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Chapter 01 - Definitions And General Provisions
Section 41-1-1 - Definitions. - 41-1-1. Definitions. Terms used in this title mean: (1)"Any part...
Section 41-1-1.1 - Persons deemed state residents. - 41-1-1.1. Persons deemed state residents. For the purposes of this...
Section 41-1-1.2 - Termination of resident status. - 41-1-1.2. Termination of resident status. Except for a person who...
Section 41-1-1.3 - Definition of trophy animals. - 41-1-1.3. Definition of trophy animals. Terms, as used in this...
Section 41-1-1.4 - Definition of nontrophy animals. - 41-1-1.4. Definition of nontrophy animals. For purposes of this chapter,...
Section 41-1-2 - Game birds, animals, and fish as property of state. - 41-1-2. Game birds, animals, and fish as property of state....
Section 41-1-3 - Lawful use of game bird, animal, or fish. - 41-1-3. Lawful use of game bird, animal, or fish. Any...
Section 41-1-4 - Wanton waste or destruction of protected birds, animals and fish prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-4. Wanton waste or destruction of protected birds, animals and...
Section 41-1-5 - Forfeiture of right to game by unlawful taking, shipment or possession--State entitled to possession. - 41-1-5. Forfeiture of right to game by unlawful taking, shipment...
Section 41-1-5.1 - Civil damage liability to state for unlawful killing or taking of wild animals--Amount--Return of uninjured animal--Exemption. - 41-1-5.1. Civil damage liability to state for unlawful killing or...
Section 41-1-5.2 - Civil action for recovery of damages for unlawful killing or taking of animals--Effect of criminal conviction or acquittal--Deposit of damages and costs--Collection of judgments--Collection fees. - 41-1-5.2. Civil action for recovery of damages for unlawful killing...
Section 41-1-5.6 - Statement of liability provisions printed on citations--Acknowledgment noted through specific receipt form--Failure to give required warnings. - 41-1-5.6. Statement of liability provisions printed on citations--Acknowledgment noted through...
Section 41-1-5.7 - Disposition of deer and antelope killed by motor vehicle. - 41-1-5.7. Disposition of deer and antelope killed by motor vehicle....
Section 41-1-7 - Fish grown or raised for breeding purposes or sale. - 41-1-7. Fish grown or raised for breeding purposes or sale....
Section 41-1-8 - Interference with lawful hunting, trapping, or fishing prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-8. Interference with lawful hunting, trapping, or fishing prohibited--Violation as...
Section 41-1-9 - Disobeying order of peace officer to desist from interfering as misdemeanor. - 41-1-9. Disobeying order of peace officer to desist from interfering...
Section 41-1-10 - Enjoining interference--Damages allowable. - 41-1-10. Enjoining interference--Damages allowable. The court may enjoin conduct which...
Section 41-1-11 - Certain judgment debtors denied licenses--Automatic revocation pending satisfaction--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-11. Certain judgment debtors denied licenses--Automatic revocation pending satisfaction--Violation as...
Section 41-1-12 - Euthanasia of animal injured in motor vehicle accident. - 41-1-12. Euthanasia of animal injured in motor vehicle accident. Notwithstanding...
Section 41-1-13 - Report of euthanasia to department. - 41-1-13. Report of euthanasia to department. Any person who euthanizes...
Chapter 02 - State Department Of Game Fish And Parks
Section 41-2-1 - Department and commission continued. - 41-2-1. Department and commission continued. There is hereby continued the...
Section 41-2-1.1 - Department continued--Performance of functions. - 41-2-1.1. Department continued--Performance of functions. The Department of Game, Fish...
Section 41-2-1.2 - Direction and supervision of commission--Independent functions retained. - 41-2-1.2. Direction and supervision of commission--Independent functions retained. The Game,...
Section 41-2-2 - Political affiliations of commissioners--Farmer members--Residence and gross income requirements. - 41-2-2. Political affiliations of commissioners--Farmer members--Residence and gross income requirements....
Section 41-2-3 - Terms of office of commissioners--Annual appointments--Restrictions on appointments. - 41-2-3. Terms of office of commissioners--Annual appointments--Restrictions on appointments. The...
Section 41-2-4 - Oath and bond of commissioners. - 41-2-4.Oath and bond of commissioners. Each game, fish and parks...
Section 41-2-5 - Removal of commissioner from office--Procedure. - 41-2-5. Removal of commissioner from office--Procedure. The Governor may remove...
Section 41-2-6 - Filling of vacancies on commission. - 41-2-6. Filling of vacancies on commission. Any vacancy on the...
Section 41-2-8 - Annual meeting of commission--Chair and vice chair--Additional meetings. - 41-2-8. Annual meeting of commission--Chair and vice chair--Additional meetings. The...
Section 41-2-11 - Employment of conservation officers--Qualifications--Career service. - 41-2-11. Employment of conservation officers--Qualifications--Career service. The Department of Game,...
Section 41-2-13 - Rangers and park managers as unpaid conservation officers--Emergency appointments. - 41-2-13. Rangers and park managers as unpaid conservation officers--Emergency appointments....
Section 41-2-16 - Duties assigned to departmental officers and employees. - 41-2-16. Duties assigned to departmental officers and employees. The officers...
Section 41-2-18 - Implementation of game, fish and conservation laws--Promulgation of rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-2-18. Implementation of game, fish and conservation laws--Promulgation of rules--Violation...
Section 41-2-19 - Acquisition, management, and improvement of property. - 41-2-19. Acquisition, management, and improvement of property. The Department of...
Section 41-2-20 - Sale of property no longer needed--Procedures. - 41-2-20. Sale of property no longer needed--Procedures. Any personal property...
Section 41-2-21 - Acquisition and development of property for public shooting areas, water conservation, and recreation. - 41-2-21. Acquisition and development of property for public shooting areas,...
Section 41-2-21.1 - Railroad right-of-way responsibility--Taxation. - 41-2-21.1. Railroad right-of-way responsibility--Taxation. The Department of Game, Fish and...
Section 41-2-22 - Operation of controlled hunting areas. - 41-2-22. Operation of controlled hunting areas. The Department of Game,...
Section 41-2-23 - Improvement of wildlife habitat--Access lands--State title not required. - 41-2-23. Improvement of wildlife habitat--Access lands--State title not required. The...
Section 41-2-24 - Acquisition and management of parks--Fees--Bonds--Cooperation with other agencies. - 41-2-24. Acquisition and management of parks--Fees--Bonds--Cooperation with other agencies. The...
Section 41-2-25 - Park and recreational improvements on leased lands. - 41-2-25. Park and recreational improvements on leased lands. The Department...
Section 41-2-26 - Easements, leases, and permits on property controlled by department--Purposes for which granted. - 41-2-26. Easements, leases, and permits on property controlled by department--Purposes...
Section 41-2-27 - Publicity and advertising activities. - 41-2-27. Publicity and advertising activities. The Department of Game, Fish...
Section 41-2-29 - Sale of forest products or department lands--Disposition of proceeds. - 41-2-29. Sale of forest products or department lands--Disposition of proceeds....
Section 41-2-29.1 - Sale of real property owned by state--Requirements and procedure. - 41-2-29.1. Sale of real property owned by state--Requirements and procedure....
Section 41-2-29.2 - Trade or exchange of real property owned by state--Requirements and procedure. - 41-2-29.2. Trade or exchange of real property owned by state--Requirements...
Section 41-2-30 - Predatory animal control activities--Cooperation with other agencies. - 41-2-30. Predatory animal control activities--Cooperation with other agencies. The Department...
Section 41-2-31 - Acceptance and use of federal grants and other donations. - 41-2-31. Acceptance and use of federal grants and other donations....
Section 41-2-33 - Appointment of licensing agents. - 41-2-33. Appointment of licensing agents. The Department of Game, Fish...
Section 41-2-34 - Fees and collections paid into departmental fund. - 41-2-34. Fees and collections paid into departmental fund. All moneys...
Section 41-2-34.1 - Wildlife habitat stamp revenue--Use--Purchase and use of land--Power of eminent domain not to be exercised. - 41-2-34.1. Wildlife habitat stamp revenue--Use--Purchase and use of land--Power of...
Section 41-2-34.2 - Surcharge on licenses--Deposit in fund--Disbursement of money in fund. - 41-2-34.2. Surcharge on licenses--Deposit in fund--Disbursement of money in fund....
Section 41-2-35 - Annual appropriation of departmental fund. - 41-2-35. Annual appropriation of departmental fund. All moneys in the...
Section 41-2-35.1 - Informational budget--Review. - 41-2-35.1. Informational budget--Review. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, all...
Section 41-2-36 - Audit of departmental books and vouchers. - 41-2-36. Audit of departmental books and vouchers. The books and...
Section 41-2-39 - Disposal of surplus lands within George S. Mickleson Trail--Lands and persons eligible. - 41-2-39. Disposal of surplus lands within George S. Mickleson Trail--Lands...
Section 41-2-40 - Determination of land as disposable. - 41-2-40. Determination of land as disposable. No lands may be...
Section 41-2-41 - State funds not to be expended--Landowner assumption of costs. - 41-2-41. State funds not to be expended--Landowner assumption of costs....
Section 41-2-42 - Approval of conveyances. - 41-2-42. Approval of conveyances. Any conveyance under §§41-2-39 to 41-2-46,...
Section 41-2-43 - Approval by Interstate Commerce Commission. - 41-2-43. Approval by Interstate Commerce Commission. Any disposal of lands...
Section 41-2-44 - Landowner agreement--Contents. - 41-2-44. Landowner agreement--Contents. Prior to any disposal of lands under...
