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Section 17-2-1 - Commission powers. - The state game commission, in addition to the powers now...
Section 17-2-2 - Game to be protected. - The game animals and quadrupeds, game birds and fowl, and...
Section 17-2-2.1 - Artificial wildlife. - A. Artificial wildlife may be used, and defined as game...
Section 17-2-3 - Protected wildlife species and game fish defined. - A. The following mammals are game mammals: (1) all of...
Section 17-2-4 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 66, § 3 repealed 17-2-4...
Section 17-2-4.1 - Jaguar to be protected. - In the event the jaguar is de-listed as a federal...
Section 17-2-4.2 - Amphibians and reptiles; protected; permits; unlawful taking; misdemeanor; penalties. - A. All species, except for those collected in rattlesnake roundups,...
Section 17-2-5 - Adoption of regulations; effective date. - Any written regulation of the state game commission adopted by...
Section 17-2-6 - Game and fish management areas; closed lakes or streams; notice. - All game and fish management areas, rest grounds and closed...
Section 17-2-7 - Unlawful hunting or fishing. - A. Except as permitted by regulations adopted by the state...
Section 17-2-7.1 - Interference prohibited; criminal penalties; civil penalties; revocation of license, certificate or permit. - A. It is unlawful for a person to commit interference...
Section 17-2-7.2 - Landowner taking; conditions; department responsibilities. - A. A landowner or lessee, or employee of either, may...
Section 17-2-8 - Unlawful taking of big game and waste of game. - A. It is unlawful for any person: (1) who hunts...
Section 17-2-9 - Jurisdiction of magistrate court. - The magistrate court has jurisdiction in all cases arising under...
Section 17-2-10 - Violation of game and fish laws or rules; penalties. - A. A person violating any of the provisions of Chapter...
Section 17-2-10.1 - Game and fish penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments. - A. As used in Chapter 17 NMSA 1978, "penalty assessment...
Section 17-2-10.2 - Game and fish penalty assessment; payment. - A. Unless a warning notice is given to an alleged...
Section 17-2-10.3 - Game and fish penalty assessment; license revocation. - A. The state game commission is authorized to revoke the...
Section 17-2-10.4 - Game and fish penalty assessment revenue; disposition. - The department of game and fish shall remit all penalty...
Section 17-2-11 - [Witness testifying for state; evidence not to be used against him.] - In any prosecution under this chapter, any participant in a...
Section 17-2-12 - Refuges; firearms on; prohibited; exceptions. - It is unlawful for any person to carry, transport or...
Section 17-2-13 - Songbirds; trapping, killing or injuring prohibited. - It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, ensnare...
Section 17-2-14 - Hawks, vultures and owls; taking, possessing, trapping, destroying, maiming or selling prohibited; exception by permit; penalty. - A. It is unlawful for any person to take, attempt...
Section 17-2-15 - [Horned toads; killing, selling or shipping from state unlawful.] - It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully [willfully]...
Section 17-2-16 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2001, ch. 66, § 3, repealed 17-2-16...
Section 17-2-17 - [Storage of game or fish.] - No game or fish shall be received or held in...
Section 17-2-18 - [Menu as evidence of possession of game or fish.] - The naming of game and fish upon any menu or...
Section 17-2-19 - Enforcement of game laws; powers of conservation officers. - A. The director of the department of game and fish,...
Section 17-2-20 - [Seizure of devices used for violating law; nuisance; destruction; firearms excepted.] - Every net, trap, explosive, poisonous or stupefying substance, or device...
Section 17-2-20.1 - Seizure and forfeiture; property subject. - A. All firearms and bows and arrows may be subject...
Section 17-2-20.2 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 2002, ch. 4, § 22 repealed 17-2-20.2...
Section 17-2-20.3 - Penalties. - The following violations shall constitute a misdemeanor: A. illegal possession...
Section 17-2-21 - [Sale or disposition of game or fish after seizure; invoice furnished purchaser or donee; disposition of proceeds of sale.] - All game and fish seized under the game laws shall...
Section 17-2-22 - Sale of evidence in cases of appeal. - A. For the purpose of avoiding waste, game or fish...
Section 17-2-23 - [Reports of seizures and sales.] - In all cases the officer making a seizure or sale...
Section 17-2-24 - [Officer's right to use animal or vehicle transporting seized game or fish; public conveyances excepted.] - Where game or fish while being transported is seized under...
Section 17-2-25 - [Game or fish in possession of passenger; carrier exempt from liability; seizure.] - Nothing in this chapter shall make a common carrier liable...
Section 17-2-26 - Civil liability. - A. The director of the department of game and fish,...
Section 17-2-27 - [District attorneys to prosecute and defend actions under fish and game laws.] - It shall be the duty of each of the district...
Section 17-2-28 - [Indians hunting off reservations; hunting on reservations; application of laws.] - The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all Indians...
Section 17-2-29 - [Hunting and boating while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotic drugs prohibited.] - In order to prevent hunting and boating accidents and to...
Section 17-2-30 - [Person convicted of hunting or boating while intoxicated or under influence of narcotic drugs; revocation and withholding of hunting and fishing license privileges.] - In the event any person shall be convicted of a...
Section 17-2-31 - Use of artificial light while hunting prohibited. - It is unlawful for a person or a group of...
Section 17-2-32 - Diseased rabbits; hunting and trapping. - The department of game and fish may restrict hunting and...
Section 17-2-33 - Use of firearms by minors. - A. It is unlawful after April 1, 1972, for any...
Section 17-2-34 - Hunter training program; instructor certification; certificate of competency. - A. The department of game and fish shall provide a...
Section 17-2-35 - Exemption. - Nothing in the Hunter Training Act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36 NMSA...
Section 17-2-36 - Short title. - This act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 17-2-37 - Short title. - Sections 17-2-37 through 17-2-46 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 17-2-38 - Definitions. - As used in the Wildlife Conservation Act [17-2-33 to 17-2-36...
Section 17-2-39 - Findings and declarations. - The legislature finds and declares that: A. species of wildlife...
Section 17-2-40 - Biennial review; investigations; recommendations of the director; procedures. - A. The director shall conduct a biennial review of all...
Section 17-2-40.1 - Recovery plans; procedures. - A. To the extent practicable, a recovery plan shall be...
Section 17-2-41 - Endangered species. - A. On the basis of investigations concerning wildlife, other available...
Section 17-2-42 - Management programs. - A. The director shall establish such programs, including programs for...
Section 17-2-43 - Commission; power to regulate. - The commission is authorized and directed to establish such regulations...
Section 17-2-43.1 - Judicial review; administrative actions. - A. Any person adversely affected by an order of the...
Section 17-2-44 - Director; land or aquatic habitat interest acquisition. - In addition to other powers and duties, the director: A....
Section 17-2-45 - Penalty. - A. Any person who fails to procure any permit required...
Section 17-2-46 - Enforcement; powers of conservation officers. - A. The director, each conservation officer, each sheriff in his...