38-8-49.1. Budget estimates of operating and maintenance costs submitted to counties--Determination and apportionment of costs--Funds derived from general county fund.
A conservation district and its supervisors shall at least three weeks before the dates specified by law for the setting up of official budgets, estimate the total cost of operating and maintaining the district for the ensuing fiscal year and the amount of moneys that may be available from all sources. These estimates shall be submitted in the form of a budget to the board of county commissioners of the county or counties comprising the territory of the district and the county or counties shall then provide the additional moneys required to operate and maintain the district during the ensuing fiscal year. The counties shall follow the procedures set forth in §§38-8-55 to 38-8-57, inclusive, and may disallow or otherwise, modify any item or items which it determines are not justified. The cost of operating and maintaining the district over the estimated moneys available to the district from all other sources, shall be apportioned by the district board of supervisors among the counties on the basis of land acreages lying in the respective counties comprising the district. Funds for the operation and maintenance of the district shall be derived from the general fund of the county or counties comprising the district.
Source: SDC 1939, §4.1510 as added by SL 1968, ch 1, §11; SL 1985, ch 77, §24.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 08 - Conservation Districts
Section 38-8-3 - Factors considered in hearing on petition for organization of district.
Section 38-8-4 - Determination of need for district--Establishment of boundaries.
Section 38-8-5 - Determination of no need and denial of petition--Time for filing new petitions.
Section 38-8-6 - Consideration of administrative practicability and feasibility of district.
Section 38-8-7 - Referendum on creation of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote.
Section 38-8-8 - Timing of referendum on creation of district.
Section 38-8-9 - Conduct of election on creation of district--Certification of results.
Section 38-8-13 - Factors considered in determining administrative practicability and feasibility.
Section 38-8-14 - Time for filing new petitions after denial of district.
Section 38-8-15 - Election of initial supervisors--District as governmental subdivision.
Section 38-8-18 - Certificate of organization as proof of establishment of district.
Section 38-8-19 - Petition for inclusion of additional territory--Procedure.
Section 38-8-20 - Inclusion of additional territory by amendment of charter--Notice and hearing.
Section 38-8-21 - Resolution to include additional territory--Effective date.
Section 38-8-22 - Petition for combination or division of districts--Number of signers--Form.
Section 38-8-23 - Commission hearing on combination or division of districts.
Section 38-8-25 - Appointment of supervisors for reorganized district.
Section 38-8-30 - Petition for boundary adjustment between adjoining districts.
Section 38-8-31 - Notice and hearing on boundary adjustment between districts.
Section 38-8-42 - Terms of office of district supervisors.
Section 38-8-43 - Removal of supervisor from office.
Section 38-8-44 - Filling of vacancies in district board.
Section 38-8-45 - Chairman and officers of district board--Quorum--Majority required for actions.
Section 38-8-45.1 - Meetings and hearings of district supervisors open to public.
Section 38-8-46 - Compensation and expenses of supervisors.
Section 38-8-47 - Employment of personnel by supervisors--Legal services--Delegation of powers.
Section 38-8-49 - District as governmental subdivision and public body--General corporate powers.
Section 38-8-51 - Advice and consultation with political subdivision governing bodies.
Section 38-8-52 - Cooperation between districts.
Section 38-8-53 - Conservation district special revenue fund established--Purpose--Loans.
Section 38-8-54 - District power to receive loans from special revenue fund.
Section 38-8-54.1 - Borrowing funds and pledging credit of district authorized.
Section 38-8-56 - Notice and hearing on county contributions to districts.
Section 38-8-57 - Annual report filed with county contributing to district--Publication of report.
Section 38-8-58 - Acquisition, administration, improvement, and disposition of property by district.
Section 38-8-59 - Exemption from general laws applicable to public property.
Section 38-8-60 - Construction, operation and maintenance of structures by district.
Section 38-8-61 - District conservation measures on public and private land.
Section 38-8-62 - Administration and management of projects--Acceptance of contributions.
Section 38-8-64 - Assistance to land owners.
Section 38-8-91 - Frequency of petitions for dissolution of district.
Section 38-8-92 - Referendum on petition for dissolution of district--Form of ballot--Right to vote.
Section 38-8-93 - Timing of referendum on dissolution of district.
Section 38-8-94 - Conduct of election on dissolution of district--Certification of results.
Section 38-8-95 - Referendum on dissolution of district valid despite informalities.