41-9-1.1. Certain highways and public rights-of-way excepted from restrictions--Discharging firearms, hunting, and trapping within certain distance from building or livestock prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor--Revocation of hunting privileges.
Except for controlled access facilities as defined in §31-8-1, interstate highways, unimproved section lines not commonly used as public rights-of-way, and highways within parks or recreation areas or within or adjoining public shooting areas or game refuges posted for restriction of an applicable use as hereinafter set forth by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks, §41-9-1 does not apply to fishing, trapping, or hunting on highways or other public rights-of-way within this state that meet the requirements of §41-9-1.3. For purposes of this section, hunting on highways or other public rights-of-way includes:
(1)The shooting at or taking by legal methods of small game, except mourning dove, that are located within the boundaries of the highway or public right-of-way; and
(2)The shooting at or taking by legal methods of small game, except mourning dove, that are in flight over private land if the small game has either originated from or has taken flight from the highway or public right-of-way or if the small game is in the process of flying over the highway or public right-of-way.
Only the owner of the occupied dwelling, church, or schoolhouse; the owner of livestock; or a person who has written permission from the owner of the occupied dwelling, church, or schoolhouse, or the owner of the livestock may use such highways or rights-of-way for the purposes of discharging any firearm or for the purposes of hunting defined in this title within a six hundred sixty-foot safety zone surrounding an occupied dwelling, a church, schoolhouse, or livestock. No other person may discharge a firearm at small game within the safety zone. No person, except the adjoining landowner or any person receiving written permission from the adjoining landowner, may use such highways or rights-of-way for the purpose of trapping within six hundred sixty feet of an occupied dwelling, church, or schoolhouse. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. If any person is convicted of knowingly discharging a firearm within six hundred sixty feet of any occupied dwelling, church, or schoolhouse for which that distance has been clearly and accurately marked and posted, the court shall, in addition to any other penalty, revoke the person's hunting privileges for a period of one year from the date of conviction. The sentencing court may order the revocation of hunting privileges authorized by this section to be served consecutively with any other revocation of the person's hunting privileges imposed for a violation for which the person is convicted and for which revocation of the privileges is authorized under this title.
Source: SDC 1939, §25.0427 as enacted by SL 1947, ch 112, §1; SL 1949, ch 94; SL 1951, ch 121; SL 1953, ch 107; SL 1955, ch 83; SL 1964, ch 79; SL 1967, ch 86; SDCL §41-9-1; SL 1968, ch 100; SL 1972, ch 225; SL 1973, ch 269, §2; SL 1981, ch 299, §1; SL 1988, ch 337; SL 1992, ch 293, §13; SL 1996, ch 252, §1; SL 2003, ch 225, §1; SL 2009, ch 209, §3; SL 2014, ch 203, §1; SL 2016, ch 210, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry
Chapter 09 - Fishing, Hunting And Trapping On Private Land And Public Rights Of Way
Section 41-9-1.3 - Requirements for hunting, fishing or trapping along section-line or highway.
Section 41-9-1.5 - Motorized vehicles not to be used in hunting from highways--Restrictions.
Section 41-9-1.6 - Penalty for endangerment of other while hunting on right-of-way.
Section 41-9-4 - Posting private land without consent as misdemeanor--Posting public land.
Section 41-9-5 - Damage to or destruction of posted notices as misdemeanor.
Section 41-9-8 - Unauthorized presence on private property--Retrieval of game--Penalty.