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Article 1 - State Game Commission
Section 17-1-1 - [Declaration of policy.] - It is the purpose of this act and the policy...
Section 17-1-2 - State game commission; appointment; term. - To carry out the purpose of Chapter 17 NMSA 1978...
Section 17-1-3 - Members to serve without compensation; per diem and mileage. - The members of the state game commission shall receive no...
Section 17-1-4 - [Organization; annual and called meetings; secretary.] - Within sixty days after this act [17-1-1 to 17-1-4, 17-1-14,...
Section 17-1-5 - Employment and discharge of director and other employees; department of game and fish created. - A. The state game commission shall employ a director who...
Section 17-1-5.1 - Conservation services division; duties. - A. The "conservation services division" is created within the department...
Section 17-1-6 - [Transfer of duties and obligations.] - The director shall fulfill all the duties and obligations heretofore...
Section 17-1-7 - [Position of reserve conservation officer created.] - There is hereby created within the department of game and...
Section 17-1-8 - [Qualifications of reserve conservation officers.] - Reserve conservation officer commissions shall be issued only to the...
Section 17-1-9 - Powers and duties of reserve conservation officers. - A. Under the supervision of the department of game and...
Section 17-1-10 - [Issuance of reserve conservation officer commissions; revocation.] - Reserve conservation officer commissions shall be issued annually to such...
Section 17-1-11 - Conservation officers; official duties; insurance. - Conservation officers shall, in emergency situations, be considered on duty...
Section 17-1-12 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1978, ch. 132, § 6, repealed 53-1-6...
Section 17-1-13 - [Seal of director.] - The state warden [director of the department of game and...
Section 17-1-14 - General powers and duties of state game commission; game protection fund; liability suspense account. - A. The state game commission shall have general control over...
Section 17-1-15 - Disbursement of money; limitation on expenditures. - All disbursements of moneys, including salaries, by the state game...
Section 17-1-16 - Short title. - This act [17-1-16 to 17-1-25 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-1-17 - Purpose of act. - The purpose of the Game and Fish Bond Act is...
Section 17-1-18 - Bonding authority. - Whenever the state game commission, by vote of a majority...
Section 17-1-19 - Bonds; form; terms. - Bonds issued under the Game and Fish Bond Act shall...
Section 17-1-20 - Sale of bonds. - Bonds issued under the Game and Fish Bond Act shall...
Section 17-1-21 - Proceeds from sale of bonds. - Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under the Game...
Section 17-1-22 - Security; retirement of bonds. - A. There is created in the state treasury the "game...
Section 17-1-22.1 - Game and fish capital outlay fund; created; transfer of money; state board of finance approval. - A. There is created in the state treasury the "game...
Section 17-1-23 - Construction. - The Game and Fish Bond Act is full authority for...
Section 17-1-24 - Tax exemptions. - The principal and income of bonds issued under the Game...
Section 17-1-25 - Refunding. - Any bonds issued under the Game and Fish Bond Act...
Section 17-1-26 - [Commission's power to establish rules and regulations; predatory animals; eradication.] - The state game commission is hereby authorized and directed to...
Section 17-1-27 - [Hearings on rules and regulations; petition; publication of notice of hearing.] - Whenever three percent of the duly qualified electors of any...
Section 17-1-28 - [Assent to act of congress concerning wildlife restoration projects.] - The state of New Mexico hereby assents to the provisions...
Section 17-1-29 - [Distribution of moneys received from United States government.] - The state game commission is authorized to receive any moneys...
Article 2 - Hunting and Fishing Regulations
Section 17-2-1 - Commission powers. - The state game commission, in addition to the powers now...
Section 17-2-2 - Game to be protected. - The game animals and quadrupeds, game birds and fowl, and...
Section 17-2-2.1 - Artificial wildlife. - A. Artificial wildlife may be used, and defined as game...
Section 17-2-3 - Protected wildlife species and game fish defined. - A. The following mammals are game mammals: (1) all of...
Section 17-2-4 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 66, § 3 repealed 17-2-4...
