met by activities on publicly...
Section 38-8A-14 - Enforcement of standards under contract with public agency. - 38-8A-14. Enforcement of standards under contract with public agency. Land-disturbing...
Section 38-8A-15 - Issuance of permits by commission or districts prohibited. - 38-8A-15. Issuance of permits by commission or districts prohibited. Neither...
Section 38-8A-16 - Permit-issuing authorities to require compliance with district conservation standards. - 38-8A-16. Permit-issuing authorities to require compliance with district conservation standards....
Section 38-8A-17 - Land-disturbing activity plans, applications, and reports not required if standards not violated--Plan required for conversion of fragile land. - 38-8A-17. Land-disturbing activity plans, applications, and reports not required if...
Section 38-8A-18 - Violation of adopted standards by land-disturbing activities--Control plan required--District approval--Implementation of plan. - 38-8A-18. Violation of adopted standards by land-disturbing activities--Control plan required--District...
Section 38-8A-18.1 - Noncompliance--Penalties. - 38-8A-18.1. Noncompliance--Penalties. Any person found to have engaged in land...
Section 38-8A-19 - Variances to allow additional time for compliance. - 38-8A-19. Variances to allow additional time for compliance. The conservation...
Section 38-8A-20 - Petition to allege violation of chapter--Investigation and action by petitioned agency. - 38-8A-20. Petition to allege violation of chapter--Investigation and action by...
Section 38-8A-21 - Injunctive or other relief to enforce chapter. - 38-8A-21. Injunctive or other relief to enforce chapter. Either a...
Section 38-8A-22 - Dust blowing and soil erosion--Owner or operator to prevent. - 38-8A-22. Dust blowing and soil erosion--Owner or operator to prevent....
Section 38-8A-23 - Blowing soil--Investigation and order for prevention by conservation district board. - 38-8A-23. Blowing soil--Investigation and order for prevention by conservation district...
Section 38-8A-24 - Emergency orders--Issuance--Posting. - 38-8A-24. Emergency orders--Issuance--Posting. Upon a finding by the board of...
Section 38-8A-25 - Preventive treatment--Grounds for performance by conservation district board. - 38-8A-25. Preventive treatment--Grounds for performance by conservation district board. The...
Section 38-8A-26 - Assessment against land treated by board--Promulgation of rules. - 38-8A-26. Assessment against land treated by board--Promulgation of rules. Upon...
Section 38-8A-27 - Disposition of assessment collections--Collection fee prohibited. - 38-8A-27. Disposition of assessment collections--Collection fee prohibited. All amounts collected...
Section 38-8A-28 - Cooperation with federal, state, and local agencies to prevent erosion. - 38-8A-28. Cooperation with federal, state, and local agencies to prevent...
Section 38-8A-29 - Annual report of violations. - 38-8A-29. Annual report of violations. The conservation districts shall file...
Chapter 10 - Wheat Development And Promotion
Section 38-10-1 - Policy of state. - 38-10-1. Policy of state. It is hereby declared to be...
Section 38-10-2 - Definition of terms. - 38-10-2. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 38-10-3 - Wheat commission--Members--Terms of office. - 38-10-3. Wheat commission--Members--Terms of office. There is hereby established a...
Section 38-10-3.1 - Independent functions retained by commission. - 38-10-3.1. Independent functions retained by commission. The Wheat Utilization, Research...
Section 38-10-4 - Qualifications of appointive members of commission. - 38-10-4. Qualifications of appointive members of commission. The wheat commission...
Section 38-10-5 - Supervision of executive director. - 38-10-5. Supervision of executive director. With the exception of the...
Section 38-10-6 - Areas represented by appointive members of commission. - 38-10-6. Areas represented by appointive members of commission. Two of...
Section 38-10-7 - Terms of office of appointive members of commission--Vacancies. - 38-10-7. Terms of office of appointive members of commission--Vacancies. As...
Section 38-10-8 - Removal of wheat commission member. - 38-10-8. Removal of wheat commission member. A member of the...
Section 38-10-9 - Ex officio members of wheat commission--No vote. - 38-10-9. Ex officio members of wheat commission--No vote. Ex officio...
Section 38-10-11 - Officers of wheat commission--Meetings. - 38-10-11. Officers of wheat commission--Meetings. The wheat commission shall elect...
Section 38-10-12 - Appointment of executive director--Compensation. - 38-10-12. Appointment of executive director--Compensation. The wheat commission may appoint...
Section 38-10-14 - Powers of commission. - 38-10-14. Powers of commission. In the administration of this chapter,...
Section 38-10-15 - Formulation of general policies and programs for wheat promotion. - 38-10-15. Formulation of general policies and programs for wheat promotion....
Section 38-10-16 - Wheat research and market development. - 38-10-16. Wheat research and market development. In connection with and...
Section 38-10-17 - Research restricted to cooperation with other agencies. - 38-10-17. Research restricted to cooperation with other agencies. The wheat...
Section 38-10-18 - Education and publicity program. - 38-10-18. Education and publicity program. In connection with and in...
Section 38-10-19 - Cooperation with public and private organizations--Contracts. - 38-10-19. Cooperation with public and private organizations--Contracts. In connection with...
Section 38-10-20 - Rules and regulations adopted by commission. - 38-10-20. Rules and regulations adopted by commission. In connection with...
Section 38-10-21 - Commission records kept. - 38-10-21. Commission records kept. All records of the wheat commission...
Section 38-10-22 - Promotional fee on wheat sold through commercial channels--Collection from first purchaser. - 38-10-22. Promotional fee on wheat sold through commercial channels--Collection from...
Section 38-10-23 - Sales to federal government exempt from fee. - 38-10-23. Sales to federal government exempt from fee. The fee,...
Section 38-10-24 - Fee applicable to wheat stored or sold outside state--Collection from grower. - 38-10-24. Fee applicable to wheat stored or sold outside state--Collection...
Section 38-10-25 - Proof of purchase delivered by purchaser to grower--Contents. - 38-10-25. Proof of purchase delivered by purchaser to grower--Contents. The...
Section 38-10-26 - Alteration of proof of purchase documents as misdemeanor. - 38-10-26. Alteration of proof of purchase documents as misdemeanor. The...
Section 38-10-27 - Quarterly reports by wheat purchasers--Payment of fee. - 38-10-27. Quarterly reports by wheat purchasers--Payment of fee. The purchaser...
