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Chapter 263 - Rights of Persons Accused of Crime
Section 1 - Nature of Crime; Right to Be Informed; Penalty - Section 1. Whoever is arrested by virtue of process, or...
Section 1a - Fingerprinting and Photographing; Contents of Record; Audits - Section 1A. Whoever is arrested by virtue of process or...
Section 2 - Arrest on False Pretense; Penalty - Section 2. An officer who arrests or takes into or...
Section 3 - False Imprisonment; Actions Against Officers - Section 3. No action, except for use of excessive force,...
Section 4 - Prosecution of Crimes; Manner - Section 4. No person shall be held to answer in...
Section 4a - Waiver of Indictment; Procedure - Section 4A. A defendant charged in the district court with...
Section 5 - Counsel; Right of Accused - Section 5. A person accused of crime shall at his...
Section 5a - Driving While Intoxicated; Right to Medical Examination; Notice - Section 5A. A person held in custody at a police...
Section 6 - Conviction; Manner; Waiver of Jury Trial - Section 6. A person indicted for a crime shall not...
Section 7 - Acquittal; Effect on Subsequent Charges - Section 7. A person shall not be held to answer...
Section 8 - Acquittal on Defective Pleadings; Subsequent Indictment - Section 8. If a person has been acquitted by reason...
Section 8a - Acquittal on Merits in District Court or Housing Courts of City of Boston and County of Worcester; Effect - Section 8A. A person shall not be held to answer...
Section 9 - Punishment; Conditions Precedent - Section 9. A person shall not be punished for a...
Chapter 263a - Witness Protection in Criminal Matters
Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. For the purposes of this chapter, the following...
Section 2 - Witness Protection Board; Composition; Powers and Duties - Section 2. There is hereby established a witness protection board...
Section 3 - Petition Requesting Witness Protection Services - Section 3. In any criminal investigation or proceeding, the prosecuting...
Section 4 - Temporary Action Based on Exigent Circumstances Without Prior Approval by Board - Section 4. If a prosecuting officer determines that exigent circumstances...
Section 5 - Protective Services Provided to Critical Witnesses; Notice to Defense Counsel - Section 5. Protective services provided to a critical witness may...
Section 6 - Written Memorandum of Understanding; Persons Required to Sign; Contents - Section 6. Before providing witness protection services to any critical...
Section 7 - Refusal of Protective Services; Revocation of Services Upon Violation of Memorandum of Understanding - Section 7. If a witness, after being offered protective services...
Section 8 - Relocation of Critical Witness Within Public Housing System - Section 8. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the...
Section 9 - Relocation of Critical Witness to Another Public School - Section 9. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the...
Section 10 - Entitlement or Private Right of Action Not Available; Governmental Immunity - Section 10. Nothing in this section shall be construed as...
Section 11 - Liaison With United States Marshal's Office; Pursuit of Federal Resources and Funding - Section 11. The board shall establish a liaison with the...
Section 12 - Confidentiality of Records - Section 12. Records of the board and all records relating...
Section 13 - Disclosure of Identity or Location of Witness or Other Sensitive Information; Penalties - Section 13. (a) A prosecuting officer may disclose or refuse...
Chapter 264 - Crimes Against Governments
Section 1 - Treason Defined - Section 1. Treason against the commonwealth shall consist only in...
Section 2 - Penalty for Treason - Section 2. Whoever commits treason against the commonwealth shall be...
Section 3 - Misprision of Treason; Penalty - Section 3. Whoever, having knowledge of the commission of treason,...
Section 4 - Treason; Manner of Conviction - Section 4. No person shall be convicted of treason except...
Section 5 - Flag; Penalty for Misuse - Section 5. Whoever publicly burns or otherwise mutilates, tramples upon,...
Section 6 - Flag; Use in Print in Certain Cases - Section 6. The preceding section shall not apply to publications...
Section 7 - Foreign Flags; Misuse; Penalty - Section 7. Whoever publicly mutilates, tramples upon, defaces or treats...
Section 8 - Foreign Flag; Display; Penalty; Exception - Section 8. Whoever displays the flag or emblem of a...
Section 9 - National Anthem; Manner of Playing - Section 9. Whoever plays, sings or renders the ''Star Spangled...
Section 10a - Uniforms; Penalty for Unlawful Use - Section 10A. Whoever wears the uniform, or any distinctive part...
Section 11 - Promotion of Anarchy; Prohibition - Section 11. Whoever by speech or by exhibition, distribution or...
Section 14a - Educational Activities; Participation; Exchange Teachers; Necessity of Oath - Section 14A. Any city or town of the commonwealth may,...
Section 16 - Subversive Organization Defined - Section 16. The term ''subversive organization'' as used in sections...
Section 16a - Communist Party - Section 16A. The Communist Party is hereby declared to be...
Section 17 - Subversive Organizations; Prohibition - Section 17. A subversive organization is hereby declared to be...
Section 18 - Subversive Organizations; Actions to Enjoin; Duty of Attorney General - Section 18. The attorney general shall bring an action in...
Section 19 - Subversive Organization; Knowingly Becoming or Remaining Member; Penalty - Section 19. Any person who becomes or remains a member...
Section 20 - Public Office; Ineligibility of Certain Persons; Removal of Disability - Section 20. No person who has been convicted of a...
Section 21 - Subversive Organizations; Destruction or Concealment of Books; Penalty - Section 21. Whoever destroys or conceals books, records, files, membership...
Section 22 - Subversive Organization; Knowingly Permitting to Use Building; Penalty - Section 22. Whoever being in charge of an auditorium, hall...
Section 23 - Subversive Organizations; Contribution; Penalty - Section 23. Whoever contributes money or any other property having...
Chapter 265 - Crimes Against the Person
Section 1 - Murder Defined - Section 1. Murder committed with deliberately premeditated malice aforethought, or...
Section 2 - Punishment for Murder; Parole; Executive Clemency - Section 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), any...
Section 3 - Duel; Wound Without and Death Within State; Venue - Section 3. An inhabitant or resident of this commonwealth who,...
Section 4 - Accessory in Duel - Section 4. An inhabitant or resident of this commonwealth who,...
Section 5 - Duel; Conviction or Acquittal in Foreign State; Effect - Section 5. A person indicted under either of the two...
Section 9 - Prize Fighting; Engaging - Section 9. Whoever, except as provided in sections thirty-two to...
Section 10 - Prize Fight; Aiding or Promoting; Penalty - Section 10. Whoever, except as provided in sections thirty-two to...
Section 11 - Prize Fight; Appointment Within and Fight Without State; Penalty - Section 11. An inhabitant or resident of this commonwealth who,...
Section 12 - Boxing, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts or Other Unarmed Combative Sporting Matches or Sparring Exhibitions; Penalty - Section 12. Whoever directly or indirectly, except as provided in...
Section 13 - Manslaughter; Punishment; Business Organization as Defendant - Section 13. Whoever commits manslaughter shall, except as hereinafter provided,...
Section 131/2 - Punishment for Manslaughter While Operating a Motor Vehicle - Section 131/2. Whoever commits manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle...
Section 13a - Assault or Assault and Battery; Punishment - Section 13A. (a) Whoever commits an assault or an assault...
Section 13b - Indecent Assault and Battery on Child Under Age of 14; Penalties - Section 13B. Whoever commits an indecent assault and battery on...
Section 13b1/2 - Commission of Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child Under the Age of 14 During Commission of Certain Offenses or by Mandated Reporters; Penalties - Section 13B1/2. Whoever commits an indecent assault and battery on...
Section 13b3/4 - Commission of Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child Under the Age of 14 by Certain Previously Convicted Offenders; Penalties - Section 13B3/4. Whoever commits an indecent assault and battery on...
Section 13c - Assault and Battery to Collect Loan; Penalty - Section 13C. Whoever commits an assault and battery upon another...
Section 13d - Assault and Battery Upon Public Employees; Attempt to Disarm Police Officer; Assault and Battery Upon a Police Officer; Penalties - Section 13D. Whoever commits an assault and battery upon any...
Section 13d1/2 - Firefighters, Injuries Resulting From Criminal Offenses; Penalty - Section 13D1/2. Whoever commits an offense set forth in section...
Section 13f - Indecent Assault and Battery on a Person With an Intellectual Disability; Assault and Battery - Section 13F. Whoever commits an indecent assault and battery on...
Section 13g - Commission of a Felony for Hire; Additional Punishment - Section 13G. Whoever, for the payment of consideration or for...