Section 41-2-45 - Conveyance by quitclaim deed--Execution. - 41-2-45. Conveyance by quitclaim deed--Execution. If the determinations required by...
Section 41-2-46 - Landowner presentation of proof of ownership--Contents. - 41-2-46. Landowner presentation of proof of ownership--Contents. Prior to delivery...
Section 41-2-47 - Appraisals of real property by department--Market value defined. - 41-2-47. Appraisals of real property by department--Market value defined. Any...
Section 41-2-48 - Conservation officers--Entering private land--Prohibition--Exceptions. - 41-2-48. Conservation officers--Entering private land--Prohibition--Exceptions. No conservation officer may, in...
Section 41-2-49 - Conservation officers--Entering private land--Liability. - 41-2-49. Conservation officers--Entering private land--Liability. Nothing contained in § 41-2-48...
Chapter 03 - State And Federal Conservation Activities
Section 41-3-1 - Department in charge of propagation and preservation of game and fish. - 41-3-1. Department in charge of propagation and preservation of game...
Section 41-3-2 - Collection and publication of conservation information. - 41-3-2. Collection and publication of conservation information. The Department of...
Section 41-3-3 - Cooperation with federal agencies in propagation, preservation and protection of game and fish--Expenditure of funds. - 41-3-3. Cooperation with federal agencies in propagation, preservation and protection...
Section 41-3-4 - Assent to federal wildlife restoration act--Cooperation in projects--Hunting license fees committed. - 41-3-4. Assent to federal wildlife restoration act--Cooperation in projects--Hunting license...
Section 41-3-4.1 - Wildlife mitigation condemnations to be restricted to direct beneficiaries of project--Federal contracts--Missouri River reservoirs excepted. - 41-3-4.1. Wildlife mitigation condemnations to be restricted to direct beneficiaries...
Section 41-3-5 - Assent to federal recreation and fish and wildlife act--Cooperation in management of fish, wildlife, and recreation areas. - 41-3-5. Assent to federal recreation and fish and wildlife act--Cooperation...
Section 41-3-6 - Assent to federal acquisition of property for migratory bird conservation. - 41-3-6. Assent to federal acquisition of property for migratory bird...
Section 41-3-7 - Purchase and exchange of animals, birds, and fish for breeding purposes. - 41-3-7. Purchase and exchange of animals, birds, and fish for...
Section 41-3-8 - Enforcement of laws for protection and propagation of animals, birds, and fish. - 41-3-8. Enforcement of laws for protection and propagation of animals,...
Section 41-3-9 - Permission for scientific collection of protected birds, animals, and fish--Resale prohibited. - 41-3-9. Permission for scientific collection of protected birds, animals, and...
Section 41-3-10 - Management of fish hatcheries. - 41-3-10. Management of fish hatcheries. The Department of Game, Fish...
Section 41-3-11 - Assent to federal fish restoration and management act--Cooperative projects--Fishing license fees committed. - 41-3-11. Assent to federal fish restoration and management act--Cooperative projects--Fishing...
Section 41-3-12 - Receipt and distribution of fish and spawn. - 41-3-12. Receipt and distribution of fish and spawn. The Department...
Section 41-3-13 - Propagation and stocking of fishing waters--Stocking of game animals and birds. - 41-3-13. Propagation and stocking of fishing waters--Stocking of game animals...
Section 41-3-14 - Obstruction of departmental fish management activities--Obstruction of waters--Disturbance of departmental devices--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-3-14. Obstruction of departmental fish management activities--Obstruction of waters--Disturbance of...
Chapter 04 - Land Acquisition And Management By State
Section 41-4-1 - Acquisition of private property authorized--Condemnation resolution and proceedings. - 41-4-1. Acquisition of private property authorized--Condemnation resolution and proceedings. The...
Section 41-4-1.1 - Notice to landowner required prior to purchase of land. - 41-4-1.1. Notice to landowner required prior to purchase of land....
Section 41-4-2 - Condemnation costs payable from departmental fund--Vouchers and warrants. - 41-4-2. Condemnation costs payable from departmental fund--Vouchers and warrants. Payment...
Section 41-4-3 - Nonresident small game license fees paid into land acquisition and development fund--Use for game production areas and public shooting areas. - 41-4-3. Nonresident small game license fees paid into land acquisition...
Section 41-4-4 - Procedure for timber sales. - 41-4-4. Procedure for timber sales. All timber sold from lands...
Section 41-4-5 - Timber sales on sealed bids or at auction--Negotiated small sales. - 41-4-5. Timber sales on sealed bids or at auction--Negotiated small...
Section 41-4-6 - Publication of notice of timber sales--Contents. - 41-4-6. Publication of notice of timber sales--Contents. The Department of...
Section 41-4-7 - Minimum price of timber sales--Sale to highest bidder--Rejection of bids and readvertisement. - 41-4-7. Minimum price of timber sales--Sale to highest bidder--Rejection of...
Section 41-4-8 - State-owned areas subject to taxation for county, township, and school purposes--Assessment and extension of levies. - 41-4-8. State-owned areas subject to taxation for county, township, and...
Section 41-4-9 - Reimbursement of lessees of state-owned land condemned by United States. - 41-4-9. Reimbursement of lessees of state-owned land condemned by United...
Section 41-4-10 - Use of unused section-line roads for game production--Notice and cooperation by eastern political subdivisions. - 41-4-10. Use of unused section-line roads for game production--Notice and...
Section 41-4-11 - Supervision of certain islands in Missouri River--Purposes of use--Sand and gravel contracts. - 41-4-11. Supervision of certain islands in Missouri River--Purposes of use--Sand...
Section 41-4-12 - "Hunting guide" defined. - 41-4-12."Hunting guide" defined. For purposes of this section and §41-4-13,...
Section 41-4-13 - Hunting guide activities barred from certain state-owned or state-managed areas--Violations. - 41-4-13. Hunting guide activities barred from certain state-owned or state-managed...
Chapter 06 - Game And Fish Licenses And Permits
Section 41-6-1 - Exempt persons--Conditions and rules. - 41-6-1. Exempt persons--Conditions and rules. Persons who are exempt from...
Section 41-6-2 - License not required to hunt certain animals or fish on owned or leased land during open season. - 41-6-2. License not required to hunt certain animals or fish...
Section 41-6-3 - License not required to hunt fur-bearing animals on own land during open season. - 41-6-3. License not required to hunt fur-bearing animals on own...
Section 41-6-4 - Fur-bearing license not required--Resident under eighteen. - 41-6-4. Fur-bearing license not required--Resident under eighteen. A license to...
Section 41-6-5 - License not required to kill raccoons, skunks, fox, and badger doing damage. - 41-6-5. License not required to kill raccoons, skunks, fox, and...
Section 41-6-6 - Fishing license not required--Individuals under eighteen. - 41-6-6. Fishing license not required--Individuals under eighteen. A license to...
Section 41-6-7 - Entry of unlicensed person onto boundary waters from South Dakota for hunting or fishing as misdemeanor. - 41-6-7. Entry of unlicensed person onto boundary waters from South...
Section 41-6-8 - Nonresident without license--Hunting or fishing on boundary waters--Carrying game into South Dakota--Violation as misdemeanor--Exception. - 41-6-8. Nonresident without license--Hunting or fishing on boundary waters--Carrying game...
Section 41-6-10 - Licenses, stamps, and permits enumerated--Fees set by commission. - 41-6-10. Licenses, stamps, and permits enumerated--Fees set by commission. Licenses,...
Section 41-6-10.1 - Combination licenses--Issuance. - 41-6-10.1. Combination licenses--Issuance. The Department of Game, Fish and Parks...
Section 41-6-10.2 - Certain disabled residents and residents held as prisoners of war eligible for reduced license fees. - 41-6-10.2. Certain disabled residents and residents held as prisoners of...
Section 41-6-12 - Resident and nonresident licenses and preference points--Minimum age. - 41-6-12. Resident and nonresident licenses and preference points--Minimum age. Any...
Section 41-6-13 - Hunting license for minor less than sixteen--Restrictions and requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-13. Hunting license for minor less than sixteen--Restrictions and requirements--Violation...
Section 41-6-14 - Safety instruction required for licensing of child under sixteen--Fee waived. - 41-6-14. Safety instruction required for licensing of child under sixteen--Fee...
Section 41-6-16 - Resident licenses, permits, and stamps for hunting of small game, migratory birds, and migratory waterfowl--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-16. Resident licenses, permits, and stamps for hunting of small...
Section 41-6-16.2 - License not required of resident on active duty in U.S. armed forces--Exception for migratory bird hunting. - 41-6-16.2.License not required of resident on active duty in U....
Section 41-6-17 - Nonresident licenses and permits for hunting of small game and migratory birds--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-17. Nonresident licenses and permits for hunting of small game...
Section 41-6-18.1 - Nonresident waterfowl license, migratory bird permit, and federal stamp required--Violation as misdemeanor--Number of licenses. - 41-6-18.1. Nonresident waterfowl license, migratory bird permit, and federal stamp...
Section 41-6-18.2 - Limitation of number of nonresident waterfowl licenses--Lottery selection. - 41-6-18.2. Limitation of number of nonresident waterfowl licenses--Lottery selection. If...
Section 41-6-18.4 - Temporary nonresident waterfowl licenses--Promulgation of rules--Number of licenses--Disposition of revenue. - 41-6-18.4. Temporary nonresident waterfowl licenses--Promulgation of rules--Number of licenses--Disposition of...
