Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 32 - Retirement Systems and Pensions
Section 78a - Laborers Subject to Provisions; Continuity of Service

Section 78A. No laborer whose employment begins after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, shall be subject to the provisions of section seventy-seven, seventy-seven D or seventy-eight. Wherever in said section seventy-seven, seventy-seven D or seventy-eight a number of years of service is specified as a requirement of eligibility to receive a pension, such service need not be continuous.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title IV - Civil Service, Retirements and Pensions

Chapter 32 - Retirement Systems and Pensions

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Description of Systems

Section 3 - Membership

Section 3a - Ineligible Employees; Deferred Compensation Program

Section 4 - Creditable Service

Section 5 - Superannuation Retirement

Section 5a - Wellness Program

Section 5b - Early Intervention Plans; Rehabilitation Plans

Section 6 - Ordinary Disability Retirement

Section 7 - Accidental Disability Retirement

Section 8 - Evaluation and Reexamination of Members Retired for Disability

Section 9 - Accidental Death Benefit

Section 10 - Resignation, Failure of Reappointment, Removal or Discharge

Section 11 - Return of Accumulated Total Deductions and Amounts Due Beneficiaries of Deceased Members

Section 12 - Options on Retirement

Section 12a - Payment of Allowances to Certain Beneficiaries Pending Determination of Accidental Death Benefits

Section 12b - Spouse and Children; Survivor Benefits

Section 12c - Widow and Children Survivor Benefits; Manner of Payment; Contributions

Section 12d - Payment of Benefits in Accordance With Requirements of Internal Revenue Code

Section 13 - Payment of Allowances

Section 14 - Effect of Workers' Compensation Benefits

Section 14a - Third Party Recovery

Section 15 - Dereliction of Duty by Members

Section 16 - Involuntary Retirement; Right to a Hearing; Right of Review or Appeal

Section 17 - Action on Behalf of Incompetent Members

Section 18 - Filing of Statements and Reports; Protection Against Fraud

Section 19 - Exemption From Taxation, Attachments and Assignments; Exception

Section 19a - Assignment of Retirement Allowances for Payment of Certain Subscriber Premiums, Income Taxes or Support Orders; Deduction for Payment of Premiums for Coverage Under Chapter 32b

Section 19b - Withholding for Payment of Insurance Premiums; Certification of Eligible Members; Death; Payment of Benefits

Section 19c - Annuity, Retirement Allowance, Etc. Subject to Child Support Obligations; Payments to Iv–d Agency

Section 20 - Administration by Boards

Section 20a - Civil Action Against Board Member; Expenses and Damages; Indemnification

Section 20b - Indemnification

Section 20c - Retirement Board Member Statement of Financial Interest

Section 21 - Supervision by Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission

Section 21a - Debarment or Suspension of Contractors or Vendors

Section 22 - Methods of Financing

Section 22b - Reduction of Unfunded Pension Liability

Section 22c - Commonwealth's Pension Liability Fund; Funding Schedules; Appropriations

Section 22d - Retirement System Funding Schedule; Establishment; Annual Pension Funding Grants

Section 22e - Review, Evaluation and Financial Impact of Statutory Adjustments to the Commonwealth Pension Liability

Section 22f - Revised Retirement System Funding Schedule

Section 23 - Management of Funds

Section 23b - Requirements Applicable to Retirement Board Contracts for the Procurement of Investment, Actuarial, Legal and Accounting Services

Section 24 - Violations of Contributory Retirement Laws

Section 25 - Guarantees; Effects of Amendments or Repeal; Mandamus

Section 26 - Retirement of Officers in Department of State Police

Section 27 - Disposition of Funds as of January 1, 1946

Section 28 - Acceptance of Act

Section 28a - Retirement of Certain Officers in Department of State Police

Section 28i - State Employees Serving on Interstate Commission; Continuance as Members of Retirement System

Section 28k - Commonwealth Employees; Leave of Absence as Representative of Employee Organization; Creditable Service

Section 28m - Department of Correction Employees; Retirement

Section 28n - Correction or Jail Officers Employed by County Sheriffs' Offices; Retirement

Section 39 - Association for Providing Pensions

Section 40 - By-Laws and Statements

Section 41 - Exemption From Taxation; Exception

Section 42 - Pension Fund for the Retirement of Teachers

Section 43 - Retirement of Teacher if Incapacitated

Section 44 - Retirement of School Janitors if Incapacitated

Section 44a - Retirement of Janitors Not in Contributory Retirement System; Authorization; Amount of Pension

