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Section 38-21-14 - Definitions. - 38-21-14. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Animals," all...
Section 38-21-15.1 - Bulk pesticide storage facility permit--Revocation of permit--Penalty. - 38-21-15.1. Bulk pesticide storage facility permit--Revocation of permit--Penalty. No person...
Section 38-21-15.2 - Operation without permit--Civil penalty, injunctive, or declaratory relief. - 38-21-15.2. Operation without permit--Civil penalty, injunctive, or declaratory relief. Notwithstanding...
Section 38-21-15.3 - Existing bulk pesticide storage--Alteration--Plans prepared--Rules prohibited. - 38-21-15.3. Existing bulk pesticide storage--Alteration--Plans prepared--Rules prohibited. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-15.4 - Bulk pesticide storage facility--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-15.4 . Bulk pesticide storage facility--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-16 - Pesticide incidents--Report of damage--Inspection by secretary. - 38-21-16. Pesticide incidents--Report of damage--Inspection by secretary. Any person may...
Section 38-21-17 - Commercial applicator license--Annual fee--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-17. Commercial applicator license--Annual fee--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person...
Section 38-21-17.1 - Commercial applicator's license--Expiration. - 38-21-17.1 . Commercial applicator's license--Expiration. A commercial applicator's license shall...
Section 38-21-18 - Standards for certification of applicators--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-18. Standards for certification of applicators--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-20 - Qualified applicants--Issuance of license--Denial of application. - 38-21-20. Qualified applicants--Issuance of license--Denial of application. If the secretary...
Section 38-21-21 - Licensure--Denial or non-issuance--Written explanation. - 38-21-21. Licensure--Denial or non-issuance--Written explanation. If any applicator's license is...
Section 38-21-22 - Applicator's license--Restrictions. - 38-21-22. Applicator's license--Restrictions. The secretary may limit the license of...
Section 38-21-23 - Private applicator's license--Requirement--Fee--Promulgation of rules--Penalty for violation. - 38-21-23. Private applicator's license--Requirement--Fee--Promulgation of rules--Penalty for violation. No private...
Section 38-21-23.1 - Private applicator's license--Expiration. - 38-21-23.1 . Private applicator's license--Expiration. A private applicator's license shall...
Section 38-21-24 - Private and commercial applicators--Records--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-24. Private and commercial applicators--Records--Promulgation of rules. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-33 - Classes of certifications and licenses. - 38-21-33. Classes of certifications and licenses. The secretary may further...
Section 38-21-33.1 - Pesticide dealer--Unlicensed operation--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-33.1. Pesticide dealer--Unlicensed operation--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person may act as...
Section 38-21-33.2 - Physicians, veterinarians, and pharmacists--Exemption. - 38-21-33.2. Physicians, veterinarians, and pharmacists--Exemption. Any licensed physician, veterinarian, or...
Section 38-21-33.3 - Pesticide applicators and government agencies--Exemption. - 38-21-33.3. Pesticide applicators and government agencies--Exemption. The provisions of §38-21-33.1...
Section 38-21-33.4 - License required for outlets--Transitory locations prohibited. - 38-21-33.4. License required for outlets--Transitory locations prohibited. A pesticide dealer's...
Section 38-21-33.5 - Pesticide dealer's license--Fee--Form of application. - 38-21-33.5. Pesticide dealer's license--Fee--Form of application. An application for a...
Section 38-21-33.6 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Hearing. - 38-21-33.6. Denial, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Hearing. A pesticide...
Section 38-21-33.8 - Pesticide dealer--Exemption. - 38-21-33.8. Pesticide dealer--Exemption. Any person holding a pesticide dealer's license...
Section 38-21-33.9 - Pesticide dealer's license--Expiration. - 38-21-33.9 . Pesticide dealer's license--Expiration. A pesticide dealer's license shall...
Section 38-21-34 - Applicator's license--Limitations. - 38-21-34. Applicator's license--Limitations. No applicator may hold more than one...
Section 38-21-35 - Veterinarians --Exemption. - 38-21-35. Veterinarians --Exemption. The licensing requirements of this chapter do...
Section 38-21-36 - Research applications under laboratory conditions exempt. - 38-21-36. Research applications under laboratory conditions exempt. The licensing requirements...
Section 38-21-37 - Application without compensation--Exemption. - 38-21-37. Application without compensation--Exemption. The licensing requirements of this chapter...
Section 38-21-39 - Restricted-use pesticide classifications--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-39. Restricted-use pesticide classifications--Promulgation of rules. For the purpose of...
Section 38-21-39.1 - Unlicensed sale of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.1. Unlicensed sale of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person without...
Section 38-21-39.2 - Sale of restricted-use pesticide to unlicensed person--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.2. Sale of restricted-use pesticide to unlicensed person--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No...
Section 38-21-39.3 - Unlicensed buying of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-39.3. Unlicensed buying of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty. No person without...
Section 38-21-40 - Restricted-use pesticides--Licensure required--Restrictions--Criteria--Penalty. - 38-21-40. Restricted-use pesticides--Licensure required--Restrictions--Criteria--Penalty. No person may use any restricted-use...
Section 38-21-41 - Reciprocal waiver of examinations. - 38-21-41. Reciprocal waiver of examinations. The secretary may waive any...
Section 38-21-42 - Renewal of license--Requirements--Exceptions. - 38-21-42. Renewal of license--Requirements--Exceptions. Any person holding a current valid...
Section 38-21-44 - Suspension, revocation, or modification of license--Grounds--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty. - 38-21-44. Suspension, revocation, or modification of license--Grounds--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty....
Section 38-21-44.1 - Contemplated criminal proceedings--Notice--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney. - 38-21-44.1. Contemplated criminal proceedings--Notice--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney....
Section 38-21-44.2 - Obtaining voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. - 38-21-44.2. Obtaining voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements. Nothing in this chapter...
Section 38-21-45 - Pesticide damage--Liability. - 38-21-45. Pesticide damage--Liability. Nothing in this chapter may be construed...
Section 38-21-46 - Notice of damage--Requirements--Exception. - 38-21-46. Notice of damage--Requirements--Exception. Any person claiming damages from any...
Section 38-21-47 - Inspection of damages--Requirements. - 38-21-47. Inspection of damages--Requirements. Upon notifying the applicator as required...
Section 38-21-49 - Pesticide incident--Failure to report. - 38-21-49. Pesticide incident--Failure to report. The failure to report an...
Section 38-21-50.2 - Damages to injured person. - 38-21-50.2. Damages to injured person. Civil penalties specified in §§38-21-15.2,...
Section 38-21-51 - Administration and enforcement of chapter--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-51. Administration and enforcement of chapter--Promulgation of rules. The secretary...
Section 38-21-52 - Cooperation with other agencies. - 38-21-52. Cooperation with other agencies. The secretary may cooperate, receive...
Section 38-21-53 - Entry and inspection by secretary. - 38-21-53. Entry and inspection by secretary. To perform any duty...
Section 38-21-55 - Cause of action--Injunction. - 38-21-55. Cause of action--Injunction. The secretary may cause an action...
Section 38-21-56 - Notification of pesticide application--Promulgation of rules. - 38-21-56. Notification of pesticide application--Promulgation of rules. The secretary may...
Section 38-21-57 - Pesticide regulatory fund--Administration and uses--Expenditures. - 38-21-57. Pesticide regulatory fund--Administration and uses--Expenditures. Funds collected pursuant to...
Section 38-21-58 - Application of pesticide--Licensed commercial applicator--Personal property. - 38-21-58. Application of pesticide--Licensed commercial applicator--Personal property. Any commercial applicator...