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Section 38-19A-1 - Definition of terms. - 38-19A-1. Definition of terms. Terms as used in this chapter,...
Section 38-19A-2 - Distribution of adulterated soil amendments prohibited--Adulteration defined. - 38-19A-2. Distribution of adulterated soil amendments prohibited--Adulteration defined. No person...
Section 38-19A-3 - Distribution of misbranded soil amendments prohibited--Misbranding defined. - 38-19A-3. Distribution of misbranded soil amendments prohibited--Misbranding defined. No person...
Section 38-19A-4 - Registration of soil conditioners required before distribution--Application--Fee--Expiration--Labels and advertising literature submitted. - 38-19A-4. Registration of soil conditioners required before distribution--Application--Fee--Expiration--Labels and advertising...
Section 38-19A-5 - Duplicate registration not required if labels do not differ. - 38-19A-5. Duplicate registration not required if labels do not differ....
Section 38-19A-6 - Minimum ingredients required for registration of soil amendments. - 38-19A-6. Minimum ingredients required for registration of soil amendments. The...
Section 38-19A-7 - Label required--Contents. - 38-19A-7. Label required--Contents. A label, in a readable and conspicuous...
Section 38-19A-8 - False or misleading statements, labeling, advertising, or oral claims prohibited. - 38-19A-8. False or misleading statements, labeling, advertising, or oral claims...
Section 38-19A-9 - Proof required of claims or usefulness and value--Evidence of proof. - 38-19A-9. Proof required of claims or usefulness and value--Evidence of...
Section 38-19A-10 - Approval required for listing or guaranteeing of ingredients on labels--Supportive data--Inspection and analysis--Quantities of ingredients required. - 38-19A-10. Approval required for listing or guaranteeing of ingredients on...
Section 38-19A-11 - Annual tonnage statement--Inspection fees. - 38-19A-11. Annual tonnage statement--Inspection fees. Every distributor shall file with...
Section 38-19A-12 - Failure to file, false filing, or failure to pay inspection fee as grounds for registration revocation. - 38-19A-12. Failure to file, false filing, or failure to pay...
Section 38-19A-13 - Inspection and analysis of soil amendments by secretary--Entry upon premises or carriers. - 38-19A-13. Inspection and analysis of soil amendments by secretary--Entry upon...
Section 38-19A-14 - Refusal of registration if soil amendment violates chapter or rules--Cancellation for fraud or deceptive practices--Hearing before revocation. - 38-19A-14. Refusal of registration if soil amendment violates chapter or...
Section 38-19A-15 - Rules and regulations. - 38-19A-15. Rules and regulations. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 38-19A-16 - Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. - 38-19A-16. Violation of chapter as misdemeanor. Any person violating any...
Section 38-19A-17 - Stop sale, use or removal order--Duration--Release of withdrawn soil amendment--Costs and expenses. - 38-19A-17. Stop sale, use or removal order--Duration--Release of withdrawn soil...
Section 38-19A-18 - Deposit of fees. - 38-19A-18. Deposit of fees. Fees collected under this chapter shall...
Section 38-19A-19 - Analyses of lime or lime sludge compost provided by distributor. - 38-19A-19. Analyses of lime or lime sludge compost provided by...