Section 147. (a) For purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:—
''Counterfeit mark'', any unauthorized reproduction or copy of intellectual property, or intellectual property affixed to any item knowingly sold, offered for sale, manufactured or distributed, or identifying services offered or rendered, without the authority of the owner of the intellectual property.
''Intellectual property'', any trademark, service mark, trade name, label, term, device, design or word that is (1) adopted or used by a person to identify such person's goods or services, and (2) registered, filed or recorded under the laws of the commonwealth or of any other state, or registered in the principal register of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
''Retail value'', the counterfeiter's regular selling price for the item or service bearing or identified by the counterfeit mark; provided, however, that in the case of items bearing a counterfeit mark which are components of a finished product, the retail value shall be the counterfeiter's regular selling price of the finished product on or in which the component would be utilized.
(b) Whoever willfully manufactures, uses, displays, advertises, distributes, offers for sale, sells or possesses with intent to sell or distribute any item or services bearing or identified by a counterfeit mark shall be punished as follows:
(1) if the violation involves 100 or fewer items bearing a counterfeit mark or the total retail value of all items bearing or of services identified by a counterfeit mark is $1,000 or less and is a first offense, by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than two and one-half years;
(2) if the violation involves more than 100 but fewer than 1,000 items bearing a counterfeit mark or the total retail value of all items bearing or of services identified by a counterfeit mark is more than $1,000 but less than $10,000 or is a second offense, by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years;
(3) if the violation involves 1,000 or more items bearing a counterfeit mark or the total retail value of all items bearing or of services identified by a counterfeit mark is $10,000 or more or if the violation involves the manufacture or production of items bearing counterfeit marks or if the violation involves the manufacture or production of items that pose a threat to the public health or safety or it is a third or subsequent offense, by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years.
(c) For the purposes of this section, the quantity or retail value of items or services shall include the aggregate quantity or retail value of all items bearing or of services identified by every counterfeit mark the defendant manufactures, uses, displays, advertises, distributes, offers for sale, sells or possesses.
(d) A person having possession, custody or control of more than 25 items bearing a counterfeit mark shall be presumed to possess said items with the intent to sell or distribute. Any state or federal certificate of registration of any intellectual property shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
(e) Any person convicted under this section shall, in addition to any penalty imposed pursuant to subsection (b), be punished by a fine in an amount not to exceed three times the retail value of the items bearing or of services identified by a counterfeit mark, unless extenuating circumstances are shown by the defendant.
(f) Any person convicted under this section shall, in addition to any penalty imposed pursuant to subsections (b) and (e), be punished by a fine in an amount equal to 75 per cent of the retail value of the items bearing or of services identified by a counterfeit mark, when the items involved pose a threat to public health or safety.
(g) Any items bearing a counterfeit mark and all personal property including, but not limited to, any items, objects, tools, machines, equipment, instrumentalities or vehicles of any kind, employed or used in connection with a violation of this section shall be seized by any law enforcement office; provided, however, that all such seized personal property shall be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of chapter 257. Upon the request of the intellectual property owner, all seized items bearing a counterfeit mark shall be released to the intellectual property owner for destruction or disposition; provided, however, that if the intellectual property owner does not request release of seized items bearing a counterfeit mark, such items shall be destroyed unless the intellectual property owner consents to another disposition.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 266 - Crimes Against Property