Section 13h - Indecent Assault and Battery on Person Fourteen or Older; Penalties - Section 13H. Whoever commits an indecent assault and battery on...
Section 13i - Assault or Assault and Battery on Emergency Medical Technician, Ambulance Operator, Ambulance Attendant or Health Care Provider - Section 13I. Whoever commits an assault or an assault and...
Section 13j - Assault and Battery Upon a Child; Penalties - Section 13J. (a) For the purposes of this section, the...
Section 13k - Assault and Battery Upon an Elderly or Disabled Person; Definitions; Penalties - Section 13K. (a) For the purpose of this section the...
Section 13l - Wanton or Reckless Behavior Creating a Risk of Serious Bodily Injury or Sexual Abuse to a Child; Duty to Act; Penalty - Section 13L. For the purposes of this section, the following...
Section 13m - Assault or Assault and Battery on a Family or Household Member; Second or Subsequent Offense; Penalty - Section 13M. (a) Whoever commits an assault or assault and...
Section 13n - Transmission of Conviction Information for Misdemeanor Offense Having as Element the Use or Attempted Use of Physical Force or the Threatened Use of Deadly Weapon Where Victim or Intended Victim Was Family or Household Member to Departm... - Section 13N. Upon entry of a conviction for any misdemeanor...
Section 14 - Mayhem; Punishment - Section 14. Whoever, with malicious intent to maim or disfigure,...
Section 15 - Assault; Intent to Murder or Maim; Penalty - Section 15. Whoever assaults another with intent to commit murder,...
Section 15a - Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon; Victim Sixty or Older; Punishment; Subsequent Offenses - Section 15A. (a) Whoever commits assault and battery upon a...
Section 15b - Assault With Dangerous Weapon; Victim Sixty or Older; Punishment; Subsequent Offenses - Section 15B. (a) Whoever, by means of a dangerous weapon,...
Section 15c - Assault by Means of Hypodermic Syringe or Needle; Assault and Battery by Means of Hypodermic Syringe or Needle - Section 15C. (a) Whoever commits an assault upon another, by...
Section 15d - Strangulation or Suffocation; Penalty; Aggravating Factors; Batterer's Intervention Program - Section 15D. (a) For the purposes of this section the...
Section 15e - Assault and Battery by Discharge of Firearm, Large Capacity Weapon, Rifle, Shotgun, Sawed-Off Shotgun or Machine Gun; Penalty - Section 15E. (a) Whoever commits an assault and battery upon...
Section 15f - Attempt to Commit Assault and Battery by Discharge of Firearm, Large Capacity Weapon, Rifle, Shotgun, Sawed-Off Shotgun or Machine Gun; Penalty - Section 15F. (a) Whoever attempts to commit an assault and...
Section 16 - Attempt to Murder - Section 16. Whoever attempts to commit murder by poisoning, drowning...
Section 17 - Armed Robbery; Punishment - Section 17. Whoever, being armed with a dangerous weapon, assaults...
Section 18 - Assault With Intent to Rob or Murder; Weapons; Punishment; Victim Sixty Years or Older; Minimum Sentence for Repeat Offenders - Section 18. (a) Whoever, being armed with a dangerous weapon,...
Section 18a - Dangerous Weapon; Assault in Dwelling House; Punishment - Section 18A. Whoever, being armed with a dangerous weapon, enters...
Section 18b - Use of Firearms While Committing a Felony; Second or Subsequent Offenses; Punishment - Section 18B. Whoever, while in the commission of or the...
Section 18c - Entry of Dwelling Place; Persons Present Within; Weapons; Punishment - Section 18C. Whoever knowingly enters the dwelling place of another...
Section 19 - Robbery by Unarmed Person; Punishment; Victim Sixty or Older; Minimum Sentence for Repeat Offenders - Section 19. (a) Whoever, not being armed with a dangerous...
Section 20 - Simple Assault; Intent to Rob or Steal; Punishment - Section 20. Whoever, not being armed with a dangerous weapon,...
Section 21 - Stealing by Confining or Putting in Fear - Section 21. Whoever, with intent to commit larceny or any...
Section 21a - Assault, Confinement, Etc. of Person for Purpose of Stealing Motor Vehicle; Weapons; Punishment - Section 21A. Whoever, with intent to steal a motor vehicle,...
Section 22 - Rape, Generally; Weapons; Punishment; Eligibility for Furlough, Education, Training or Employment Programs - Section 22. (a) Whoever has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual...
Section 22a - Rape of Child; Punishment - Section 22A. Whoever has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse...
Section 22b - Rape of a Child During Commission of Certain Offenses or by Use of Force; Penalties - Section 22B. Whoever has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse...
Section 22c - Rape of a Child Through Use of Force by Certain Previously Convicted Offenders; Penalties - Section 22C. Whoever has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse...
Section 23 - Rape and Abuse of Child - Section 23. Whoever unlawfully has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual...
Section 23a - Rape and Abuse of Child Aggravated by Age Difference Between Defendant and Victim or by When Committed by Mandated Reporters; Penalties - Section 23A. Whoever unlawfully has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual...
Section 23b - Rape and Abuse of Child by Certain Previously Convicted Offenders; Penalties - Section 23B. Whoever unlawfully has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual...
Section 24 - Assault With Intent to Commit Rape; Weapons; Punishment; Eligibility for Furloughs, Education, Training or Employment Programs - Section 24. Whoever assaults a person with intent to commit...
Section 24a - Venue - Section 24A. If, in connection with the alleged commission of...
Section 24b - Assault of Child; Intent to Commit Rape; Weapons; Punishment - Section 24B. Whoever assaults a child under sixteen with intent...
Section 24c - Victim's Name; Confidentiality - Section 24C. That portion of the records of a court...
Section 25 - Attempted Extortion; Punishment - Section 25. Whoever, verbally or by a written or printed...
Section 26 - Kidnapping; Weapons; Child Under Age 16; Punishment - Section 26. Whoever, without lawful authority, forcibly or secretly confines...
Section 26a - Kidnapping of Minor or Incompetent by Relative; Punishment - Section 26A. Whoever, being a relative of a child less...
Section 26b - Drugging Persons for Kidnapping - Section 26B. Whoever applies, administers to or causes to be...
Section 26c - Definition of ''entice''; Enticement of Child Under Age 16; Punishment - Section 26C. (a) As used in this section, the term...
Section 26d - Enticement of Child Under Age 18 to Engage in Prostitution, Human Trafficking or Commercial Sexual Activity - Section 26D. (a) As used in this section, the term...
Section 27 - Kidnapping; Venue - Section 27. A crime described in section twenty-six may be...
Section 27a - Kidnapping of Minor or Incompetent by Relative; Venue - Section 27A. A crime described in section twenty-six A may...
Section 28 - Poison; Use With Intent to Injure; Punishment - Section 28. Whoever mingles poison with food, drink or medicine...
Section 29 - Assault; Intent to Commit Felony; Punishment - Section 29. Whoever assaults another with intent to commit a...
Section 30 - Gross Negligence; Persons Having Care of Common Carrier; Penalty - Section 30. Whoever, having the management or control of or...
Section 32 - Glass; Throwing in Public Streets and Beaches; Penalty - Section 32. Whoever throws or drops glass on a public...
Section 34 - Tattooing Body of Person by Other Than Qualified Physician; Punishment - Section 34. Whoever, not being registered as a qualified physician...
Section 35 - Throwing or Dropping Objects Onto Public Way; Punishment - Section 35. Whoever willfully or negligently drops, throws or otherwise...
Section 36 - Throwing or Dropping Objects at Sporting Events; Punishment - Section 36. Any person who willfully drops, throws or otherwise...
Section 37 - Violations of Constitutional Rights; Punishment - Section 37. No person, whether or not acting under color...
Section 39 - Assault or Battery for Purpose of Intimidation; Weapons; Punishment - Section 39. (a) Whoever commits an assault or a battery...
Section 40 - Causing Serious Bodily Injury to Participants in Physical Exercise Training Programs; Punishment - Section 40. Whoever, having the direct management or direct control...
Section 41 - Sentence Not Imposing Imprisonment; Specific Reasons in Record - Section 41. In sentencing a person for a violation of...
Section 42 - Use of Radios Without Earphones on Public Conveyances; Punishment - Section 42. Whoever uses a radio or boom box, so-called,...
