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Section 41-18-1 - County parks and bodies of water as public purpose--Acquisition of property, borrowing, expenditure of general funds and issuance of bonds authorized. - 41-18-1. County parks and bodies of water as public purpose--Acquisition...
Section 41-18-2 - Acceptance of gift for park purposes authorized without petition or hearing. - 41-18-2. Acceptance of gift for park purposes authorized without petition...
Section 41-18-3 - Freeholders' petition for establishment of park--Contents--Hearing on petition. - 41-18-3. Freeholders' petition for establishment of park--Contents--Hearing on petition. If...
Section 41-18-4 - Publication of notice of hearing on park petition--Description of land. - 41-18-4. Publication of notice of hearing on park petition--Description of...
Section 41-18-5 - Survey and plat of area approved for park--Acquisition if borrowing not required. - 41-18-5. Survey and plat of area approved for park--Acquisition if...
Section 41-18-6 - Bond issue for county park or body of water authorized--Issuance--Sale--Election. - 41-18-6. Bond issue for county park or body of water...
Section 41-18-10 - Bond proceeds deposited in park fund--Warrants for disbursements. - 41-18-10. Bond proceeds deposited in park fund--Warrants for disbursements. If...
Section 41-18-11 - Acquisition of park property--Payment from county general fund. - 41-18-11. Acquisition of park property--Payment from county general fund. The...
Section 41-18-12 - Maximum payment for property acquisition. - 41-18-12. Maximum payment for property acquisition. Except as provided in...
Section 41-18-13 - Maximum payment not applicable when bonds issued. - 41-18-13. Maximum payment not applicable when bonds issued. If the...
Section 41-18-14 - Resolution for payment of agreed price for property. - 41-18-14. Resolution for payment of agreed price for property. If...
Section 41-18-15 - Resolution for condemnation of private property for park. - 41-18-15. Resolution for condemnation of private property for park. If...
Section 41-18-16 - Abatement of proceedings when condemnation judgment excessive--Payment of costs. - 41-18-16. Abatement of proceedings when condemnation judgment excessive--Payment of costs....
Section 41-18-17 - Acquisition of land surrounding body of water in county park. - 41-18-17. Acquisition of land surrounding body of water in county...
Section 41-18-18 - Grant of easements or title to United States in consideration for construction of body of water. - 41-18-18. Grant of easements or title to United States in...
Section 41-18-19 - Survey and subdivision of waterfront lots before sale--Restrictions on use of lots. - 41-18-19. Survey and subdivision of waterfront lots before sale--Restrictions on...
Section 41-18-20 - Appraisal of waterfront lots. - 41-18-20. Appraisal of waterfront lots. After a survey and platting...
Section 41-18-21 - Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal. - 41-18-21. Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal. After the...
Section 41-18-22 - Terms of sale of waterfront lots--Minimum down payment and maximum contract period. - 41-18-22. Terms of sale of waterfront lots--Minimum down payment and...
Section 41-18-23 - Deposit of proceeds from sale of waterfront lots. - 41-18-23. Deposit of proceeds from sale of waterfront lots. Any...
Section 41-18-24 - Improvement and maintenance of county parks--Payment of expense. - 41-18-24. Improvement and maintenance of county parks--Payment of expense. The...
Section 41-18-25 - Minimum distance of dance hall from county park. - 41-18-25. Minimum distance of dance hall from county park. No...