Section 44b - School Janitors; Options; Widows; Approval

Section 44c - Dental Assistants, Retirement by Cities or Towns

Section 45 - Applicability of Sec. 44 to City of Boston; Acceptance by Other Cities and Towns

Section 45a - Amount of Pension Payable to Person Retired Under Sec. 44

Section 45b - School Janitors and School Custodians in Certain Cities and Towns

Section 45c - Amount of Pension Payable to Person With More Than 20 Years of Service Retired Under Sec. 44

Section 46 - Officers and Employees of Correctional Institutions; Prerequisites to Retirement

Section 47 - Computation of Time of Service

Section 48 - Amount of Pension

Section 52 - Veterans of Indian Wars in Municipal Service

Section 53 - Veterans of Indian Wars Employed Jointly by Two Municipalities

Section 54 - Acceptance of Two Preceding Sections

Section 55 - Acceptance of Secs. 52 and 53 Subject to Mayor's Veto

Section 56 - Retirement of Veteran if Incapacitated

Section 57 - Retirement of Veteran After Ten Years' Service

Section 57a - Certain Provisions of Secs. 6, 8 and 16 Applicable to Certain Veterans

Section 57b - Retirement of Police or Fire Department Members Under Secs. 56 to 60; Creditable Service; Effective Date of Section

Section 58 - Retirement of Veteran After Thirty Years' Service

Section 58a - Wartime Service in Armed Forces as Creditable Service

Section 58b - Election of Option for Benefit of Surviving Spouse or Other Beneficiary of Veteran

Section 58c - Retirement Allowances of Policemen and Firemen Retiring Under Sec. 58

Section 58d - Retirement Allowances of Employees Retiring Under Sec. 58 Other Than Policemen and Firemen

Section 59 - ''retiring Authority'' Defined

Section 59a - Part of Service in Governmental Unit Other Than Retiring Unit; Reimbursement

Section 60 - Acceptance of Secs. 56 to 59; Minimum Period of Creditable Service

Section 65a - Retirement or Resignation of Justices or Judges

Section 65b - Pensions for Special Justices of District Courts

Section 65c - Surviving Spouses of Judges

Section 65d - Retirement or Resignation of Judges Appointed on or After Jan. 2, 1975

Section 65d1/2 - Election of Appointed Justice to Membership in Service of a Retirement System

Section 65e - Retired Justices of Supreme Judicial Court; Benefits; Temporary Service

Section 65f - Retired Justices of Appeals Court; Benefits; Temporary Service

Section 65g - Justices of Trial Court; Benefits; Temporary Service

Section 65h - Early Retirement Allowance for Judges

Section 65i - Disability Retirement for Judges

Section 65j - Retiring Judges; Payments for Unused Vacation Allowance and Sick Leave Credit

Section 66 - Pensions for Court Officers

Section 67 - Payment of Pensions Granted Under Sec. 66 and Expenses

Section 71 - Annuities to Dependents of Member of Metropolitan Police Department Killed While in Performance of Duties

Section 72 - Appropriations for Pensions

Section 74 - Scrubwomen in State House

Section 75 - Pensions for Probation Officers

Section 76 - Amount of Pension; Counties Liable; Apportionment

Section 76a - Amount of Pension; Counties Liable; Apportionment

Section 77 - Pensions for Laborers; Qualifications; Acceptance of Provisions by Cities or Towns

Section 77a - Superannuation Retirement; Options for Payment of Pension

Section 77b - Amount of Pensions; Effective Date

Section 77c - Persons Promoted to Supervisory Positions

Section 77d - Retirement of Laborers Not in Contributory Retirement System; Authorization; Amount of Pension

Section 78 - Laborers in Fire, Water and Sewerage Districts or Employed by Joint Water Boards

Section 78a - Laborers Subject to Provisions; Continuity of Service

Section 79 - Existing Pensions

Section 80 - Pensions for Firemen in Cities; Applicability of Law

Section 81 - Amount of Pension

Section 81a - Alternative Provisions for Retirement of Firemen

Section 81b - Amount of Pensions Under Sec. 81a

Section 82 - Pensions for Call Members

Section 83 - Pensions for Police in Cities

Section 83a - Alternative Provisions for Retirement of Police in Cities

Section 84 - Retirement of Injured Police Officers in Cities and Towns Having No Pension Systems

Section 85 - Pensions for Policemen and Firemen in Towns

Section 85a - Retirement of Members of Fire and Police Department in Certain Towns