Section 17-2-4.1 - Jaguar to be protected. - In the event the jaguar is de-listed as a federal...
Section 17-2-4.2 - Amphibians and reptiles; protected; permits; unlawful taking; misdemeanor; penalties. - A. All species, except for those collected in rattlesnake roundups,...
Section 17-2-5 - Adoption of regulations; effective date. - Any written regulation of the state game commission adopted by...
Section 17-2-6 - Game and fish management areas; closed lakes or streams; notice. - All game and fish management areas, rest grounds and closed...
Section 17-2-7 - Unlawful hunting or fishing. - A. Except as permitted by regulations adopted by the state...
Section 17-2-7.1 - Interference prohibited; criminal penalties; civil penalties; revocation of license, certificate or permit. - A. It is unlawful for a person to commit interference...
Section 17-2-7.2 - Landowner taking; conditions; department responsibilities. - A. A landowner or lessee, or employee of either, may...
Section 17-2-8 - Unlawful taking of big game and waste of game. - A. It is unlawful for any person: (1) who hunts...
Section 17-2-9 - Jurisdiction of magistrate court. - The magistrate court has jurisdiction in all cases arising under...
Section 17-2-10 - Violation of game and fish laws or rules; penalties. - A. A person violating any of the provisions of Chapter...
Section 17-2-10.1 - Game and fish penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments. - A. As used in Chapter 17 NMSA 1978, "penalty assessment...
Section 17-2-10.2 - Game and fish penalty assessment; payment. - A. Unless a warning notice is given to an alleged...
Section 17-2-10.3 - Game and fish penalty assessment; license revocation. - A. The state game commission is authorized to revoke the...
Section 17-2-10.4 - Game and fish penalty assessment revenue; disposition. - The department of game and fish shall remit all penalty...
Section 17-2-11 - [Witness testifying for state; evidence not to be used against him.] - In any prosecution under this chapter, any participant in a...
Section 17-2-12 - Refuges; firearms on; prohibited; exceptions. - It is unlawful for any person to carry, transport or...
Section 17-2-13 - Songbirds; trapping, killing or injuring prohibited. - It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, ensnare...
Section 17-2-14 - Hawks, vultures and owls; taking, possessing, trapping, destroying, maiming or selling prohibited; exception by permit; penalty. - A. It is unlawful for any person to take, attempt...
Section 17-2-15 - [Horned toads; killing, selling or shipping from state unlawful.] - It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully [willfully]...
Section 17-2-16 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 66, § 3, repealed 17-2-16...
Section 17-2-17 - [Storage of game or fish.] - No game or fish shall be received or held in...
Section 17-2-18 - [Menu as evidence of possession of game or fish.] - The naming of game and fish upon any menu or...
Section 17-2-19 - Enforcement of game laws; powers of conservation officers. - A. The director of the department of game and fish,...
Section 17-2-20 - [Seizure of devices used for violating law; nuisance; destruction; firearms excepted.] - Every net, trap, explosive, poisonous or stupefying substance, or device...
Section 17-2-20.1 - Seizure and forfeiture; property subject. - A. All firearms and bows and arrows may be subject...
Section 17-2-20.2 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2002, ch. 4, § 22 repealed 17-2-20.2...
Section 17-2-20.3 - Penalties. - The following violations shall constitute a misdemeanor: A. illegal possession...
Section 17-2-21 - [Sale or disposition of game or fish after seizure; invoice furnished purchaser or donee; disposition of proceeds of sale.] - All game and fish seized under the game laws shall...
Section 17-2-22 - Sale of evidence in cases of appeal. - A. For the purpose of avoiding waste, game or fish...
Section 17-2-23 - [Reports of seizures and sales.] - In all cases the officer making a seizure or sale...
Section 17-2-24 - [Officer's right to use animal or vehicle transporting seized game or fish; public conveyances excepted.] - Where game or fish while being transported is seized under...
Section 17-2-25 - [Game or fish in possession of passenger; carrier exempt from liability; seizure.] - Nothing in this chapter shall make a common carrier liable...