Section 43 - Stalking; Punishment - Section 43. (a) Whoever (1) willfully and maliciously engages in...
Section 43a - Criminal Harassment; Punishment - Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and maliciously engages in a...
Section 44 - Coercion of Child Under Eighteen Into Criminal Conspiracy; Penalties - Section 44. Whoever commits an assault and battery on a...
Section 45 - Community Parole Supervision for Life Following Imprisonment, Probation or Treatment Center Sentence; Covered Offenses - Section 45. Any person who commits indecent assault and battery...
Section 46 - Taking From Deceased Victim's Estate Prohibited - Section 46. The court shall prohibit any person charged with...
Section 47 - Global Positioning System Device to Be Worn by Certain Sex Offender Probationers - Section 47. Any person who is placed on probation for...
Section 48 - Ice Cream Truck Vending by Sex Offender Prohibited - Section 48. A sex offender, as defined by section 178C...
Section 49 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49 to 57 - Section 49. As used in sections 50 to 51, inclusive,...
Section 50 - Trafficking of Persons for Sexual Servitude; Trafficking of Persons Under 18 Years for Sexual Servitude; Trafficking by Business Entities; Penalties; Tort Actions Brought by Victims - Section 50. (a) Whoever knowingly: (i) subjects, or attempts to...
Section 51 - Trafficking of Persons for Forced Service; Victims Under 18 Years; Trafficking by Business Entities; Penalties; Tort Actions Brought by Victims - Section 51. (a) Whoever knowingly: (i) subjects, or attempts to...
Section 52 - Subsequent Violations of Sec. 50 or 51; Penalties; Evidence of Prior Adjudication or Conviction - Section 52. (a) Whoever, after having been convicted of or...
Section 53 - Organ Trafficking; Victims Under 18 Years; Penalties - Section 53. (a) Whoever: (i) recruits, entices, harbors, transports, delivers...
Section 54 - Transmittal of Fines to State Treasurer - Section 54. The court shall transmit fines collected pursuant to...
Section 55 - Forfeiture of Funds Used to Facilitate Violation of Sec. 50 or 51; Victim Restitution - Section 55. All monies furnished or intended to be furnished...
Section 56 - Property Subject to Forfeiture Resulting From Violations of Secs. 50 or 51; Procedure; Exceptions; Records; Preliminary Orders for Seizure; Referral to Office of Seized Property Management; Homestead Exemptions; Recording of Certificate... - Section 56. (a) The following property shall be subject to...
Section 57 - Victim of Human Trafficking as Affirmative Defense to Charges of Common Night Walking or Common Streetwalking - Section 57. In any prosecution or juvenile delinquency proceeding of...
Section 58 - Possession of Deceptive Weapon Device During Commission of Violent Crime; Penalty - Section 58. Any person who is in possession of a...
Section 59 - Human Trafficking Victimization as Affirmative Defense to Certain Offenses; Grounds to Vacate Conviction, Adjudication of Delinquency or Continuance Without Finding and to Withdraw Guilty Plea - Section 59. (a) At any time after the entry of...
Chapter 266 - Crimes Against Property
Section 1 - Dwelling Houses; Burning or Aiding in Burning - Section 1. Whoever wilfully and maliciously sets fire to, burns,...
Section 2 - Meeting House; Burning or Aiding in Burning - Section 2. Whoever wilfully and maliciously sets fire to, burns,...
Section 5 - Wood and Other Property; Burning or Aiding in Burning - Section 5. Whoever wilfully and maliciously sets fire to, or...
Section 5a - Attempts - Section 5A. Whoever wilfully and maliciously attempts to set fire...
Section 7 - Woods; Wanton or Reckless Injury or Destruction by Fire - Section 7. Whoever by wantonly or recklessly setting fire to...
Section 8 - Injury by Fire; Negligent Use - Section 8. Whoever, not being a tenant thereof, sets or...
Section 9 - Injury by Fire; Negligent Use in Town; Damages - Section 9. Whoever, in a town which accepts this section...
Section 10 - Insured Property; Burning With Intent to Defraud - Section 10. Whoever, wilfully and with intent to defraud or...
Section 11 - Fire Alarm, Engine or Apparatus; Injury Before Fire - Section 11. Whoever, within twenty-four hours prior to the burning...
Section 12 - Fire Alarm, Engine or Apparatus; Injury During Fire to Prevent Alarm or Extinction of Fire - Section 12. Whoever, during the burning of a building or...
Section 13 - Fire Engines; Wanton or Malicious Injury - Section 13. Whoever wantonly or maliciously injures a fire engine...
Section 13a - Duty of Hotel Manager to Notify Fire Department and Sound Alarm; Penalty - Section 13A. The manager of a hotel or family hotel...
Section 14 - Burglary; Armed; Assault on Occupants; Weapons; Punishment - Section 14. Whoever breaks and enters a dwelling house in...
Section 15 - Burglary; Unarmed - Section 15. Whoever breaks and enters a dwelling house in...
Section 16 - Breaking and Entering at Night - Section 16. Whoever, in the night time, breaks and enters...
Section 16a - Building, Vessel or Vehicle; Breaking and Entering With Intent to Commit Misdemeanor - Section 16A. Whoever in the nighttime or daytime breaks and...
Section 17 - Entering Without Breaking at Night; Breaking and Entering in Day Time; Weapons; Punishment - Section 17. Whoever, in the night time, enters without breaking,...
Section 18 - Dwelling House; Entry at Night; Breaking and Entering in Day Time; Weapons; Punishment - Section 18. Whoever, in the night time, enters a dwelling...
Section 18a - Entering Dwelling House by False Pretenses; Intent to Commit Felony; Larceny; Punishment - Section 18A. Whoever enters a dwelling house by false pretenses,...
Section 19 - Railroad Car; Breaking and Entering - Section 19. Whoever breaks and enters, or enters in the...
Section 20 - Stealing in Building, Ship or Railroad Car - Section 20. Whoever steals in a building, ship, vessel or...
Section 20a - Breaking and Entering of Trucks, Tractors, Trailers or Freight Containers - Section 20A. Whoever breaks and enters, or enters without breaking,...
Section 20b - Stealing in Trucks, Tractors, Trailers or Freight Containers - Section 20B. Whoever steals in a truck, tractor/trailer unit, trailer,...
Section 21 - Stolen Property; Refusal to Surrender - Section 21. Whoever, having been convicted, either as principal or...
Section 22 - Poultry Thieves; Detention by Owner; Penalty - Section 22. Whoever, with intent to commit larceny, breaks or...
Section 23 - Embezzlement of Property at Fire; Effect - Section 23. Whoever steals, conveys away or conceals any furniture,...
Section 24 - Stealing at a Fire; Punishment - Section 24. Whoever steals in a building which is on...
Section 25 - Larceny by Stealing; Punishment; Victim Sixty-Five or Older; Minimum Sentence for Repeat Offenders - Section 25. (a) Whoever commits larceny by stealing from the...
Section 27 - Tools of Contractors, Builders or Mechanics; Stealing; Penalty - Section 27. Whoever steals any tool belonging to any contractor,...
Section 27a - Motor Vehicle or Trailer; Removal or Concealment to Defraud Insurer - Section 27A. Whoever, with intent to defraud the insurer, removes...
Section 28 - Motor Vehicle or Trailer; Theft or Concealment; Operation Without Owner's Consent After Revocation of License; Penalty - Section 28. (a) Whoever steals a motor vehicle or trailer,...
Section 29 - Statement Concerning Theft; Recovery of Vehicles; Restitution - Section 29. Whenever a motor vehicle is stolen or misappropriated,...
Section 29b - Burning Motor Vehicle; Owner's Statement to Fire Department - Section 29B. Whenever a motor vehicle is burned, the owner...
Section 30 - Larceny; General Provisions and Penalties - Section 30. (1) Whoever steals, or with intent to defraud...
Section 30a - Shoplifting; Penalty; Arrest Without Warrant - Section 30A. Any person who intentionally takes possession of, carries...
Section 30b - Unlawful Distribution, Possession, or Deactivation or Removal of Theft Detection Shielding Device; Unlawful Distribution or Possession of Theft Detection Device Deactivator or Remover; Penalty - Section 30B. (a) A person shall be guilty of unlawful...
Section 30c - Possession, Use, Counterfeit, Etc. of Receipts, Price Ticket or Universal Product Code Label With Intent to Defraud; Penalty - Section 30C. A person who, with intent to cheat or...