Section 38-10-28 - Fee deducted when loan made by federal agency--Federal forms accepted in lieu of invoice. - 38-10-28. Fee deducted when loan made by federal agency--Federal forms...
Section 38-10-29 - Supplemental and alternate forms used by commodity credit corporation. - 38-10-29. Supplemental and alternate forms used by commodity credit corporation....
Section 38-10-30 - Use by Commodity Credit Corporation of identification numbers--Access of state officials to records. - 38-10-30. Use by Commodity Credit Corporation of identification numbers--Access of...
Section 38-10-31 - Fee paid at time of federal loan as complete satisfaction. - 38-10-31. Fee paid at time of federal loan as complete...
Section 38-10-32 - Minor errors in fee collection overlooked. - 38-10-32. Minor errors in fee collection overlooked. In connection with...
Section 38-10-33 - Assessment of fee by director on failure to file report--Penalty--Time of payment. - 38-10-33. Assessment of fee by director on failure to file...
Section 38-10-34 - Application for refund of fee erroneously collected--Time for refund--Waiver by failure to file claim. - 38-10-34. Application for refund of fee erroneously collected--Time for refund--Waiver...
Section 38-10-35 - Deposit and appropriation of fees. - 38-10-35. Deposit and appropriation of fees. All moneys received on...
Section 38-10-37 - Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. - 38-10-37. Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. Any person violating any...
Section 38-10-38 - Citation of chapter. - 38-10-38. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...
Section 38-10-39 - Commission financial reports--Annual audit. - 38-10-39. Commission financial reports--Annual audit. The commission shall annually submit...
Section 38-10-40 - Liability for omissions. - 38-10-40. Liability for omissions. No liability may be imposed upon...
Section 38-10-41 - Commission may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect assessment and checkoff records. - 38-10-41. Commission may contract with Public Utilities Commission to inspect...
Chapter 11 - State Seed Certification Board
Section 38-11-1 - Appointment and terms of board members--Vacancies. - 38-11-1. Appointment and terms of board members--Vacancies. The State Seed...
Section 38-11-1.1 - Direction and supervision by College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences--Independent functions retained by board. - 38-11-1.1. Direction and supervision by College of Agriculture and Biological...
Section 38-11-2 - Composition and representation on board--Recommendations for appointment. - 38-11-2. Composition and representation on board--Recommendations for appointment. All members...
Section 38-11-3 - Oath of board members--Officers of board. - 38-11-3. Oath of board members--Officers of board. The members of...
Section 38-11-4 - Meetings of board. - 38-11-4. Meetings of board. The State Seed Certification Board shall...
Section 38-11-6 - Official seed certifying agency for state. - 38-11-6. Official seed certifying agency for state. The secretary of...
Section 38-11-7 - Standards for certification--Rules and regulations. - 38-11-7. Standards for certification--Rules and regulations. The State Seed Certification...
Section 38-11-8 - Rules, regulations, and orders for execution of powers. - 38-11-8. Rules, regulations, and orders for execution of powers. The...
Chapter 12A - Seed Standards And Labeling
Section 38-12A-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-12A-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 38-12A-2 - Label required for containers of agricultural seeds--Contents. - 38-12A-2. Label required for containers of agricultural seeds--Contents. Each container...
Section 38-12A-3 - Label required for containers of lawn and turf seed--Contents. - 38-12A-3. Label required for containers of lawn and turf seed--Contents....
Section 38-12A-4 - Label required for containers of vegetable seeds in planting devices--Contents. - 38-12A-4. Label required for containers of vegetable seeds in planting...
Section 38-12A-5 - Label required for containers of flower seeds or flower seeds in planting devices--Contents. - 38-12A-5. Label required for containers of flower seeds or flower...
Section 38-12A-6 - Label required for containers of tree and shrub seeds--Contents--Exception. - 38-12A-6. Label required for containers of tree and shrub seeds--Contents--Exception....
Section 38-12A-7 - Contents of label for treated seed. - 38-12A-7. Contents of label for treated seed. For all named...
Section 38-12A-8 - Seed sold in bulk--Display of label on container--Customer copy--Exception. - 38-12A-8. Seed sold in bulk--Display of label on container--Customer copy--Exception....
Section 38-12A-9 - Seed test to determine label information. - 38-12A-9. Seed test to determine label information. Information on a...
Section 38-12A-10 - Exceptions to labeling requirements. - 38-12A-10. Exceptions to labeling requirements. The provisions of §§38-12A-2 to...
Section 38-12A-11 - Seed dealers permit required--Exception--Expiration--Fee. - 38-12A-11. Seed dealers permit required--Exception--Expiration--Fee. No person may sell, distribute,...
Section 38-12A-11.1 - Seed fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. - 38-12A-11.1. Seed fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. Fees collected pursuant to this chapter...
Section 38-12A-12 - Contents of advertisement by person excepted from seed permit. - 38-12A-12. Contents of advertisement by person excepted from seed permit....
Section 38-12A-13 - Records of seed lots--File samples--Inspection--Use by secretary. - 38-12A-13. Records of seed lots--File samples--Inspection--Use by secretary. Each seedsman...
Section 38-12A-14 - Secretary provided copy of records and access to premises. - 38-12A-14. Secretary provided copy of records and access to premises....
Section 38-12A-15 - Modification, revocation, or refusal to renew permit for violations. - 38-12A-15. Modification, revocation, or refusal to renew permit for violations....
Section 38-12A-16 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or transportation for sale of seed within state--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-12A-16. Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or transportation for sale...
Section 38-12A-17 - Additional prohibited acts--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-12A-17. Additional prohibited acts--Violation as misdemeanor. It is unlawful for...
Section 38-12A-18 - Additional civil penalty. - 38-12A-18. Additional civil penalty. In addition to the criminal penalties...
Section 38-12A-19 - Powers of secretary. - 38-12A-19. Powers of secretary. The secretary may: (1)Enter upon any...
Section 38-12A-20 - Promulgation of rules by secretary. - 38-12A-20. Promulgation of rules by secretary. The secretary may promulgate...
Section 38-12A-21 - Right of consumer to submit claim to arbitration. - 38-12A-21. Right of consumer to submit claim to arbitration. If...
Section 38-12A-22 - Right of seedsman, seed producer, or seed dealer to submit claim to arbitration--Statutes of limitations and legal proceedings tolled. - 38-12A-22. Right of seedsman, seed producer, or seed dealer to...
Section 38-12A-23 - Filing of complaint against seedsman, seed producer, or seed dealer--Time limitation--Filing of answer. - 38-12A-23. Filing of complaint against seedsman, seed producer, or seed...
