New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Propagation of Fish and Game
Section 17-4-20 - [Misstatements render invoice void; violation of law; possession of game or fish without invoice unlawful.]

Any willful misstatement in or any omission of a substantial requirement from any invoice or copy thereof, shall render the same void and be deemed a violation of this chapter, and the possession of any game or game fish without such invoice or a copy thereof attached thereto when so as above required shall be unlawful.
History: Laws 1912, ch. 85, § 71; Code 1915, § 2494; C.S. 1929, § 57-313; 1941 Comp., § 43-419; 1953 Comp., § 53-4-19.
Compiler's notes. — For meaning of words "this chapter", see note to 17-2-11 NMSA 1978.
Cross references. — For menu as evidence of possession, see 17-2-18 NMSA 1978.
For possession without invoice being prima facie evidence of unlawful taking or possession, see 17-3-33 NMSA 1978.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 17 - Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation

Article 4 - Propagation of Fish and Game

Section 17-4-1 - [Power of state game commission to acquire land.]

Section 17-4-2 - Eminent domain power; abandonment or relinquishment of property acquired.

Section 17-4-3 - [Exchange, sale, lease, sublease and assignment of lands by commission; proceeds.]

Section 17-4-5 - [Fish hatcheries established by United States; exemption from state laws.]

Section 17-4-6 - Hunting and fishing on private property; posting; penalty.

Section 17-4-7 - Liability of landowner permitting persons to hunt, fish or use lands for recreation; duty of care; exceptions.

Section 17-4-8 - [Parks or waters for propagation of game or fish; license required.]

Section 17-4-9 - [Unlicensed parks or lakes deemed public nuisance; abatement; liberation of game or fish; each day separate offense.]

Section 17-4-10 - [Transportation of game or fish taken from unlicensed parks or waters prohibited.]

Section 17-4-11 - [Licensing of private lakes and parks; "proprietor" defined.]

Section 17-4-12 - [Application for license; contents; maximum area; fencing.]

Section 17-4-13 - [Form of license.]

Section 17-4-14 - [Reduction in flow of water detrimental to fish in stream prohibited.]

Section 17-4-15 - [Game and fish in licensed private parks or lakes property of licensee; hunting or fishing in any licensed park or lake without consent prohibited; reduction of game or fish in private preserve; permit.]

Section 17-4-16 - [Invoice to be delivered to purchaser; form; duplicate mailed to director.]

Section 17-4-17 - [Invoice to be attached during shipment.]

Section 17-4-18 - [Offering game or fish for sale; storage; keeping in hotel or eating place; invoice to remain attached.]

Section 17-4-19 - [Copy of invoice to be furnished purchaser upon resale.]

Section 17-4-20 - [Misstatements render invoice void; violation of law; possession of game or fish without invoice unlawful.]

Section 17-4-21 - [Proprietors of licensed private parks and lakes to furnish reports to director.]

Section 17-4-22 - [Channels connecting private lakes under one license; use of screens.]

Section 17-4-23 - [Lease or grant of private park or lake; lessee or grantee deemed proprietor.]

Section 17-4-24 - [Series of lakes may be included in one license.]

Section 17-4-25 - [Diverse proprietorship; joint or separate licenses.]

Section 17-4-26 - [Notices against trespassing to be posted.]

Section 17-4-27 - [Transfer of license required upon transfer of interest.]

Section 17-4-28 - Parks, lakes and preserves; license; fees.

Section 17-4-29 - Floating logs in fish stream; restocking; penalty.

Section 17-4-30 - [Federal aid.]

Section 17-4-31 - [Federal funds; disbursement.]

Section 17-4-32 - Destruction of boundary markers[; penalty].

Section 17-4-33 - Gaining access into nature program; policy; additional powers of state game commission.

Section 17-4-34 - Habitat management stamp; fund; expenditure for habitat management; exception.

Section 17-4-35 - Aquatic invasive species control.