41-4-3. Nonresident small game license fees paid into land acquisition and development fund--Use for game production areas and public shooting areas.
Three dollars received from the sale of each nonresident small game license shall be placed in a fund to be known as the land acquisition and development fund. The moneys from this fund shall be used for the following purposes:
(1)To acquire by purchase or lease real property to be used primarily for game production. Such real property shall remain open for public hunting;
(2)To pay the salary and any necessary expenses of any employee of the Department of Game, Fish and Parks engaged in the acquisition of such real property;
(3)For improving and maintaining game production areas; and
(4)For the payment of taxes on public shooting areas.
Not more than twenty-five percent of the land acquisition and development fund, after the payment of taxes, may be used for the administration of the fund or for improving and maintaining game production areas.
Source: SDC 1939, §25.0302 (3) as added by SL 1941, ch 105; SL 1943, ch 91, §2; SL 1945, ch 94; SL 1947, ch 104; SL 1947, ch 105; SL 1949, ch 90, §2; SL 1951, ch 117, §1; SL 1959, ch 110; SDC Supp 1960, §25.0302 (2); SL 1961, ch 116, §2; SL 1987, ch 300, §1; SL 2009, ch 206, §34.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry
Chapter 04 - Land Acquisition And Management By State
Section 41-4-1.1 - Notice to landowner required prior to purchase of land.
Section 41-4-2 - Condemnation costs payable from departmental fund--Vouchers and warrants.
Section 41-4-4 - Procedure for timber sales.
Section 41-4-5 - Timber sales on sealed bids or at auction--Negotiated small sales.
Section 41-4-6 - Publication of notice of timber sales--Contents.
Section 41-4-9 - Reimbursement of lessees of state-owned land condemned by United States.