38-1-38.1. Principles of state before federal government.
The State of South Dakota, its agencies and representatives shall adhere to the following principles whenever representing the State of South Dakota before the United States Congress, the President, the United States Department of Agriculture, or any other federal agency in any matter concerning the cattle industry:
(1)Federal beef import quotas should be broadened to cover all classification of cattle, beef, and beef products;
(2)Federal beef import quotas should be correlated with domestic beef production so that beef imports will increase when domestic production is low and decrease when domestic production is high;
(3)The federal government should require all imported beef and beef products to be clearly labeled so as to identify the country of origin;
(4)No meat may be imported into this country unless it meets federal meat inspection standards;
(5)Federal health inspection of imported live cattle should be at least as stringent as the import health inspection of the exporting country;
(6)The federal government should vigorously enforce all existing statutes and treaty restrictions against unfair international trade practices, such as beef export subsidies, rebates, and production credits.
Source: SL 1979, ch 261, ยง2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 01 - State Department Of Agriculture And Natural Resources
Section 38-1-1 - Department continued--Office--Service of process--Seal.
Section 38-1-1.1 - Department continued--Performance of functions.
Section 38-1-2 - Secretary of agriculture and natural resources as head of department--Appointment.
Section 38-1-3 - Oath of secretary.
Section 38-1-4 - General duties of secretary.
Section 38-1-11 - Executive assistants--Oath.
Section 38-1-12 - Employment of inspectors and other employees.
Section 38-1-13 - Terms of office of executives and employees--Discharge--Salaries.
Section 38-1-14 - Traveling expenses of departmental personnel.
Section 38-1-16 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 38-1-19 - Collection and publication of agricultural and marketing statistics.
Section 38-1-24 - Publication of promotional materials--Exhibits.
Section 38-1-26 - Cooperation with State Fair Commission.
Section 38-1-29 - Apiaries and bees.
Section 38-1-30 - Cooperation with commissioner of school and public lands in forest protection.
Section 38-1-32 - Regulation of nursery stock.
Section 38-1-36 - Cooperation in protection of fish and game.
Section 38-1-38 - Representation of agricultural interests before federal agencies.
Section 38-1-38.1 - Principles of state before federal government.
Section 38-1-40 - Prosecution by secretary of violations--Security for costs not required.
Section 38-1-44 - Definition of terms.
Section 38-1-47 - Patent holder may seek protection order--Limitations.
Section 38-1-48 - Samples--Where taken.
Section 38-1-49 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 38-1-50 - Results to be sent to both parties by registered mail--Time.
Section 38-1-51 - Information received by secretary not public records.