Section 30d - Organized Retail Crime; Aggravated Organized Retail Crime; Leader of Organized Retail Theft Enterprise; Penalty - Section 30D. (a) For purposes of this section, ''retail merchandise''...
Section 31 - Signature; Obtaining Under False Pretenses - Section 31. Whoever by a false pretence, with intent to...
Section 32 - Fraudulent Conversion of Property by Captain of Vessel - Section 32. Whoever, being a captain of a vessel, embezzles...
Section 33 - Larceny; False Pretences Relating to Contracts, Banking Transactions or Credit - Section 33. (1) Whoever, with intent to defraud, obtains by...
Section 33a - Obtaining Computer Services by Fraud or Misrepresentation; Penalties - Section 33A. Whoever, with intent to defraud, obtains, or attempts...
Section 34 - Larceny; Inducement to Part With Property - Section 34. Whoever, with intent to defraud and by a...
Section 35 - Non-Applicability of Secs. 30, 31 and 34 - Section 35. Sections thirty, thirty-one and thirty-four shall not apply...
Section 35a - False Material Statements or Omissions During or in Connection With Mortgage Lending Process; Penalties; Mitigating Factors With Respect to Sentencing - Section 35A. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 37 - Fraudulent Checks, etc.; Drawing or Uttering - Section 37. Whoever, with intent to defraud, makes, draws, utters...
Section 37a - Misuse of Credit Cards; Definitions - Section 37A. As used in sections thirty-seven A to thirty-seven...
Section 37b - Misuse of Credit Cards; Penalties; Multiple Possession, Presumption; Arrest - Section 37B. Whoever, with intent to defraud, (a) makes or...
Section 37c - Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards to Obtain Money, Goods or Services; False Embossment of Credit Cards, Multiple Possession, Presumption; Arrest - Section 37C. Whoever, with intent to defraud, (a) obtains control...
Section 37d - Publishing Credit Card Numbering or Coding Systems - Section 37D. Whoever publishes or causes to be published the...
Section 37e - Use of Personal Identification of Another; Identity Fraud; Penalty; Restitution - Section 37E. (a) For purposes of this section, the following...
Section 38 - Larceny; Wrongful Detention of Money by Carriers - Section 38. Whoever, being engaged in the business of transporting...
Section 38a - Construction Loan; Misapplication - Section 38A. Whoever obtains a building or construction loan, secured...
Section 39 - Wills; Destruction or Concealment - Section 39. Whoever steals or for any fraudulent purpose destroys,...
Section 40 - Common and Notorious Thief - Section 40. Whoever, having been convicted, upon indictment, of larceny...
Section 41 - Larceny of Bicycles; Second Conviction - Section 41. Whoever is convicted of a second offence of...
Section 42 - Larceny of Paper Designated for Bank Bills - Section 42. Whoever commits larceny of a printed piece of...
Section 43 - Paper Designated for Bank Bills; Retention by Printer With Intent to Pass - Section 43. Whoever, having been employed to print or having...
Section 47 - Dogs; Wrongful Removal of Collar; Penalty - Section 47. Whoever wrongfully removes the collar from a dog...
Section 48 - Stolen Goods; Duty of Arresting Officers to Secure - Section 48. An officer who arrests a person charged as...
Section 49 - Burglarious Instruments; Making; Possession; Use - Section 49. Whoever makes or mends, or begins to make...
Section 50 - State Treasury; Fraud or Embezzlement by Employee - Section 50. A person employed in the treasury of the...
Section 51 - City, Town or County Officers; Fraud or Embezzlement - Section 51. A county, city or town officer who embezzles...
Section 52 - Bank Officers and Employees; Fraud or Embezzlement - Section 52. An officer, director, trustee, agent or employee of...
Section 53 - Bank Officers or Employees; Prosecution for Fraud or Embezzlement; Evidence - Section 53. In prosecutions for such crimes, the fraudulent taking...
Section 53a - Bank Officers and Employees; Misconduct; Penalty - Section 53A. An officer, director, trustee, agent or employee of...
Section 54 - Receipt of Deposits by Insolvent Banks; Penalty - Section 54. Any officer or employee of a bank, as...
Section 55 - Liquidating Agent or Receiver; Embezzlement - Section 55. An agent appointed by the commissioner of banks...
Section 56 - Brokers or Agents; Embezzlement - Section 56. A broker, or officer, manager or agent of...
Section 57 - Fiduciaries; Embezzlement - Section 57. A trustee under an express trust created by...
Section 58 - Larceny; Embezzlement From Voluntary Association - Section 58. Whoever, being an officer, agent, clerk or servant...
Section 59 - Simple Larceny; Embezzlement From Voluntary Association - Section 59. Whoever embezzles or fraudulently converts, or secretes with...
Section 60 - Stolen Goods; Buying, Receiving or Aiding in Concealment; Penalty - Section 60. Whoever buys, receives or aids in the concealment...
Section 60a - Stolen Trade Secrets; Buying or Selling - Section 60A. Whoever buys, receives, conceals, stores, barters, sells or...
Section 60b - Venue for Charge and Prosecution of Crimes Committed in Different Counties or Territorial Jurisdiction of Different Courts - Section 60B. Crimes committed in different counties or the territorial...
Section 61 - Stolen Property; Restitution; Effect - Section 61. If, upon a first conviction under the preceding...
Section 62 - Stolen Goods; Common Receiver - Section 62. Whoever is convicted of buying, receiving or aiding...
Section 63 - Unlawful Taking or Use of Transportation Media - Section 63. Whoever wilfully, mischievously and without right takes or...
Section 64 - Fraudulent Hiring of Media of Transportation - Section 64. Whoever hires a horse, carriage or other vehicle,...
Section 65 - Stock; Unauthorized Issue - Section 65. An officer, agent, clerk or servant of a...
Section 66 - Stock; Fraudulent Issue or Transfer - Section 66. An officer, agent, clerk or servant of a...
Section 67 - Corporate Books; False Entries With Intent to Defraud - Section 67. An officer of a corporation or an agent,...
Section 67a - Departments, Agencies and Public Instrumentalities; False Statements, Etc. in Procurement of Supplies; Penalty - Section 67A. Whoever, in any matter, relative to procurement of...
Section 67b - Presentation of False Claims - Section 67B. Whoever makes or presents to any employee, department,...
Section 67c - Capital Facility Construction Projects, etc.; False Entries in Records; Penalties - Section 67C. Any person who knowingly and wilfully, directly or...
Section 68 - Corporate Books as Evidence - Section 68. Upon the trial of a person for a...
Section 69 - Insignia of Societies; Unlawful Use - Section 69. Whoever, not being a member of a society,...
Section 69a - Fraudulent Use of Labor Union Seal, Trademark or Insignia - Section 69A. Whoever knowingly and fraudulently displays or otherwise uses,...
Section 70 - Insignia of Veteran Organizations; Unlawful Use - Section 70. Whoever, not being a member and without authority...
Section 71 - Signature, Money or Membership; Obtaining Under False Pretences - Section 71. Whoever wilfully, by color or aid of any...
Section 71a - Individuals and Corporations; False Use of Names of Benevolent Organizations - Section 71A. No person, society, association or corporation shall knowingly...
Section 72 - Fraternal Names; Use in Publication - Section 72. Whoever, in a newspaper or other publication, or...
Section 73 - Obtaining Goods Under False Pretences - Section 73. Whoever, with intent to defraud, by a false...
Section 74 - Corporate Credit; Fraudulent Use - Section 74. An officer, agent, clerk or servant of a...
Section 75 - Obtaining Property by Trick - Section 75. Whoever, by a game, device, sleight of hand,...
Section 75a - Gambling Devices and Vending Machines; Fraudulent Use - Section 75A. Whoever operates or causes to be operated, or...
Section 75b - Slugs; Manufacture and Sale - Section 75B. Whoever manufactures for sale, advertises for sale, sells,...
Section 75c - Gift Certificates; Expiration Dates; Failure to Redeem - Section 75C. Whoever sells or offers to sell a gift...
Section 75d - Imposition of Certain Fees Reducing Total Value Amount of Gift Certificate; Penalty - Section 75D. Whoever sells or offers to sell a gift...
Section 75e - Printed Notice Required for Certain Fees Associated With Gift Certificates; Penalty for Violation - Section 75E. Whoever sells or offers to sell a gift...
Section 75f - Deduction of Gratuity From Gift Certificate Without Consent; Penalty - Section 75F. Whoever redeems a gift certificate, as defined in...