Section 41-6-19 - Resident big game license--Privileges and fee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-19. Resident big game license--Privileges and fee--Violation as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-6-19.1 - Resident elk license--Privileges and fee--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-19.1. Resident elk license--Privileges and fee--Violation as misdemeanor. It is...
Section 41-6-19.3 - Resident landowner--Limited deer or antelope license--Promulgation of rules. - 41-6-19.3. Resident landowner--Limited deer or antelope license--Promulgation of rules. If...
Section 41-6-19.4 - Nonresident landowner--Limited deer or antelope license--Promulgation of rules. - 41-6-19.4. Nonresident landowner--Limited deer or antelope license--Promulgation of rules. If...
Section 41-6-19.5 - Conditions applicable to limited deer permit and antlerless deer licenses--Eligibility for subsequent season. - 41-6-19.5. Conditions applicable to limited deer permit and antlerless deer...
Section 41-6-19.6 - Nonrefundable application fee for resident bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or elk license--Drawing--Use of proceeds--Rules. - 41-6-19.6. Nonrefundable application fee for resident bighorn sheep, mountain goat,...
Section 41-6-19.7 - License issued to national guard member called to active duty. - 41-6-19.7. License issued to national guard member called to active...
Section 41-6-19.8 - Antlerless deer licenses--Restrictions--Residents and nonresidents. - 41-6-19.8. Antlerless deer licenses--Restrictions--Residents and nonresidents. In addition to any...
Section 41-6-20 - Nonresident big game license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-20. Nonresident big game license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. It is a...
Section 41-6-21 - Limiting number of big game licenses--Preferences in eligibility--Application by ineligible person as misdemeanor. - 41-6-21. Limiting number of big game licenses--Preferences in eligibility--Application by...
Section 41-6-22 - Big game transportation permit--Issuance and use in transporting game--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-22. Big game transportation permit--Issuance and use in transporting game--Violation...
Section 41-6-23 - Fur-bearing animal hunting and trapping license--Privileges--Activities for which license not required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-23. Fur-bearing animal hunting and trapping license--Privileges--Activities for which license...
Section 41-6-23.1 - Reciprocal nonresident license to take fur-bearing animals. - 41-6-23.1. Reciprocal nonresident license to take fur-bearing animals. No license...
Section 41-6-25 - Fur dealer's license--Privileges--License valid for one year--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-25. Fur dealer's license--Privileges--License valid for one year--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-6-26 - Revocation of fur dealer's license--New license prohibited for two years. - 41-6-26. Revocation of fur dealer's license--New license prohibited for two...
Section 41-6-27 - Resident wild turkey license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-27. Resident wild turkey license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. It is a...
Section 41-6-28 - Nonresident wild turkey license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-28. Nonresident wild turkey license--Privileges--Violation as misdemeanor. It is a...
Section 41-6-29 - Permit to kill animal or bird doing damage--Animal or bird as property of state--Disposition--Violation a misdemeanor. - 41-6-29. Permit to kill animal or bird doing damage--Animal or...
Section 41-6-29.1 - Issuance of depredation permits--Application procedures--Fee--Limit on permits--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-29.1. Issuance of depredation permits--Application procedures--Fee--Limit on permits--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-6-29.2 - Killing of mountain lion permitted under certain circumstances--Notification of conservation officer. - 41-6-29.2. Killing of mountain lion permitted under certain circumstances--Notification of...
Section 41-6-30 - Nonresident predator/varmint license--Privileges--When license not required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-30. Nonresident predator/varmint license--Privileges--When license not required--Violation as misdemeanor. Except...
Section 41-6-31 - Breeding and domesticating license--Privileges granted--Annual report to secretary--Sale and shipment of animals or birds--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-31. Breeding and domesticating license--Privileges granted--Annual report to secretary--Sale and...
Section 41-6-31.1 - Upland game birds raised in captivity and derived products deemed agricultural products. - 41-6-31.1. Upland game birds raised in captivity and derived products...
Section 41-6-32 - Scientific collector's license--Privileges--Approval. - 41-6-32. Scientific collector's license--Privileges--Approval. Persons who possess and are acting...
Section 41-6-33 - Taxidermist's license--Privileges--Records--Inspections--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-33. Taxidermist's license--Privileges--Records--Inspections--Violation as misdemeanor. It is a Class 2...
Section 41-6-35 - Resident fishing license--Privileges--Exemption from fee. - 41-6-35. Resident fishing license--Privileges--Exemption from fee. Any resident fishing license...
Section 41-6-36 - Nonresident fishing license--Privileges. - 41-6-36. Nonresident fishing license--Privileges. A nonresident fishing license entitles the...
Section 41-6-37 - Temporary fishing license--Privileges. - 41-6-37. Temporary fishing license--Privileges. A temporary fishing license entitles the...
Section 41-6-37.2 - Nursing facility group fishing license--Fees and regulations set by commission--Resident defined. - 41-6-37.2. Nursing facility group fishing license--Fees and regulations set by...
Section 41-6-38 - Hoop net, trap, or setline license--Privileges and fees--Tagging of devices used--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-38. Hoop net, trap, or setline license--Privileges and fees--Tagging of...
Section 41-6-39 - Private fish hatchery license--Privileges granted--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-39. Private fish hatchery license--Privileges granted--Violation as misdemeanor. It is...
Section 41-6-40 - Fishing allowed to purchaser from private fish hatchery--Removal of fish caught. - 41-6-40. Fishing allowed to purchaser from private fish hatchery--Removal of...
Section 41-6-41 - Fishing license not required to fish in private hatchery. - 41-6-41. Fishing license not required to fish in private hatchery....
Section 41-6-43 - Records and reports required of private fish hatchery. - 41-6-43. Records and reports required of private fish hatchery. A...
Section 41-6-44 - Resident wholesale bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-44. Resident wholesale bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. Except...
Section 41-6-44.1 - Nonresident wholesale bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-44.1. Nonresident wholesale bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-6-45 - Retail bait dealer licenses for residents and nonresidents--Privileges granted--Sale to dealers prohibited--Rules--License not required for residents under 16--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-45. Retail bait dealer licenses for residents and nonresidents--Privileges granted--Sale...
Section 41-6-45.1 - Export bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-45.1. Export bait dealer license--Privileges granted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. It is...
Section 41-6-52 - Application for resident license by nonresidents prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-52. Application for resident license by nonresidents prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-6-53 - Nonresident or visitor's license--Eligibility. - 41-6-53. Nonresident or visitor's license--Eligibility. A nonresident or visitor's license...
Section 41-6-55 - One license of any type to one person--Exceptions--Sale of additional license of same type--License types. - 41-6-55. One license of any type to one person--Exceptions--Sale of...
Section 41-6-59 - Bond or security requirements for agents. - 41-6-59. Bond or security requirements for agents. Any agent, who...
Section 41-6-59.1 - Regulation of fee remittance by agents to county treasurers. - 41-6-59.1. Regulation of fee remittance by agents to county treasurers....
Section 41-6-60 - Big game transportation permits issued by conservation officers. - 41-6-60. Big game transportation permits issued by conservation officers. Permits...
Section 41-6-61 - Licenses to be issued by secretary--Discretionary licenses. - 41-6-61. Licenses to be issued by secretary--Discretionary licenses. Licenses under...
Section 41-6-62 - Form and content of applications--Oath of applicant. - 41-6-62. Form and content of applications--Oath of applicant. Any application...
Section 41-6-63 - Exhibition of license on request--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-63. Exhibition of license on request--Violation as misdemeanor. A licensee...
Section 41-6-66 - Commission or department to direct form of licenses. - 41-6-66. Commission or department to direct form of licenses. Any...
Section 41-6-66.1 - Maximum amounts for issuing license--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-66.1. Maximum amounts for issuing license--Violation as misdemeanor. No more...
Section 41-6-68 - Prompt transmittal of county reports and fees. - 41-6-68. Prompt transmittal of county reports and fees. Any agent...
Section 41-6-70.1 - License fees--Portion for designated purposes. - 41-6-70.1. License fees--Portion for designated purposes. A portion of the...
Section 41-6-71 - License not transferable--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-71. License not transferable--Violation as misdemeanor. No license issued under...
Section 41-6-72 - Expiration of licenses. - 41-6-72. Expiration of licenses. Licenses issued under this title are...
Section 41-6-73 - Unauthorized application for, or procurement or possession of, license or preference point--Misdemeanor. - 41-6-73. Unauthorized application for, or procurement or possession of, license...
Section 41-6-74.1 - Revocation of hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege for conviction of certain offenses. - 41-6-74.1. Revocation of hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege for conviction...
Section 41-6-74.2 - Revocation of hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege for conviction of taking or possessing in excess of limit. - 41-6-74.2. Revocation of hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege for conviction...
Section 41-6-74.3 - Revocation to be noted on face of license--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-74.3. Revocation to be noted on face of license--Violation as...
Section 41-6-75 - Penalty for hunting, fishing or trapping while under license revocation. - 41-6-75. Penalty for hunting, fishing or trapping while under license...
Section 41-6-75.1 - Revocation, suspension of nonresident license precludes licensing in this state--Violation. - 41-6-75.1. Revocation, suspension of nonresident license precludes licensing in this...
Section 41-6-75.2 - Hunting, trapping, fishing or applying for license, permit or preference point while privileges suspended--Misdemeanor. - 41-6-75.2. Hunting, trapping, fishing or applying for license, permit or...
Section 41-6-76 - Resident license required to catch, kill, or possess fish, frogs, or turtles--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-76. Resident license required to catch, kill, or possess fish,...
