The state game and fish warden [director of the department of game and fish] may grant permits to owners or lessees of land and for the capture or destruction on their lands of any protected game doing damage to their cultivated crops or property; provided, that on said permit or permits so issued as aforesaid, the state game and fish warden shall fix the numerical limit of any protected game so to be captured or destroyed and shall also therein fix the time limit within which any such protected game shall be so captured.
The state game and fish warden shall also grant permits, preferably to owners or lessees of land, for the capture of such beaver as interfere with the operation of any lawful canal, ditch or dam, or cause or threaten the destruction of private property and for the capture of beaver to be transferred from one stream to another; provided, however, that all skins of beaver taken under the provisions of this section shall be turned in to the state game and fish warden, to be by him sold and one-half of the proceeds therefor to be by said state game and fish warden conveyed into the game protection fund and the other one-half of the proceeds to be by said state game and fish warden turned over to the holder of said permit.
History: Code 1915, ch. 47, § 84, added by Laws 1919, ch. 133, § 9; C.S. 1929, § 57-326; 1941 Comp., § 43-319; 1953 Comp., § 53-3-25.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law. Laws 1955, ch. 59, § 2 transferred the duties of the state game warden. See 17-1-6 NMSA 1978.
Cross references. — For application of this section to beaver, see 17-5-2 NMSA 1978.
For permits to take fur-bearing animals doing damage, see 17-5-3 NMSA 1978.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation
Article 3 - Licenses and Permits
Section 17-3-1 - Current license required.
Section 17-3-2 - Classes of licenses.
Section 17-3-5 - Application for hunting or fishing licenses; contents; filing.
Section 17-3-8 - Loss of application blanks by license collector; accounting.
Section 17-3-9 - Application blanks lost by license collector to be void.
Section 17-3-10 - Presumption of loss [sale]
Section 17-3-11 - Possession of license declared void is unlawful.
Section 17-3-12 - Accounting for licenses.
Section 17-3-13 - License fees.
Section 17-3-13.1 - Disabled veteran; license fee exemption; lifetime license.
Section 17-3-13.3 - Big game depredation damage stamp required; disposition of receipts.
Section 17-3-13.4 - Big game depredation damage fund; creation; expenditure.
Section 17-3-13.6 - Disabled military members and veterans; fishing license fee exemption.
Section 17-3-14.1 - Landowner permits for elk.
Section 17-3-14.2 - Landowner permits; management of certain big game species.
Section 17-3-15 - Additional deer license.
Section 17-3-16 - Funds; special drawings for licenses.
Section 17-3-16.1 - Bighorn sheep enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.2 - Elk enhancement permit; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.3 - Lieutenant governor's deer enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.4 - Gould's turkey enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.5 - Hunting and fishing authorizations; governor's special events.
Section 17-3-16.6 - Enhancement authorization packages; habitat enhancement.
Section 17-3-17 - Fishing without license; exceptions.
Section 17-3-19 - Special license; minors fishing on scout property.
Section 17-3-20 - Fee disposition.
Section 17-3-21 - [Season and bag limits applicable to minors holding special license.]
Section 17-3-22 - [Administration of 17-3-19 to 17-3-22.]
Section 17-3-24 - [Supervision of fishing at boys' school.]
Section 17-3-26 - Taking minnows and nongame fish to sell as bait; license required; exception.
Section 17-3-27 - Bait license; bond; fee; issuance.
Section 17-3-30 - [Sending game animals, birds and fish to officers of other states.]
Section 17-3-31 - [Permit to capture or destroy protected game damaging crops or property; beavers.]
Section 17-3-32 - Importing game animals; permits.