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Section 38-8-1 - Filing of petition for organization of district--Number of signers--Contents--Consolidation of petitions. - 38-8-1. Filing of petition for organization of district--Number of signers--Contents--Consolidation...
Section 38-8-2 - Notice and hearing on petition for organization of district--Questions considered--Right to be heard--Hearing on inclusion of additional territory. - 38-8-2. Notice and hearing on petition for organization of district--Questions...
Section 38-8-3 - Factors considered in hearing on petition for organization of district. - 38-8-3. Factors considered in hearing on petition for organization of...
Section 38-8-4 - Determination of need for district--Establishment of boundaries. - 38-8-4. Determination of need for district--Establishment of boundaries. After a...
Section 38-8-5 - Determination of no need and denial of petition--Time for filing new petitions. - 38-8-5. Determination of no need and denial of petition--Time for...
Section 38-8-6 - Consideration of administrative practicability and feasibility of district. - 38-8-6. Consideration of administrative practicability and feasibility of district. After...
Section 38-8-7 - Referendum on creation of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote. - 38-8-7. Referendum on creation of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote....
Section 38-8-8 - Timing of referendum on creation of district. - 38-8-8. Timing of referendum on creation of district. The elections...
Section 38-8-9 - Conduct of election on creation of district--Certification of results. - 38-8-9. Conduct of election on creation of district--Certification of results....
Section 38-8-10 - Notices and conduct of hearings and referenda--Procedural regulations--Referendum not invalidated by informalities. - 38-8-10. Notices and conduct of hearings and referenda--Procedural regulations--Referendum not...
Section 38-8-11 - Vote required to authorize creation of district--Extent of participation in voting required. - 38-8-11. Vote required to authorize creation of district--Extent of participation...
Section 38-8-12 - Publication of referendum results--Determination and recording of administrative practicability and feasibility. - 38-8-12. Publication of referendum results--Determination and recording of administrative practicability...
Section 38-8-13 - Factors considered in determining administrative practicability and feasibility. - 38-8-13. Factors considered in determining administrative practicability and feasibility. In...
Section 38-8-14 - Time for filing new petitions after denial of district. - 38-8-14. Time for filing new petitions after denial of district....
Section 38-8-15 - Election of initial supervisors--District as governmental subdivision. - 38-8-15. Election of initial supervisors--District as governmental subdivision. At the...
Section 38-8-16 - Application filed with secretary of state by elected supervisors--Contents--Accompanying statement by commission. - 38-8-16. Application filed with secretary of state by elected supervisors--Contents--Accompanying...
Section 38-8-17 - Filing and recording of application and statement--Issuance of certificate of organization. - 38-8-17. Filing and recording of application and statement--Issuance of certificate...
Section 38-8-18 - Certificate of organization as proof of establishment of district. - 38-8-18. Certificate of organization as proof of establishment of district....
Section 38-8-19 - Petition for inclusion of additional territory--Procedure. - 38-8-19. Petition for inclusion of additional territory--Procedure. Petitions in a...
Section 38-8-20 - Inclusion of additional territory by amendment of charter--Notice and hearing. - 38-8-20. Inclusion of additional territory by amendment of charter--Notice and...
Section 38-8-21 - Resolution to include additional territory--Effective date. - 38-8-21. Resolution to include additional territory--Effective date. After giving due...
Section 38-8-22 - Petition for combination or division of districts--Number of signers--Form. - 38-8-22. Petition for combination or division of districts--Number of signers--Form....
Section 38-8-22.1 - Governing board resolution for combination or division of districts--Vote at general election. - 38-8-22.1. Governing board resolution for combination or division of districts--Vote...
Section 38-8-23 - Commission hearing on combination or division of districts. - 38-8-23. Commission hearing on combination or division of districts. Within...
Section 38-8-24 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of combining districts. - 38-8-24. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of combining districts....
Section 38-8-24.1 - Petition for referendum on organization of district--Commission action on petition. - 38-8-24.1. Petition for referendum on organization of district--Commission action on...
Section 38-8-25 - Appointment of supervisors for reorganized district. - 38-8-25. Appointment of supervisors for reorganized district. Within sixty days...
Section 38-8-26 - Certificates of organization for new districts--Certificate of dissolution--Assets and liabilities revert to new district. - 38-8-26. Certificates of organization for new districts--Certificate of dissolution--Assets and...
Section 38-8-30 - Petition for boundary adjustment between adjoining districts. - 38-8-30. Petition for boundary adjustment between adjoining districts. Petitions signed...
Section 38-8-31 - Notice and hearing on boundary adjustment between districts. - 38-8-31. Notice and hearing on boundary adjustment between districts. Within...
Section 38-8-32 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of boundary adjustments--Factors considered--Notice to districts. - 38-8-32. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of boundary adjustments--Factors...
Section 38-8-33 - Application to secretary of state for certificate evidencing boundary changes--Accompanying statement by state commission--Issuance of certificate. - 38-8-33. Application to secretary of state for certificate evidencing boundary...
Section 38-8-34 - Petition for change of name of district--Action by state commission--Issuance by secretary of state. - 38-8-34. Petition for change of name of district--Action by state...
Section 38-8-39 - Composition of district governing board--Number and qualifications of supervisors--Notice of available district offices--Nominating petitions--Election procedure. - 38-8-39. Composition of district governing board--Number and qualifications of supervisors--Notice...
Section 38-8-42 - Terms of office of district supervisors. - 38-8-42. Terms of office of district supervisors. For the purpose...
Section 38-8-43 - Removal of supervisor from office. - 38-8-43. Removal of supervisor from office. Any supervisor of a...
Section 38-8-44 - Filling of vacancies in district board. - 38-8-44. Filling of vacancies in district board. Vacancies in the...