Section 17-2-26 - Civil liability. - A. The director of the department of game and fish,...
Section 17-2-27 - [District attorneys to prosecute and defend actions under fish and game laws.] - It shall be the duty of each of the district...
Section 17-2-28 - [Indians hunting off reservations; hunting on reservations; application of laws.] - The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all Indians...
Section 17-2-29 - [Hunting and boating while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotic drugs prohibited.] - In order to prevent hunting and boating accidents and to...
Section 17-2-30 - [Person convicted of hunting or boating while intoxicated or under influence of narcotic drugs; revocation and withholding of hunting and fishing license privileges.] - In the event any person shall be convicted of a...
Section 17-2-31 - Use of artificial light while hunting prohibited. - It is unlawful for a person or a group of...
Section 17-2-32 - Diseased rabbits; hunting and trapping. - The department of game and fish may restrict hunting and...
Section 17-2-33 - Use of firearms by minors. - A. It is unlawful after April 1, 1972, for any...
Section 17-2-34 - Hunter training program; instructor certification; certificate of competency. - A. The department of game and fish shall provide a...
Section 17-2-35 - Exemption. - Nothing in the Hunter Training Act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36 NMSA...
Section 17-2-36 - Short title. - This act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-2-37 - Short title. - Sections 17-2-37 through 17-2-46 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 17-2-38 - Definitions. - As used in the Wildlife Conservation Act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36...
Section 17-2-39 - Findings and declarations. - The legislature finds and declares that: A. species of wildlife...
Section 17-2-40 - Biennial review; investigations; recommendations of the director; procedures. - A. The director shall conduct a biennial review of all...
Section 17-2-40.1 - Recovery plans; procedures. - A. To the extent practicable, a recovery plan shall be...
Section 17-2-41 - Endangered species. - A. On the basis of investigations concerning wildlife, other available...
Section 17-2-42 - Management programs. - A. The director shall establish such programs, including programs for...
Section 17-2-43 - Commission; power to regulate. - The commission is authorized and directed to establish such regulations...
Section 17-2-43.1 - Judicial review; administrative actions. - A. Any person adversely affected by an order of the...
Section 17-2-44 - Director; land or aquatic habitat interest acquisition. - In addition to other powers and duties, the director: A....
Section 17-2-45 - Penalty. - A. Any person who fails to procure any permit required...
Section 17-2-46 - Enforcement; powers of conservation officers. - A. The director, each conservation officer, each sheriff in his...
Article 2A - Statewide System for Hunting Activities
Section 17-2A-1 - Definitions. - For the purposes of Chapter 17 NMSA 1978: A. "hunt...
Section 17-2A-2 - Statewide system for hunting activities. - The state game commission shall develop a statewide system for...
Section 17-2A-3 - Hunting guides and outfitters. - A. Effective April 1, 1997, it is unlawful to be...
Article 3 - Licenses and Permits
Section 17-3-1 - Current license required. - Each license issued under Chapter 17 NMSA 1978, runs from...
Section 17-3-2 - Classes of licenses. - A. As used with reference to licenses in Chapter 17...
Section 17-3-3 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1983, ch. 117, § 6, repealed 17-3-3...
Section 17-3-4 - Residence. - As used in Chapter 17 NMSA 1978: A. a "resident"...
Section 17-3-5 - Application for hunting or fishing licenses; contents; filing. - A. The director of the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-6 - False statements; using license issued to another; hunting without license lawfully procured; altering licenses. - It is a misdemeanor: A. to certify or sign any...
Section 17-3-7 - Blank forms; license issued only on application; false statement voids license; records; reports; accounting for fees collected; refund of fees; transfer of hunting license. - A. The director of the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-8 - Loss of application blanks by license collector; accounting. - In the event that a license collector shall lose any...
Section 17-3-9 - Application blanks lost by license collector to be void. - Upon the receipt of a notice from the license collector...