Section 76 - Gross Fraud or Cheat at Common Law; Punishment - Section 76. Whoever is convicted of any gross fraud or...
Section 77 - Sterling and Coin Silver; Contents; Sale; Penalty - Section 77. Whoever makes or sells, or offers to sell...
Section 78 - Articles Made of Gold; False Marking; Prohibition - Section 78. Whoever makes or sells, or offers for sale...
Section 79 - Imitation of Furs; False Representation; Prohibition - Section 79. Whoever, himself, or by his agent or servant,...
Section 80 - Encumbered Land; Conveyance Without Notice - Section 80. Whoever conveys land, knowing that an encumbrance exists...
Section 81 - Attached Land; Conveyance Without Notice - Section 81. Whoever, knowing that his land is attached on...
Section 82 - Concealment of Mortgaged Personalty; Use of Rented Personalty for Illegal Sale of Liquor - Section 82. Whoever, with a fraudulent intent to place personal...
Section 83 - Personalty; Sale by Mortgagor Without Consent - Section 83. A mortgagor of personal property who sells or...
Section 84 - Personalty; Sale by Hirer Without Consent - Section 84. A hirer or lessee of personal property who...
Section 85 - Collateral Security; Sale Before Debt Due - Section 85. Whoever, holding collateral security deposited with him for...
Section 86 - Hired Property; Buying or Receiving With Intent to Defraud - Section 86. Whoever, with intent to defraud, buys, receives or...
Section 87 - Larceny of Leased or Rented Property - Section 87. Any person leasing or renting personal property who,...
Section 87a - Stolen Leased or Rented Motor Vehicles; Report; Dissemination of Information by Police - Section 87A. The owner or lessee of a leased or...
Section 88 - Consignee or Factor; Fraudulent Deposit or Pledge of Property - Section 88. A consignee or factor who, in violation of...
Section 89 - Degrees; Pretending to Hold or Conferring Without Authority; Use of Designation ''university'' or ''college'' - Section 89. Whoever, in a book, pamphlet, circular, advertisement or...
Section 90 - Endorsement or Approval; Penalty for False Claim - Section 90. Whoever, in a book, pamphlet, circular, advertisement or...
Section 91 - Untrue and Misleading Advertisements; Prohibitions - Section 91. Any person who, with intent to sell or...
Section 91a - Merchandise, Commodities and Service; Advertisement; Penalty - Section 91A. Any person who offers for sale merchandise, commodities...
Section 91b - Deceptive Advertising of Merchandise for Sale; Injunction - Section 91B. Any person offering for sale merchandise, commodities or...
Section 92 - False or Exaggerated Statements; Making or Publishing; Prohibition - Section 92. Whoever wilfully and with intent to defraud makes...
Section 92a - Motor Vehicles; Sale in Certain Condition; Written Disclosure on Bill of Sale; Penalty - Section 92A. Whoever sells a motor vehicle knowing that its...
Section 93 - Animals; Obtaining or Giving False Pedigree - Section 93. Whoever, by a false pretence, obtains from any...
Section 94 - Boundary Monuments and Miscellaneous Markers; Malicious Destruction - Section 94. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right breaks down,...
Section 95 - Historical Monuments; Malicious Destruction or Injury - Section 95. Whoever wilfully or maliciously removes, displaces, destroys, defaces,...
Section 96 - State Building; Defacement or Injury - Section 96. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right defaces, mars...
Section 97 - County Buildings; Defacement - Section 97. Whoever wilfully mars or injures the walls, wainscoting...
Section 98 - Schoolhouse or Church; Defacement or Injury - Section 98. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right, or wantonly...
Section 98a - Public Park or Playground Equipment; Destruction, Defacement or Injury - Section 98A. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right, or wantonly...
Section 99 - Libraries; Definitions - Section 99. As used in sections ninety-nine A and one...
Section 99a - Libraries; Theft of Materials or Property; Destruction of Records - Section 99A. Whoever willfully conceals on his person or among...
Section 100 - Libraries; Mutilation or Destruction of Materials or Property - Section 100. Whoever willfully, maliciously or wantonly writes upon, injures,...
Section 101 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 101 to 102d - Section 101. For the purposes of sections 101 to 102D,...
Section 102 - Possession or Control of Incendiary Device or Material; Possession of Hoax Device or Material; Penalty - Section 102. (a) Whoever, without lawful authority, has in his...
Section 102a - Throwing, Secreting, Launching or Placing of Incendiary Device; Intent; Punishment - Section 102A. Whoever, without lawful authority, secretes, throws, launches or...
Section 102b - Malicious Explosion - Section 102B. Whoever, without lawful authority, willfully discharges, ignites or...
Section 102c - Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear Weapon or Delivery System; Possession; Punishment - Section 102C. Whoever, without lawful authority, knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles,...
Section 102d - Notice of Seizure of Explosive or Incendiary Device Resulting From a Violation of Secs. 102 to 102c; Restitution - Section 102D. (a) Notice of the seizure of an explosive,...
Section 103 - Oil of Vitriol, or Other Substances; Throwing Into Building or Vessel - Section 103. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right throws into,...
Section 104 - Buildings; Destruction or Injury - Section 104. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right destroys, injures,...
Section 104a - Goal Posts; Penalty for Destruction - Section 104A. Whoever wilfully and without right destroys, injures or...
Section 104b - Research Animals; Unauthorized Removal - Section 104B. Whoever enters any premises in which animals are...
Section 105 - Stone Walls or Fences; Unauthorized Removal - Section 105. Whoever wilfully and without right pulls down or...
Section 106 - Ice Ponds; Injury - Section 106. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right or license,...
Section 107 - Bridge or Canal; Injury - Section 107. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right breaks down,...
Section 108 - Vessel; Destruction to Injure or Defraud Owner or Insurer; Punishment; Restitution - Section 108. Whoever casts away, burns, sinks or otherwise destroys...
Section 109 - Vessel; Fitting Out With Intent to Destroy - Section 109. Whoever lades, equips or fits out, or assists...
Section 110 - False Invoice of Cargo; Intent to Defraud Insurer - Section 110. An owner of a ship or vessel, or...
Section 111 - False Affidavit or Protest; Penalty - Section 111. A master, officer or mariner of a ship...
Section 111a - Insurance Policies; Penalty for Fraudulent Claims - Section 111A. Whoever, in connection with or in support of...
Section 111b - Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies; Penalty for Fraudulent Claims - Section 111B. Whoever, in connection with or in support of...
Section 111c - Fraudulently Obtaining Benefits Under Insurance Contract; Runners; Punishment - Section 111C. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 112 - Domestic Animals; Malicious Killing or Injury - Section 112. Whoever wilfully and maliciously kills, maims or disfigures...
Section 113 - Timber, Wood and Shrubs; Wilful Cutting and Destruction on Land of Another - Section 113. Whoever wilfully cuts down or destroys timber or...
Section 114 - Trees and Fences; Malicious Injury - Section 114. Whoever wilfully and maliciously or wantonly breaks glass...
Section 115 - Trespass in Orchards and Gardens - Section 115. Whoever wilfully and maliciously enters an orchard, nursery,...
Section 116a - Protection of Certain Flowers - Section 116A. No person shall pull up or dig up...
Section 117 - Orchards and Gardens; Entry With Intent to Injure or Destroy - Section 117. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right enters upon...
Section 118 - Domestic Animals; Trespass on Land - Section 118. Whoever, having the charge or custody of sheep,...
Section 119 - Pests; Bringing Into State; Penalty; Exception - Section 119. Whoever knowingly brings into the commonwealth, or transports...
Section 120 - Entry Upon Private Property After Being Forbidden as Trespass; Prima Facie Evidence; Penalties; Arrest; Tenants or Occupants Excepted - Section 120. Whoever, without right enters or remains in or...
Section 120a - Motor Vehicle; Parking on Private Way; Prosecution; Evidence - Section 120A. In any prosecution for committing the crime of...
Section 120b - Entry on Land by Abutting Property Owners Not Constituting Trespass - Section 120B. Whoever, being the owner of land abutting that...
Section 120c - Entry Upon Adjoining Lands by Surveyors Not Constituting Trespass - Section 120C. Whenever a land surveyor registered under chapter one...
Section 120d - Removal of Motor Vehicles From Private Ways or Property; Penalties; Liability for Removal and Storage Charges; Release of Vehicle - Section 120D. No person shall remove a motor vehicle which...