Section 38-12A-24 - Referring of complaint to arbitration committee--Discontinuation of investigation. - 38-12A-24. Referring of complaint to arbitration committee--Discontinuation of investigation. The...
Section 38-12A-25 - Appointment of committee members--Election of chairman and secretary. - 38-12A-25. Appointment of committee members--Election of chairman and secretary. The...
Section 38-12A-26 - Purpose of committee--Nonbinding report--Evidence in litigation. - 38-12A-26. Purpose of committee--Nonbinding report--Evidence in litigation. The purpose of...
Section 38-12A-27 - Session called by secretary or upon direction of chairman. - 38-12A-27. Session called by secretary or upon direction of chairman....
Section 38-12A-28 - Investigation by committee--Recommendation--Hearings. - 38-12A-28. Investigation by committee--Recommendation--Hearings. When the secretary refers a complaint...
Section 38-12A-29 - Investigation by majority of committee directed by chairman--Summary. - 38-12A-29. Investigation by majority of committee directed by chairman--Summary. An...
Section 38-12A-30 - Members not compensated--Reimbursement for expenses. - 38-12A-30. Members not compensated--Reimbursement for expenses. The members of the...
Section 38-12A-31 - Federal permits for introduction of organisms and products produced through genetic engineering authorized for use in state. - 38-12A-31. Federal permits for introduction of organisms and products produced...
Chapter 17 - Crop Liens
Section 38-17-1 - Contract reserving title to landlord to be filed with register of deeds . - 38-17-1. Contract reserving title to landlord to be filed with...
Section 38-17-1.1 - Crop seeds defined. - 38-17-1.1. Crop seeds defined. For the purposes of this chapter,...
Section 38-17-3 - Lien on crop for seed furnished--Limitation on amount contained in farm lease. - 38-17-3. Lien on crop for seed furnished--Limitation on amount contained...
Section 38-17-4 - Seed lien available to foreign corporations without qualifying. - 38-17-4. Seed lien available to foreign corporations without qualifying. Any...
Section 38-17-5 - Filing of seed lien affidavit with register of deeds. - 38-17-5. Filing of seed lien affidavit with register of deeds....
Section 38-17-6 - Seed lien affidavit on behalf of nonresident. - 38-17-6. Seed lien affidavit on behalf of nonresident. If the...
Section 38-17-7 - Entry of seed lien statements by register of deeds--Notice to purchasers and encumbrancers. - 38-17-7. Entry of seed lien statements by register of deeds--Notice...
Section 38-17-8 - Priority of seed liens. - 38-17-8. Priority of seed liens. Any lien under the provisions...
Section 38-17-9 - Unauthorized use of seed subject to lien as misdemeanor. - 38-17-9. Unauthorized use of seed subject to lien as misdemeanor....
Section 38-17-10 - Lien of federal agency furnishing seed or money. - 38-17-10. Lien of federal agency furnishing seed or money. The...
Section 38-17-11 - Filing of federal seed lien with register of deeds--Contents of notice. - 38-17-11. Filing of federal seed lien with register of deeds--Contents...
Section 38-17-12 - Misappropriation of federally furnished seed or money as misdemeanor. - 38-17-12. Misappropriation of federally furnished seed or money as misdemeanor....
Section 38-17-13 - General law of seed liens applicable to federal liens. - 38-17-13. General law of seed liens applicable to federal liens....
Section 38-17-14 - Farm machinery owner's lien on processed agricultural products. - 38-17-14. Farm machinery owner's lien on processed agricultural products. Any...
Section 38-17-15 - Account filed by processor with register of deeds--Contents--Notice to purchasers and encumbrancers. - 38-17-15. Account filed by processor with register of deeds--Contents--Notice to...
Section 38-17-16 - Priority of threshers' and processors' liens. - 38-17-16. Priority of threshers' and processors' liens. Any lien under...
Section 38-17-17 - Innocent purchaser of crop protected against unfiled lien. - 38-17-17. Innocent purchaser of crop protected against unfiled lien. The...
Section 38-17-18 - Unauthorized disposition of property subject to thresher's or processor's lien as misdemeanor. - 38-17-18. Unauthorized disposition of property subject to thresher's or processor's...
Section 38-17-19 - Foreclosure of crop liens. - 38-17-19. Foreclosure of crop liens. Any person having a lien...
Chapter 18 - Apiaries
Section 38-18-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-18-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 38-18-3 - Annual application for registration of apiaries--Contents--Revocation of landowner or lessee's placement authorization--Approval or rejection of registration--Hearings--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-18-3. Annual application for registration of apiaries--Contents--Revocation of landowner or...
Section 38-18-3.1 - Minimum distance between apiaries--Beekeepers excepted on own property. - 38-18-3.1. Minimum distance between apiaries--Beekeepers excepted on own property. Unless...
Section 38-18-3.3 - Identification of apiary--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-3.3. Identification of apiary--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person owning an...
Section 38-18-3.4 - Abandoned apiary--Destruction, treatment or seizure of bees and equipment. - 38-18-3.4. Abandoned apiary--Destruction, treatment or seizure of bees and equipment....
Section 38-18-4 - Application for entrance permit--Action by secretary--Failure to apply for permit as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-18-4. Application for entrance permit--Action by secretary--Failure to apply for...
Section 38-18-5 - Registration fee. - 38-18-5. Registration fee. Any person registering an apiary pursuant to...
Section 38-18-5.1 - Apiary fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. - 38-18-5.1. Apiary fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. Except as provided by §38-18-36, fees...
Section 38-18-8 - Movable frames required in hives--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-8. Movable frames required in hives--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person...
Section 38-18-9 - Sealing of diseased hives required--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-9. Sealing of diseased hives required--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. Any...
Section 38-18-10 - Infested colony or apiary as public nuisance--Treatment or destruction of infested apiaries--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-10. Infested colony or apiary as public nuisance--Treatment or destruction...
Section 38-18-11 - Exposure of infected bees or equipment as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-11. Exposure of infected bees or equipment as misdemeanor--Additional penalty....
Section 38-18-12 - Inspection programs--Employment of personnel--Investigation and control of diseases--Movement of bees in and out of state. - 38-18-12. Inspection programs--Employment of personnel--Investigation and control of diseases--Movement of...
Section 38-18-13 - False information or hindering of enforcement as misdemeanor. - 38-18-13. False information or hindering of enforcement as misdemeanor. It...
