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Section 38-18-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-18-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 38-18-3 - Annual application for registration of apiaries--Contents--Revocation of landowner or lessee's placement authorization--Approval or rejection of registration--Hearings--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-18-3. Annual application for registration of apiaries--Contents--Revocation of landowner or...
Section 38-18-3.1 - Minimum distance between apiaries--Beekeepers excepted on own property. - 38-18-3.1. Minimum distance between apiaries--Beekeepers excepted on own property. Unless...
Section 38-18-3.3 - Identification of apiary--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-3.3. Identification of apiary--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person owning an...
Section 38-18-3.4 - Abandoned apiary--Destruction, treatment or seizure of bees and equipment. - 38-18-3.4. Abandoned apiary--Destruction, treatment or seizure of bees and equipment....
Section 38-18-4 - Application for entrance permit--Action by secretary--Failure to apply for permit as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-18-4. Application for entrance permit--Action by secretary--Failure to apply for...
Section 38-18-5 - Registration fee. - 38-18-5. Registration fee. Any person registering an apiary pursuant to...
Section 38-18-5.1 - Apiary fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. - 38-18-5.1. Apiary fund established--Purpose--Appropriations. Except as provided by §38-18-36, fees...
Section 38-18-8 - Movable frames required in hives--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-8. Movable frames required in hives--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person...
Section 38-18-9 - Sealing of diseased hives required--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-9. Sealing of diseased hives required--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. Any...
Section 38-18-10 - Infested colony or apiary as public nuisance--Treatment or destruction of infested apiaries--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-10. Infested colony or apiary as public nuisance--Treatment or destruction...
Section 38-18-11 - Exposure of infected bees or equipment as misdemeanor--Additional penalty. - 38-18-11. Exposure of infected bees or equipment as misdemeanor--Additional penalty....
Section 38-18-12 - Inspection programs--Employment of personnel--Investigation and control of diseases--Movement of bees in and out of state. - 38-18-12. Inspection programs--Employment of personnel--Investigation and control of diseases--Movement of...
Section 38-18-13 - False information or hindering of enforcement as misdemeanor. - 38-18-13. False information or hindering of enforcement as misdemeanor. It...
Section 38-18-14 - Access of departmental personnel to premises and apiaries. - 38-18-14. Access of departmental personnel to premises and apiaries. The...
Section 38-18-15 - Certificate of inspection--Issuance and contents--Certificate of health--Duration--Revocation. - 38-18-15. Certificate of inspection--Issuance and contents--Certificate of health--Duration--Revocation. If an...
Section 38-18-16 - Written order by secretary to treat or destroy apiary, regulated pests or exotic bees--Action by secretary if order not obeyed--Secretary authorized to sell salvageable equipment and bees. - 38-18-16. Written order by secretary to treat or destroy apiary,...
Section 38-18-16.1 - Hearing--Staying of effective date of order--Exception--Affirmation, amendment or revocation of order. - 38-18-16.1. Hearing--Staying of effective date of order--Exception--Affirmation, amendment or revocation...
Section 38-18-16.2 - Failure to comply with order--Strict liability for costs of destruction. - 38-18-16.2. Failure to comply with order--Strict liability for costs of...
Section 38-18-19 - Quarantine of bees, equipment, and premises--Unauthorized removal or handling as misdemeanor--Continuation until determination by secretary. - 38-18-19. Quarantine of bees, equipment, and premises--Unauthorized removal or handling...
Section 38-18-20 - Written order to place honey house in sanitary condition--Failure to obey as misdemeanor. - 38-18-20. Written order to place honey house in sanitary condition--Failure...
Section 38-18-21 - Certificate of health or compliance agreement required for bees and used bee equipment imported from another state--Importation without certificate or compliance agreement as misdemeanor. - 38-18-21. Certificate of health or compliance agreement required for bees...
Section 38-18-23 - Certificate of health--Content--Based on actual inspection. - 38-18-23. Certificate of health--Content--Based on actual inspection. The certificate of...
Section 38-18-25 - Unlawfully imported bees subject to seizure--Destruction or treatment if found to be infested--Notice of intent to seize--Owner to comply with provisions of this chapter or remove bees from state--Assessments of costs. - 38-18-25. Unlawfully imported bees subject to seizure--Destruction or treatment if...
Section 38-18-26 - Certificate of inspection required to transfer ownership of bees or used bee equipment--Copy to recipient of bees--Violation as misdemeanor. - 38-18-26. Certificate of inspection required to transfer ownership of bees...
Section 38-18-27 - Request to enter compliance agreement or for additional inspections by departmental personnel--Fees and expenses. - 38-18-27. Request to enter compliance agreement or for additional inspections...
Section 38-18-28 - Promulgation of rules by secretary. - 38-18-28. Promulgation of rules by secretary. The secretary, pursuant to...
Section 38-18-28.1 - Restriction on movement of bees and related articles from quarantined area--Promulgation of rules. - 38-18-28.1. Restriction on movement of bees and related articles from...
Section 38-18-31 - Promotion of honey and by-products. - 38-18-31. Promotion of honey and by-products. The department may engage...
Section 38-18-32 - Definitions. - 38-18-32. Definitions. Terms used in §§38-18-31 to 38-18-37, inclusive, mean:...
Section 38-18-33 - Honey industry fund. - 38-18-33. Honey industry fund. Funds collected pursuant to §§38-18-31 to...
Section 38-18-34 - Administration of honey industry fund--Donation--Expenditures. - 38-18-34. Administration of honey industry fund--Donation--Expenditures. In the administration of...
Section 38-18-35 - Promulgation of rules for honey industry fund. - 38-18-35. Promulgation of rules for honey industry fund. The department...
Section 38-18-36 - Annual honey assessment. - 38-18-36. Annual honey assessment. There is hereby imposed upon each...
Section 38-18-37 - Dissemination of information and instruction concerning honey assessment. - 38-18-37. Dissemination of information and instruction concerning honey assessment. The...