New Mexico Statutes
Article 9 - Wildlife Corridors
Section 17-9-3 - Wildlife corridors action plan; creation; department coordination.

A. The department of game and fish, in coordination with the department of transportation, shall create a state "wildlife corridors action plan".
B. The wildlife corridors action plan shall contain:
(1) identification of existing highway crossings that pose a risk to successful wildlife migration or that pose a risk to the traveling public because large mammals use the crossing;
(2) identification of other human-caused barriers, especially road segments that negatively affect wildlife habitat and movement;
(3) information about the habitat and movement needs of species of concern with particular attention to large mammals or other species that pose a risk to the traveling public;
(4) projections of anticipated effects that drought and other stressors will have on wildlife habitat, dispersal and movement;
(5) information about the habitat quality needed to support and maintain viable populations of wildlife;
(6) information about how increased movement of species could benefit overused and highly impacted habitat areas;
(7) maps that identify locations of:
(a) existing populations of species of greatest concern;
(b) existing wildlife crossings; and
(c) areas requiring additional monitoring or research;
(8) protocols for post-completion monitoring of wildlife corridors projects in order to assess their effectiveness in establishing, maintaining and promoting wildlife movements;
(9) economic benefits anticipated from preserving wildlife movement patterns, including the potential impact of reduced wildlife-vehicle collisions;
(10) opportunities to collaborate with and enter into joint powers agreements as provided in the Joint Powers Agreements Act [11-1-1 to 11-1-7 NMSA 1978] as necessary with New Mexico Indian nations, tribes or pueblos; relevant agencies or Indian nations, tribes or pueblos in neighboring states; and relevant federal agencies to protect wildlife corridors that cross state or tribal lines;
(11) the wildlife corridors project list; and
(12) additional information that the department of game and fish and the department of transportation deem necessary and appropriate to carry out the intent and purposes of the Wildlife Corridors Act.
C. The department of game and fish and the department of transportation shall consult with and actively seek the involvement of tribal governments in the development of the wildlife corridors action plan.
D. The initial wildlife corridors action plan shall be:
(1) open for public comment before being finalized; provided that, once finalized, the department of game and fish and the department of transportation shall publish the initial action plan on their websites and shall submit the action plan to the governor and the legislature on or before January 15, 2020; and
(2) updated at least every ten years and may be amended prior to a full update as new research and data become available or changes in conditions affecting wildlife and wildlife-human interactions arise.
E. The wildlife corridors action plan or the provisions of the Wildlife Corridors Act do not apply to private property or private property owners, unless private property owners choose to participate voluntarily.
History: Laws 2019, ch. 97, § 3.
Effective dates. — Laws 2019, ch. 97 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 14, 2019, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.