Illinois Compiled Statutes
105 ILCS 5/ - School Code.
Article 11C - Accounting Procedures

(105 ILCS 5/Art. 11C heading)

(105 ILCS 5/11C-1) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-1)
Sec. 11C-1.
The regional superintendent shall appoint one
or more appraisers to appraise all the tangible school property in the
district from which territory has been taken and the tangible school property
in such territory transferred. An appraiser or appraisers may be appointed
to appraise all such school property or one or more appraisers may be appointed
to appraise the different kinds of property as the regional superintendent
may direct. No appraiser shall be a resident of any district which is a
party to the accounting. The costs of the appraisal shall be borne by the
districts in the ratio in which they share in the assets appraised.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-2)
Sec. 11C-2.
Appraisal guide.
In making such appraisal land shall be
appraised at its fair market value; other property shall be appraised at
its reproduction or replacement cost less depreciation and an allowance
for obsolescence, if any, but in no event shall any property be appraised
at more than its value for school purposes in the district in which it lies
after the change in boundaries or its resale value whichever is the higher.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-3)
Sec. 11C-3.

Time for filing appraisals - Contest - Administrative
review. Within 30 days after their appointment the appraisers shall file
their appraisal or appraisals with the regional superintendent. Within 10
days thereafter the regional superintendent shall send
copies of such appraisals by registered mail to the secretary or clerk of
the board of each district which is a party to the accounting. If the board
of any district desires to contest any appraisal it shall file a statement
of its objections with the regional superintendent within 20 days
after the receipt of a copy of such appraisal. The regional superintendent
shall then fix a date for a hearing on such objections and give notice thereof
to each district which is a party to the accounting. Each
such district may offer evidence at the hearing and the appraisal shall
be considered by the regional superintendent as evidence of the
value of the property appraised. The regional superintendent shall
then consider the evidence and enter an order determining the value of the
property in question. Such order shall be deemed an "administrative decision"
as defined in the "Administrative Review Law" and any board which is a party
to the accounting may apply for a review of such decision in accordance
with the "Administrative Review Law" and all amendments and modifications
thereof and the rules adopted pursuant thereto.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-4)
Sec. 11C-4.
Debited school property.
Each district from which territory
is taken shall be debited with the value of the school property remaining
in such district as above determined and each district which is created
so as to include a part of a district shall be debited with the value of
the school property lying within such part of a district.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-5) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-5)
Sec. 11C-5.
Debited school funds.
Each district from which territory
is taken shall be debited with all funds in the possession of its treasurer
and of all other funds to which the district may be entitled, including
taxes in process of collection.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-6) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-6)
Sec. 11C-6. Credited unfunded indebtedness. Each district from which
territory is taken shall be credited with all unfunded indebtedness of such
district and with the estimated cost of operating the schools of the district
for the balance of the school year if the district from which territory
is taken continues to administer the schools until the succeeding July 1.

(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-7) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-7)
Sec. 11C-7.
Credited appraised value of property and funds.
Each district
which is created so as to include a part of another district shall be credited
with the appraised value of the property and of the funds described in Sections

11C-4 and 11C-5 of this Act, less the unfunded indebtedness described in
Section 11C-6 of this Act, in the proportion which the number of children
in average daily attendance for the last full school year preceding the
filing of the petition from
the part of the district so included bears to the total number of children
in average daily attendance from such district for such period, and the
balance shall be credited
to the district from which territory is taken.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-8)
Sec. 11C-8.
The regional superintendent is hereby
given the power to require reports from the treasurer or any other officer
of the district from which territory is taken to give it any information
necessary for it to perform its functions hereunder and to require from time to time
transfers of funds from one treasurer to another, or if the districts have
a common treasurer from the funds held by such treasurer for one district
to the funds held by such treasurer for the other district as may be necessary
to give effect to the accounting herein provided for.

