Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 268a - Conduct of Public Officials and Employees
Section 2 - Corrupt Gifts, Offers or Promises to Influence Official Acts; Corruption of Witnesses

Section 2. (a) Whoever, directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any state, county or municipal employee, or to any person who has been selected to be such an employee, or to any member of the judiciary, or who offers or promises any such employee or any member of the judiciary, or any person who has been selected to be such an employee or member of the judiciary, to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent
(1) to influence any official act or any act within the official responsibility of such employee or member of the judiciary or person who has been selected to be such employee or member of the judiciary, or
(2) to influence such an employee or member of the judiciary or person who has been selected to be such an employee or member of the judiciary, to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud on the commonwealth or a state, county or municipal agency, or
(3) to induce such an employee or member of the judiciary or person who has been selected to be such an employee or member of the judiciary to do or omit to do any act in violation of his lawful duty; or
(b) Whoever, being a state, county or municipal employee or a member of the judiciary or a person selected to be such an employee or member of the judiciary, directly or indirectly, corruptly asks, demands, exacts, solicits, seeks, accepts, receives or agrees to receive anything of value for himself or for any other person or entity, in return for
(1) being influenced in his performance of any official act or any act within his official responsibility, or
(2) being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the commonwealth or on a state, county or municipal agency, or
(3) being induced to do or omit to do any acts in violation of his official duty; or
(c) Whoever, directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person or any other person as a witness upon a trial, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either house or both houses of the general court, or any agency, commission or officer authorized by the laws of the commonwealth to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such witness to absent himself therefrom; or
(d) Whoever, directly or indirectly, corruptly asks, demands, exacts, solicits, seeks, accepts, receives or agrees to receive anything of value for himself or for any other person or entity in return for influence upon the testimony under oath or affirmation of himself or any other person as a witness upon any such trial, hearing or other proceeding or in return for the absence of himself or any other person therefrom;—shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100,000, or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than 10 years, or in a jail or house of correction for not more than 2 1/2 years, or both; and in the event of final conviction shall be incapable of holding any office of honor, trust or profit under the commonwealth or under any state, county or municipal agency.
Clauses (c) and (d) shall not be construed to prohibit the payment or receipt of witness fees provided by law or the payment by the party upon whose behalf a witness is called and receipt by a witness of the reasonable cost of travel and subsistence incurred and the reasonable value of time lost in attendance at any such trial, hearing or proceeding, or, in the case of expert witnesses, involving a technical or professional opinion, a reasonable fee for time spent in the preparation of such opinion, in appearing or testifying.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases

Title I - Crimes and Punishments

Chapter 268a - Conduct of Public Officials and Employees

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Corrupt Gifts, Offers or Promises to Influence Official Acts; Corruption of Witnesses

Section 3 - Gifts, Offers or Promises for Acts Performed or to Be Performed; Corruption of Witnesses; Solicitation of Gifts; Witness Fees; Regulations

Section 4 - Other Compensation; Offer, Gift, Receipt or Request; Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than State; Legislators; Special State Employees

Section 5 - Former State Employees; Acting as Agent or Attorney or Receiving Compensation; Partners of State Employees or Legislators

Section 6 - Financial Interest of State Employee, Relative or Associates; Disclosure

Section 6a - Conflict of Interest of Public Official; Reporting Requirement

Section 6b - Candidates for Employment as State Employee; Disclosure of Relation to State Employee

Section 7 - Financial Interest in Contracts of State Agency; Application of Section

Section 8 - Public Building or Construction Contracts

Section 8a - Members of State Commissions or Boards; Prohibited Appointments to Other Positions

Section 8b - Members of Commonwealth Utilities Commission; Prohibited Lobbying Activities

Section 9 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling State Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages

Section 10 - Opinions of State Ethics Commission

Section 11 - County Employees; Receiving or Requesting Compensation From, or Acting as Agent or Attorney for Other Than County Agency

Section 12 - Former County Employees; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation From Other Than County; Partners of Employees or Former Employees or Legislators

Section 13 - Financial Interest of County Employee, Relatives or Associates; Disclosure

Section 14 - County Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts of County Agency

Section 15 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling County Agency Actions Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages

Section 15a - Members of County Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions

Section 17 - Municipal Employees; Gift or Receipt of Compensation From Other Than Municipality; Acting as Agent or Attorney

Section 18 - Former Municipal Employee; Acting as Attorney or Receiving Compensation; From Other Than Municipality; Partners

Section 19 - Municipal Employees, Relatives or Associates; Financial Interest in Particular Matter

Section 20 - Municipal Employees; Financial Interest in Contracts; Holding One or More Elected Positions

Section 21 - Avoiding, Rescinding or Canceling Municipal Action Resulting From Violations of Chapter; Restitution and Damages

Section 21a - Members of Municipal Commission or Board; Restrictions on Appointments to Certain Positions

Section 21b - Prospective Municipal Appointees; Demanding Undated Resignations Prohibited

Section 22 - Opinions of Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor or Town Counsel

Section 23 - Supplemental Provisions; Standards of Conduct

Section 23a - Trustees of Public Institutions of Higher Learning; Prohibited Positions

Section 24 - Disclosures and Certifications; Form; Public Inspection

Section 25 - Suspension of Persons Under Indictment for Misconduct in Office; Notice; Compensation and Fringe Benefits; Temporary Replacements; Reinstatement

Section 26 - Penalty for Violations of Clause (B)(2) or (B)(4) of Sec. 23

Section 27 - Publication of Summaries of Chapter 268a; Filing of Acknowledgment by Employees

Section 28 - Online Training Programs

Section 29 - Municipal Liaisons to State Ethics Commission