Section 38-8-45 - Chairman and officers of district board--Quorum--Majority required for actions. - 38-8-45. Chairman and officers of district board--Quorum--Majority required for actions....
Section 38-8-45.1 - Meetings and hearings of district supervisors open to public. - 38-8-45.1. Meetings and hearings of district supervisors open to public....
Section 38-8-46 - Compensation and expenses of supervisors. - 38-8-46. Compensation and expenses of supervisors. A supervisor of a...
Section 38-8-47 - Employment of personnel by supervisors--Legal services--Delegation of powers. - 38-8-47. Employment of personnel by supervisors--Legal services--Delegation of powers. The...
Section 38-8-48 - Surety bonds required by district supervisors--Record of proceedings--Financial reports. - 38-8-48. Surety bonds required by district supervisors--Record of proceedings--Financial reports....
Section 38-8-49 - District as governmental subdivision and public body--General corporate powers. - 38-8-49. District as governmental subdivision and public body--General corporate powers....
Section 38-8-49.1 - Budget estimates of operating and maintenance costs submitted to counties--Determination and apportionment of costs--Funds derived from general county fund. - 38-8-49.1. Budget estimates of operating and maintenance costs submitted to...
Section 38-8-50 - Comprehensive district plans for conservation of resources--Programs and practices included. - 38-8-50. Comprehensive district plans for conservation of resources--Programs and practices...
Section 38-8-51 - Advice and consultation with political subdivision governing bodies. - 38-8-51. Advice and consultation with political subdivision governing bodies. The...
Section 38-8-51.1 - Cooperation with political subdivisions in implementing area-wide waste treatment. - 38-8-51.1. Cooperation with political subdivisions in implementing area-wide waste treatment....
Section 38-8-52 - Cooperation between districts. - 38-8-52. Cooperation between districts. The supervisors of any two or...
Section 38-8-53 - Conservation district special revenue fund established--Purpose--Loans. - 38-8-53. Conservation district special revenue fund established--Purpose--Loans. There is hereby...
Section 38-8-53.1 - Conservation district special revenue fund available for loans to watershed districts. - 38-8-53.1. Conservation district special revenue fund available for loans to...
Section 38-8-54 - District power to receive loans from special revenue fund. - 38-8-54. District power to receive loans from special revenue fund....
Section 38-8-54.1 - Borrowing funds and pledging credit of district authorized. - 38-8-54.1. Borrowing funds and pledging credit of district authorized. The...
Section 38-8-55 - County contributions to districts--Financial statement filed with county commissioners. - 38-8-55. County contributions to districts--Financial statement filed with county commissioners....
Section 38-8-56 - Notice and hearing on county contributions to districts. - 38-8-56. Notice and hearing on county contributions to districts. The...
Section 38-8-57 - Annual report filed with county contributing to district--Publication of report. - 38-8-57. Annual report filed with county contributing to district--Publication of...
Section 38-8-58 - Acquisition, administration, improvement, and disposition of property by district. - 38-8-58. Acquisition, administration, improvement, and disposition of property by district....
Section 38-8-59 - Exemption from general laws applicable to public property. - 38-8-59. Exemption from general laws applicable to public property. No...
Section 38-8-60 - Construction, operation and maintenance of structures by district. - 38-8-60. Construction, operation and maintenance of structures by district. A...
Section 38-8-61 - District conservation measures on public and private land. - 38-8-61. District conservation measures on public and private land. A...
Section 38-8-62 - Administration and management of projects--Acceptance of contributions. - 38-8-62. Administration and management of projects--Acceptance of contributions. A conservation...
Section 38-8-63 - Cooperation with and aid to other public agencies or land occupiers in conservation measures. - 38-8-63. Cooperation with and aid to other public agencies or...
Section 38-8-64 - Assistance to land owners. - 38-8-64. Assistance to land owners. A conservation district and its...
Section 38-8-65 - Contributions and land-use agreements required as conditions to assistance provided by district. - 38-8-65. Contributions and land-use agreements required as conditions to assistance...
Section 38-8-90 - Petition for dissolution of district--Number of signers--Public meetings and hearings. - 38-8-90. Petition for dissolution of district--Number of signers--Public meetings and...
Section 38-8-90.1 - Governing board resolution for dissolution of district--Vote at general election. - 38-8-90.1. Governing board resolution for dissolution of district--Vote at general...
Section 38-8-91 - Frequency of petitions for dissolution of district. - 38-8-91. Frequency of petitions for dissolution of district. The State...
Section 38-8-92 - Referendum on petition for dissolution of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote. - 38-8-92. Referendum on petition for dissolution of district--Form of ballot--Right...
Section 38-8-93 - Timing of referendum on dissolution of district. - 38-8-93. Timing of referendum on dissolution of district. The elections...
Section 38-8-94 - Conduct of election on dissolution of district--Certification of results. - 38-8-94. Conduct of election on dissolution of district--Certification of results....
Section 38-8-95 - Referendum on dissolution of district valid despite informalities. - 38-8-95. Referendum on dissolution of district valid despite informalities. No...
Section 38-8-96 - Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of continued operation of district--Majority vote requiring discontinuance. - 38-8-96. Determination of administrative practicability and feasibility of continued operation...
Section 38-8-97 - Termination of district affairs on determination by state commission--Disposition of district property. - 38-8-97. Termination of district affairs on determination by state commission--Disposition...
Section 38-8-98 - Application to secretary of state for certificate of dissolution--Recitals in application--Issuance of certificate. - 38-8-98. Application to secretary of state for certificate of dissolution--Recitals...
Section 38-8-99 - Ordinances and regulations terminated on dissolution of district--Division substituted as party to contracts--Liens and pending actions. - 38-8-99. Ordinances and regulations terminated on dissolution of district--Division substituted...