41-15-20. Sale of contraband and abandoned property--Disposition of proceeds--Record of sales--Tagging of articles sold.
The secretary of game, fish and parks may sell at the highest market price obtainable any fur, fish, game animal, game bird, hunting equipment, fishing equipment, and other contraband that is abandoned or is deemed contraband as provided in §§41-15-15 to 41-15-18, inclusive. The proceeds of the sales shall be turned into the state treasury and credited to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks fund. A record of the sales, including the name of the purchaser and the purchase price paid, shall be kept by the secretary. The secretary shall, before sale, tag the items to be sold in a manner to be determined by the secretary.
Source: SDC 1939, §25.0121; SL 1963, ch 135, §1; SL 2009, ch 206, §93; SL 2021, ch 188, § 7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 41 - Game, Fish, Parks and Forestry
Chapter 15 - Enforcement Powers And Procedures
Section 41-15-1 - Department to enforce game and fish laws.
Section 41-15-3 - Law enforcement officers to enforce game and fish laws.
Section 41-15-7 - Refusal to permit or interference with inspection as misdemeanor.
Section 41-15-13 - Taking before magistrate on refusal of promise to appear on misdemeanor charge.
Section 41-15-14 - Seizure and disposition of contraband game and fish.
Section 41-15-16.1 - Fish house or other shelter on ice of public waters--Seizure or destruction.
Section 41-15-17 - Search warrant for contraband bird, animal, fish, or skin--Execution of warrant.
Section 41-15-19 - Report to secretary of contraband seized.