Section 17-3-10 - Presumption of loss [sale] - In any case where a license collector has notified the...
Section 17-3-11 - Possession of license declared void is unlawful. - Any person in possession of a hunting or fishing license...
Section 17-3-12 - Accounting for licenses. - When a license vendor is unable to account for hunting...
Section 17-3-13 - License fees. - A. The director of the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-13.1 - Disabled veteran; license fee exemption; lifetime license. - A. The director of the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-13.2 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1985, ch. 118, § 2 repealed 17-3-13.2,...
Section 17-3-13.3 - Big game depredation damage stamp required; disposition of receipts. - A. Each license to hunt big game shall include a...
Section 17-3-13.4 - Big game depredation damage fund; creation; expenditure. - A. The "big game depredation damage fund" is created in...
Section 17-3-13.6 - Disabled military members and veterans; fishing license fee exemption. - The director of the department of game and fish shall...
Section 17-3-13.7 - Nonresident disabled military members and veterans; hunting licenses at resident fee. - A nonresident disabled active duty member or veteran of the...
Section 17-3-14 - Director authorized to issue license when agreement to hunt antelope on deeded or leased property is made. - In any case where the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-14.1 - Landowner permits for elk. - The director of the department of game and fish shall...
Section 17-3-14.2 - Landowner permits; management of certain big game species. - The director of the department of game and fish may...
Section 17-3-15 - Additional deer license. - A. It is a misdemeanor for any person to procure...
Section 17-3-16 - Funds; special drawings for licenses. - A. The director of the department of game and fish...
Section 17-3-16.1 - Bighorn sheep enhancement permits; issuance; use. - A. The state game commission shall direct the department of...
Section 17-3-16.2 - Elk enhancement permit; issuance; use. - A. The state game commission shall direct the department of...
Section 17-3-16.3 - Lieutenant governor's deer enhancement permits; issuance; use. - A. The state game commission shall direct the department of...
Section 17-3-16.4 - Gould's turkey enhancement permits; issuance; use. - A. The state game commission may direct the department of...
Section 17-3-16.5 - Hunting and fishing authorizations; governor's special events. - The director of the department of game and fish may...
Section 17-3-16.6 - Enhancement authorization packages; habitat enhancement. - The state game commission shall adopt rules for the department...
Section 17-3-17 - Fishing without license; exceptions. - A. It is a misdemeanor for any person, except children...
Section 17-3-18 - Director authorized to issue fishing permit without license to certain handicapped persons. - The director of the department of game and fish is...
Section 17-3-19 - Special license; minors fishing on scout property. - Every citizen of the United States who is a resident...
Section 17-3-20 - Fee disposition. - Of the two dollars ($2.00) collected for each temporary license...
Section 17-3-21 - [Season and bag limits applicable to minors holding special license.] - All fishing under the privileges granted to the holders of...
Section 17-3-22 - [Administration of 17-3-19 to 17-3-22.] - The state game and fish department is hereby charged with...
Section 17-3-23 - Fishing on lands of New Mexico boy's school near Springer authorized for resident children without a license. - It is lawful for any child who has been committed...
Section 17-3-24 - [Supervision of fishing at boys' school.] - Provided however, that such fishing by said wards [resident children]...
Section 17-3-25 - Patients at Carrie Tingley crippled children's hospital; fishing on hospital lands by patients; supervision. - Any person between the age of fourteen and the age...
Section 17-3-26 - Taking minnows and nongame fish to sell as bait; license required; exception. - It is unlawful for any person, except children under the...
Section 17-3-27 - Bait license; bond; fee; issuance. - Any person desiring to procure a license for the purpose...
Section 17-3-28 - [Exceptions from 17-3-26, 17-3-27; taking bait for own use; persons under 15; unlawful to place nongame fish in certain waters.] - Nothing in this act [17-3-26 to 17-3-28 NMSA 1978] shall...
Section 17-3-29 - Permit to take game, birds or fish as specimens or for scientific or propagating purposes; eligibility; issuance; contents; nonassignable; sale for food purposes prohibited. - The state director may issue permits to any person to...
