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Section 17-5-1 - Declaration of policy. - It is the purpose of Sections 17-5-1 through 17-5-9 NMSA...
Section 17-5-2 - Fur-bearing and nongame animals defined; property of state. - The following quadrupeds are hereby defined as fur-bearing animals, to...
Section 17-5-3 - Seasons; special permits to take animals doing damage. - Fur-bearing animals as defined in Section 17-5-2 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 17-5-4 - State game commission to administer act; rules and regulations. - The state game commission is authorized and directed to administer...
Section 17-5-5 - Trapper's licenses. - A. No resident who has reached his twelfth birthday shall...
Section 17-5-6 - Fur dealer licenses. - A. Except for trappers selling their own catches, any person,...
Section 17-5-7 - [Disposition of license fees.] - All fees for trappers' licenses and fur dealers' licenses shall...
Section 17-5-8 - [Officers authorized to enforce act.] - All peace officers, port of entry employees [employees of the...
Section 17-5-9 - Penalty; revocation of license; sale of pelts. - Any person who violates or aids, abets or assists in...