Section 41-6-77 - Nonresident license required to catch, kill or possess fish, frogs, or turtles--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-77. Nonresident license required to catch, kill or possess fish,...
Section 41-6-78 - Training of dogs on wild game birds restricted--Rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-78. Training of dogs on wild game birds restricted--Rules--Violation as...
Section 41-6-80 - Predator/varmint license required to hunt, take, or kill certain animals--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-80. Predator/varmint license required to hunt, take, or kill certain...
Section 41-6-81 - Hunter mentoring program--Application for mentoring nonresidents--Requirements--Promulgation of rules. - 41-6-81. Hunter mentoring program--Application for mentoring nonresidents--Requirements--Promulgation of rules. Notwithstanding...
Section 41-6-82 - Forfeiture of preference points for killing or possessing trophy animals. - 41-6-82. Forfeiture of preference points for killing or possessing trophy...
Section 41-6-83 - Restriction on hunting wolves. - 41-6-83. Restriction on hunting wolves. Wolves may only be hunted,...
Section 41-6-84 - Special license to hunt game animals--Proceeds used for habitat programs. - 41-6-84. Special license to hunt game animals--Proceeds used for habitat...
Section 41-6-85 - Habitat stamp--Fee--Requirements--Promulgation of rules--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-6-85 . Habitat stamp--Fee--Requirements--Promulgation of rules--Violation as misdemeanor. Except as...
Section 41-6-86 - Habitat stamp revenue--Use and purpose--Annual report - 41-6-86. Habitat stamp revenue--Use and purpose--Annual report. All revenue collected...
Chapter 07 - Firearms Safety Instruction
Section 41-7-1 - Requirements for issuance of hunting license to child under sixteen--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-7-1. Requirements for issuance of hunting license to child under...
Section 41-7-2 - Department to provide for course of instruction. - 41-7-2. Department to provide for course of instruction. The Game,...
Chapter 08 - Hunting And Trapping Seasons And Methods
Section 41-8-2 - Hunting or possession of big game prohibited except as expressly provided--Violation. - 41-8-2. Hunting or possession of big game prohibited except as...
Section 41-8-6 - License required to hunt big game--Violation. - 41-8-6. License required to hunt big game--Violation. No person may...
Section 41-8-7 - Each violation of big game hunting restrictions as separate offense. - 41-8-7. Each violation of big game hunting restrictions as separate...
Section 41-8-10 - Minimum caliber of muzzle loading big game ammunition--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-10. Minimum caliber of muzzle loading big game ammunition--Violation as...
Section 41-8-11 - Maximum number of cartridges in self-loading firearm used to hunt big game--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-11. Maximum number of cartridges in self-loading firearm used to...
Section 41-8-12 - Automatic weapon prohibited in hunting game--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-12. Automatic weapon prohibited in hunting game--Violation as misdemeanor. No...
Section 41-8-13 - Buckshot prohibited in hunting big game--Minimum weight of slug--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-13. Buckshot prohibited in hunting big game--Minimum weight of slug--Violation...
Section 41-8-15 - Dogs prohibited in hunting big game--Exceptions--Violation. - 41-8-15. Dogs prohibited in hunting big game--Exceptions--Violation. No dog may...
Section 41-8-16 - Use of salt to attract big game prohibited. - 41-8-16. Use of salt to attract big game prohibited. No...
Section 41-8-17 - Night-vision equipment and artificial light in hunting--Prohibitions--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-17. Night-vision equipment and artificial light in hunting--Prohibitions--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-8-17.1 - Spotlighting and artificial lighting--Prohibitions--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-17.1. Spotlighting and artificial lighting--Prohibitions--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. Except as otherwise...
Section 41-8-18 - Big game hunting violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty on conviction for hunting or taking big game during nighttime, closed season, or without license. - 41-8-18. Big game hunting violation as misdemeanor--Additional penalty on conviction...
Section 41-8-19 - Trapping of fur-bearing animals prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-19. Trapping of fur-bearing animals prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. Except as...
Section 41-8-20 - Open seasons on fur-bearing animals. - 41-8-20. Open seasons on fur-bearing animals. Fur-bearing animals may be...
Section 41-8-21 - Possession of raw furs after close of season--Furs checked with conservation officer--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-21. Possession of raw furs after close of season--Furs checked...
Section 41-8-23 - Killing of mink, muskrats, and beavers causing damage. - 41-8-23. Killing of mink, muskrats, and beavers causing damage. Mink...
Section 41-8-24 - Prohibited methods of hunting mink, muskrats and beavers--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-24. Prohibited methods of hunting mink, muskrats and beavers--Violation as...
Section 41-8-24.1 - Shooting of muskrats under certain conditions. - 41-8-24.1. Shooting of muskrats under certain conditions. Muskrats may be...
Section 41-8-25 - Maximum number of traps--Disturbance of muskrat houses--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-25. Maximum number of traps--Disturbance of muskrat houses--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-8-26 - Counties in which muskrat restrictions not applicable. - 41-8-26. Counties in which muskrat restrictions not applicable. The provisions...
Section 41-8-28 - Trap robbing or injury as misdemeanor. - 41-8-28. Trap robbing or injury as misdemeanor. Any person who...
Section 41-8-29 - Cancellation of trapping license on conviction--New license prohibited for two years. - 41-8-29. Cancellation of trapping license on conviction--New license prohibited for...
Section 41-8-31 - Hunting methods restricted--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-31. Hunting methods restricted--Violation as misdemeanor. No person may at...
Section 41-8-31.1 - Use of crossbow for hunting big game during firearm season. - 41-8-31.1. Use of crossbow for hunting big game during firearm...
Section 41-8-35 - Floating batteries, sink boxes, and similar devices prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-35. Floating batteries, sink boxes, and similar devices prohibited--Violation as...
Section 41-8-36 - Use of motorboats in hunting prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-36. Use of motorboats in hunting prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. No...
Section 41-8-37 - Hunting from motor vehicle prohibited--Exceptions--Promulgation of rules--Misdemeanor. - 41-8-37. Hunting from motor vehicle prohibited--Exceptions--Promulgation of rules--Misdemeanor. No person,...
Section 41-8-39 - Use of aircraft in hunting prohibited--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-39. Use of aircraft in hunting prohibited--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-8-39.1 - Aerial hunting of coyotes and fox by occupier of land where loss of animals threatened--Hunting on neighbor's land--Consent or authorization--Contract. - 41-8-39.1. Aerial hunting of coyotes and fox by occupier of...
Section 41-8-39.2 - Contracts with aerial hunters of foxes and coyotes. - 41-8-39.2. Contracts with aerial hunters of foxes and coyotes. Notwithstanding...
Section 41-8-40 - Hunting on boundary waters in violation of laws of adjoining state as misdemeanor--Agreements for reciprocal recognition of licenses and enforcement. - 41-8-40. Hunting on boundary waters in violation of laws of...
Section 41-8-41 - Wearing of fluorescent orange by certain hunters--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-8-41. Wearing of fluorescent orange by certain hunters--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-8-42 - Prairie dog shooting season open year-round. - 41-8-42. Prairie dog shooting season open year-round. A prairie dog...
Section 41-8-43 - Limit of small game taken by hunting party--Exceptions. - 41-8-43. Limit of small game taken by hunting party--Exceptions. Any...
Chapter 09 - Fishing, Hunting And Trapping On Private Land And Public Rights Of Way
Section 41-9-1 - Landowner's consent required to fish, hunt or trap on private land--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-9-1. Landowner's consent required to fish, hunt or trap on...
Section 41-9-1.1 - Certain highways and public rights-of-way excepted from restrictions--Discharging firearms, hunting, and trapping within certain distance from building or livestock prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor--Revocation of hunting privil... - 41-9-1.1. Certain highways and public rights-of-way excepted from restrictions--Discharging firearms,...
Section 41-9-1.2 - Big game hunting on highways and public rights-of-way prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor - 41-9-1.2. Big game hunting on highways and public rights-of-way prohibited--Exceptions--Violation...
Section 41-9-1.3 - Requirements for hunting, fishing or trapping along section-line or highway. - 41-9-1.3. Requirements for hunting, fishing or trapping along section-line or...
Section 41-9-1.4 - Discharge of firearm while on certain public waters prohibited--Exception--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-9-1.4. Discharge of firearm while on certain public waters prohibited--Exception--Violation...
Section 41-9-1.5 - Motorized vehicles not to be used in hunting from highways--Restrictions. - 41-9-1.5. Motorized vehicles not to be used in hunting from...
Section 41-9-1.6 - Penalty for endangerment of other while hunting on right-of-way. - 41-9-1.6. Penalty for endangerment of other while hunting on right-of-way....
Section 41-9-2 - Hunting prohibited in portions of fire protection district--Notice requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-9-2. Hunting prohibited in portions of fire protection district--Notice requirements--Violation...
Section 41-9-4 - Posting private land without consent as misdemeanor--Posting public land. - 41-9-4. Posting private land without consent as misdemeanor--Posting public land....
Section 41-9-5 - Damage to or destruction of posted notices as misdemeanor. - 41-9-5. Damage to or destruction of posted notices as misdemeanor....
Section 41-9-8 - Unauthorized presence on private property--Retrieval of game--Penalty. - 41-9-8. Unauthorized presence on private property--Retrieval of game--Penalty. If a...
Section 41-9-9 - Hunter civil liability for injury, death, or property damage caused by negligent actions. - 41-9-9. Hunter civil liability for injury, death, or property damage...
Section 41-9-10 - Use of motor vehicle for hunting, fishing or trapping on school or public lands prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-9-10. Use of motor vehicle for hunting, fishing or trapping...
