Repeals. — Laws 1985, ch. 118, § 2 repealed 17-3-13.2, as enacted by Laws 1985, ch. 118, § 1, relating to the fees and use of wild turkey validations, effective July 1, 1988.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation
Article 3 - Licenses and Permits
Section 17-3-1 - Current license required.
Section 17-3-2 - Classes of licenses.
Section 17-3-5 - Application for hunting or fishing licenses; contents; filing.
Section 17-3-8 - Loss of application blanks by license collector; accounting.
Section 17-3-9 - Application blanks lost by license collector to be void.
Section 17-3-10 - Presumption of loss [sale]
Section 17-3-11 - Possession of license declared void is unlawful.
Section 17-3-12 - Accounting for licenses.
Section 17-3-13 - License fees.
Section 17-3-13.1 - Disabled veteran; license fee exemption; lifetime license.
Section 17-3-13.3 - Big game depredation damage stamp required; disposition of receipts.
Section 17-3-13.4 - Big game depredation damage fund; creation; expenditure.
Section 17-3-13.6 - Disabled military members and veterans; fishing license fee exemption.
Section 17-3-14.1 - Landowner permits for elk.
Section 17-3-14.2 - Landowner permits; management of certain big game species.
Section 17-3-15 - Additional deer license.
Section 17-3-16 - Funds; special drawings for licenses.
Section 17-3-16.1 - Bighorn sheep enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.2 - Elk enhancement permit; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.3 - Lieutenant governor's deer enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.4 - Gould's turkey enhancement permits; issuance; use.
Section 17-3-16.5 - Hunting and fishing authorizations; governor's special events.
Section 17-3-16.6 - Enhancement authorization packages; habitat enhancement.
Section 17-3-17 - Fishing without license; exceptions.
Section 17-3-19 - Special license; minors fishing on scout property.
Section 17-3-20 - Fee disposition.
Section 17-3-21 - [Season and bag limits applicable to minors holding special license.]
Section 17-3-22 - [Administration of 17-3-19 to 17-3-22.]
Section 17-3-24 - [Supervision of fishing at boys' school.]
Section 17-3-26 - Taking minnows and nongame fish to sell as bait; license required; exception.
Section 17-3-27 - Bait license; bond; fee; issuance.
Section 17-3-30 - [Sending game animals, birds and fish to officers of other states.]
Section 17-3-31 - [Permit to capture or destroy protected game damaging crops or property; beavers.]
Section 17-3-32 - Importing game animals; permits.