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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. In this chapter the following words, unless a...
Section 2 - Corrupt Gifts, Offers or Promises to Influence Official Acts; Corruption of Witnesses - Section 2. (a) Whoever, directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers...
Section 3 - Gifts, Offers or Promises for Acts Performed or to Be Performed; Corruption of Witnesses; Solicitation of Gifts; Witness Fees; Regulations - Section 3. (a) Whoever knowingly, otherwise than as provided by...
Section 4 - Other Compensation; Offer, Gift, Receipt or Request; Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than State; Legislators; Special State Employees - Section 4. (a) No state employee shall otherwise than as...
Section 5 - Former State Employees; Acting as Agent or Attorney or Receiving Compensation; Partners of State Employees or Legislators - Section 5. (a) A former state employee who knowingly acts...
Section 6 - Financial Interest of State Employee, Relative or Associates; Disclosure - Section 6. (a) Except as permitted by this section, any...
Section 6a - Conflict of Interest of Public Official; Reporting Requirement - Section 6A. Any public official, as defined by section one...
Section 6b - Candidates for Employment as State Employee; Disclosure of Relation to State Employee - Section 6B. Each candidate for employment as a state employee...
Section 7 - Financial Interest in Contracts of State Agency; Application of Section - Section 7. A state employee who has a financial interest,...
Section 8 - Public Building or Construction Contracts - Section 8. No state, county or municipal employee and no...
Section 8a - Members of State Commissions or Boards; Prohibited Appointments to Other Positions - Section 8A. No member of a state commission or board...
Section 8b - Members of Commonwealth Utilities Commission; Prohibited Lobbying Activities - Section 8B. No member of the commonwealth utilities commission, appointed...
Section 9 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling State Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 9. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 10 - Opinions of State Ethics Commission - Section 10. The state ethics commission shall issue opinions interpreting...
Section 11 - County Employees; Receiving or Requesting Compensation From, or Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than County Agency - Section 11. (a) No county employee shall, otherwise than as...
Section 12 - Former County Employees; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation From Other Than County; Partners of Employees or Former Employees or Legislators - Section 12. (a) A former county employee who knowingly acts...
Section 13 - Financial Interest of County Employee, Relatives or Associates; Disclosure - Section 13. (a) Except as permitted by paragraph (b), a...
Section 14 - County Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts of County Agency - Section 14. A county employee who has a financial interest,...
Section 15 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling County Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 15. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 15a - Members of County Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions - Section 15A. No member of a county commission or board...
Section 17 - Municipal Employees; Gift or Receipt of Compensation From Other Than Municipality; Acting as Agent or Attorney - Section 17. (a) No municipal employee shall, otherwise than as...
Section 18 - Former Municipal Employee; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation; From Other Than Municipality; Partners - Section 18. (a) A former municipal employee who knowingly acts...
Section 19 - Municipal Employees, Relatives or Associates; Financial Interest in Particular Matter - Section 19. (a) Except as permitted by paragraph (b), a...
Section 20 - Municipal Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts; Holding One or More Elected Positions - Section 20. (a) A municipal employee who has a financial...
Section 21 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling Municipal Action Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages - Section 21. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided...
Section 21a - Members of Municipal Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions - Section 21A. Except as hereinafter provided, no member of a...
Section 21b - Prospective Municipal Appointees; Demanding Undated Resignations Prohibited - Section 21B. No mayor, city manager, or town manager shall...
Section 22 - Opinions of Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor or Town Counsel - Section 22. Any municipal employee shall be entitled to the...
Section 23 - Supplemental Provisions; Standards of Conduct - Section 23. (a) In addition to the other provisions of...
Section 23a - Trustees of Public Institutions of Higher Learning; Prohibited Positions - Section 23A. No trustee of any public institution of higher...
Section 24 - Disclosures and Certifications; Form; Public Inspection - Section 24. All disclosures and certifications provided for in this...
Section 25 - Suspension of Persons Under Indictment for Misconduct in Office; Notice; Compensation and Fringe Benefits; Temporary Replacements; Reinstatement - Section 25. An officer or employee of a county, city,...
Section 26 - Penalty for Violations of Clause (B)(2) or (B)(4) of Sec. 23 - Section 26. (a) Any person who, directly or through another,...
Section 27 - Publication of Summaries of Chapter 268a; Filing of Acknowledgment by Employees - Section 27. The commission shall prepare, and update as necessary,...
Section 28 - Online Training Programs - Section 28. The state ethics commission shall prepare and update...
Section 29 - Municipal Liaisons to State Ethics Commission - Section 29. Each municipality, acting through its city council, board...