South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 17 - State Parks
Section 41-17-1.1 - Rules for administration, management, and development of state park system--Violation as misdemeanor.

41-17-1.1. Rules for administration, management, and development of state park system--Violation as misdemeanor.
The Game, Fish and Parks Commission may adopt such rules as may be necessary to establish uniform procedures for the administration, management, and development of the state park system. The state park system includes all lands and waters owned, leased, or controlled by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks and designated as a state park, a state recreation area, a state nature area, a state lakeside use area, or a state recreational trail. Such rules may be adopted in the following areas:
(1)Management and control of public use of all lands, structures, and waters in the state park system;
(2)Issuance, display, inspection, and expiration of park entrance licenses;
(3)Management, control, and protection of the natural, historical, archaeological, and geological resources in the state park system, if the rules do not conflict with chapters 1-19A and 1-20;
(4)Management, control, and protection of wild and domestic animals in the state park system;
(5)Regulate the operation of all vehicles, on and off roads, in the state park system;
(6)Granting, termination, management, and development of easements, leases, or permits authorizing the commercial or noncommercial use of land, buildings, cabins, mobile homes, and docks or dock systems in the state park system;
(7)Issuance and administration of camping permits and the establishment and collection of fees for camping permits and for other park services in the state park system, if the fees and procedures are not set by statute;
(8)Control and prohibit the type, location and use of uncased firearms and bows in the state park system;
(9)Fees for licenses to permit the harvest within Custer State Park of surplus animals including but not limited to mountain goat, bighorn sheep, elk, bison, and coyote;
(10)Fees for special events held within a unit of the state park system.
The rules shall be adopted pursuant to chapter 1-26 and shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. A violation of the substantive provision of any rule authorized by this chapter relating to prohibited use of lands, structures, buildings, cabins, mobile homes, docks, waters, and resources in the state park system, park entrance license and camping permit requirements, regulation of wild and domestic animals in the state park system, prohibited operation of vehicles within the state park system, and prohibitions of the use of firearms and bows in the state park system is a Class 2 misdemeanor. If the same incident is a violation of statute and of the rules authorized by this chapter, only the penalty authorized for the violation of the statute may be imposed.

Source: SL 1984, ch 273, §1; SL 1988, ch 340, §1; SL 1993, ch 316, §1; SL 1994, ch 324, §1, 2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry

Chapter 17 - State Parks

Section 41-17-1 - State parks--Enumeration.

Section 41-17-1.1 - Rules for administration, management, and development of state park system--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-2 - Legislative adoption required for new state park.

Section 41-17-4 - Construction and acquisition of recreational facilities within parks and recreational areas.

Section 41-17-5 - Revenue bonds authorized for recreational facilities in parks--Terms of bonds--Maximum amount.

Section 41-17-6 - Pledge of revenues as security for bonds--Apportionment of revenue when existing facilities improved.

Section 41-17-7 - Bond recital as to sources of payment--Disclaimer of state obligation.

Section 41-17-8 - Sale of revenue bonds--Terms--Negotiability.

Section 41-17-9 - Bond obligation restricted to revenues pledged.

Section 41-17-10 - Assistance in maintenance of Custer County schools--Maximum amounts.

Section 41-17-11 - Agreements for use of Custer State Park by National Guard--Lease authorized.

Section 41-17-11.1 - Black Hills Playhouse--Lease agreement with commission.

Section 41-17-11.2 - Black Hills Playhouse--Prior unpaid lease payments.

Section 41-17-11.4 - Black Hills Playhouse--Correction of building violations.

Section 41-17-11.5 - Black Hills Playhouse--Maintenance and repair.

Section 41-17-12 - New highways, roads, and trails in state parks--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-13 - Park license for admission to state parks and recreation areas--Fees--Deposit.

Section 41-17-13.2 - Exemptions from park license requirement.

Section 41-17-13.3 - Campground permit or charges not included in park license.

Section 41-17-13.4 - Free admission and reduced fees for certain veterans.

Section 41-17-14 - Use of fees from park licenses--Land purchase prohibited.

Section 41-17-14.1 - Camping permits--Issuance--Use of fees.

Section 41-17-15 - Deposit and use of park service fees.

Section 41-17-18 - Hunting and trapping in Custer State Park as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-18.1 - Permitting dogs at large as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-21 - Parks and recreation fund created--Expenditure.

Section 41-17-22.1 - Imposition of promotion fee on concessionaires--Exemption from taxation--Deposit and use.

Section 41-17-22.2 - Classification of concession rights, privileges, and leasehold interest for taxation--Exemptions.

Section 41-17-22.4 - Procedure for sale, assignment, or transfer of concessionaire leases.

Section 41-17-22.5 - Custer State Park bond redemption fund created--Expenditures.

Section 41-17-22.6 - Amount of revenue from concession contracts deposited in Custer State Park fund.

Section 41-17-23 - Grazing on state park or game preserve without permit as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-24 - Failure to close gate in park or game preserve as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-26 - Department required to fence land used for rails to trails program.

Section 41-17-27 - Certain motor vehicles prohibited from Black Hills Burlington Northern Heritage Trail--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-17-28 - Golf carts used within state parks or recreation areas.