Section 41-9-11 - Exhibition of license or identification on request of person with authority to control access to private land--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-9-11. Exhibition of license or identification on request of person...
Chapter 10 - Private Shooting Preserves
Section 41-10-1 - Definition of terms. - 41-10-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:...
Section 41-10-2 - Issuance and renewal of operating permits. - 41-10-2. Issuance and renewal of operating permits. The department may...
Section 41-10-3 - Application for permit--Maximum area of preserve. - 41-10-3. Application for permit--Maximum area of preserve. Any person owning,...
Section 41-10-4 - Fee for permit. - 41-10-4. Fee for permit. The fee for a shooting preserve...
Section 41-10-4.5 - Notice of application--Submission of opinion--Status as interested party--Notice of decision. - 41-10-4.5. Notice of application--Submission of opinion--Status as interested party--Notice of...
Section 41-10-6 - Inspection of shooting preserve area--Evaluation of applicant's ability. - 41-10-6. Inspection of shooting preserve area--Evaluation of applicant's ability. Upon...
Section 41-10-7 - Issuance of permit--Criteria established--Effective date of certain provisions. - 41-10-7. Issuance of permit--Criteria established--Effective date of certain provisions. If...
Section 41-10-7.1 - Contested case hearing upon denial of shooting preserve operating permit--Request. - 41-10-7.1. Contested case hearing upon denial of shooting preserve operating...
Section 41-10-7.2 - Contested case hearing upon grant of new shooting preserve operating permit--Request. - 41-10-7.2. Contested case hearing upon grant of new shooting preserve...
Section 41-10-8 - Consent to entry and search of premises by officer--Noncompliance as misdemeanor. - 41-10-8. Consent to entry and search of premises by officer--Noncompliance...
Section 41-10-9 - Species of game hunted under chapter. - 41-10-9. Species of game hunted under chapter. Game that may...
Section 41-10-10 - Marking of game released--Unmarked game deemed wild. - 41-10-10. Marking of game released--Unmarked game deemed wild. All game...
Section 41-10-11 - Season for shooting preserves. - 41-10-11. Season for shooting preserves. The season length on shooting...
Section 41-10-12 - Resident basic game and fish license or nonresident general hunting license required on preserve--Habitat restoration stamp--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-10-12. Resident basic game and fish license or nonresident general...
Section 41-10-13 - Game taken on preserve by licensed hunter. - 41-10-13. Game taken on preserve by licensed hunter. The guest...
Section 41-10-14 - Shooting hours, fees, and limitations on game species. - 41-10-14. Shooting hours, fees, and limitations on game species. Within...
Section 41-10-16 - Tagging of pen raised or wild game taken by licensed hunter on shooting preserve. - 41-10-16. Tagging of pen raised or wild game taken by...
Section 41-10-17 - Guest register and records required of permittee--Inspection by department--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-10-17. Guest register and records required of permittee--Inspection by department--Violation...
Section 41-10-18 - Owning, operating, leasing, or controlling shooting preserve without license--Misdemeanor. - 41-10-18. Owning, operating, leasing, or controlling shooting preserve without license--Misdemeanor....
Section 41-10-19 - Revocation or suspension of permit. - 41-10-19. Revocation or suspension of permit. The Game, Fish and...
Section 41-10-20 - Appeal to circuit court from suspension or revocation of permit. - 41-10-20. Appeal to circuit court from suspension or revocation of...
Section 41-10-21 - Citation of chapter. - 41-10-21. Citation of chapter. This chapter may be cited as...
Chapter 11 - Protection Of Birds And Small Game
Section 41-11-1 - Wild birds and wild animals as property of state. - 41-11-1. Wild birds and wild animals as property of state....
Section 41-11-2 - Taking, possession, sale or transportation of wild bird or small game prohibited except as provided. - 41-11-2. Taking, possession, sale or transportation of wild bird or...
Section 41-11-4 - Hunting, transportation, sale or possession of game birds prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-11-4. Hunting, transportation, sale or possession of game birds prohibited--Violation...
Section 41-11-5 - Establishing season for game birds--Closing. - 41-11-5. Establishing season for game birds--Closing. The Game, Fish and...
Section 41-11-5.5 - Pheasant hunt--Disabled veterans and former prisoners of war--Promulgation of rules. - 41-11-5.5. Pheasant hunt--Disabled veterans and former prisoners of war--Promulgation of...
Section 41-11-7 - Possession or destruction of nest or eggs of protected birds prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-11-7. Possession or destruction of nest or eggs of protected...
Section 41-11-8 - Sale of parts of protected bird prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-11-8. Sale of parts of protected bird prohibited--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-11-10 - Birds not protected or conditionally protected by chapter. - 41-11-10. Birds not protected or conditionally protected by chapter. The...
Section 41-11-11 - Raptor license required--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-11-11. Raptor license required--Violation as misdemeanor. A person shall obtain...
Section 41-11-15 - Reintroduction of black-footed ferret. - 41-11-15. Reintroduction of black-footed ferret. The Department of Game, Fish...
Chapter 12 - Fishing Seasons And Methods
Section 41-12-2 - Fishing in private water used for propagation as misdemeanor except by consent. - 41-12-2. Fishing in private water used for propagation as misdemeanor...
Section 41-12-3 - Labeling and access to fishing houses erected on ice--Neglect as misdemeanor--Exception for portable shelters. - 41-12-3. Labeling and access to fishing houses erected on ice--Neglect...
Section 41-12-5 - Fishing restricted to hook and line except as provided--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-12-5. Fishing restricted to hook and line except as provided--Violation...
Section 41-12-6 - Fishing with excessive number of lines as misdemeanor. - 41-12-6. Fishing with excessive number of lines as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-12-7 - Fishing lines to be attended--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-12-7. Fishing lines to be attended--Violation as misdemeanor. Each line...
Section 41-12-8 - Prohibited bait--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-12-8. Prohibited bait--Violation as misdemeanor. No person may use carp,...
Section 41-12-9 - Nets, seines, and similar devices, weirs, dams, and artificial obstructions prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor--Permits for use of devices by private landowners. - 41-12-9. Nets, seines, and similar devices, weirs, dams, and artificial...
Section 41-12-9.1 - Net, seine, or similar device--Forfeiture of property or conveyance used to transport. - 41-12-9.1. Net, seine, or similar device--Forfeiture of property or conveyance...
Section 41-12-12 - Fishing devices prohibited--Landing nets and gaffs permitted--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-12-12. Fishing devices prohibited--Landing nets and gaffs permitted--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-12-13 - Use of explosives, electrical devices, and drugs as misdemeanor. - 41-12-13. Use of explosives, electrical devices, and drugs as misdemeanor....
Section 41-12-14 - Departmental agents exempt when managing fishery resources. - 41-12-14. Departmental agents exempt when managing fishery resources. Appointees and...
Section 41-12-15 - Law of adjoining state to be observed on boundary waters--Misdemeanor. - 41-12-15. Law of adjoining state to be observed on boundary...
Section 41-12-16 - Taking of certain species from Missouri River boundary waters permitted. - 41-12-16. Taking of certain species from Missouri River boundary waters...
Section 41-12-17 - Seining of scavenger and unprotected fish from boundary waters permitted. - 41-12-17. Seining of scavenger and unprotected fish from boundary waters...
Section 41-12-19 - Agreements with adjoining states for reciprocal recognition of licenses and enforcement. - 41-12-19. Agreements with adjoining states for reciprocal recognition of licenses...
Section 41-12-21 - Limit of fish taken by fishing party--Exception. - 41-12-21. Limit of fish taken by fishing party--Exception. Any of...
Chapter 13 - Protection Of Fishing Waters
Section 41-13-1 - Dumping of refuse or chemicals into game fish waters as misdemeanor--Liability for restoration. - 41-13-1. Dumping of refuse or chemicals into game fish waters...
Section 41-13-1.1 - Agricultural producer not liable for result of normal farming practices. - 41-13-1.1. Agricultural producer not liable for result of normal farming...
Section 41-13-2 - Permit required to use plant control chemicals in game fish waters--Violation as misdemeanor--Promulgation of rules. - 41-13-2. Permit required to use plant control chemicals in game...
Section 41-13-3 - Commission authority required to introduce fish or eggs into public waters--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-13-3. Commission authority required to introduce fish or eggs into...
Section 41-13-3.1 - Unauthorized importation of salmonidae as misdemeanor. - 41-13-3.1. Unauthorized importation of salmonidae as misdemeanor. It is a...
Section 41-13-4 - Emptying bait container into public waters as misdemeanor. - 41-13-4. Emptying bait container into public waters as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-13-5 - Department authorized to remove rough fish and bullheads from public waters. - 41-13-5. Department authorized to remove rough fish and bullheads from...
Section 41-13-6 - Additional species to be treated as rough fish. - 41-13-6. Additional species to be treated as rough fish. In...
Section 41-13-7 - Contract fishing for rough fish and bullheads--Supervision--Bond required. - 41-13-7. Contract fishing for rough fish and bullheads--Supervision--Bond required. The...
Section 41-13-8 - Tagging and identification of devices used by contract fishermen. - 41-13-8. Tagging and identification of devices used by contract fishermen....
Section 41-13-9 - Sale and transportation of fish taken under commission program. - 41-13-9. Sale and transportation of fish taken under commission program....
Section 41-13-10 - Disposition of game fish taken in rough fish control operations. - 41-13-10. Disposition of game fish taken in rough fish control...
Section 41-13-11 - Disposition of proceeds from sale of game fish. - 41-13-11. Disposition of proceeds from sale of game fish. All...
