South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 12A - Seed Standards And Labeling
Section 38-12A-3 - Label required for containers of lawn and turf seed--Contents.

38-12A-3. Label required for containers of lawn and turf seed--Contents.
Each container of lawn and turf seed which is sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale, held for storage, or transported within this state with the intent to sell for sowing purposes shall bear or have attached in a conspicuous place a plainly written or printed label giving the following information:
(1)The name of the kind or kind and variety for each lawn and turf seed component in excess of five percent of the whole and the percentage by weight of each in order of its predominance. Mixtures shall be listed on the label using the term "mixture," "mixed," or "mix";
(2)Lot number or other lot identification;
(3)Percentage by weight of all weed seed;
(4)Name and rate of occurrence of each kind of restricted noxious weed seed, listed under the heading "noxious weed seeds";
(5)Percentage by weight of crop seeds other than those required to be named on label, if present, listed under the heading "other crop";
(6)Percentage by weight of inert matter;
(7)For each named lawn and turf seed:
(a)Percentage of germination, exclusive of hard and dormant seed;
(b)Percentage of hard and dormant seed, if present;
(c)The calendar month and year the test was completed to determine such percentages, or an expiration date, or the year for which the seed was packed for sale listed as "packed for __________";
(8)Name and address of the seedsman or seed producer who labeled the seed.

Source: SL 1988, ch 314, ยง3.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 12A - Seed Standards And Labeling

Section 38-12A-1 - Definition of terms.

Section 38-12A-2 - Label required for containers of agricultural seeds--Contents.

Section 38-12A-3 - Label required for containers of lawn and turf seed--Contents.

Section 38-12A-4 - Label required for containers of vegetable seeds in planting devices--Contents.

Section 38-12A-5 - Label required for containers of flower seeds or flower seeds in planting devices--Contents.

Section 38-12A-6 - Label required for containers of tree and shrub seeds--Contents--Exception.

Section 38-12A-7 - Contents of label for treated seed.

Section 38-12A-8 - Seed sold in bulk--Display of label on container--Customer copy--Exception.

Section 38-12A-9 - Seed test to determine label information.

Section 38-12A-10 - Exceptions to labeling requirements.

Section 38-12A-11 - Seed dealers permit required--Exception--Expiration--Fee.

Section 38-12A-11.1 - Seed fund established--Purpose--Appropriations.

Section 38-12A-12 - Contents of advertisement by person excepted from seed permit.

Section 38-12A-13 - Records of seed lots--File samples--Inspection--Use by secretary.

Section 38-12A-14 - Secretary provided copy of records and access to premises.

Section 38-12A-15 - Modification, revocation, or refusal to renew permit for violations.

Section 38-12A-16 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or transportation for sale of seed within state--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 38-12A-17 - Additional prohibited acts--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 38-12A-18 - Additional civil penalty.

Section 38-12A-19 - Powers of secretary.

Section 38-12A-20 - Promulgation of rules by secretary.

Section 38-12A-21 - Right of consumer to submit claim to arbitration.

Section 38-12A-22 - Right of seedsman, seed producer, or seed dealer to submit claim to arbitration--Statutes of limitations and legal proceedings tolled.

Section 38-12A-23 - Filing of complaint against seedsman, seed producer, or seed dealer--Time limitation--Filing of answer.

Section 38-12A-24 - Referring of complaint to arbitration committee--Discontinuation of investigation.

Section 38-12A-25 - Appointment of committee members--Election of chairman and secretary.

Section 38-12A-26 - Purpose of committee--Nonbinding report--Evidence in litigation.

Section 38-12A-27 - Session called by secretary or upon direction of chairman.

Section 38-12A-28 - Investigation by committee--Recommendation--Hearings.

Section 38-12A-29 - Investigation by majority of committee directed by chairman--Summary.

Section 38-12A-30 - Members not compensated--Reimbursement for expenses.

Section 38-12A-31 - Federal permits for introduction of organisms and products produced through genetic engineering authorized for use in state.