Section 1 - Dwelling Houses; Burning or Aiding in Burning
Section 2 - Meeting House; Burning or Aiding in Burning
Section 5 - Wood and Other Property; Burning or Aiding in Burning
Section 7 - Woods; Wanton or Reckless Injury or Destruction by Fire
Section 8 - Injury by Fire; Negligent Use
Section 9 - Injury by Fire; Negligent Use in Town; Damages
Section 10 - Insured Property; Burning With Intent to Defraud
Section 11 - Fire Alarm, Engine or Apparatus; Injury Before Fire
Section 13 - Fire Engines; Wanton or Malicious Injury
Section 13a - Duty of Hotel Manager to Notify Fire Department and Sound Alarm; Penalty
Section 14 - Burglary; Armed; Assault on Occupants; Weapons; Punishment
Section 15 - Burglary; Unarmed
Section 16 - Breaking and Entering at Night
Section 16a - Building, Vessel or Vehicle; Breaking and Entering With Intent to Commit Misdemeanor
Section 18 - Dwelling House; Entry at Night; Breaking and Entering in Day Time; Weapons; Punishment
Section 19 - Railroad Car; Breaking and Entering
Section 20 - Stealing in Building, Ship or Railroad Car
Section 20a - Breaking and Entering of Trucks, Tractors, Trailers or Freight Containers
Section 20b - Stealing in Trucks, Tractors, Trailers or Freight Containers
Section 21 - Stolen Property; Refusal to Surrender
Section 22 - Poultry Thieves; Detention by Owner; Penalty
Section 23 - Embezzlement of Property at Fire; Effect
Section 24 - Stealing at a Fire; Punishment
Section 27 - Tools of Contractors, Builders or Mechanics; Stealing; Penalty
Section 27a - Motor Vehicle or Trailer; Removal or Concealment to Defraud Insurer
Section 29 - Statement Concerning Theft; Recovery of Vehicles; Restitution
Section 29b - Burning Motor Vehicle; Owner's Statement to Fire Department
Section 30 - Larceny; General Provisions and Penalties
Section 30a - Shoplifting; Penalty; Arrest Without Warrant
Section 31 - Signature; Obtaining Under False Pretenses
Section 32 - Fraudulent Conversion of Property by Captain of Vessel
Section 33 - Larceny; False Pretences Relating to Contracts, Banking Transactions or Credit
Section 33a - Obtaining Computer Services by Fraud or Misrepresentation; Penalties
Section 34 - Larceny; Inducement to Part With Property
Section 35 - Non-Applicability of Secs. 30, 31 and 34
Section 37 - Fraudulent Checks, etc.; Drawing or Uttering
Section 37a - Misuse of Credit Cards; Definitions
Section 37b - Misuse of Credit Cards; Penalties; Multiple Possession, Presumption; Arrest
Section 37d - Publishing Credit Card Numbering or Coding Systems
Section 37e - Use of Personal Identification of Another; Identity Fraud; Penalty; Restitution
Section 38 - Larceny; Wrongful Detention of Money by Carriers
Section 38a - Construction Loan; Misapplication
Section 39 - Wills; Destruction or Concealment
Section 40 - Common and Notorious Thief
Section 41 - Larceny of Bicycles; Second Conviction
Section 42 - Larceny of Paper Designated for Bank Bills
Section 43 - Paper Designated for Bank Bills; Retention by Printer With Intent to Pass
Section 47 - Dogs; Wrongful Removal of Collar; Penalty
Section 48 - Stolen Goods; Duty of Arresting Officers to Secure
Section 49 - Burglarious Instruments; Making; Possession; Use
Section 50 - State Treasury; Fraud or Embezzlement by Employee
Section 51 - City, Town or County Officers; Fraud or Embezzlement
Section 52 - Bank Officers and Employees; Fraud or Embezzlement
Section 53 - Bank Officers or Employees; Prosecution for Fraud or Embezzlement; Evidence
Section 53a - Bank Officers and Employees; Misconduct; Penalty
Section 54 - Receipt of Deposits by Insolvent Banks; Penalty
Section 55 - Liquidating Agent or Receiver; Embezzlement
Section 56 - Brokers or Agents; Embezzlement
Section 57 - Fiduciaries; Embezzlement
Section 58 - Larceny; Embezzlement From Voluntary Association
Section 59 - Simple Larceny; Embezzlement From Voluntary Association
Section 60 - Stolen Goods; Buying, Receiving or Aiding in Concealment; Penalty
Section 60a - Stolen Trade Secrets; Buying or Selling
Section 61 - Stolen Property; Restitution; Effect
Section 62 - Stolen Goods; Common Receiver
Section 63 - Unlawful Taking or Use of Transportation Media
Section 64 - Fraudulent Hiring of Media of Transportation
Section 65 - Stock; Unauthorized Issue
Section 66 - Stock; Fraudulent Issue or Transfer
Section 67 - Corporate Books; False Entries With Intent to Defraud
Section 67b - Presentation of False Claims
Section 67c - Capital Facility Construction Projects, etc.; False Entries in Records; Penalties
Section 68 - Corporate Books as Evidence
Section 69 - Insignia of Societies; Unlawful Use