Section 120e - Obstructing Entry to or Departure From Medical Facilities; Penalties; Injunctive Relief - Section 120E. As used in this section, the following words...
Section 120e1/2 - Reproductive Health Care Facilities; Withdrawal Orders for Individuals Impeding Access to or Departure From Facility; Intimidation; Penalty for Violations - Section 120E1/2. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 120f - Unauthorized Access to Computer System; Penalties - Section 120F. Whoever, without authorization, knowingly accesses a computer system...
Section 121 - Entry on Land With Firearms - Section 121. Whoever, without right, enters upon the land of...
Section 121a - Trespasses Involving Motor Vehicles and Other Powered Devices - Section 121A. Whoever, without right, enters upon the private land...
Section 122 - Notice Against Trespassers; Defacement; Penalty - Section 122. Whoever wilfully tears down, removes or defaces any...
Section 123 - State Land; Public Institutions; Trespass; Penalty - Section 123. Whoever willfully trespasses upon land or premises belonging...
Section 123a - Willful Trespass Upon Public Source of Water, Water Supply Facility or Land - Section 123A. (a) Whoever willfully trespasses upon any public source...
Section 124 - Legal Notice; Penalty for Malicious Injury - Section 124. Whoever wilfully and maliciously, or wantonly and without...
Section 125 - Show Bill or Advertisement; Penalty for Malicious Injury - Section 125. Whoever wilfully and maliciously removes, destroys or mutilates...
Section 126 - Natural Scenery; Penalty for Defacement - Section 126. Whoever paints, or puts upon, or in any...
Section 126a - Defacement of Real or Personal Property; Penalties - Section 126A. Whoever intentionally, willfully and maliciously or wantonly, paints,...
Section 126b - Tagging; Penalties; Suspension of Driver's License - Section 126B. Whoever sprays or applies paint or places a...
Section 127 - Willful, Malicious or Wanton Destruction or Injury to Personal Property, Dwelling House or Building of Another - Section 127. Whoever destroys or injures the personal property, dwelling...
Section 127a - Destruction of Place of Worship, etc.; Threats; Punishment - Section 127A. Whoever willfully, intentionally and without right, or wantonly...
Section 127b - Actions for Civil Rights Violations; Liability - Section 127B. Any person incurring injury to his person or...
Section 128 - Milk Cans; Defacement - Section 128. Whoever, without the consent of the owner thereof,...
Section 129 - Correctional Institutions; Injury to Property - Section 129. An inmate of a correctional institution of the...
Section 130 - Penal Institutions; Injury to Property - Section 130. Whoever, being a prisoner at a jail or...
Section 131 - Sunday Trespassers; Arrest and Detention Without Warrant - Section 131. Whoever is discovered in the act of wilfully...
Section 132 - Pigeons; Killing or Frightening - Section 132. Whoever wilfully kills pigeons upon, or frightens them...
Section 133 - Humane Society; Injury to Property - Section 133. Whoever unlawfully enters a house, boat house or...
Section 135 - Vessels; Mooring the Buoy, Beacon or Floating Guide; Penalty - Section 135. Whoever moors or in any manner makes fast...
Section 137 - Injury to Mill by Raising Water - Section 137. Whoever, by erecting or maintaining a dam, either...
Section 138 - Dams or Reservoirs; Malicious Injury - Section 138. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right breaks down,...
Section 138a - Irrigation Equipment; Malicious Injury - Section 138A. Whoever wilfully, intentionally and without right damages or...
Section 139 - Motor Vehicles or Trailers; Defacement, etc., of Identifying Numbers; Penalties; Arrests - Section 139. (a) Whoever intentionally and maliciously removes, defaces, alters,...
Section 139a - Machines, Electrical or Mechanical Devices; Alteration or Obliteration of Identifying Numbers; Possession; Sale; Punishment - Section 139A. Whoever removes, defaces, alters, changes, destroys, obliterates or...
Section 140 - Sale or Offer for Sale of Master Keys; Penalty - Section 140. Whoever sells or offers to sell or solicits...
Section 141 - Tampering With Odometer of Motor Vehicle; Intent to Defraud; Civil Remedy; Treble Damages; Costs and Fees; Unfair Competition; Repair or Replacement Excepted - Section 141. Whoever advertises for sale, sells, uses, installs or...
Section 141a - Misrepresentation of Mileage of Motor Vehicle by Turning Back or Readjusting Speedometer or Odometer; Criminal Penalty - Section 141A. Whoever, with the intent to misrepresent to a...
Section 142 - Record of Purchases by Dealers in Scrap Copper Wire; Inspection; Penalty - Section 142. Whoever is in the business of purchasing copper...
Section 142a - Gold, Silver and Platinum Dealers; Records; Penalty - Section 142A. Whoever is in the business of purchasing gold,...
Section 143 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 143a to 143h - Section 143. As used in sections 143A to 143H, inclusive,...
Section 143a - Unauthorized Reproduction and Transfer of Sound Recordings - Section 143A. Whoever directly or indirectly by any means, knowingly...
Section 143b - Unauthorized Reproduction and Sale of Live Performances - Section 143B. Whoever for commercial advantage or private financial gain...
Section 143c - Manufacture, Rental, or Sale of Recorded Devices in Packaging Not Bearing Reproducer's Name and Address - Section 143C. Whoever for commercial advantage or private financial gain...
Section 143d - Application of Secs. 143 to 143c; Exceptions - Section 143D. (a) Nothing in sections 143A to 143C, inclusive,...
Section 143e - Violations of Secs. 143a to 143c; Punishment - Section 143E. Whoever violates any provision of section 143A to...
Section 143f - Unlawful Recording of Motion Picture in Motion Picture Theater; Punishment - Section 143F. (a) Any person, in a motion picture theater...
Section 143g - Persons Detained for Possible Violation of Sec. 143f; Defense to False Imprisonment or False Arrest Action - Section 143G. In an action for false arrest or false...
Section 143h - Forfeiture of Recordings Upon Conviction for Violation of Secs. 143a to 143c or Sec. 143f - Section 143H. Upon conviction of a person for a violation...
Section 144 - Carrying Away or Conversion of Certain Milk Containers Without Permission of Owners - Section 144. Whoever, without permission of the owner, carries away...
Section 145 - Theft of Public Records - Section 145. Any person who intentionally conceals upon his person...
Section 146 - Disposal of Solid Waste in Commercial Disposal Container of Another Without Consent of Owner; Penalties - Section 146. For purposes of this section ''solid waste'' shall...
Section 147 - Items or Services Bearing or Identified by Counterfeit Mark; Sales; Penalties - Section 147. (a) For purposes of this section, the following...
Chapter 267 - Forgery and Crimes Against the Currency
Section 1 - False or Forged Records, Certificates, Returns, Attestations and Other Writings - Section 1. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, falsely...
Section 2 - Railroad or Admission Tickets, Passes or Badges - Section 2. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, falsely...
Section 3 - Seal of Land Court; Stamping Documents Without Authority - Section 3. Whoever forges, procures to be forged or assists...
Section 4 - Railroad Company Stamp; Forging or Using Without Authority - Section 4. Whoever forges, procures to be forged or assists...
Section 5 - Uttering False or Forged Records, Deeds or Other Writings - Section 5. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, utters...
Section 6 - Uttering a Forged Railroad or Admission Ticket, Pass or Badge - Section 6. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, utters...
Section 7 - False or Forged Note, Certificate or Other Bill of Credit Issued for Debt of Commonwealth - Section 7. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, falsely...
Section 8 - False, Forged or Counterfeited Bank Bill, Note or Traveller's Check - Section 8. Whoever, with intent to injure or defraud, falsely...
Section 9 - Possession of Ten or More of False, Forged or Counterfeited Notes or Bills - Section 9. Whoever has in his possession at the same...
Section 10 - Uttering, Passing or Tendering False, Forged or Counterfeited Note, Certificate, Bill or Traveller's Check - Section 10. Whoever utters or passes or tenders in payment...
Section 11 - Common Utterers of Counterfeit Bills - Section 11. Whoever, having been convicted of the crime mentioned...
Section 12 - Possession of False, Forged or Counterfeit Bills, Notes or Traveller's Checks - Section 12. Whoever brings into this commonwealth or has in...
Section 13 - Tools or Material for Making False, Forged or Counterfeited Notes, Certificates, Bills or Traveller's Checks - Section 13. Whoever engraves, makes or mends, or begins to...
