South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 20A - Pesticides
Section 38-20A-17.1 - Misbranded pesticides.

38-20A-17.1. Misbranded pesticides.
A pesticide is misbranded if:
(1)The label bears any statement, design, or graphic representation relative to the pesticide or its ingredients which is false or misleading;
(2)It is an imitation of or is offered for sale under the name of another pesticide;
(3)The label bears any reference to registration under the provisions of this chapter;
(4)The label does not contain necessary instructions for use which are adequate, if complied with, for the protection of the public;
(5)The label does not bear a necessary warning or caution statement which is adequate, if complied with, to prevent injury to living persons or other vertebrate animals;
(6)The label does not bear an ingredient statement on the immediate container and on the outside container or wrapper, if one exists through which the ingredient statement on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, of the retail package which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase;
(7)The label fails to clearly and plainly show the name and address of the manufacturer, registrant, or person for whom the pesticide is manufactured; the name, brand, or trademark under which the pesticide is registered and sold; and the net weight or measure of the contents of the container, subject, however, to any reasonable variations as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources may permit by regulation;
(8)Any word, statement, or other information required by the provisions of this chapter that appears on the labeling is not prominently placed on the labeling in a conspicuous manner, when compared with other words, statements, designs, or graphic material on the labeling, and in terms that render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use; or
(9)The pesticide is injurious to living persons or other vertebrate animals, or to vegetation, except weeds or pests, to which it is applied, or to the person applying the pesticide, when used as directed or in accordance with commonly recognized practices.

Source: SL 1983, ch 281, §19; SL 2020, ch 173, § 11; SL 2021, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 21-3), § 14, eff. Apr. 19, 2021.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 20A - Pesticides

Section 38-20A-1 - Definitions.

Section 38-20A-3 - Declaration as pest--Public hearing.

Section 38-20A-4 - Pesticides--Sale or distribution--Registration--Contents--Fees--Cancellation.

Section 38-20A-6 - Interplant shipments--Exception from registration.

Section 38-20A-8 - Registration--Requirements--Submission contents.

Section 38-20A-10 - Registration of pesticide by secretary.

Section 38-20A-11 - Registration not a defense.

Section 38-20A-12 - Notice to registrant--Failure to comply--Refusal of registration--Hearing.

Section 38-20A-13 - Cancellation of registration--Hearing.

Section 38-20A-15 - Information regarding pesticide formulas--Prohibitions--Violations as misdemeanors--Exceptions.

Section 38-20A-16 - Adulterated pesticides.

Section 38-20A-17.1 - Misbranded pesticides.

Section 38-20A-18.1 - Misbranded device.

Section 38-20A-26 - Sale or distribution of adulterated or misbranded article prohibited.

Section 38-20A-27 - Unregistered pesticides--Prohibitions--Change in labeling or formula.

Section 38-20A-28 - Authorized container--Requirements--Prohibitions.

Section 38-20A-29 - Label required--Contents of label.

Section 38-20A-31 - Exemption for carriers--Access to records.

Section 38-20A-32 - State and federal officials exempt from penalties.

Section 38-20A-34 - Alteration or destruction of label as petty offense--Changing composition of substance.

Section 38-20A-35 - Exemption of pesticide packed for export--Provisions applicable if not exported.

Section 38-20A-36 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-20A-37 - Cooperation with other state and federal agencies.

Section 38-20A-39 - Inspection and sampling--Access to premises and records--Identification and examination of samples.

Section 38-20A-41 - Stop-sale order on pesticide or device in violation--Attachment to pesticide--Notice--Effect of order.

Section 38-20A-46 - Stop-sale--Payment of costs.

Section 38-20A-47 - Prohibited contracts void--Action on contract prohibited.

Section 38-20A-48 - 38-20A-48.Violation of chapter--Penalties.

Section 38-20A-49 - 38-20A-49.Notice of contemplated criminal proceedings--Opportunity to present views--Referral to state's attorney.

Section 38-20A-50 - 38-20A-50.Minor violations--Written warning.

Section 38-20A-50.1 - 38-20A-50.1.Voluntary compliance--Administrative settlement agreements.

Section 38-20A-54 - Waste pesticide--Development of program--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-20A-56 - Creation of pesticide recycling and disposal fund--Interest--Appropriation.

Section 38-20A-57 - Acceptance of donations.

Section 38-20A-58 - Establishment of public lands weed and pest fund--Interest--Expenditures.

Section 38-20A-59 - Registration fees--Distribution.