(Source: P.A. 83-686.)
(105 ILCS 5/11C-9) (from Ch. 122, par. 11C-9)
Sec. 11C-9. Accounting waived. If the stipulation is refused by the regional
superintendent the boards of the districts affected by the change in boundaries
in the creation of a new district may waive accounting or stipulate
as to the valuation of any kind or parcel of property or as to a basis for
apportionment by concurrent
resolution filed with the regional superintendent prior to or within
30 days after the election of the school board for the newly created district.
Such resolution shall be subject to the approval of the regional superintendent
and if approved, the accounting shall be dispensed with or modified as the
resolution may provide.

(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Chapter 105 - SCHOOLS

105 ILCS 5/ - School Code.

Article 1 - Short Title - Construction - Definitions

Article 1A - State Board Of Education

Article 1B - School District Financial Oversight Panel And Emergency Financial Assistance

Article 1C - Block Grants

Article 1D - Block Grants For Districts With Over 500,000 Inhabitants

Article 1E - Downstate School Finance Authority

Article 1F - Downstate School Finance Authority for Elementary Districts

Article 1G - Mathematics and Science; Block Grant Program

Article 1H - Financial Oversight Panels

Article 2 - State Board of Education - Powers and Duties

Article 3 - Regional Superintendent of Schools

Article 3A - Educational Service Regions

Article 4 - Duties of County Board

Article 5 - Trustees of Schools

Article 6 - Regional Board of School Trustees

Article 7 - Boundary Change

Article 7A - Unit School District Conversion in Districts With Not More Than 250 Students In Grades 9 Through 12 (Repealed)

Article 7C - Transfer Of High School District Territory (Repealed)

Article 8 - Treasurers

Article 9 - Elections

Article 10 - School Boards

Article 11A - Unit School District Formation (Repealed)

Article 11B - School District Combination (Repealed)

Article 11C - Accounting Procedures

Article 11D - School District Conversion (Repealed)

Article 11E - Conversion and Formation of School Districts

Article 12 - High School Districts--Nonhigh School Districts--Community High School Districts

Article 13 - Schools For Designated Purposes

Article 13A - Alternative Public Schools

Article 13B - Alternative Learning Opportunities

Article 14 - Children With Disabilities

Article 14A - Gifted and Talented Children And Children Eligible For Accelerated Placement

Article 14B - Educationally Disadvantaged Children (Repealed)

Article 14C - Transitional Bilingual Education

Article 15 - Common School Lands

Article 16 - Gifts--Use Of Sites--Playgrounds

Article 17 - Budgets--Tax Rates--Tax Warrants

Article 18 - Common School Fund

Article 19 - Debt Limitation - Bonds - Territory Liable - Refunding Bonds

Article 19a - Revenue Bonds For Exhibition Facilities

Article 19b - School Energy Conservation And Saving Measures

Article 20 - Working Cash Fund

Article 21 - Certification Of Teachers

Article 21A - New Teacher Induction and Mentoring

Article 21B - Educator Licensure

Article 22 - General Provisions--Penalties--Liabilities

Article 23 - School Board Associations

Article 24 - Employment of Teachers--Tenure--Duties of Teachers

Article 24A - Evaluation of Certified Employees

Article 26 - Pupils--Compulsory Attendance

Article 26A - Children and Students Who Are Parents, Expectant Parents, or Victims of Domestic or Sexual Violence

Article 27 - Courses of Study--Special Instruction

Article 27A - Charter Schools

Article 28 - Instructional Materials

Article 28A - Education Purchasing Program

Article 29 - Transportation

Article 30 - Scholarships

Article 31 - Fraternities--Sororities

Article 32 - Special Charter Districts

Article 33 - Districts From 100,000 To Not More Than 500,000 Inhabitants

Article 34 - Cities Of Over 500,000 Inhabitants - Board Of Education

Article 34A - School Finance Authority

Article 34B - Bridge Note Statute (Repealed)

Article 35 - Buildings--School Building Commission (Repealed)

Article 36 - Repeal - Saving