Section 38-18-14 - Access of departmental personnel to premises and apiaries. - 38-18-14. Access of departmental personnel to premises and apiaries. The...
Section 38-18-15 - Certificate of inspection--Issuance and contents--Certificate of health--Duration--Revocation. - 38-18-15. Certificate of inspection--Issuance and contents--Certificate of health--Duration--Revocation. If an...
Section 38-18-16 - Written order by secretary to treat or destroy apiary, regulated pests or exotic bees--Action by secretary if order not obeyed--Secretary authorized to sell salvageable equipment and bees. - 38-18-16. Written order by secretary to treat or destroy apiary,...
Section 38-18-16.1 - Hearing--Staying of effective date of order--Exception--Affirmation, amendment or revocation of order. - 38-18-16.1. Hearing--Staying of effective date of order--Exception--Affirmation, amendment or revocation...
Section 38-18-16.2 - Failure to comply with order--Strict liability for costs of destruction. - 38-18-16.2. Failure to comply with order--Strict liability for costs of...
Section 38-18-19 - Quarantine of bees, equipment, and premises--Unauthorized removal or handling as misdemeanor--Continuation until determination by secretary. - 38-18-19. Quarantine of bees, equipment, and premises--Unauthorized removal or handling...
Section 38-18-20 - Written order to place honey house in sanitary condition--Failure to obey as misdemeanor. - 38-18-20. Written order to place honey house in sanitary condition--Failure...
Section 38-18-21 - Certificate of health or compliance agreement required for bees and used bee equipment imported from another state--Importation without certificate or compliance agreement as misdemeanor. - 38-18-21. Certificate of health or compliance agreement required for bees...
Section 38-18-23 - Certificate of health--Content--Based on actual inspection. - 38-18-23. Certificate of health--Content--Based on actual inspection. The certificate of...
Section 38-18-25 - Unlawfully imported bees subject to seizure--Destruction or treatment if found to be infested--Notice of intent to seize--Owner to comply with provisions of this chapter or remove bees from state--Assessments of costs. - 38-18-25. Unlawfully imported bees subject to seizure--Destruction or treatment if...
Section 38-18-26 - Certificate of inspection required to transfer ownership of bees or used bee equipment--Copy to recipient of bees--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-26. Certificate of inspection required to transfer ownership of bees...
Section 38-18-27 - Request to enter compliance agreement or for additional inspections by departmental personnel--Fees and expenses. - 38-18-27. Request to enter compliance agreement or for additional inspections...
Section 38-18-28 - Promulgation of rules by secretary. - 38-18-28. Promulgation of rules by secretary. The secretary, pursuant to...
Section 38-18-28.1 - Restriction on movement of bees and related articles from quarantined area--Promulgation of rules. - 38-18-28.1. Restriction on movement of bees and related articles from...
Section 38-18-31 - Promotion of honey and by-products. - 38-18-31. Promotion of honey and by-products. The department may engage...
Section 38-18-32 - Definitions. - 38-18-32. Definitions. Terms used in §§38-18-31 to 38-18-37, inclusive, mean:...
Section 38-18-33 - Honey industry fund. - 38-18-33. Honey industry fund. Funds collected pursuant to §§38-18-31 to...
Section 38-18-34 - Administration of honey industry fund--Donation--Expenditures. - 38-18-34. Administration of honey industry fund--Donation--Expenditures. In the administration of...
Section 38-18-35 - Promulgation of rules for honey industry fund. - 38-18-35. Promulgation of rules for honey industry fund. The department...
Section 38-18-36 - Annual honey assessment. - 38-18-36. Annual honey assessment. There is hereby imposed upon each...
Section 38-18-37 - Dissemination of information and instruction concerning honey assessment. - 38-18-37. Dissemination of information and instruction concerning honey assessment. The...
Chapter 19 - Commercial Fertilizer
Section 38-19-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-19-1. Definition of terms. Terms, as used in this chapter,...
Section 38-19-2.1 - Commercial fertilizer distribution license required--Fee--Penalty for violation--Notice. - 38-19-2.1. Commercial fertilizer distribution license required--Fee--Penalty for violation--Notice. No person...
Section 38-19-2.2 - Name and address required on application for distribution license and to appear on other materials of licensee. - 38-19-2.2. Name and address required on application for distribution license...
Section 38-19-5 - Guaranteed analysis defined. - 38-19-5. Guaranteed analysis defined. The term, guaranteed analysis, means the...
Section 38-19-10 - Inspection fee on fertilizer distributed in state--Rules. - 38-19-10. Inspection fee on fertilizer distributed in state--Rules. Each licensed...
Section 38-19-10.1 - Additional inspection fee deposited in precision agriculture fund. - 38-19-10.1. Additional inspection fee deposited in precision agriculture fund. In...
Section 38-19-12 - Annual tonnage report--Inspection fees. - 38-19-12. Annual tonnage report--Inspection fees. Each licensed distributor of commercial...
Section 38-19-14 - Fertilizer fund--Administration--Expenditures. - 38-19-14. Fertilizer fund--Administration--Expenditures. Fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall...
Section 38-19-15 - Labels required for fertilizer in containers--Contents. - 38-19-15. Labels required for fertilizer in containers--Contents. Any commercial fertilizer...
Section 38-19-16 - Information to accompany bulk shipments--Fertilizer formulated under specifications furnished by consumer. - 38-19-16. Information to accompany bulk shipments--Fertilizer formulated under specifications furnished...
Section 38-19-16.1 - Labeling requirements applied to sewage sludge distributor--Availability of analyses. - 38-19-16.1. Labeling requirements applied to sewage sludge distributor--Availability of analyses....
Section 38-19-17 - Fertilizer deemed misbranded. - 38-19-17. Fertilizer deemed misbranded. For the purposes of this chapter,...
Section 38-19-18 - Fertilizer deemed adulterated. - 38-19-18. Fertilizer deemed adulterated. For the purposes of this chapter,...
Section 38-19-19 - Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded fertilizer as misdemeanor. - 38-19-19. Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded fertilizer as...
Section 38-19-24 - Intimate and uniform mixture required in custom mixing. - 38-19-24. Intimate and uniform mixture required in custom mixing. A...
Section 38-19-26 - Guaranteed analysis of custom mix or fertilizer materials. - 38-19-26. Guaranteed analysis of custom mix or fertilizer materials. In...
Section 38-19-27 - Sales and exchanges to manufacturers and mixers exempt from requirements. - 38-19-27. Sales and exchanges to manufacturers and mixers exempt from...
