New Mexico Statutes
Section 17-2-7.1 - Interference prohibited; criminal penalties; civil penalties; revocation of license, certificate or permit.

A. It is unlawful for a person to commit interference with another person who is lawfully hunting, trapping or fishing in an area where hunting, trapping or fishing is permitted by a custodian of public property or an owner or lessee of private property.
B. A person who commits a:
(1) first offense of interference is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-19-1 NMSA 1978; and
(2) second or subsequent offense of interference is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-19-1 NMSA 1978.
C. When a person who commits interference possesses a license, certificate or permit issued to him by the state game commission, the license, certificate or permit shall be subject to revocation by the commission pursuant to the provisions of Sections 17-1-14 and 17-3-34 NMSA 1978.
D. As used in this section, "interference" means:
(1) intentionally placing oneself in a location where a human presence may affect the behavior of a game animal, bird or fish or the feasibility of killing or taking a game animal, bird or fish with the intent of interfering with or harassing another person who is lawfully hunting, trapping or fishing;
(2) intentionally creating a visual, aural, olfactory or physical stimulus for the purpose of affecting the behavior of a game animal, bird or fish with the intent of interfering with or harassing another person who is lawfully hunting, trapping or fishing; or
(3) intentionally affecting the condition or altering the placement of personal property used for the purpose of killing or taking a game animal, bird or fish.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to include a farmer or rancher in pursuit of his normal farm or ranch operation or law enforcement officer in pursuit of his official duties.
History: Laws 1993, ch. 94, § 1.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Validity and construction of statutes prohibiting harassment of hunters, fishermen, or trappers, 17 A.L.R.5th 837.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation

Article 2 - Hunting and Fishing Regulations


Section 17-2-1 - Commission powers.

Section 17-2-2 - Game to be protected.

Section 17-2-2.1 - Artificial wildlife.

Section 17-2-3 - Protected wildlife species and game fish defined.

Section 17-2-4 - Repealed.

Section 17-2-4.1 - Jaguar to be protected.

Section 17-2-4.2 - Amphibians and reptiles; protected; permits; unlawful taking; misdemeanor; penalties.

Section 17-2-5 - Adoption of regulations; effective date.

Section 17-2-6 - Game and fish management areas; closed lakes or streams; notice.

Section 17-2-7 - Unlawful hunting or fishing.

Section 17-2-7.1 - Interference prohibited; criminal penalties; civil penalties; revocation of license, certificate or permit.

Section 17-2-7.2 - Landowner taking; conditions; department responsibilities.

Section 17-2-8 - Unlawful taking of big game and waste of game.

Section 17-2-9 - Jurisdiction of magistrate court.

Section 17-2-10 - Violation of game and fish laws or rules; penalties.

Section 17-2-10.1 - Game and fish penalty assessment misdemeanors; definition; schedule of assessments.

Section 17-2-10.2 - Game and fish penalty assessment; payment.

Section 17-2-10.3 - Game and fish penalty assessment; license revocation.

Section 17-2-10.4 - Game and fish penalty assessment revenue; disposition.

Section 17-2-11 - [Witness testifying for state; evidence not to be used against him.]

Section 17-2-12 - Refuges; firearms on; prohibited; exceptions.

Section 17-2-13 - Songbirds; trapping, killing or injuring prohibited.

Section 17-2-14 - Hawks, vultures and owls; taking, possessing, trapping, destroying, maiming or selling prohibited; exception by permit; penalty.

Section 17-2-15 - [Horned toads; killing, selling or shipping from state unlawful.]

Section 17-2-16 - Repealed.

Section 17-2-17 - [Storage of game or fish.]

Section 17-2-18 - [Menu as evidence of possession of game or fish.]

Section 17-2-19 - Enforcement of game laws; powers of conservation officers.

Section 17-2-20 - [Seizure of devices used for violating law; nuisance; destruction; firearms excepted.]

Section 17-2-20.1 - Seizure and forfeiture; property subject.

Section 17-2-20.2 - Repealed.

Section 17-2-20.3 - Penalties.

Section 17-2-21 - [Sale or disposition of game or fish after seizure; invoice furnished purchaser or donee; disposition of proceeds of sale.]

Section 17-2-22 - Sale of evidence in cases of appeal.

Section 17-2-23 - [Reports of seizures and sales.]

Section 17-2-24 - [Officer's right to use animal or vehicle transporting seized game or fish; public conveyances excepted.]

Section 17-2-25 - [Game or fish in possession of passenger; carrier exempt from liability; seizure.]

Section 17-2-26 - Civil liability.

Section 17-2-27 - [District attorneys to prosecute and defend actions under fish and game laws.]

Section 17-2-28 - [Indians hunting off reservations; hunting on reservations; application of laws.]

Section 17-2-29 - [Hunting and boating while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotic drugs prohibited.]

Section 17-2-30 - [Person convicted of hunting or boating while intoxicated or under influence of narcotic drugs; revocation and withholding of hunting and fishing license privileges.]

Section 17-2-31 - Use of artificial light while hunting prohibited.

Section 17-2-32 - Diseased rabbits; hunting and trapping.