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Section 41-1-1 - Definitions. - 41-1-1. Definitions. Terms used in this title mean: (1)"Any part...
Section 41-1-1.1 - Persons deemed state residents. - 41-1-1.1. Persons deemed state residents. For the purposes of this...
Section 41-1-1.2 - Termination of resident status. - 41-1-1.2. Termination of resident status. Except for a person who...
Section 41-1-1.3 - Definition of trophy animals. - 41-1-1.3. Definition of trophy animals. Terms, as used in this...
Section 41-1-1.4 - Definition of nontrophy animals. - 41-1-1.4. Definition of nontrophy animals. For purposes of this chapter,...
Section 41-1-2 - Game birds, animals, and fish as property of state. - 41-1-2. Game birds, animals, and fish as property of state....
Section 41-1-3 - Lawful use of game bird, animal, or fish. - 41-1-3. Lawful use of game bird, animal, or fish. Any...
Section 41-1-4 - Wanton waste or destruction of protected birds, animals and fish prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-4. Wanton waste or destruction of protected birds, animals and...
Section 41-1-5 - Forfeiture of right to game by unlawful taking, shipment or possession--State entitled to possession. - 41-1-5. Forfeiture of right to game by unlawful taking, shipment...
Section 41-1-5.1 - Civil damage liability to state for unlawful killing or taking of wild animals--Amount--Return of uninjured animal--Exemption. - 41-1-5.1. Civil damage liability to state for unlawful killing or...
Section 41-1-5.2 - Civil action for recovery of damages for unlawful killing or taking of animals--Effect of criminal conviction or acquittal--Deposit of damages and costs--Collection of judgments--Collection fees. - 41-1-5.2. Civil action for recovery of damages for unlawful killing...
Section 41-1-5.6 - Statement of liability provisions printed on citations--Acknowledgment noted through specific receipt form--Failure to give required warnings. - 41-1-5.6. Statement of liability provisions printed on citations--Acknowledgment noted through...
Section 41-1-5.7 - Disposition of deer and antelope killed by motor vehicle. - 41-1-5.7. Disposition of deer and antelope killed by motor vehicle....
Section 41-1-7 - Fish grown or raised for breeding purposes or sale. - 41-1-7. Fish grown or raised for breeding purposes or sale....
Section 41-1-8 - Interference with lawful hunting, trapping, or fishing prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-8. Interference with lawful hunting, trapping, or fishing prohibited--Violation as...
Section 41-1-9 - Disobeying order of peace officer to desist from interfering as misdemeanor. - 41-1-9. Disobeying order of peace officer to desist from interfering...
Section 41-1-10 - Enjoining interference--Damages allowable. - 41-1-10. Enjoining interference--Damages allowable. The court may enjoin conduct which...
Section 41-1-11 - Certain judgment debtors denied licenses--Automatic revocation pending satisfaction--Violation as misdemeanor. - 41-1-11. Certain judgment debtors denied licenses--Automatic revocation pending satisfaction--Violation as...
Section 41-1-12 - Euthanasia of animal injured in motor vehicle accident. - 41-1-12. Euthanasia of animal injured in motor vehicle accident. Notwithstanding...
Section 41-1-13 - Report of euthanasia to department. - 41-1-13. Report of euthanasia to department. Any person who euthanizes...