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Section 1 - Nature of Crime; Right to Be Informed; Penalty - Section 1. Whoever is arrested by virtue of process, or...
Section 1a - Fingerprinting and Photographing; Contents of Record; Audits - Section 1A. Whoever is arrested by virtue of process or...
Section 2 - Arrest on False Pretense; Penalty - Section 2. An officer who arrests or takes into or...
Section 3 - False Imprisonment; Actions Against Officers - Section 3. No action, except for use of excessive force,...
Section 4 - Prosecution of Crimes; Manner - Section 4. No person shall be held to answer in...
Section 4a - Waiver of Indictment; Procedure - Section 4A. A defendant charged in the district court with...
Section 5 - Counsel; Right of Accused - Section 5. A person accused of crime shall at his...
Section 5a - Driving While Intoxicated; Right to Medical Examination; Notice - Section 5A. A person held in custody at a police...
Section 6 - Conviction; Manner; Waiver of Jury Trial - Section 6. A person indicted for a crime shall not...
Section 7 - Acquittal; Effect on Subsequent Charges - Section 7. A person shall not be held to answer...
Section 8 - Acquittal on Defective Pleadings; Subsequent Indictment - Section 8. If a person has been acquitted by reason...
Section 8a - Acquittal on Merits in District Court or Housing Courts of City of Boston and County of Worcester; Effect - Section 8A. A person shall not be held to answer...
Section 9 - Punishment; Conditions Precedent - Section 9. A person shall not be punished for a...