Section 38-19-28 - Recommendation of grades of fertilizers for use in state--Publication of recommended lists. - 38-19-28. Recommendation of grades of fertilizers for use in state--Publication...
Section 38-19-30 - Inspection and sampling to determine compliance with chapter. - 38-19-30. Inspection and sampling to determine compliance with chapter. It...
Section 38-19-30.1 - Proof of claims required of licensed applicant or registrant--Sources of proof. - 38-19-30.1. Proof of claims required of licensed applicant or registrant--Sources...
Section 38-19-31 - Manner of drawing and sealing official samples--Forwarding to director of laboratories. - 38-19-31. Manner of drawing and sealing official samples--Forwarding to director...
Section 38-19-32 - Examination of samples and reports by director of laboratories. - 38-19-32. Examination of samples and reports by director of laboratories....
Section 38-19-33 - Analytical methods used by director of laboratories. - 38-19-33. Analytical methods used by director of laboratories. The methods...
Section 38-19-34 - Publication of analyses--Dissemination of information. - 38-19-34. Publication of analyses--Dissemination of information. The secretary of agriculture...
Section 38-19-35 - Annual publication of fertilizer data and analysis results--Separation by semiannual periods. - 38-19-35. Annual publication of fertilizer data and analysis results--Separation by...
Section 38-19-36 - Rules and regulations for labeling, storage, and distribution. - 38-19-36. Rules and regulations for labeling, storage, and distribution. For...
Section 38-19-36.1 - Rules for siting of ammonia, fertilizer, and fertilizer production facilities. - 38-19-36.1. Rules for siting of ammonia, fertilizer, and fertilizer production...
Section 38-19-36.2 - Operation of bulk commercial fertilizer storage facility without permit prohibited-- Rules--Revocation of permit--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-19-36.2. Operation of bulk commercial fertilizer storage facility without permit...
Section 38-19-36.3 - Civil penalty--Injunctive relief. - 38-19-36.3. Civil penalty--Injunctive relief. Any person who operates a bulk...
Section 38-19-36.4 - "Anhydrous ammonia" defined. - 38-19-36.4."Anhydrous ammonia" defined. For the purposes of §§38-19-36.4 to 38-19-36.7,...
Section 38-19-36.5 - Mishandling anhydrous ammonia or tampering with equipment and facilities prohibited--Violation as felony--Civil penalty. - 38-19-36.5. Mishandling anhydrous ammonia or tampering with equipment and facilities...
Section 38-19-36.6 - Action for damages against certain persons unavailable to person who tampers with equipment. - 38-19-36.6. Action for damages against certain persons unavailable to person...
Section 38-19-36.7 - Section 38-19-36.6 not applicable against unlawful possessor of anhydrous ammonia. - 38-19-36.7. Section 38-19-36.6 not applicable against unlawful possessor of anhydrous...
Section 38-19-36.8 - Assumption of risk by person tampering with anhydrous ammonia--Immunity from liability for owners. - 38-19-36.8. Assumption of risk by person tampering with anhydrous ammonia--Immunity...
Section 38-19-36.9 - Owner of anhydrous ammonia defined. - 38-19-36.9. Owner of anhydrous ammonia defined. For purposes of this...
Section 38-19-36.10 - Tampering defined. - 38-19-36.10. Tampering defined. For the purposes of §§38-19-36.8 to 38-19-36.10,...
Section 38-19-37 - Secretary charged with enforcement--Access to property and records. - 38-19-37. Secretary charged with enforcement--Access to property and records. The...
Section 38-19-37.1 - Secretary to be given copies of labels and labeling. - 38-19-37.1. Secretary to be given copies of labels and labeling....
Section 38-19-38 - Stop-sale orders against fertilizer in violation. - 38-19-38. Stop-sale orders against fertilizer in violation. It shall be...
Section 38-19-39 - Seizure and condemnation of fertilizer in violation--Disposal--Release to claimant. - 38-19-39. Seizure and condemnation of fertilizer in violation--Disposal--Release to claimant....
Section 38-19-40 - Injunction to prevent violations. - 38-19-40. Injunction to prevent violations. The secretary of agriculture and...
Section 38-19-41 - Violation of chapter, rule or regulation as misdemeanor. - 38-19-41. Violation of chapter, rule or regulation as misdemeanor. Any...
Section 38-19-43 - Discretion in prosecution of minor violations--Warning. - 38-19-43. Discretion in prosecution of minor violations--Warning. Nothing in this...
Section 38-19-45 - Severability of provisions. - 38-19-45. Severability of provisions. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or...
Section 38-19-46 - Promulgation of rules for transportation, use, application, disposal, or notice of fertilizer application. - 38-19-46. Promulgation of rules for transportation, use, application, disposal, or...
Section 38-19-47 - Refusal or cancellation of commercial fertilizer distribution license for noncompliance--Opportunity to be heard. - 38-19-47. Refusal or cancellation of commercial fertilizer distribution license for...
Section 38-19-48 - Nutrient research and education fund created. - 38-19-48. Nutrient research and education fund created. There is hereby...
Section 38-19-49 - Deposit of inspection fees into nutrient research and education fund--Purposes of disbursements. - 38-19-49. Deposit of inspection fees into nutrient research and education...
Section 38-19-50 - Nutrient Research and Education Council created--Membership. - 38-19-50. Nutrient Research and Education Council created--Membership. The Nutrient Research...
Section 38-19-51 - Duties of Nutrient Research and Education Council. - 38-19-51. Duties of Nutrient Research and Education Council. The Nutrient...
Chapter 19A - Soil Amendments
Section 38-19A-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-19A-1. Definition of terms. Terms as used in this chapter,...
Section 38-19A-2 - Distribution of adulterated soil amendments prohibited--Adulteration defined. - 38-19A-2. Distribution of adulterated soil amendments prohibited--Adulteration defined. No person...
Section 38-19A-3 - Distribution of misbranded soil amendments prohibited--Misbranding defined. - 38-19A-3. Distribution of misbranded soil amendments prohibited--Misbranding defined. No person...
Section 38-19A-4 - Registration of soil conditioners required before distribution--Application--Fee--Expiration--Labels and advertising literature submitted. - 38-19A-4. Registration of soil conditioners required before distribution--Application--Fee--Expiration--Labels and advertising...
Section 38-19A-5 - Duplicate registration not required if labels do not differ. - 38-19A-5. Duplicate registration not required if labels do not differ....