Section 14 - Evidence Relative to Forged or Counterfeited Bank or Institution Bills or Notes - Section 14. In prosecutions for forging or counterfeiting notes or...
Section 15 - Certificates of Certain Officials of the United States, a State or Territory, as Evidence - Section 15. In prosecutions for forging or counterfeiting a note,...
Section 16 - Fictitious Signatures of Corporate Officers or Agents - Section 16. If a fictitious or pretended signature, purporting to...
Section 17 - Counterfeiting Coin; Possession of Ten or More Pieces of False Money - Section 17. Whoever counterfeits any gold or silver coin current...
Section 18 - Possession of Less Than Ten Pieces of Counterfeit Coin; Uttering, Passing or Tendering in Payment - Section 18. Whoever has in his possession less than ten...
Section 19 - Common Utterers of Counterfeit Coin - Section 19. Whoever, having been convicted of any of the...
Section 20 - Tools for Making Counterfeit Coin - Section 20. Whoever casts, stamps, engraves, makes or mends, or...
Section 21 - Notes, Bills, Orders or Checks as Currency - Section 21. Whoever issues or passes a note, bill, order...
Section 22 - Notes, Bills, Orders or Checks for Less Than Five Dollars, as Currency - Section 22. Whoever issues or passes a note, bill, order...
Section 23 - Bank Notes or Bills for a Fraction of a Dollar - Section 23. Whoever receives or puts in circulation as currency...
Section 24 - Connecting Parts of Instruments - Section 24. Whoever fraudulently connects different parts of several bank...
Section 25 - Damaging or Impairing Bank Bills or Notes - Section 25. Whoever wilfully and maliciously tears, cuts or in...
Section 26 - Gathering or Retaining Bank Bills or Notes - Section 26. Whoever maliciously gathers up or retains or maliciously...
Section 27 - Possession of Worthless Bank Bills or Notes - Section 27. Whoever has in his possession at the same...
Section 28 - Uttering, Passing or Tendering Worthless Bank Bills or Notes - Section 28. Whoever utters or passes or tenders in payment...
Section 29 - Shop Bills or Advertisements Similar to Bank Bills or Treasury Notes or Other United States Securities - Section 29. Whoever engraves, prints, issues, utters or circulates a...
Section 30 - Seizure of False, Forged or Counterfeit Bills, Notes or Bonds or Counterfeiter's Tools; Destruction; Return - Section 30. When false, forged or counterfeit bank bills or...
Section 31 - Compensation to Prosecutors and Officers - Section 31. Upon a conviction of any crime mentioned in...
Chapter 267a - Money Laundering
Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. As used in this chapter, the following words...
Section 2 - Money Laundering; Penalties - Section 2. Whoever knowingly: (1) transports or possesses a monetary...
Section 3 - Filing by Financial Institutions of Reports Required by the Currency and Foreign Transactions Act; Liability for Making, Filing or Use of Reports Provided Pursuant to Section; Disclosure of Reports - Section 3. (a) If the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of...
Section 4 - Forfeiture of Monetary Instruments or Other Property Obtained in Violation of Sec. 2 - Section 4. All monetary instruments or other property, real, intellectual...
Chapter 268 - Crimes Against Public Justice
Section 1 - Perjury - Section 1. Whoever, being lawfully required to depose the truth...
Section 1a - Statements Containing Declaration Relative to Penalties of Perjury; Verification; False Statements - Section 1A. No written statement required by law shall be...
Section 2 - Subornation of Perjury - Section 2. Whoever is guilty of subornation of perjury, by...
Section 3 - Attempt to Procure Another to Commit Perjury - Section 3. Whoever attempts to incite or procure another person...
Section 4 - Testimony Creating Presumption of Perjury; Commitment; Recognizance; Witnesses Bound Over; Notice - Section 4. If it appears to a court of record...
Section 5 - Presumption of Perjury; Papers, Books and Documents Detained for Prosecution - Section 5. If perjury is reasonably presumed, as aforesaid, papers,...
Section 6 - False Reports or Testimony Before State Departments, Board or Commissioner; False Entries in Company Books or Statements; Aiders or Abettors - Section 6. Except as provided in sections forty-eight and forty-nine...
Section 6a - False Written Reports by Public Officers or Employees - Section 6A. Whoever, being an officer or employee of the...
Section 6b - Process Servers; False Statements; Penalty - Section 6B. Any process server who returns to the court...
Section 8b - Compulsion or Coercion to Refuse Appointment or Promotion - Section 8B. Any appointing authority or appointing officer, both as...
Section 9a - Public Officers or Employees; Solicitations Regarding Testimonial Dinners - Section 9A. No person shall sell, offer for sale, or...
Section 13 - Corrupting or Attempting to Corrupt Masters, Auditors, Jurors, Arbitrators, Umpires or Referees - Section 13. Whoever corrupts or attempts to corrupt a master...
Section 13a - Picketing Court, Judge, Juror, Witness or Court Officer - Section 13A. Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing,...
Section 13b - Intimidation of Witnesses, Jurors and Persons Furnishing Information in Connection With Criminal Proceedings - Section 13B. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 13c - Disruption of Court Proceedings - Section 13C. Whoever causes or actively participates in the willful...
Section 13d - Distributing Transcript or Description of Grand Jury Testimony With Intent to Interfere With Criminal Proceedings - Section 13D. (a) Whoever knowingly distributes or possesses with intent...
Section 13e - Tampering With Record, Document or Other Object for Use in an Official Proceeding - Section 13E. (a) As used in this section the following...
Section 14 - Receipt of Gift by Juror, Arbitrator, Umpire, Referee, Master or Auditor - Section 14. Whoever, being summoned as a juror or chosen...
Section 14a - Juror Discharged From Employment - Section 14A. No person shall be discharged from or deprived...
Section 14b - Witnesses in Criminal Actions; Discharge, Etc. From Employment - Section 14B. Any person who is a victim of a...
Section 15 - Aiding Escape From a Correctional Institution or Jail; Rescue - Section 15. Whoever conveys into a correctional institution of the...
Section 15a - Escapes From Jail - Section 15A. Whoever, after lawfully being placed in custody in...
Section 16 - Escape or Attempt to Escape, or Failure to Return From Temporary Release or Furlough - Section 16. A prisoner of any penal institution including a...
Section 17 - Aiding Escape From Officer or Person Having Custody - Section 17. Whoever aids or assists a prisoner in escaping...
Section 18 - Jailer or Officer Suffering Prisoner to Escape - Section 18. A jailer or officer who, except as provided...
Section 19 - Suffering or Consenting to an Escape From a Penal Institution - Section 19. An officer or other person, who, being employed...
Section 20 - Negligently Suffering Prisoner to Escape; Refusal to Receive Prisoner - Section 20. A jailer or officer who, through negligence, suffers...
Section 21 - Suffering Convict to Be at Large, Visited, Relieved or Comforted - Section 21. An officer or person who, being employed in...
Section 21a - Officer or Other Employee of Penal or Correctional Institution; Sexual Relations With Inmate; Punishment - Section 21A. An officer or other person who is employed...
Section 22 - Delay of Service of Warrants - Section 22. An officer who wilfully delays service of a...
Section 23 - Refusal or Delay to Execute Process Resulting in Escape - Section 23. An officer who, being authorized to serve process,...
Section 24 - Neglect or Refusal to Assist Officer or Watchman - Section 24. Whoever, being required in the name of the...
Section 25 - Refusal or Neglect to Obey Order of Justice of the Peace to Apprehend Offender - Section 25. Whoever, being required by a justice of the...
Section 26 - Delivering Alcoholic Beverages to Prisoners; Possession - Section 26. Whoever gives, sells or delivers alcoholic beverages, as...
Section 27 - Delivering Alcoholic Beverages to Patients of Public Institutions; Possession - Section 27. Whoever gives, sells or delivers any alcoholic beverages,...
Section 28 - Delivering Drugs or Articles to Prisoners in Correctional Institutions or Jails; Possession - Section 28. Whoever gives or delivers to a prisoner in...
Section 29 - Delivery, or Permission of Delivery, by Officers, of Alcoholic Beverages, to Prisoners; Keeping Together Prisoners of Different Sexes or Classes - Section 29. A sheriff, jailer, superintendent of a house of...
Section 30 - Disturbing Correctional Institutions or Jail; Attracting Attention Of, or Communicating With, Inmates - Section 30. Whoever wilfully disturbs any correctional institution of the...
