South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 23 - Recreational Use Of Nonmeandered Waters
Section 41-23-3 - Agreements for recreational use of nonmeandered lakes.

41-23-3. Agreements for recreational use of nonmeandered lakes.
The department, on behalf of and in the name of the state, may negotiate with each landowner to acquire, by gift, grant, devise, purchase, lease, or license, recreational use of all or any portion of any nonmeandered lake overlying private property. Any agreement reached pursuant to this section, or any failure to reach an agreement, is not an appealable final action of the department.

Source: SL 2017 (SS), ch 1, ยง3, eff. June 12, 2017.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry

Chapter 23 - Recreational Use Of Nonmeandered Waters

Section 41-23-1 - Legislative findings.

Section 41-23-2 - Definitions.

Section 41-23-3 - Agreements for recreational use of nonmeandered lakes.

Section 41-23-4 - Permission to use portion of nonmeandered lake.

Section 41-23-5 - Markers identifying area of nonmeandered lake not open to public recreational use without permission or agreement.

Section 41-23-6 - Financial compensation for permission to fish prohibited--Misdemeanor.

Section 41-23-7 - Certain nonmeandered lakes declared open for recreational use.

Section 41-23-8 - List of nonmeandered lakes open for recreational use.

Section 41-23-9 - Petition to restrict recreational use of listed nonmeandered lake.

Section 41-23-10 - Maximum term of lease or license.

Section 41-23-11 - Limitation of liability of owner of property under lakes.

Section 41-23-12 - Promulgation of rules regarding marker standards.

Section 41-23-13 - Notification to department of restricted areas--Publication by department.

Section 41-23-14 - Right of ingress or egress on private property not created.

Section 41-23-15 - Walking, wading, standing, or operating motor vehicle on bed of nonmeandered lake, or trapping or hunting on frozen surface without permission prohibited.

Section 41-23-16 - Petition to open portion of marked nonmeandered lake for transportation.

Section 41-23-17 - Restrictions on portion of nonmeandered lake opened for transportation.

Section 41-23-18 - Criminal trespass--Exceptions.

Section 41-23-19 - Report to Executive Board of Legislative Research Council--Hearings.