Section 38-19A-6 - Minimum ingredients required for registration of soil amendments. - 38-19A-6. Minimum ingredients required for registration of soil amendments. The...
Section 38-19A-7 - Label required--Contents. - 38-19A-7. Label required--Contents. A label, in a readable and conspicuous...
Section 38-19A-8 - False or misleading statements, labeling, advertising, or oral claims prohibited. - 38-19A-8. False or misleading statements, labeling, advertising, or oral claims...
Section 38-19A-9 - Proof required of claims or usefulness and value--Evidence of proof. - 38-19A-9. Proof required of claims or usefulness and value--Evidence of...
Section 38-19A-10 - Approval required for listing or guaranteeing of ingredients on labels--Supportive data--Inspection and analysis--Quantities of ingredients required. - 38-19A-10. Approval required for listing or guaranteeing of ingredients on...
Section 38-19A-11 - Annual tonnage statement--Inspection fees. - 38-19A-11. Annual tonnage statement--Inspection fees. Every distributor shall file with...
Section 38-19A-12 - Failure to file, false filing, or failure to pay inspection fee as grounds for registration revocation. - 38-19A-12. Failure to file, false filing, or failure to pay...
Section 38-19A-13 - Inspection and analysis of soil amendments by secretary--Entry upon premises or carriers. - 38-19A-13. Inspection and analysis of soil amendments by secretary--Entry upon...
Section 38-19A-14 - Refusal of registration if soil amendment violates chapter or rules--Cancellation for fraud or deceptive practices--Hearing before revocation. - 38-19A-14. Refusal of registration if soil amendment violates chapter or...
Section 38-19A-15 - Rules and regulations. - 38-19A-15. Rules and regulations. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 38-19A-16 - Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. - 38-19A-16. Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. Any person violating any...
Section 38-19A-17 - Stop sale, use or removal order--Duration--Release of withdrawn soil amendment--Costs and expenses. - 38-19A-17. Stop sale, use or removal order--Duration--Release of withdrawn soil...
Section 38-19A-18 - Deposit of fees. - 38-19A-18. Deposit of fees. Fees collected under this chapter shall...
Section 38-19A-19 - Analyses of lime or lime sludge compost provided by distributor. - 38-19A-19. Analyses of lime or lime sludge compost provided by...
Chapter 20 - Pest Control Activities
Section 38-20-1 - Acceptance of federal acts--Suppression or control of predator and unprotected birds and animals--Secretary of agriculture and natural resources as state agency--Cooperation with Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. - 38-20-1. Acceptance of federal acts--Suppression or control of predator and...
Section 38-20-2 - Rodent control agreements with Fish and Wildlife Service--Employment of assistance--Purchase of supplies and equipment. - 38-20-2. Rodent control agreements with Fish and Wildlife Service--Employment of...
Section 38-20-32 - Acceptance of contributions for grasshopper control--Agreement with federal government. - 38-20-32. Acceptance of contributions for grasshopper control--Agreement with federal government....
Section 38-20-33 - Deposit of contributions in grasshopper control fund--Use of fund. - 38-20-33. Deposit of contributions in grasshopper control fund--Use of fund....
Section 38-20-34 - Grasshoppers--Control and destruction--Agreements by department. - 38-20-34. Grasshoppers--Control and destruction--Agreements by department. The Department of Agriculture...
Section 38-20-35 - Major grasshopper infestation and emergency--Declaration by Governor--Availability of funds. - 38-20-35. Major grasshopper infestation and emergency--Declaration by Governor--Availability of funds....
Chapter 20A - Pesticides
Section 38-20A-1 - Definitions. - 38-20A-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Active ingredient,"...
Section 38-20A-3 - Declaration as pest--Public hearing. - 38-20A-3. Declaration as pest--Public hearing. The secretary is authorized, after...
Section 38-20A-4 - Pesticides--Sale or distribution--Registration--Contents--Fees--Cancellation. - 38-20A-4. Pesticides--Sale or distribution--Registration--Contents--Fees--Cancellation. Before any person whose name or...
Section 38-20A-6 - Interplant shipments--Exception from registration. - 38-20A-6. Interplant shipments--Exception from registration. Notwithstanding any other provision of...
Section 38-20A-8 - Registration--Requirements--Submission contents. - 38-20A-8. Registration--Requirements--Submission contents. The registrant shall submit to the secretary...
Section 38-20A-10 - Registration of pesticide by secretary. - 38-20A-10. Registration of pesticide by secretary. If it appears to...
Section 38-20A-11 - Registration not a defense. - 38-20A-11. Registration not a defense. In no event may registration...
Section 38-20A-12 - Notice to registrant--Failure to comply--Refusal of registration--Hearing. - 38-20A-12. Notice to registrant--Failure to comply--Refusal of registration--Hearing. If it...
Section 38-20A-13 - Cancellation of registration--Hearing. - 38-20A-13. Cancellation of registration--Hearing. If the secretary determines that a...
Section 38-20A-15 - Information regarding pesticide formulas--Prohibitions--Violations as misdemeanors--Exceptions. - 38-20A-15. Information regarding pesticide formulas--Prohibitions--Violations as misdemeanors--Exceptions. It is a...
Section 38-20A-16 - Adulterated pesticides. - 38-20A-16. Adulterated pesticides. A pesticide is adulterated if its strength...
Section 38-20A-17.1 - Misbranded pesticides. - 38-20A-17.1. Misbranded pesticides. A pesticide is misbranded if: (1)The label...
Section 38-20A-18.1 - Misbranded device. - 38-20A-18.1. Misbranded device. A device is misbranded if its labeling...
Section 38-20A-26 - Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded article prohibited. - 38-20A-26. Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded article prohibited....
Section 38-20A-27 - Unregistered pesticides--Prohibitions--Change in labeling or formula. - 38-20A-27. Unregistered pesticides--Prohibitions--Change in labeling or formula. No person may...
Section 38-20A-28 - Authorized container--Requirements--Prohibitions. - 38-20A-28. Authorized container--Requirements--Prohibitions. No person may knowingly or willfully distribute,...
Section 38-20A-29 - Label required--Contents of label. - 38-20A-29. Label required--Contents of label. No person may distribute, sell,...
Section 38-20A-31 - Exemption for carriers--Access to records. - 38-20A-31. Exemption for carriers--Access to records. The provisions of §§38-20A-26...
Section 38-20A-32 - State and federal officials exempt from penalties. - 38-20A-32. State and federal officials exempt from penalties. The provisions...
