New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - State Game Commission
Section 17-1-28 - [Assent to act of congress concerning wildlife restoration projects.]

The state of New Mexico hereby assents to the provisions of the act of congress of the United States of America entitled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in wildlife restoration projects, and for other purposes," approved September 7 [2], 1937 (Public Number 415, 75th Congress), and the state game commission is hereby authorized and directed to perform all such acts as may be necessary to the conduct and establishment of cooperative wildlife restoration projects, as defined by said act of congress, and in compliance with said act, and rules and regulations promulgated by the secretary of agriculture [secretary of the interior] thereunder.
History: Laws 1939, ch. 19, § 1; 1941 Comp., § 43-114; 1953 Comp., § 53-1-14.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — The federal act referred to in this section is compiled in 16 U.S.C. § 669 et seq.
In 1939 the functions of the secretary of agriculture relating to the conservation of wildlife, game and migratory birds were transferred to the secretary of the interior by 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation

Article 1 - State Game Commission

Section 17-1-1 - [Declaration of policy.]

Section 17-1-2 - State game commission; appointment; term.

Section 17-1-3 - Members to serve without compensation; per diem and mileage.

Section 17-1-4 - [Organization; annual and called meetings; secretary.]

Section 17-1-5 - Employment and discharge of director and other employees; department of game and fish created.

Section 17-1-5.1 - Conservation services division; duties.

Section 17-1-6 - [Transfer of duties and obligations.]

Section 17-1-7 - [Position of reserve conservation officer created.]

Section 17-1-8 - [Qualifications of reserve conservation officers.]

Section 17-1-9 - Powers and duties of reserve conservation officers.

Section 17-1-10 - [Issuance of reserve conservation officer commissions; revocation.]

Section 17-1-11 - Conservation officers; official duties; insurance.

Section 17-1-12 - Repealed.

Section 17-1-13 - [Seal of director.]

Section 17-1-14 - General powers and duties of state game commission; game protection fund; liability suspense account.

Section 17-1-15 - Disbursement of money; limitation on expenditures.

Section 17-1-16 - Short title.

Section 17-1-17 - Purpose of act.

Section 17-1-18 - Bonding authority.

Section 17-1-19 - Bonds; form; terms.

Section 17-1-20 - Sale of bonds.

Section 17-1-21 - Proceeds from sale of bonds.

Section 17-1-22 - Security; retirement of bonds.

Section 17-1-22.1 - Game and fish capital outlay fund; created; transfer of money; state board of finance approval.

Section 17-1-23 - Construction.

Section 17-1-24 - Tax exemptions.

Section 17-1-25 - Refunding.

Section 17-1-26 - [Commission's power to establish rules and regulations; predatory animals; eradication.]

Section 17-1-27 - [Hearings on rules and regulations; petition; publication of notice of hearing.]

Section 17-1-28 - [Assent to act of congress concerning wildlife restoration projects.]

Section 17-1-29 - [Distribution of moneys received from United States government.]