Section 9. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, or any regulation, rule or ordinance, if a petition and plan for witness protection, approved by the witness protection board, requires relocation of a critical witness to another public school within or without of the witness's current school system, such relocation shall be effectuated without regard to any impediment including, but not limited to, class capacity limits and jurisdictional boundaries of any given school district.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 263a - Witness Protection in Criminal Matters
Section 2 - Witness Protection Board; Composition; Powers and Duties
Section 3 - Petition Requesting Witness Protection Services
Section 4 - Temporary Action Based on Exigent Circumstances Without Prior Approval by Board
Section 5 - Protective Services Provided to Critical Witnesses; Notice to Defense Counsel
Section 6 - Written Memorandum of Understanding; Persons Required to Sign; Contents
Section 8 - Relocation of Critical Witness Within Public Housing System
Section 9 - Relocation of Critical Witness to Another Public School
Section 10 - Entitlement or Private Right of Action Not Available; Governmental Immunity
Section 11 - Liaison With United States Marshal's Office; Pursuit of Federal Resources and Funding
Section 12 - Confidentiality of Records
Section 13 - Disclosure of Identity or Location of Witness or Other Sensitive Information; Penalties