Section 31 - Delivery or Receipt of Articles to or From Inmates - Section 31. Whoever delivers or procures to be delivered, or...
Section 32 - Interference or Tampering With Police or Fire Signal Systems, or Motorist Highway Emergency Aid Call Boxes; False Alarms or Calls - Section 32. Whoever opens a signal box connected with a...
Section 32a - Interference With Fire Fighting Operations - Section 32A. Whoever willfully obstructs, interferes with or hinders a...
Section 32b - Resisting Arrest - Section 32B. (a) A person commits the crime of resisting...
Section 33 - Falsely Assuming to Be Justice of the Peace or Other Officers - Section 33. Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be a...
Section 33a - Engaging in Lead Paint Inspection Without a License - Section 33A. Whoever engages in or conducts a lead paint...
Section 34 - Disguises to Obstruct Execution of Law, Performance of Duties, or Exercise of Rights - Section 34. Whoever disguises himself with intent to obstruct the...
Section 34a - Furnishing False Name, Social Security Number or Other Information Establishing Identity to Law Enforcement Officer or Official; Penalty; Restitution - Section 34A. Whoever knowingly and willfully furnishes a false name,...
Section 35 - Unauthorized Use of Town Seal; Making or Possessing Badge of Town Officer - Section 35. Whoever, without being duly authorized thereto, prints, stamps,...
Section 36 - Compounding or Concealing Felonies - Section 36. Whoever, having knowledge of the commission of a...
Section 39 - Perjury; Statements Alleging Motor Vehicle Theft; Penalty; Subsequent Offenses - Section 39. Whoever knowingly makes a false written statement on...
Section 40 - Reports of Crimes to Law Enforcement Officials - Section 40. Whoever knows that another person is a victim...
Chapter 268a - Conduct of Public Officials and Employees
Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. In this chapter the following words, unless a...
Section 2 - Corrupt Gifts, Offers or Promises to Influence Official Acts; Corruption of Witnesses - Section 2. (a) Whoever, directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers...
Section 3 - Gifts, Offers or Promises for Acts Performed or to Be Performed; Corruption of Witnesses; Solicitation of Gifts; Witness Fees; Regulations - Section 3. (a) Whoever knowingly, otherwise than as provided by...
Section 4 - Other Compensation; Offer, Gift, Receipt or Request; Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than State; Legislators; Special State Employees - Section 4. (a) No state employee shall otherwise than as...
Section 5 - Former State Employees; Acting as Agent or Attorney or Receiving Compensation; Partners of State Employees or Legislators - Section 5. (a) A former state employee who knowingly acts...
Section 6 - Financial Interest of State Employee, Relative or Associates; Disclosure - Section 6. (a) Except as permitted by this section, any...
Section 6a - Conflict of Interest of Public Official; Reporting Requirement - Section 6A. Any public official, as defined by section one...
Section 6b - Candidates for Employment as State Employee; Disclosure of Relation to State Employee - Section 6B. Each candidate for employment as a state employee...
Section 7 - Financial Interest in Contracts of State Agency; Application of Section - Section 7. A state employee who has a financial interest,...
Section 8 - Public Building or Construction Contracts - Section 8. No state, county or municipal employee and no...
Section 8a - Members of State Commissions or Boards; Prohibited Appointments to Other Positions - Section 8A. No member of a state commission or board...
Section 8b - Members of Commonwealth Utilities Commission; Prohibited Lobbying Activities - Section 8B. No member of the commonwealth utilities commission, appointed...
Section 9 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling State Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 9. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 10 - Opinions of State Ethics Commission - Section 10. The state ethics commission shall issue opinions interpreting...
Section 11 - County Employees; Receiving or Requesting Compensation From, or Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than County Agency - Section 11. (a) No county employee shall, otherwise than as...
Section 12 - Former County Employees; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation From Other Than County; Partners of Employees or Former Employees or Legislators - Section 12. (a) A former county employee who knowingly acts...
Section 13 - Financial Interest of County Employee, Relatives or Associates; Disclosure - Section 13. (a) Except as permitted by paragraph (b), a...
Section 14 - County Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts of County Agency - Section 14. A county employee who has a financial interest,...
Section 15 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling County Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 15. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 15a - Members of County Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions - Section 15A. No member of a county commission or board...
Section 17 - Municipal Employees; Gift or Receipt of Compensation From Other Than Municipality; Acting as Agent or Attorney - Section 17. (a) No municipal employee shall, otherwise than as...
Section 18 - Former Municipal Employee; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation; From Other Than Municipality; Partners - Section 18. (a) A former municipal employee who knowingly acts...
Section 19 - Municipal Employees, Relatives or Associates; Financial Interest in Particular Matter - Section 19. (a) Except as permitted by paragraph (b), a...
Section 20 - Municipal Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts; Holding One or More Elected Positions - Section 20. (a) A municipal employee who has a financial...
Section 21 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling Municipal Action Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 21. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 21a - Members of Municipal Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions - Section 21A. Except as hereinafter provided, no member of a...
Section 21b - Prospective Municipal Appointees; Demanding Undated Resignations Prohibited - Section 21B. No mayor, city manager, or town manager shall...
Section 22 - Opinions of Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor or Town Counsel - Section 22. Any municipal employee shall be entitled to the...
Section 23 - Supplemental Provisions; Standards of Conduct - Section 23. (a) In addition to the other provisions of...
Section 23a - Trustees of Public Institutions of Higher Learning; Prohibited Positions - Section 23A. No trustee of any public institution of higher...
Section 24 - Disclosures and Certifications; Form; Public Inspection - Section 24. All disclosures and certifications provided for in this...
Section 25 - Suspension of Persons Under Indictment for Misconduct in Office; Notice; Compensation and Fringe Benefits; Temporary Replacements; Reinstatement - Section 25. An officer or employee of a county, city,...
Section 26 - Penalty for Violations of Clause (B)(2) or (B)(4) of Sec. 23 - Section 26. (a) Any person who, directly or through another,...
Section 27 - Publication of Summaries of Chapter 268a; Filing of Acknowledgment by Employees - Section 27. The commission shall prepare, and update as necessary,...
Section 28 - Online Training Programs - Section 28. The state ethics commission shall prepare and update...
Section 29 - Municipal Liaisons to State Ethics Commission - Section 29. Each municipality, acting through its city council, board...
Chapter 268b - Financial Disclosure by Certain Public Officials and Employees
Section 2 - State Ethics Commission - Section 2. (a) There is established a state ethics commission...
Section 3 - Powers and Duties of the Commission - Section 3. The commission shall: (a) prescribe and publish, pursuant...
Section 4 - Investigations by the Commission - Section 4. (a) Upon receipt of a sworn complaint signed...
Section 5 - Statements of Financial Interests - Section 5. (a) Every candidate for public office shall file...
Section 6 - Gifts From Executive or Legislative Agents; Exclusions to Be Established by State Ethics Commission - Section 6. No executive or legislative agent shall knowingly and...
Section 7 - Penalties for Violation of Confidentiality and for Perjury - Section 7. Any person who violates the confidentiality of a...
Section 8 - Retribution for Engaging in Commission Proceedings - Section 8. No officer or employee of the commonwealth or...
Chapter 269 - Crimes Against Public Peace
Section 1 - Dispensing and Suppressing Unlawful Assembly; Arresting Persons - Section 1. If five or more persons, being armed with...
Section 2 - Refusing or Neglecting to Depart or to Assist in Suppressing Assembly or in Arresting Persons - Section 2. Whoever, being present and being so commanded to...
Section 3 - Neglect or Refusal to Exercise Authority to Suppress Assembly - Section 3. A mayor, alderman, selectman, justice of the peace,...
Section 4 - Requiring Aid; Dispersing and Suppressing Assembly; Seizure of Persons - Section 4. If any persons who are so riotously or...
Section 5 - Armed Forces Obeying Orders for Suppressing Riot and Dispersing and Arresting Persons - Section 5. When an armed force, called out under chapter...
Section 6 - Person Killed or Wounded as Result of an Assembly; Guilt and Responsibility - Section 6. If, by reason of the efforts made by...
Section 7 - Injury to Building or Vessel by Persons Unlawfully Assembled - Section 7. If any of the persons so unlawfully assembled...
Section 8 - Destruction of or Damage to Property by Persons Riotously Assembled; Liability of Town - Section 8. If property of the value of fifty dollars...