South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 18 - County Parks
Section 41-18-21 - Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal.

41-18-21. Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal.
After the appraisers have, pursuant to §41-18-20, fixed the valuation of each lot and tract, the county, through its board of county commissioners, may sell the lots and tracts or any portion of the lots and tracts for not less than the appraised value. No lot or tract may be sold by the board based on any appraisal made more than one year before the date of sale.

Source: SDC 1939, §12.2410; SL 2009, ch 206, §121.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry

Chapter 18 - County Parks

Section 41-18-1 - County parks and bodies of water as public purpose--Acquisition of property, borrowing, expenditure of general funds and issuance of bonds authorized.

Section 41-18-2 - Acceptance of gift for park purposes authorized without petition or hearing.

Section 41-18-3 - Freeholders' petition for establishment of park--Contents--Hearing on petition.

Section 41-18-4 - Publication of notice of hearing on park petition--Description of land.

Section 41-18-5 - Survey and plat of area approved for park--Acquisition if borrowing not required.

Section 41-18-6 - Bond issue for county park or body of water authorized--Issuance--Sale--Election.

Section 41-18-10 - Bond proceeds deposited in park fund--Warrants for disbursements.

Section 41-18-11 - Acquisition of park property--Payment from county general fund.

Section 41-18-12 - Maximum payment for property acquisition.

Section 41-18-13 - Maximum payment not applicable when bonds issued.

Section 41-18-14 - Resolution for payment of agreed price for property.

Section 41-18-15 - Resolution for condemnation of private property for park.

Section 41-18-16 - Abatement of proceedings when condemnation judgment excessive--Payment of costs.

Section 41-18-17 - Acquisition of land surrounding body of water in county park.

Section 41-18-18 - Grant of easements or title to United States in consideration for construction of body of water.

Section 41-18-19 - Survey and subdivision of waterfront lots before sale--Restrictions on use of lots.

Section 41-18-20 - Appraisal of waterfront lots.

Section 41-18-21 - Sale of waterfront lots--Minimum price--Time of appraisal.

Section 41-18-22 - Terms of sale of waterfront lots--Minimum down payment and maximum contract period.

Section 41-18-23 - Deposit of proceeds from sale of waterfront lots.

Section 41-18-24 - Improvement and maintenance of county parks--Payment of expense.

Section 41-18-25 - Minimum distance of dance hall from county park.