Chapter 13A - Aquatic Invasive Species
Section 41-13A-1 - Definitions. - 41-13A-1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Aquatic invasive...
Section 41-13A-2 - Aquatic invasive species--Prohibitions--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-13A-2. Aquatic invasive species--Prohibitions--Violation as misdemeanor. No person may possess,...
Section 41-13A-3 - Conveyance placement--Requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-13A-3. Conveyance placement--Requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. No person may place a...
Section 41-13A-4 - Conveyance removal--Requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-13A-4. Conveyance removal--Requirements--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person removing a conveyance...
Section 41-13A-5 - Inspection stations--Required inspections--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-13A-5. Inspection stations--Required inspections--Violation as misdemeanor. To prevent the introduction,...
Section 41-13A-6 - Inspection stations--Inspections--Decontamination. - 41-13A-6. Inspection stations--Inspections--Decontamination. At inspection stations established under §41-13A-5, authorized...
Section 41-13A-7 - Law enforcement authority--Inspections--Decontamination. - 41-13A-7. Law enforcement authority--Inspections--Decontamination. A law enforcement officer may only...
Chapter 14 - Possession Transportation And Sale Of Game And Fish
Section 41-14-1 - Possession of unlawfully taken or imported bird, animal, or fish as misdemeanor. - 41-14-1. Possession of unlawfully taken or imported bird, animal, or...
Section 41-14-2 - Possession of protected bird, animal, or fish as prima facie evidence of state ownership. - 41-14-2. Possession of protected bird, animal, or fish as prima...
Section 41-14-3 - Possession during closed season as prima facie evidence of taking during closed season--Burden of proof as to lawful taking. - 41-14-3. Possession during closed season as prima facie evidence of...
Section 41-14-4 - Tagging required for public storage of game--Tagging requirements to be posted--Public storage defined--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-4. Tagging required for public storage of game--Tagging requirements to...
Section 41-14-5 - Service of game in public eating house during closed season as misdemeanor. - 41-14-5. Service of game in public eating house during closed...
Section 41-14-6 - Service of game birds in public eating house permitted when obtained from authorized private sources. - 41-14-6. Service of game birds in public eating house permitted...
Section 41-14-7 - Transportation of birds by common carrier prohibited except as provided--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-7. Transportation of birds by common carrier prohibited except as...
Section 41-14-8 - Carriage of small game on common carrier--Information required for shipment--Permit--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-8. Carriage of small game on common carrier--Information required for...
Section 41-14-10 - Carriage of game bird by employee of common carrier as misdemeanor. - 41-14-10. Carriage of game bird by employee of common carrier...
Section 41-14-11 - Possession of more than one big game animal as prima facie evidence of violation--Taxidermist excepted. - 41-14-11. Possession of more than one big game animal as...
Section 41-14-12 - Sale, purchase, or barter of meat, organs, or paws of big game animal as misdemeanor. - 41-14-12. Sale, purchase, or barter of meat, organs, or paws...
Section 41-14-14 - Tag required for big game transport--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-14. Tag required for big game transport--Violation as misdemeanor. No...
Section 41-14-15 - Licensee authorized to transport big game. - 41-14-15. Licensee authorized to transport big game. Any person to...
Section 41-14-16 - Tag required for big game transport--Common carrier. - 41-14-16. Tag required for big game transport--Common carrier. If any...
Section 41-14-17 - Transportation permit required for transportation of big game by common carrier--Disposition of copies of permit. - 41-14-17. Transportation permit required for transportation of big game by...
Section 41-14-18 - Sale, shipment, or possession of raw skins of fur-bearing animals as misdemeanor except as provided. - 41-14-18. Sale, shipment, or possession of raw skins of fur-bearing...
Section 41-14-19 - Possession of raw skin as prima facie evidence of state ownership. - 41-14-19. Possession of raw skin as prima facie evidence of...
Section 41-14-20 - Possession of raw skin during closed season as prima facie evidence of taking during closed season--Burden of proof as to lawful taking. - 41-14-20. Possession of raw skin during closed season as prima...
Section 41-14-21 - Transportation of fur-bearing animal by common carrier prohibited except as provided--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-21. Transportation of fur-bearing animal by common carrier prohibited except...
Section 41-14-22 - Storage and shipment of raw furs permitted during closed season to licensed dealers. - 41-14-22. Storage and shipment of raw furs permitted during closed...
Section 41-14-23 - Records required of fur dealers--Open to inspection--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-23. Records required of fur dealers--Open to inspection--Violation as misdemeanor....
Section 41-14-25 - Sale or knowing purchase of fish as misdemeanor except as provided. - 41-14-25. Sale or knowing purchase of fish as misdemeanor except...
Section 41-14-29 - Sale and transportation of rough fish permitted. - 41-14-29. Sale and transportation of rough fish permitted. Rough fish...
Section 41-14-32 - Unlawful taking, possession, sale, or transportation of birds, animals, or fish as misdemeanor. - 41-14-32. Unlawful taking, possession, sale, or transportation of birds, animals,...
Section 41-14-33 - Transportation of lawfully taken big game animal prohibited unless tagged--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-14-33. Transportation of lawfully taken big game animal prohibited unless...
Section 41-14-35 - Taking baitfish without license as misdemeanor--Exception. - 41-14-35. Taking baitfish without license as misdemeanor--Exception. Except for lawful...
Chapter 15 - Enforcement Powers And Procedures
Section 41-15-1 - Department to enforce game and fish laws. - 41-15-1. Department to enforce game and fish laws. The Department...
Section 41-15-2 - Jurisdiction of courts and officers over boundary waters--Concurrent jurisdiction of adjoining states. - 41-15-2. Jurisdiction of courts and officers over boundary waters--Concurrent jurisdiction...
Section 41-15-3 - Law enforcement officers to enforce game and fish laws. - 41-15-3. Law enforcement officers to enforce game and fish laws....
Section 41-15-6 - Inspection and counting of birds, animals, and fish to be permitted by person in possession--Stopping of motor vehicle or other conveyance for inspection. - 41-15-6. Inspection and counting of birds, animals, and fish to...
Section 41-15-7 - Refusal to permit or interference with inspection as misdemeanor. - 41-15-7. Refusal to permit or interference with inspection as misdemeanor....
Section 41-15-10 - Conservation officers authorized to execute process--Arrest without warrant--Assistance by peace officers--"Conservation officer" defined. - 41-15-10. Conservation officers authorized to execute process--Arrest without warrant--Assistance by...
Section 41-15-10.1 - Law enforcement powers of conservation officers certified or appointed by law enforcement officers standards commission. - 41-15-10.1. Law enforcement powers of conservation officers certified or appointed...
Section 41-15-11 - Summons issued to person arrested for misdemeanor--Release from custody on promise to appear--Bond required of nonresident. - 41-15-11. Summons issued to person arrested for misdemeanor--Release from custody...
Section 41-15-13 - Taking before magistrate on refusal of promise to appear on misdemeanor charge. - 41-15-13. Taking before magistrate on refusal of promise to appear...
Section 41-15-14 - Seizure and disposition of contraband game and fish. - 41-15-14. Seizure and disposition of contraband game and fish. The...
Section 41-15-15 - Seizure of hunting and fishing equipment for use as evidence--Return to defendant--Abandonment by failure to claim. - 41-15-15. Seizure of hunting and fishing equipment for use as...
Section 41-15-16.1 - Fish house or other shelter on ice of public waters--Seizure or destruction. - 41-15-16.1. Fish house or other shelter on ice of public...
Section 41-15-17 - Search warrant for contraband bird, animal, fish, or skin--Execution of warrant. - 41-15-17. Search warrant for contraband bird, animal, fish, or skin--Execution...
Section 41-15-18 - Unlawfully possessed bird, animal, fish, skin, or container as contraband--Seizure by officer. - 41-15-18. Unlawfully possessed bird, animal, fish, skin, or container as...
Section 41-15-19 - Report to secretary of contraband seized. - 41-15-19. Report to secretary of contraband seized. All such officers...
Section 41-15-20 - Sale of contraband and abandoned property--Disposition of proceeds--Record of sales--Tagging of articles sold. - 41-15-20. Sale of contraband and abandoned property--Disposition of proceeds--Record of...
Chapter 15A - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact
Section 41-15A-1 - Compact entry by participating states--Form. - 41-15A-1. Compact entry by participating states--Form. An interstate wildlife violator...
Section 41-15A-2 - Purpose of chapter and compact. - 41-15A-2. Purpose of chapter and compact. The purpose of this...
Section 41-15A-3 - Definitions. - 41-15A-3. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter and compact mean:...
Section 41-15A-4 - Enforcement by Department of Game, Fish and Parks. - 41-15A-4. Enforcement by Department of Game, Fish and Parks. The...
Section 41-15A-5 - Issuance of wildlife violation citation to resident of participating state--Collateral not required to secure appearance--Exceptions. - 41-15A-5. Issuance of wildlife violation citation to resident of participating...
Section 41-15A-6 - Personal recognizance. - 41-15A-6. Personal recognizance. Personal recognizance is acceptable: (1)If not prohibited...
Section 41-15A-7 - Noncompliance with wildlife citation terms--Report to licensing authority of issuing state. - 41-15A-7. Noncompliance with wildlife citation terms--Report to licensing authority of...
Section 41-15A-8 - Issuing state to transmit information on noncompliance to violator's home state--Form and content. - 41-15A-8. Issuing state to transmit information on noncompliance to violator's...