Section 17-3-30 - [Sending game animals, birds and fish to officers of other states.] - The state warden [director of the department of game and...
Section 17-3-31 - [Permit to capture or destroy protected game damaging crops or property; beavers.] - The state game and fish warden [director of the department...
Section 17-3-32 - Importing game animals; permits. - In order to protect game animals, birds and fish against...
Section 17-3-32.1 - Exceptions from certain permits. - The provisions of Sections 17-2-14 and 17-3-32 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 17-3-33 - Presumption from possession of game or fish without license; showing license to officer. - The possession of game or fish at any time unaccompanied...
Section 17-3-34 - Revocation of license, certificate or permit for violation of law; notice and hearing; judicial review. - A. If the holder of any license, certificate or permit...
Section 17-3-35 - Short title. - This act [17-3-35 to 17-3-42 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-3-36 - Regulated shooting preserves; fees. - The state game commission may issue licenses authorizing the establishment...
Section 17-3-37 - Definition. - "Game bird," as used in the Regulated Shooting Preserve Act...
Section 17-3-38 - Tags. - All game birds taken from preserves shall be tagged, with...
Section 17-3-39 - Special nonresident licenses. - The commission may issue special nonresident bird licenses to nonresidents...
Section 17-3-40 - Regular licenses. - Residents or nonresidents may hunt on private shooting preserves when...
Section 17-3-41 - Commercial operation of. - Operators of private shooting preserves may charge fees for hunting...
Section 17-3-42 - Revocation of permits. - Any permit issued under the Private [Regulated] Shooting Preserve Act...
Section 17-3-43 - Short title. - Sections 17-3-43 through 17-3-47 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 17-3-44 - Definitions. - As used in the Airborne Hunting Act [17-3-43 to 17-3-47...
Section 17-3-45 - Shooting from aircraft; causing injury by aircraft; penalty. - It is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in excess of...
Section 17-3-46 - Applicability. - The Airborne Hunting Act [17-3-43 to 17-3-47 NMSA 1978] shall...
Section 17-3-47 - Permit. - The director of the department of game and fish may...
Section 17-3-48 - Purchase or use of license, certificate or permit, or hunting or fishing while under suspension or revocation; penalty. - Any person who purchases a hunting or fishing license, or...
Section 17-3-49 - Computer-assisted remote hunting prohibited; penalties. - A. A person shall not: (1) engage in computer-assisted remote...
Article 4 - Propagation of Fish and Game
Section 17-4-1 - [Power of state game commission to acquire land.] - The state game commission of the state of New Mexico...
Section 17-4-2 - Eminent domain power; abandonment or relinquishment of property acquired. - Any property or rights-of-way required for use by the state...
Section 17-4-3 - [Exchange, sale, lease, sublease and assignment of lands by commission; proceeds.] - The state game commission, except as herein limited, is authorized...
Section 17-4-5 - [Fish hatcheries established by United States; exemption from state laws.] - In case the United States shall establish one or more...
Section 17-4-6 - Hunting and fishing on private property; posting; penalty. - A. Whenever the owner or lessee desires to protect or...
Section 17-4-7 - Liability of landowner permitting persons to hunt, fish or use lands for recreation; duty of care; exceptions. - A. Any owner, lessee or person in control of lands...
Section 17-4-8 - [Parks or waters for propagation of game or fish; license required.] - No person shall have or maintain any park, enclosure, lake...
Section 17-4-9 - [Unlicensed parks or lakes deemed public nuisance; abatement; liberation of game or fish; each day separate offense.] - Any park, enclosure, lake or body of water maintained in...
Section 17-4-10 - [Transportation of game or fish taken from unlicensed parks or waters prohibited.] - No persons shall transport or sell, keep or expose or...
Section 17-4-11 - [Licensing of private lakes and parks; "proprietor" defined.] - The provisions of this article in relation to private parks...
Section 17-4-12 - [Application for license; contents; maximum area; fencing.] - Any person having already established or desiring to establish or...
