38-18-32. Definitions.
Terms used in §§38-18-31 to 38-18-37, inclusive, mean:
(1)"Bee location," any quarter section or smaller portion of land where apiaries may be kept;
(2)"Department," the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources;
(3)"Honey producer" or "beekeeper," any person, firm or corporation engaged in the act of raising, harboring, keeping, or breeding domesticated honey bees for the pollination of crops or the production of honey, beeswax, or by-products, either for personal or commercial use;
(4)"Honey by-product," any item using honey as a base such as creamed honey or whipped honey;
(5)"Participation producer," a honey producer or beekeeper who has not requested a refund from the payment of assessments on a bee location for any particular year.
Source: SL 1991, ch 324, §1; SL 2021, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 21-3), § 51, eff. Apr. 19, 2021.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Section 38-18-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 38-18-3.1 - Minimum distance between apiaries--Beekeepers excepted on own property.
Section 38-18-3.3 - Identification of apiary--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 38-18-3.4 - Abandoned apiary--Destruction, treatment or seizure of bees and equipment.
Section 38-18-5 - Registration fee.
Section 38-18-5.1 - Apiary fund established--Purpose--Appropriations.
Section 38-18-8 - Movable frames required in hives--Violation as misdemeanor.
Section 38-18-9 - Sealing of diseased hives required--Violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty.
Section 38-18-11 - Exposure of infected bees or equipment as misdemeanor--Additional penalty.
Section 38-18-13 - False information or hindering of enforcement as misdemeanor.
Section 38-18-14 - Access of departmental personnel to premises and apiaries.
Section 38-18-16.2 - Failure to comply with order--Strict liability for costs of destruction.
Section 38-18-23 - Certificate of health--Content--Based on actual inspection.
Section 38-18-28 - Promulgation of rules by secretary.
Section 38-18-31 - Promotion of honey and by-products.
Section 38-18-32 - Definitions.
Section 38-18-33 - Honey industry fund.
Section 38-18-34 - Administration of honey industry fund--Donation--Expenditures.
Section 38-18-35 - Promulgation of rules for honey industry fund.
Section 38-18-36 - Annual honey assessment.
Section 38-18-37 - Dissemination of information and instruction concerning honey assessment.