Section 41-15A-9 - Notification of failure to comply with citation--Period to comply--Suspension of privileges--Due process--Record. - 41-15A-9. Notification of failure to comply with citation--Period to comply--Suspension...
Section 41-15A-10 - Notification of privileges suspension--Hearing upon request--Procedure. - 41-15A-10. Notification of privileges suspension--Hearing upon request--Procedure. Upon suspending the...
Section 41-15A-11 - Powers of commission at hearing--Authority to affirm, modify, or rescind suspension of privileges. - 41-15A-11. Powers of commission at hearing--Authority to affirm, modify, or...
Section 41-15A-12 - Suspension effective upon failure to request hearing or affirmation of suspension--Surrender of license. - 41-15A-12. Suspension effective upon failure to request hearing or affirmation...
Section 41-15A-13 - Recognition of suspension of license privileges by participating states. - 41-15A-13. Recognition of suspension of license privileges by participating states....
Section 41-15A-14 - Suspension information communicated to other participating states--Form and content. - 41-15A-14. Suspension information communicated to other participating states--Form and content....
Section 41-15A-15 - Authority to suspend privileges in home state upon receipt of notice of suspension by participating state--Notification--Surrender of license. - 41-15A-15. Authority to suspend privileges in home state upon receipt...
Section 41-15A-16 - Effect of compact on right of participating states to apply license privilege laws or enter into agreements. - 41-15A-16. Effect of compact on right of participating states to...
Section 41-15A-17 - Board of compact administrators--Appointment of compact administrators--Alternate. - 41-15A-17. Board of compact administrators--Appointment of compact administrators--Alternate. For the...
Section 41-15A-18 - Voting by board--Majority for binding action--Quorum. - 41-15A-18. Voting by board--Majority for binding action--Quorum. Each member of...
Section 41-15A-19 - Board election of presiding officer and vice presiding officer. - 41-15A-19. Board election of presiding officer and vice presiding officer....
Section 41-15A-20 - Bylaws adoption, amendment, and rescission. - 41-15A-20. Bylaws adoption, amendment, and rescission. The board shall adopt...
Section 41-15A-21 - Donations and grants--Acceptance, use, and disposal. - 41-15A-21. Donations and grants--Acceptance, use, and disposal. The board may...
Section 41-15A-22 - Board authority to contract or accept services or personnel. - 41-15A-22. Board authority to contract or accept services or personnel....
Section 41-15A-23 - Compact manual to contain all procedures and forms adopted by board. - 41-15A-23. Compact manual to contain all procedures and forms adopted...
Section 41-15A-24 - Effective date of compact. - 41-15A-24. Effective date of compact. This compact becomes effective at...
Section 41-15A-25 - Entry into compact by resolution of ratification--Approval by commission. - 41-15A-25. Entry into compact by resolution of ratification--Approval by commission....
Section 41-15A-26 - Form and content of resolution. - 41-15A-26. Form and content of resolution. The resolution shall substantially...
Section 41-15A-27 - Effective date of entry into compact--Limitations. - 41-15A-27. Effective date of entry into compact--Limitations. The effective date...
Section 41-15A-28 - Withdrawal from compact participation--Notice--Effective date. - 41-15A-28. Withdrawal from compact participation--Notice--Effective date. A participating state may...
Section 41-15A-29 - Commission authorized to enter or withdraw from compact. - 41-15A-29. Commission authorized to enter or withdraw from compact. The...
Section 41-15A-30 - Amendments authorized--Presentation in resolution form initiated by participating states. - 41-15A-30. Amendments authorized--Presentation in resolution form initiated by participating states....
Section 41-15A-31 - Adoption of amendment--Effective date. - 41-15A-31. Adoption of amendment--Effective date. Adoption of an amendment requires...
Section 41-15A-32 - Failure to respond after receipt of proposed amendment--Endorsement. - 41-15A-32. Failure to respond after receipt of proposed amendment--Endorsement. Failure...
Section 41-15A-33 - Commission authorized to adopt amendments. - 41-15A-33. Commission authorized to adopt amendments. The South Dakota Department...
Section 41-15A-34 - Construction of compact--Severability of provisions. - 41-15A-34. Construction of compact--Severability of provisions. This compact shall be...
Chapter 16 - Federal Payments From National Forests
Section 41-16-11 - Distribution to counties of federal payments from Black Hills National Forest. - 41-16-11. Distribution to counties of federal payments from Black Hills...
Section 41-16-12 - Payment to Harding County of receipts from Custer National Forest. - 41-16-12. Payment to Harding County of receipts from Custer National...
Section 41-16-13 - Maximum national forest receipts paid to counties. - 41-16-13. Maximum national forest receipts paid to counties. No payment...
Section 41-16-14 - Annual determination and payment of amounts due counties from national forests--Use for roads and schools. - 41-16-14. Annual determination and payment of amounts due counties from...
Section 41-16-15 - Apportionment among school districts and funds of county receipts from national forests. - 41-16-15. Apportionment among school districts and funds of county receipts...
Chapter 17 - State Parks
Section 41-17-1 - State parks--Enumeration. - 41-17-1. State parks--Enumeration. The state parks existing in South Dakota...
Section 41-17-1.1 - Rules for administration, management, and development of state park system--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-17-1.1. Rules for administration, management, and development of state park...
Section 41-17-2 - Legislative adoption required for new state park. - 41-17-2. Legislative adoption required for new state park. No state...
Section 41-17-4 - Construction and acquisition of recreational facilities within parks and recreational areas. - 41-17-4. Construction and acquisition of recreational facilities within parks and...
Section 41-17-5 - Revenue bonds authorized for recreational facilities in parks--Terms of bonds--Maximum amount. - 41-17-5. Revenue bonds authorized for recreational facilities in parks--Terms of...
Section 41-17-6 - Pledge of revenues as security for bonds--Apportionment of revenue when existing facilities improved. - 41-17-6. Pledge of revenues as security for bonds--Apportionment of revenue...
Section 41-17-7 - Bond recital as to sources of payment--Disclaimer of state obligation. - 41-17-7. Bond recital as to sources of payment--Disclaimer of state...
Section 41-17-8 - Sale of revenue bonds--Terms--Negotiability. - 41-17-8. Sale of revenue bonds--Terms--Negotiability. Bonds issued under the authority...
Section 41-17-9 - Bond obligation restricted to revenues pledged. - 41-17-9. Bond obligation restricted to revenues pledged. No bond, indebtedness,...
Section 41-17-10 - Assistance in maintenance of Custer County schools--Maximum amounts. - 41-17-10. Assistance in maintenance of Custer County schools--Maximum amounts. The...
Section 41-17-11 - Agreements for use of Custer State Park by National Guard--Lease authorized. - 41-17-11. Agreements for use of Custer State Park by National...
Section 41-17-11.1 - Black Hills Playhouse--Lease agreement with commission. - 41-17-11.1. Repealed. Source: SL 1979, ch 287, §3; SL 1996,...
Section 41-17-11.2 - Black Hills Playhouse--Prior unpaid lease payments. - 41-17-11.2. Repealed. Source: SL 1996, ch 255, §2; SL 2022,...
Section 41-17-11.4 - Black Hills Playhouse--Correction of building violations. - 41-17-11.4. Repealed. Source: SL 2010, ch 211, §2; SL 2022,...
Section 41-17-11.5 - Black Hills Playhouse--Maintenance and repair. - 41-17-11.5. Repealed. Source: SL 2010, ch 211, §3; SL 2022,...
Section 41-17-12 - New highways, roads, and trails in state parks--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-17-12. New highways, roads, and trails in state parks--Violation as...
Section 41-17-13 - Park license for admission to state parks and recreation areas--Fees--Deposit. - 41-17-13. Park license for admission to state parks and recreation...
Section 41-17-13.2 - Exemptions from park license requirement. - 41-17-13.2.Exemptions from park license requirement. A park license is not...
Section 41-17-13.3 - Campground permit or charges not included in park license. - 41-17-13.3. Campground permit or charges not included in park license....
Section 41-17-13.4 - Free admission and reduced fees for certain veterans. - 41-17-13.4. Free admission and reduced fees for certain veterans. Any...
Section 41-17-14 - Use of fees from park licenses--Land purchase prohibited. - 41-17-14. Use of fees from park licenses--Land purchase prohibited. The...
Section 41-17-14.1 - Camping permits--Issuance--Use of fees. - 41-17-14.1. Camping permits--Issuance--Use of fees. The Department of Game, Fish...
Section 41-17-15 - Deposit and use of park service fees. - 41-17-15. Deposit and use of park service fees. All income...
Section 41-17-18 - Hunting and trapping in Custer State Park as misdemeanor. - 41-17-18. Hunting and trapping in Custer State Park as misdemeanor....
Section 41-17-18.1 - Permitting dogs at large as misdemeanor. - 41-17-18.1. Permitting dogs at large as misdemeanor. Any person who...
Section 41-17-21 - Parks and recreation fund created--Expenditure. - 41-17-21. Parks and recreation fund created--Expenditure. There is created in...
Section 41-17-22.1 - Imposition of promotion fee on concessionaires--Exemption from taxation--Deposit and use. - 41-17-22.1. Imposition of promotion fee on concessionaires--Exemption from taxation--Deposit and...
Section 41-17-22.2 - Classification of concession rights, privileges, and leasehold interest for taxation--Exemptions. - 41-17-22.2. Classification of concession rights, privileges, and leasehold interest for...
Section 41-17-22.4 - Procedure for sale, assignment, or transfer of concessionaire leases. - 41-17-22.4. Procedure for sale, assignment, or transfer of concessionaire leases....