Section 17-4-13 - [Form of license.] - Such license shall be substantially in the following form: STATE...
Section 17-4-14 - [Reduction in flow of water detrimental to fish in stream prohibited.] - No person owning or controlling any reservoir, lake or body...
Section 17-4-15 - [Game and fish in licensed private parks or lakes property of licensee; hunting or fishing in any licensed park or lake without consent prohibited; reduction of game or fish in private preserve; permit.] - Except as in this division otherwise provided, all game and...
Section 17-4-16 - [Invoice to be delivered to purchaser; form; duplicate mailed to director.] - When the proprietor of any licensed park or lake of...
Section 17-4-17 - [Invoice to be attached during shipment.] - When any such game or fish for which an invoice...
Section 17-4-18 - [Offering game or fish for sale; storage; keeping in hotel or eating place; invoice to remain attached.] - If such game or game fish is held, exposed or...
Section 17-4-19 - [Copy of invoice to be furnished purchaser upon resale.] - In case of a sale or disposition of such game...
Section 17-4-20 - [Misstatements render invoice void; violation of law; possession of game or fish without invoice unlawful.] - Any willful misstatement in or any omission of a substantial...
Section 17-4-21 - [Proprietors of licensed private parks and lakes to furnish reports to director.] - The proprietor of every private park and lake licensed under...
Section 17-4-22 - [Channels connecting private lakes under one license; use of screens.] - The rights acquired by the proprietor of a private lake...
Section 17-4-23 - [Lease or grant of private park or lake; lessee or grantee deemed proprietor.] - When the owner of a private park or lake has...
Section 17-4-24 - [Series of lakes may be included in one license.] - A series or group of lakes under one proprietorship or...
Section 17-4-25 - [Diverse proprietorship; joint or separate licenses.] - In case of diverse proprietorship the license may be joint...
Section 17-4-26 - [Notices against trespassing to be posted.] - There shall be kept posted conspicuously at every gate where...
Section 17-4-27 - [Transfer of license required upon transfer of interest.] - In case of a transfer of proprietorship or interest in...
Section 17-4-28 - Parks, lakes and preserves; license; fees. - A. Licenses for private parks, lakes and preserves may be...
Section 17-4-29 - Floating logs in fish stream; restocking; penalty. - All persons floating logs, timber, lumber, ties or poles in...
Section 17-4-30 - [Federal aid.] - The state of New Mexico hereby assents to the provisions...
Section 17-4-31 - [Federal funds; disbursement.] - The state game commission is authorized to receive any moneys...
Section 17-4-32 - Destruction of boundary markers[; penalty]. - Every person who shall wilfully [willfully], maliciously and without cause,...
Section 17-4-33 - Gaining access into nature program; policy; additional powers of state game commission. - A. It is the policy of the state of New...
Section 17-4-34 - Habitat management stamp; fund; expenditure for habitat management; exception. - A. On and after April 1, 2006, each of the...
Section 17-4-35 - Aquatic invasive species control. - A. Based on a determination of credible scientific evidence, the...
Article 5 - Trappers and Fur Dealers
Section 17-5-1 - Declaration of policy. - It is the purpose of Sections 17-5-1 through 17-5-9 NMSA...
Section 17-5-2 - Fur-bearing and nongame animals defined; property of state. - The following quadrupeds are hereby defined as fur-bearing animals, to...
Section 17-5-3 - Seasons; special permits to take animals doing damage. - Fur-bearing animals as defined in Section 17-5-2 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 17-5-4 - State game commission to administer act; rules and regulations. - The state game commission is authorized and directed to administer...
Section 17-5-5 - Trapper's licenses. - A. No resident who has reached his twelfth birthday shall...
Section 17-5-6 - Fur dealer licenses. - A. Except for trappers selling their own catches, any person,...
Section 17-5-7 - [Disposition of license fees.] - All fees for trappers' licenses and fur dealers' licenses shall...
Section 17-5-8 - [Officers authorized to enforce act.] - All peace officers, port of entry employees [employees of the...
