South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 21 - Agricultural Pesticide Application
Section 38-21-33 - Classes of certifications and licenses.

38-21-33. Classes of certifications and licenses.
The secretary may further classify or subclassify certifications to be issued under this chapter. The classifications may include soil fumigation, nonsoil fumigation, pest control operators, ornamental or agricultural pesticide applicators, and right-of-way pesticide applicators. Separate classifications may be specified as to ground, aerial, or manual methods used by any licensee to apply pesticides or to the use of pesticides to control insects and plant diseases, rodents or weeds. Each classification shall be subject to separate testing procedures and requirements.

Source: SL 1974, ch 255, §4; SL 2020, ch 174, § 9.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 21 - Agricultural Pesticide Application

Section 38-21-14 - Definitions.

Section 38-21-15.1 - Bulk pesticide storage facility permit--Revocation of permit--Penalty.

Section 38-21-15.2 - Operation without permit--Civil penalty, injunctive, or declaratory relief.

Section 38-21-15.3 - Existing bulk pesticide storage--Alteration--Plans prepared--Rules prohibited.

Section 38-21-15.4 - Bulk pesticide storage facility--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-16 - Pesticide incidents--Report of damage--Inspection by secretary.

Section 38-21-17 - Commercial applicator license--Annual fee--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-17.1 - Commercial applicator's license--Expiration.

Section 38-21-18 - Standards for certification of applicators--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-20 - Qualified applicants--Issuance of license--Denial of application.

Section 38-21-21 - Licensure--Denial or non-issuance--Written explanation.

Section 38-21-22 - Applicator's license--Restrictions.

Section 38-21-23 - Private applicator's license--Requirement--Fee--Promulgation of rules--Penalty for violation.

Section 38-21-23.1 - Private applicator's license--Expiration.

Section 38-21-24 - Private and commercial applicators--Records--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-33 - Classes of certifications and licenses.

Section 38-21-33.1 - Pesticide dealer--Unlicensed operation--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-33.2 - Physicians, veterinarians, and pharmacists--Exemption.

Section 38-21-33.3 - Pesticide applicators and government agencies--Exemption.

Section 38-21-33.4 - License required for outlets--Transitory locations prohibited.

Section 38-21-33.5 - Pesticide dealer's license--Fee--Form of application.

Section 38-21-33.6 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of dealer's license--Hearing.

Section 38-21-33.8 - Pesticide dealer--Exemption.

Section 38-21-33.9 - Pesticide dealer's license--Expiration.

Section 38-21-34 - Applicator's license--Limitations.

Section 38-21-35 - Veterinarians --Exemption.

Section 38-21-36 - Research applications under laboratory conditions exempt.

Section 38-21-37 - Application without compensation--Exemption.

Section 38-21-39 - Restricted-use pesticide classifications--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-39.1 - Unlicensed sale of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-39.2 - Sale of restricted-use pesticide to unlicensed person--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-39.3 - Unlicensed buying of restricted-use pesticide--Misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-40 - Restricted-use pesticides--Licensure required--Restrictions--Criteria--Penalty.

Section 38-21-41 - Reciprocal waiver of examinations.

Section 38-21-42 - Renewal of license--Requirements--Exceptions.

Section 38-21-44 - Suspension, revocation, or modification of license--Grounds--Violation as misdemeanor--Civil penalty.

Section 38-21-44.1 - Contemplated criminal proceedings--Notice--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney.

Section 38-21-44.2 - Obtaining voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements.

Section 38-21-45 - Pesticide damage--Liability.

Section 38-21-46 - Notice of damage--Requirements--Exception.

Section 38-21-47 - Inspection of damages--Requirements.

Section 38-21-49 - Pesticide incident--Failure to report.

Section 38-21-50.2 - Damages to injured person.

Section 38-21-51 - Administration and enforcement of chapter--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-52 - Cooperation with other agencies.

Section 38-21-53 - Entry and inspection by secretary.

Section 38-21-55 - Cause of action--Injunction.

Section 38-21-56 - Notification of pesticide application--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-21-57 - Pesticide regulatory fund--Administration and uses--Expenditures.

Section 38-21-58 - Application of pesticide--Licensed commercial applicator--Personal property.