Section 85b - Retirement of Park Board Police of Cities and Towns

Section 85c - Policemen and Firemen Excepted From Law

Section 85d - Retirement of Call Members in Certain Towns

Section 85e - Alternative Retirement Provisions for Policemen and Firemen in Towns

Section 85f - Examination by Medical Panel Prerequisite to Disability Retirement

Section 85g - Service Credit on Retirement of Former Reserve Officers

Section 85h - Disability Retirement of Call or Volunteer Fire Fighters and Reserve Police Officers

Section 85h1/2 - Disability Retirement Compensation in Cities, Towns or Fire Districts With No Permanent Police or Fire Department Members

Section 85i - Creditable Service in Retirement of Certain Members

Section 85j - Pensions for Policemen and Fire Fighters or Their Widows; Optional Provisions

Section 88 - Pensions for Dependents of Persons Killed While Aiding Police Officers or Firefighters

Section 89 - Annuities to Dependents of Policemen, Firemen, etc., Killed in Performance of Duty

Section 89a - Annuities to Dependents of Public Employees Killed or Dying From Injuries in Performance of Duties

Section 89b - Annuities to Dependents of Police Officers or Fire Fighters Killed in Performance of Duty

Section 89c - Annuities to Widows of Employees of Cities and Towns Killed in Line of Duty

Section 89d - Annuities to Widows of Employees of Cities and Towns Killed in Line of Duty

Section 89e - Accidental Death Benefits for Volunteer Emergency Service Providers

Section 90 - Aged Police Officers Not Subject to Certain Laws

Section 90a - Increasing Allowance of Former Employees Retired for Accidental Disability

Section 90b - Waiver of Pension or Retirement Allowance

Section 90c - Increasing Allowance of Former Employees Retired on Superannuation

Section 90c1/2 - Increasing Allowance of Former Employees Retired With at Least Twenty-Five Years of Creditable Service

Section 90c3/4 - Increasing Allowance of Former State Police Officers Retired After at Least Twenty Years of Service

Section 90d - Increasing Allowance of Former Employees Retired on Ordinary Disability

Section 90d1/2 - Increasing Allowance of Member Retired on Superannuation, Accidental Disability or Ordinary Disability With at Least 25 Years of Creditable Service

Section 90e - Increasing Allowance of Former Employees Whose Classification Has Been Abolished

Section 90j - Employees Age Seventy or Over; Payment of Annual Physical and Mental Examination Costs; Retirement System Board and Local Legislative Body Approval

Section 91 - Payment of Pensioners for Services After Retirement

Section 91a - Adjusted Pension or Retirement Allowances

Section 91b - Enforcement of Sec. 91a; Wage Reporting System and Computer Match File

Section 91c - Access to Criminal Record Offender Information; Comparison With Retirement Allowances List

Section 92 - Pension, Annuity or Retirement Allowance; Pledge, Conveyance or Assignment; Support of Pensioners Becoming Public Charge

Section 92a - Support of Dependents; Pensioners Residing Outside United States

Section 93 - Certain Pensions Not Affected

Section 94 - Impairment of Health Caused by Hypertension or Heart Disease, Resulting in Disability or Death of Paid Fire or Police Department Member; Presumption

Section 94a - Disability or Death Caused by Disease of Lungs or Respiratory Tract; Paid Fire Department Member; Presumption

Section 94b - Disability or Death Caused by Certain Conditions of Cancer; Paid Fire Member; Presumption

Section 95 - Granting Annuities to Certain Officials or Employees Not Entitled to Retirement Allowance or Pension

Section 95a - Annuities to Widows and Children of Retired Employees

Section 95b - Annuities to Widows and Children of Retired Employees

Section 96 - Increase in Retirement Allowance, Pension or Annuity; Amount

Section 97 - Increase in Retirement Allowance, Pension or Annuity; Approval

Section 98 - Advance Payments, Period of Processing Application

Section 99 - Advance Payments

Section 100 - Pensions to Surviving Spouses of Firefighters, Police Officers or Corrections Officers Killed in Performance of Duties

Section 100a - Killed-in-Line-of-Duty Benefits

Section 101 - Allowance to Widows of Disabled Public Employees; Supplemental Annual Allowance

Section 102 - Cost-of-Living; Annual Determination of Changes; Supplemental Payments; Adjustments in Amounts of Pensions and Annuities

Section 103 - Systems Other Than State Employees' Retirement System and Teachers' Retirement System; Cost-of Living; Funding Schedule; Annual Determination of Changes; Supplemental Payments

Section 104 - Section 401(a)(17) Excess Fund; Section 415 Excess Benefit Fund

Section 105 - Reinstatement