A. It is unlawful for any person to take, attempt to take, possess, trap or ensnare or in any manner to injure, maim or destroy birds of the order Falconiformes, comprising all of the species and varieties of birds represented by the several families of vultures and hawks, and all of the order Stringiformes, comprising all of the species and varieties of owls. It is also unlawful to purchase, sell or trade, or to possess for the purpose of selling or trading, any parts of these birds.
B. The director of the department of game and fish may issue permits to allow any person to take, possess, trap, ensnare or destroy any bird protected by this section or to possess, give, purchase, sell or trade, or to possess for the purpose of selling or trading, any parts of any birds protected by this section. Permits shall be granted for the following purposes:
(1) Indian religious purposes;
(2) scientific purposes in accordance with law and the regulations of the department of game and fish; or
(3) falconry purposes in accordance with law and the regulations of the department.
C. Notwithstanding any other law, any person engaged in the commercial raising of poultry or game birds may take, capture or kill any hawk, owl or vulture that has killed such poultry or game birds. The owner of such game or poultry farm who takes action under this provision shall report this action to the department of game and fish, which shall verify the necessity of the action taken.
D. Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
History: 1953 Comp., § 53-2-15.1, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 104, § 1; 1979, ch. 340, § 4; 1992, ch. 29, § 2.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1973, ch. 104, § 1, repealed former 53-2-15.1 relating to protection of hawks, vultures and owls, and enacted a new 17-2-14 NMSA 1978.
The 1992 amendment, effective April 1, 1992, in Subsection A, deleted the former last sentence, which read "The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the genera of Aquila and Haliaeetus of the family Accipitridae"; in Subsection B, deleted "upon application and without charge to any person" preceding "for the following purposes" in the second sentence and "of game and fish" from the end of Paragraph (3); and made stylistic changes.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation
Article 2 - Hunting and Fishing Regulations
Section 17-2-1 - Commission powers.
Section 17-2-2 - Game to be protected.
Section 17-2-2.1 - Artificial wildlife.
Section 17-2-3 - Protected wildlife species and game fish defined.
Section 17-2-4.1 - Jaguar to be protected.
Section 17-2-5 - Adoption of regulations; effective date.
Section 17-2-6 - Game and fish management areas; closed lakes or streams; notice.
Section 17-2-7 - Unlawful hunting or fishing.
Section 17-2-7.2 - Landowner taking; conditions; department responsibilities.
Section 17-2-8 - Unlawful taking of big game and waste of game.
Section 17-2-9 - Jurisdiction of magistrate court.
Section 17-2-10 - Violation of game and fish laws or rules; penalties.
Section 17-2-10.2 - Game and fish penalty assessment; payment.
Section 17-2-10.3 - Game and fish penalty assessment; license revocation.
Section 17-2-10.4 - Game and fish penalty assessment revenue; disposition.
Section 17-2-11 - [Witness testifying for state; evidence not to be used against him.]
Section 17-2-12 - Refuges; firearms on; prohibited; exceptions.
Section 17-2-13 - Songbirds; trapping, killing or injuring prohibited.
Section 17-2-14 - Hawks, vultures and owls; taking, possessing, trapping, destroying, maiming or selling prohibited; exception by permit; penalty.
Section 17-2-15 - [Horned toads; killing, selling or shipping from state unlawful.]
Section 17-2-17 - [Storage of game or fish.]
Section 17-2-18 - [Menu as evidence of possession of game or fish.]
Section 17-2-19 - Enforcement of game laws; powers of conservation officers.
Section 17-2-20.1 - Seizure and forfeiture; property subject.
Section 17-2-20.3 - Penalties.
Section 17-2-22 - Sale of evidence in cases of appeal.
Section 17-2-23 - [Reports of seizures and sales.]
Section 17-2-25 - [Game or fish in possession of passenger; carrier exempt from liability; seizure.]
Section 17-2-26 - Civil liability.
Section 17-2-27 - [District attorneys to prosecute and defend actions under fish and game laws.]
Section 17-2-28 - [Indians hunting off reservations; hunting on reservations; application of laws.]
Section 17-2-31 - Use of artificial light while hunting prohibited.