Section 41-17-22.5 - Custer State Park bond redemption fund created--Expenditures. - 41-17-22.5. Custer State Park bond redemption fund created--Expenditures. There is...
Section 41-17-22.6 - Amount of revenue from concession contracts deposited in Custer State Park fund. - 41-17-22.6. Amount of revenue from concession contracts deposited in Custer...
Section 41-17-23 - Grazing on state park or game preserve without permit as misdemeanor. - 41-17-23. Grazing on state park or game preserve without permit...
Section 41-17-24 - Failure to close gate in park or game preserve as misdemeanor. - 41-17-24. Failure to close gate in park or game preserve...
Section 41-17-26 - Department required to fence land used for rails to trails program. - 41-17-26. Department required to fence land used for rails to...
Section 41-17-27 - Certain motor vehicles prohibited from Black Hills Burlington Northern Heritage Trail--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-17-27. Certain motor vehicles prohibited from Black Hills Burlington Northern...
Section 41-17-28 - Golf carts used within state parks or recreation areas. - 41-17-28. Golf carts used within state parks or recreation areas....
Chapter 18 - County Parks
Section 41-18-1 - County parks and bodies of water as public purpose--Acquisition of property, borrowing, expenditure of general funds and issuance of bonds authorized. - 41-18-1. County parks and bodies of water as public purpose--Acquisition...
Section 41-18-2 - Acceptance of gift for park purposes authorized without petition or hearing. - 41-18-2. Acceptance of gift for park purposes authorized without petition...
Section 41-18-3 - Freeholders' petition for establishment of park--Contents--Hearing on petition. - 41-18-3. Freeholders' petition for establishment of park--Contents--Hearing on petition. If...
Section 41-18-4 - Publication of notice of hearing on park petition--Description of land. - 41-18-4. Publication of notice of hearing on park petition--Description of...
Section 41-18-5 - Survey and plat of area approved for park--Acquisition if borrowing not required. - 41-18-5. Survey and plat of area approved for park--Acquisition if...
Section 41-18-6 - Bond issue for county park or body of water authorized--Issuance--Sale--Election. - 41-18-6. Bond issue for county park or body of water...
Section 41-18-10 - Bond proceeds deposited in park fund--Warrants for disbursements. - 41-18-10. Bond proceeds deposited in park fund--Warrants for disbursements. If...
Section 41-18-11 - Acquisition of park property--Payment from county general fund. - 41-18-11. Acquisition of park property--Payment from county general fund. The...
Section 41-18-12 - Maximum payment for property acquisition. - 41-18-12. Maximum payment for property acquisition. Except as provided in...
Section 41-18-13 - Maximum payment not applicable when bonds issued. - 41-18-13. Maximum payment not applicable when bonds issued. If the...
Section 41-18-14 - Resolution for payment of agreed price for property. - 41-18-14. Resolution for payment of agreed price for property. If...
Section 41-18-15 - Resolution for condemnation of private property for park. - 41-18-15. Resolution for condemnation of private property for park. If...
Section 41-18-16 - Abatement of proceedings when condemnation judgment excessive--Payment of costs. - 41-18-16. Abatement of proceedings when condemnation judgment excessive--Payment of costs....
Section 41-18-17 - Acquisition of land surrounding body of water in county park. - 41-18-17. Acquisition of land surrounding body of water in county...
Section 41-18-18 - Grant of easements or title to United States in consideration for construction of body of water. - 41-18-18. Grant of easements or title to United States in...
Section 41-18-19 - Survey and subdivision of waterfront lots before sale--Restrictions on use of lots. - 41-18-19. Survey and subdivision of waterfront lots before sale--Restrictions on...
Section 41-18-20 - Appraisal of waterfront lots. - 41-18-20. Appraisal of waterfront lots. After a survey and platting...
Section 41-18-21 - Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal. - 41-18-21. Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal. After the...
Section 41-18-22 - Terms of sale of waterfront lots--Minimum down payment and maximum contract period. - 41-18-22. Terms of sale of waterfront lots--Minimum down payment and...
Section 41-18-23 - Deposit of proceeds from sale of waterfront lots. - 41-18-23. Deposit of proceeds from sale of waterfront lots. Any...
Section 41-18-24 - Improvement and maintenance of county parks--Payment of expense. - 41-18-24. Improvement and maintenance of county parks--Payment of expense. The...
Section 41-18-25 - Minimum distance of dance hall from county park. - 41-18-25. Minimum distance of dance hall from county park. No...
Chapter 19 - Snowmobile Trails And Areas
Section 41-19-1 - Snowmobile trails fund appropriated--Accumulation without reversion. - 41-19-1. Snowmobile trails fund appropriated--Accumulation without reversion. The snowmobile trails...
Section 41-19-2 - Acquisition and improvement of snowmobile trails and areas. - 41-19-2. Acquisition and improvement of snowmobile trails and areas. The...
Section 41-19-3 - Disbursements from snowmobile trails fund. - 41-19-3. Disbursements from snowmobile trails fund. Disbursements from the snowmobile...
Section 41-19-4 - Use of trails and areas restricted to licensed snowmobiles--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-19-4. Use of trails and areas restricted to licensed snowmobiles--Violation...
Section 41-19-6 - Marking trails on public lands--Directions to public use area. - 41-19-6. Marking trails on public lands--Directions to public use area....
Chapter 20 - Forestry
Section 41-20-14 - Definitions. - 41-20-14. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter, mean: (1)"Certificate of...
Section 41-20-15 - Promulgation of rules. - 41-20-15. Promulgation of rules. The secretary of agriculture and natural...
Section 41-20-16 - State forester--Qualifications and authority. - 41-20-16. State forester--Qualifications and authority. The Department of Agriculture and...
Section 41-20-17 - Duties of state forester. - 41-20-17. Duties of state forester. The state forester, under the...
Section 41-20-18 - Assistance in management and protection of forestland, woodland, shelterbelt, and rangeland. - 41-20-18. Assistance in management and protection of forestland, woodland, shelterbelt,...
Section 41-20-19 - Assistance in tree planting. - 41-20-19. Assistance in tree planting. The state forester shall cooperate...
Section 41-20-20 - Preference to trees and seeds grown in state and to state dealers. - 41-20-20. Preference to trees and seeds grown in state and...
Section 41-20-22 - Forestry fund. - 41-20-22. Forestry fund. There is continued the forestry fund which...
Section 41-20-23 - Conservation and development of forests and timber. - 41-20-23. Conservation and development of forests and timber. The Department...
Section 41-20-24 - Control and mitigation of damage by forest insects and diseases. - 41-20-24. Control and mitigation of damage by forest insects and...
Section 41-20-25 - Entry on private land to locate forest insect or disease infestation. - 41-20-25. Entry on private land to locate forest insect or...
Section 41-20-26 - Reimbursement of landowner for control measures. - 41-20-26. Reimbursement of landowner for control measures. If a landowner...
Section 41-20-27 - Infestation control by state forester--Cost charged to landowner. - 41-20-27. Infestation control by state forester--Cost charged to landowner. If...
Section 41-20-28 - Certification and collection of costs as taxes. - 41-20-28. Certification and collection of costs as taxes. Failure on...
Chapter 20A - Fire Prevention And Suppression
Section 41-20A-1 - Division of Wildland Fire. - 41-20A-1. Division of Wildland Fire. There is hereby created within...
Section 41-20A-2 - State wildland fire coordinator--Qualifications and authority. - 41-20A-2. State wildland fire coordinator--Qualifications and authority. The Department of...
Section 41-20A-3 - Duties of state wildland fire coordinator. - 41-20A-3. Duties of state wildland fire coordinator. The state wildland...
Section 41-20A-4 - Promulgation of rules. - 41-20A-4. Promulgation of rules. The secretary of public safety may...
Section 41-20A-5 - Policies for protection of homes and other structures. - 41-20A-5. Policies for protection of homes and other structures. The...
Section 41-20A-6 - Prevention and suppression of forest fires--Court action against person responsible for fires. - 41-20A-6. Prevention and suppression of forest fires--Court action against person...
Section 41-20A-7 - Interference with forest service fire equipment as misdemeanor. - 41-20A-7. Interference with forest service fire equipment as misdemeanor. It...
Section 41-20A-8 - State fire suppression special revenue fund. - 41-20A-8. State fire suppression special revenue fund. There is hereby...
Section 41-20A-9 - Payments from fund. - 41-20A-9. Payments from fund. Costs payable from the state fire...
Section 41-20A-10 - Assistance in protection of forestland, woodland, shelterbelt, and rangeland--Collection of costs. - 41-20A-10. Assistance in protection of forestland, woodland, shelterbelt, and rangeland--Collection...
Section 41-20A-11 - Assistance in suppression of range fire within county--Reimbursement of expenses. - 41-20A-11. Assistance in suppression of range fire within county--Reimbursement of...
Section 41-20A-12 - Mutual aid agreements with fire suppression organizations. - 41-20A-12. Mutual aid agreements with fire suppression organizations. The Department...
Chapter 23 - Recreational Use Of Nonmeandered Waters
Section 41-23-1 - Legislative findings. - 41-23-1. Legislative findings. The Legislature finds: (1)The South Dakota Supreme...
Section 41-23-2 - Definitions. - 41-23-2. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean: (1)"Commission," the...
Section 41-23-3 - Agreements for recreational use of nonmeandered lakes. - 41-23-3. Agreements for recreational use of nonmeandered lakes. The department,...
Section 41-23-4 - Permission to use portion of nonmeandered lake. - 41-23-4. Permission to use portion of nonmeandered lake. Any person...