South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 07 - Division Of Resource Conservation And Forestry
Section 38-7-4 - Composition of commission--Appointment and terms of members--Vacancies.

38-7-4. Composition of commission--Appointment and terms of members--Vacancies.
The State Conservation Commission is composed of nine members appointed by the Governor. Eight members shall be appointed as follows: one member from a list of three names recommended to the Governor from the South Dakota Municipal League, from its membership to represent the urban interests; one member from a list of three names recommended to the Governor from the directors of the water development districts; two members who are engaged in the tree industry; and four members who are or have been conservation district supervisor members as designated in §38-7-5. No more than five members may be from one political party. Each appointed member shall serve a three-year term. Each conservation district supervisor member shall be, or shall have been a supervisor of a conservation district. A member shall take office on the first day of January of the year following the member's appointment. Each appointment shall be made on or before the first day of December.
The Governor shall appoint the conservation district supervisor members from a list of names of qualified persons submitted to the Governor by the State Association of Conservation Districts. The association shall, at times consistent with the terms of this section and in a manner determined at its annual convention, submit a list of three nominees for each membership on the commission to be filled by appointment of the Governor.
Any vacancy arising from reasons other than the natural expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term as in the case of original appointments.

Source: SDC 1939, §4.1503 as added by SL 1949, ch 10; SL 1957, ch 4, §2; SL 1968, ch 1, §2; SL 1974, ch 254, §2; SL 1975, ch 23, §7; SL 1979, ch 354, §33; SL 1981, ch 374, §29; SL 1985, ch 306; SL 1989, ch 341; SL 2018, ch 240, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 38 - Agriculture and Horticulture

Chapter 07 - Division Of Resource Conservation And Forestry

Section 38-7-1 - Policy of state--Purposes of chapters.

Section 38-7-2 - Definition of terms.

Section 38-7-2.1 - Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry created.

Section 38-7-2.2 - Director of Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry--Nomination, appointment, and removal.

Section 38-7-2.3 - Conservation functions performed by division--Direction and control by director.

Section 38-7-3 - State Conservation Commission established--Purposes.

Section 38-7-3.1 - Direction and supervision by Division of Resource Conservation and Forestry--Independent functions retained by commission.

Section 38-7-4 - Composition of commission--Appointment and terms of members--Vacancies.

Section 38-7-5 - Conservation district supervisor member areas.

Section 38-7-6 - Nonvoting members of commission--Tenure of office.

Section 38-7-7 - Accommodations, supplies, and equipment for commission.

Section 38-7-8 - Record of commission actions--Seal--Powers.

Section 38-7-9 - Quorum of commission.

Section 38-7-10 - Chairman of commission--Delegation of powers and duties.

Section 38-7-12 - Employment of personnel by division--Legal services.

Section 38-7-13 - Record of proceedings kept by division.

Section 38-7-14 - Detail of personnel to division by other state agencies.

Section 38-7-15 - Assistance in carrying out of district programs.

Section 38-7-16 - Interchange of information between districts and division.

Section 38-7-17 - Coordination of district programs.

Section 38-7-18 - Assistance provided to districts by federal and state agencies.

Section 38-7-19 - Dissemination of information--Encouraging formation of districts.

Section 38-7-20 - Representation of districts--Development of conservation policy--Cooperation with public and private agencies.

Section 38-7-21 - Recommendations on programs of local, state, and federal agencies and subdivisions.

Section 38-7-22 - Provision of funds and assistance to districts.

Section 38-7-23 - Accounting and financial reporting procedures by districts.

Section 38-7-24 - Request to Legislature for appropriations.

Section 38-7-25 - Coordinated natural resources conservation fund created--Purposes.

Section 38-7-26 - Source of money in coordinated natural resources conservation fund.

Section 38-7-27 - Coordinated natural resources conservation program established--Promulgation of rules.

Section 38-7-28 - Administration of coordinated natural resources conservation program.

Section 38-7-29 - Soil conservation award program established.

Section 38-7-30 - Form of award--Promulgation of rules.