South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 14 - Possession Transportation And Sale Of Game And Fish
Section 41-14-5 - Service of game in public eating house during closed season as misdemeanor.

41-14-5. Service of game in public eating house during closed season as misdemeanor.
It is a Class 2 misdemeanor for any keeper of any public eating house to serve any guest or patron any game, the taking or killing of which is prohibited by law, during any of the periods when the taking or killing of the same is prohibited, except as provided by §41-14-6.

Source: SDC 1939, §25.0421; SL 1955, ch 82; SL 1967, ch 85, §7; SL 1977, ch 190, §593.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry

Chapter 14 - Possession Transportation And Sale Of Game And Fish

Section 41-14-1 - Possession of unlawfully taken or imported bird, animal, or fish as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-2 - Possession of protected bird, animal, or fish as prima facie evidence of state ownership.

Section 41-14-3 - Possession during closed season as prima facie evidence of taking during closed season--Burden of proof as to lawful taking.

Section 41-14-4 - Tagging required for public storage of game--Tagging requirements to be posted--Public storage defined--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-5 - Service of game in public eating house during closed season as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-6 - Service of game birds in public eating house permitted when obtained from authorized private sources.

Section 41-14-7 - Transportation of birds by common carrier prohibited except as provided--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-8 - Carriage of small game on common carrier--Information required for shipment--Permit--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-10 - Carriage of game bird by employee of common carrier as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-11 - Possession of more than one big game animal as prima facie evidence of violation--Taxidermist excepted.

Section 41-14-12 - Sale, purchase, or barter of meat, organs, or paws of big game animal as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-14 - Tag required for big game transport--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-15 - Licensee authorized to transport big game.

Section 41-14-16 - Tag required for big game transport--Common carrier.

Section 41-14-17 - Transportation permit required for transportation of big game by common carrier--Disposition of copies of permit.

Section 41-14-18 - Sale, shipment, or possession of raw skins of fur-bearing animals as misdemeanor except as provided.

Section 41-14-19 - Possession of raw skin as prima facie evidence of state ownership.

Section 41-14-20 - Possession of raw skin during closed season as prima facie evidence of taking during closed season--Burden of proof as to lawful taking.

Section 41-14-21 - Transportation of fur-bearing animal by common carrier prohibited except as provided--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-22 - Storage and shipment of raw furs permitted during closed season to licensed dealers.

Section 41-14-23 - Records required of fur dealers--Open to inspection--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-25 - Sale or knowing purchase of fish as misdemeanor except as provided.

Section 41-14-29 - Sale and transportation of rough fish permitted.

Section 41-14-32 - Unlawful taking, possession, sale, or transportation of birds, animals, or fish as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-33 - Transportation of lawfully taken big game animal prohibited unless tagged--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 41-14-35 - Taking baitfish without license as misdemeanor--Exception.