Section 17-5-9 - Penalty; revocation of license; sale of pelts. - Any person who violates or aids, abets or assists in...
Article 6 - Habitat Protection
Section 17-6-1 - Short title. - This act [17-6-1 to 17-6-11 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-6-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Habitat Protection Act: A. "commission" means...
Section 17-6-3 - Restrictions on motor vehicle use; recommendations; rules and regulations. - A. When the commission determines that the operation of vehicles...
Section 17-6-4 - Notices of restrictions; posting; publication. - A. For all areas closed to vehicles pursuant to Section...
Section 17-6-5 - Prohibition against vehicle travel. - It is unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle...
Section 17-6-6 - Exceptions. - The restrictions, prohibitions or permitted uses established pursuant to the...
Section 17-6-7 - Expenditure of funds; functions. - The commission may expend such funds as become available from...
Section 17-6-8 - Limitation of liability on landowners. - No person or corporation, or their successors in interest, who...
Section 17-6-9 - Enforcement. - All peace officers of the state, counties and municipalities and...
Section 17-6-10 - Commissioner of public lands exempt. - Nothing contained in the Habitat Protection Act shall alter, change,...
Section 17-6-11 - Violations; penalty. - Any person who violates any provision of the Habitat Protection...
Article 7 - Shooting Range Fund
Section 17-7-1 - Short title. - This act [17-7-1 to 17-7-3 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-7-2 - Fund created. - There is created in the state treasury a special fund...
Section 17-7-3 - Administration. - A. The state game commission shall administer the provisions of...
Article 8 - Sport Shooting Range
Section 17-8-1 - Short title. - This act [17-8-1 to 17-8-6 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-8-2 - Purpose of act. - The purpose of the Sport Shooting Range Act is to...
Section 17-8-3 - Definition. - As used in the Sport Shooting Range Act, a "sport...
Section 17-8-4 - Immunity from nuisance actions based on noise or noise pollution. - A. The use or operation of a sport shooting range...
Section 17-8-5 - Local government authority. - The provisions of the Sport Shooting Range Act shall not...
Section 17-8-6 - Exemptions. - The provisions of the Sport Shooting Range Act do not...
Article 9 - Wildlife Corridors
Section 17-9-1 - Short title. - This act [17-9-1 to 17-9-4 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-9-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Wildlife Corridors Act: A. "human-caused barrier"...
Section 17-9-3 - Wildlife corridors action plan; creation; department coordination. - A. The department of game and fish, in coordination with...
Section 17-9-4 - Prioritized wildlife corridors project list; publication. - A. As part of the wildlife corridors action plan, the...
Article 10 - Wildlife Trafficking
Section 17-10-1 - Short title. - This act [17-10-1 to 17-10-6 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-10-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Wildlife Trafficking Act: A. "covered animal...
Section 17-10-3 - Prohibited acts. - A. Except as provided in Section 4 [17-10-4 NMSA 1978]...
Section 17-10-4 - Exceptions. - It is not a violation of Section 3 [17-10-3 NMSA...
Section 17-10-5 - Criminal and civil penalties. - A. A person who violates Section 3 [17-10-3 NMSA 1978]...
Section 17-10-6 - Enforcement authority. - A. The criminal enforcement provisions of the Wildlife Trafficking Act...
Article 11 - Wildlife Conservation and Public Safety
Section 17-11-1 - Short title. (Effective April 1, 2022.) - Chapter 17, Article 11 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 17-11-2 - Definitions. (Effective April 1, 2022.) - As used in the Wildlife Conservation and Public Safety Act:...
Section 17-11-3 - Prohibitions on public land. (Effective April 1, 2022.) - It is a violation of the Wildlife Conservation and Public...
Section 17-11-4 - Exceptions. (Effective April 1, 2022.) - The provisions of the Wildlife Conservation and Public Safety Act...
Section 17-11-5 - Penalties. (Effective April 1, 2022.) - A. A person who violates the Wildlife Conservation and Public...