Section 38-20A-34 - Alteration or destruction of label as petty offense--Changing composition of substance. - 38-20A-34. Alteration or destruction of label as petty offense--Changing composition...
Section 38-20A-35 - Exemption of pesticide packed for export--Provisions applicable if not exported. - 38-20A-35. Exemption of pesticide packed for export--Provisions applicable if not...
Section 38-20A-36 - Promulgation of rules. - 38-20A-36. Promulgation of rules. The secretary may promulgate rules, pursuant...
Section 38-20A-37 - Cooperation with other state and federal agencies. - 38-20A-37. Cooperation with other state and federal agencies. The secretary...
Section 38-20A-39 - Inspection and sampling--Access to premises and records--Identification and examination of samples. - 38-20A-39. Inspection and sampling--Access to premises and records--Identification and examination...
Section 38-20A-41 - Stop-sale order on pesticide or device in violation--Attachment to pesticide--Notice--Effect of order. - 38-20A-41. Stop-sale order on pesticide or device in violation--Attachment to...
Section 38-20A-46 - Stop-sale--Payment of costs. - 38-20A-46. Stop-sale--Payment of costs. Upon payment to the department of...
Section 38-20A-47 - Prohibited contracts void--Action on contract prohibited. - 38-20A-47. Prohibited contracts void--Action on contract prohibited. Any contract for...
Section 38-20A-48 - 38-20A-48.Violation of chapter--Penalties. - 38-20A-48. Violation of chapter--Penalties. Any person violating any provision of...
Section 38-20A-49 - 38-20A-49.Notice of contemplated criminal proceedings--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney. - 38-20A-49. Notice of contemplated criminal proceedings--Opportunity to present views--Referral to...
Section 38-20A-50 - 38-20A-50.Minor violations--Written warning. - 38-20A-50. Minor violations--Written warning. Nothing in this chapter requires the...
Section 38-20A-50.1 - 38-20A-50.1.Voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. - 38-20A-50.1. Voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. Nothing in this chapter prevents...
Section 38-20A-54 - Waste pesticide--Development of program--Promulgation of rules. - 38-20A-54. Waste pesticide--Development of program--Promulgation of rules. For the purposes...
Section 38-20A-56 - Creation of pesticide recycling and disposal fund--Interest--Appropriation. - 38-20A-56. Creation of pesticide recycling and disposal fund--Interest--Appropriation. Moneys obtained...
Section 38-20A-57 - Acceptance of donations. - 38-20A-57. Acceptance of donations. For the purposes of §§38-20A-54 to...
Section 38-20A-58 - Establishment of public lands weed and pest fund--Interest--Expenditures. - 38-20A-58. Establishment of public lands weed and pest fund--Interest--Expenditures. There...
Section 38-20A-59 - Registration fees--Distribution. - 38-20A-59. Registration fees--Distribution. The annual registration fee for each pesticide...
Chapter 21 - Agricultural Pesticide Application
Section 38-21-14 - Definitions. - 38-21-14. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Animals," all...
Section 38-21-15.1 - Bulk pesticide storage facility permit--Revocation of permit--Penalty. - 38-21-15.1. Bulk pesticide storage facility permit--Revocation of permit--Penalty. No person...
Section 38-21-15.2 - Operation without permit--Civil penalty, injunctive, or declaratory relief. - 38-21-15.2. Operation without permit--Civil penalty, injunctive, or declaratory relief. Notwithstanding...
Section 38-21-15.3 - Existing bulk pesticide storage--Alteration--Plans prepared--Rules prohibited. - 38-21-15.3. Existing bulk pesticide storage--Alteration--Plans prepared--Rules prohibited. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-15.4 - Bulk pesticide storage facility--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-15.4 . Bulk pesticide storage facility--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-16 - Pesticide incidents--Report of damage--Inspection by secretary. - 38-21-16. Pesticide incidents--Report of damage--Inspection by secretary. Any person may...
Section 38-21-17 - Commercial applicator license--Annual fee--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-17. Commercial applicator license--Annual fee--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person...
Section 38-21-17.1 - Commercial applicator's license--Expiration. - 38-21-17.1 . Commercial applicator's license--Expiration. A commercial applicator's license shall...
Section 38-21-18 - Standards for certification of applicators--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-18. Standards for certification of applicators--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-20 - Qualified applicants--Issuance of license--Denial of application. - 38-21-20. Qualified applicants--Issuance of license--Denial of application. If the secretary...
Section 38-21-21 - Licensure--Denial or non-issuance--Written explanation. - 38-21-21. Licensure--Denial or non-issuance--Written explanation. If any applicator's license is...
Section 38-21-22 - Applicator's license--Restrictions. - 38-21-22. Applicator's license--Restrictions. The secretary may limit the license of...
Section 38-21-23 - Private applicator's license--Requirement--Fee--Promulgation of rules--Penalty for violation. - 38-21-23. Private applicator's license--Requirement--Fee--Promulgation of rules--Penalty for violation. No private...
Section 38-21-23.1 - Private applicator's license--Expiration. - 38-21-23.1 . Private applicator's license--Expiration. A private applicator's license shall...
Section 38-21-24 - Private and commercial applicators--Records--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-24. Private and commercial applicators--Records--Promulgation of rules. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-33 - Classes of certifications and licenses. - 38-21-33. Classes of certifications and licenses. The secretary may further...
Section 38-21-33.1 - Pesticide dealer--Unlicensed operation--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-33.1. Pesticide dealer--Unlicensed operation--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person may act as...
Section 38-21-33.2 - Physicians, veterinarians, and pharmacists--Exemption. - 38-21-33.2. Physicians, veterinarians, and pharmacists--Exemption. Any licensed physician, veterinarian, or...
Section 38-21-33.3 - Pesticide applicators and government agencies--Exemption. - 38-21-33.3. Pesticide applicators and government agencies--Exemption. The provisions of §38-21-33.1...
Section 38-21-33.4 - License required for outlets--Transitory locations prohibited. - 38-21-33.4. License required for outlets--Transitory locations prohibited. A pesticide dealer's...
Section 38-21-33.5 - Pesticide dealer's license--Fee--Form of application. - 38-21-33.5. Pesticide dealer's license--Fee--Form of application. An application for a...
Section 38-21-33.6 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Hearing. - 38-21-33.6. Denial, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Hearing. A pesticide...
Section 38-21-33.8 - Pesticide dealer--Exemption. - 38-21-33.8. Pesticide dealer--Exemption. Any person holding a pesticide dealer's license...
Section 38-21-33.9 - Pesticide dealer's license--Expiration. - 38-21-33.9 . Pesticide dealer's license--Expiration. A pesticide dealer's license shall...
Section 38-21-34 - Applicator's license--Limitations. - 38-21-34. Applicator's license--Limitations. No applicator may hold more than one...
Section 38-21-35 - Veterinarians --Exemption. - 38-21-35. Veterinarians --Exemption. The licensing requirements of this chapter do...
Section 38-21-36 - Research applications under laboratory conditions exempt. - 38-21-36. Research applications under laboratory conditions exempt. The licensing requirements...
Section 38-21-37 - Application without compensation--Exemption. - 38-21-37. Application without compensation--Exemption. The licensing requirements of this chapter...
Section 38-21-39 - Restricted-use pesticide classifications--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-39. Restricted-use pesticide classifications--Promulgation of rules. For the purpose of...
Section 38-21-39.1 - Unlicensed sale of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.1. Unlicensed sale of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person without...
Section 38-21-39.2 - Sale of restricted-use pesticide to unlicensed person--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.2. Sale of restricted-use pesticide to unlicensed person--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No...
Section 38-21-39.3 - Unlicensed buying of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.3. Unlicensed buying of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person without...
Section 38-21-40 - Restricted-use pesticides--Licensure required--Restrictions--Criteria--Penalty. - 38-21-40. Restricted-use pesticides--Licensure required--Restrictions--Criteria--Penalty. No person may use any restricted-use...
Section 38-21-41 - Reciprocal waiver of examinations. - 38-21-41. Reciprocal waiver of examinations. The secretary may waive any...
Section 38-21-42 - Renewal of license--Requirements--Exceptions. - 38-21-42. Renewal of license--Requirements--Exceptions. Any person holding a current valid...
Section 38-21-44 - Suspension, revocation, or modification of license--Grounds--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-44. Suspension, revocation, or modification of license--Grounds--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty....
Section 38-21-44.1 - Contemplated criminal proceedings--Notice--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney. - 38-21-44.1. Contemplated criminal proceedings--Notice--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney....
Section 38-21-44.2 - Obtaining voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. - 38-21-44.2. Obtaining voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. Nothing in this chapter...
Section 38-21-45 - Pesticide damage--Liability. - 38-21-45. Pesticide damage--Liability. Nothing in this chapter may be construed...
Section 38-21-46 - Notice of damage--Requirements--Exception. - 38-21-46. Notice of damage--Requirements--Exception. Any person claiming damages from any...
Section 38-21-47 - Inspection of damages--Requirements. - 38-21-47. Inspection of damages--Requirements. Upon notifying the applicator as required...
Section 38-21-49 - Pesticide incident--Failure to report. - 38-21-49. Pesticide incident--Failure to report. The failure to report an...
Section 38-21-50.2 - Damages to injured person. - 38-21-50.2. Damages to injured person. Civil penalties specified in §§38-21-15.2,...
Section 38-21-51 - Administration and enforcement of chapter--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-51. Administration and enforcement of chapter--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-52 - Cooperation with other agencies. - 38-21-52. Cooperation with other agencies. The secretary may cooperate, receive...
Section 38-21-53 - Entry and inspection by secretary. - 38-21-53. Entry and inspection by secretary. To perform any duty...
Section 38-21-55 - Cause of action--Injunction. - 38-21-55. Cause of action--Injunction. The secretary may cause an action...
Section 38-21-56 - Notification of pesticide application--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-56. Notification of pesticide application--Promulgation of rules. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-57 - Pesticide regulatory fund--Administration and uses--Expenditures. - 38-21-57. Pesticide regulatory fund--Administration and uses--Expenditures. Funds collected pursuant to...
Section 38-21-58 - Application of pesticide--Licensed commercial applicator--Personal property. - 38-21-58. Application of pesticide--Licensed commercial applicator--Personal property. Any commercial applicator...
Chapter 22 - Weed And Pest Control
Section 38-22-1.1 - Administration of commission under department supervision--Independent functions retained by commission. - 38-22-1.1. Administration of commission under department supervision--Independent functions retained by...
Section 38-22-1.2 - Definitions. - 38-22-1.2. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Agricultural chemical,"...
Section 38-22-1.3 - State Weed and Pest Control Commission abolished. - 38-22-1.3. State Weed and Pest Control Commission abolished. The State...
Section 38-22-1.4 - South Dakota Weed and Pest Control Commission established. - 38-22-1.4. South Dakota Weed and Pest Control Commission established. There...
Section 38-22-1.5 - Composition of commission. - 38-22-1.5. Composition of commission. The South Dakota Weed and Pest...
Section 38-22-1.6 - Nomination of appointive members of commission--Areas represented--Length of terms. - 38-22-1.6. Nomination of appointive members of commission--Areas represented--Length of terms....
Section 38-22-1.7 - Functions of commission. - 38-22-1.7. Functions of commission. The South Dakota Weed and Pest...
Section 38-22-1.8 - End of current terms--Commencement of new terms--Term limits. - 38-22-1.8. End of current terms--Commencement of new terms--Term limits. The...
Section 38-22-5 - Meetings of commission--Election and terms of officers. - 38-22-5. Meetings of commission--Election and terms of officers. The South...
Section 38-22-6 - Appointment of state weed and pest coordinator. - 38-22-6. Appointment of state weed and pest coordinator. The secretary...
Section 38-22-7 - Formulation of weed and pest program. - 38-22-7. Formulation of weed and pest program. The South Dakota...
Section 38-22-8 - Cooperation with other state agencies--Functions of experiment station and extension service. - 38-22-8. Cooperation with other state agencies--Functions of experiment station and...
Section 38-22-9 - Determination and publication of lists of state weeds and pests. - 38-22-9. Determination and publication of lists of state weeds and...
Section 38-22-11 - Enforcement of commission rules, regulations, processes, subpoenas, and orders. - 38-22-11. Enforcement of commission rules, regulations, processes, subpoenas, and orders....
Section 38-22-11.1 - Promulgation of rules. - 38-22-11.1. Promulgation of rules. The commission may promulgate rules pursuant...
Section 38-22-12 - Administration of state weed and pest program. - 38-22-12. Administration of state weed and pest program. The state...
Section 38-22-13 - Moving agricultural machinery without cleaning as misdemeanor. - 38-22-13. Moving agricultural machinery without cleaning as misdemeanor. It is...