Section 69a - Fraudulent Use of Labor Union Seal, Trademark or Insignia
Section 70 - Insignia of Veteran Organizations; Unlawful Use
Section 71 - Signature, Money or Membership; Obtaining Under False Pretences
Section 71a - Individuals and Corporations; False Use of Names of Benevolent Organizations
Section 72 - Fraternal Names; Use in Publication
Section 73 - Obtaining Goods Under False Pretences
Section 74 - Corporate Credit; Fraudulent Use
Section 75 - Obtaining Property by Trick
Section 75a - Gambling Devices and Vending Machines; Fraudulent Use
Section 75b - Slugs; Manufacture and Sale
Section 75c - Gift Certificates; Expiration Dates; Failure to Redeem
Section 75d - Imposition of Certain Fees Reducing Total Value Amount of Gift Certificate; Penalty
Section 75f - Deduction of Gratuity From Gift Certificate Without Consent; Penalty
Section 76 - Gross Fraud or Cheat at Common Law; Punishment
Section 77 - Sterling and Coin Silver; Contents; Sale; Penalty
Section 78 - Articles Made of Gold; False Marking; Prohibition
Section 79 - Imitation of Furs; False Representation; Prohibition
Section 80 - Encumbered Land; Conveyance Without Notice
Section 81 - Attached Land; Conveyance Without Notice
Section 83 - Personalty; Sale by Mortgagor Without Consent
Section 84 - Personalty; Sale by Hirer Without Consent
Section 85 - Collateral Security; Sale Before Debt Due
Section 86 - Hired Property; Buying or Receiving With Intent to Defraud
Section 87 - Larceny of Leased or Rented Property
Section 87a - Stolen Leased or Rented Motor Vehicles; Report; Dissemination of Information by Police
Section 88 - Consignee or Factor; Fraudulent Deposit or Pledge of Property
Section 90 - Endorsement or Approval; Penalty for False Claim
Section 91 - Untrue and Misleading Advertisements; Prohibitions
Section 91a - Merchandise, Commodities and Service; Advertisement; Penalty
Section 91b - Deceptive Advertising of Merchandise for Sale; Injunction
Section 92 - False or Exaggerated Statements; Making or Publishing; Prohibition
Section 92a - Motor Vehicles; Sale in Certain Condition; Written Disclosure on Bill of Sale; Penalty
Section 93 - Animals; Obtaining or Giving False Pedigree
Section 94 - Boundary Monuments and Miscellaneous Markers; Malicious Destruction
Section 95 - Historical Monuments; Malicious Destruction or Injury
Section 96 - State Building; Defacement or Injury
Section 97 - County Buildings; Defacement
Section 98 - Schoolhouse or Church; Defacement or Injury
Section 98a - Public Park or Playground Equipment; Destruction, Defacement or Injury
Section 99 - Libraries; Definitions
Section 99a - Libraries; Theft of Materials or Property; Destruction of Records
Section 100 - Libraries; Mutilation or Destruction of Materials or Property
Section 101 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 101 to 102d
Section 102a - Throwing, Secreting, Launching or Placing of Incendiary Device; Intent; Punishment
Section 102b - Malicious Explosion
Section 102c - Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear Weapon or Delivery System; Possession; Punishment
Section 103 - Oil of Vitriol, or Other Substances; Throwing Into Building or Vessel
Section 104 - Buildings; Destruction or Injury
Section 104a - Goal Posts; Penalty for Destruction
Section 104b - Research Animals; Unauthorized Removal
Section 105 - Stone Walls or Fences; Unauthorized Removal
Section 106 - Ice Ponds; Injury
Section 107 - Bridge or Canal; Injury
Section 108 - Vessel; Destruction to Injure or Defraud Owner or Insurer; Punishment; Restitution
Section 109 - Vessel; Fitting Out With Intent to Destroy
Section 110 - False Invoice of Cargo; Intent to Defraud Insurer
Section 111 - False Affidavit or Protest; Penalty
Section 111a - Insurance Policies; Penalty for Fraudulent Claims
Section 111b - Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies; Penalty for Fraudulent Claims
Section 111c - Fraudulently Obtaining Benefits Under Insurance Contract; Runners; Punishment
Section 112 - Domestic Animals; Malicious Killing or Injury
Section 113 - Timber, Wood and Shrubs; Wilful Cutting and Destruction on Land of Another
Section 114 - Trees and Fences; Malicious Injury
Section 115 - Trespass in Orchards and Gardens
Section 116a - Protection of Certain Flowers
Section 117 - Orchards and Gardens; Entry With Intent to Injure or Destroy
Section 118 - Domestic Animals; Trespass on Land
Section 119 - Pests; Bringing Into State; Penalty; Exception
Section 120a - Motor Vehicle; Parking on Private Way; Prosecution; Evidence
Section 120b - Entry on Land by Abutting Property Owners Not Constituting Trespass
Section 120c - Entry Upon Adjoining Lands by Surveyors Not Constituting Trespass
Section 120f - Unauthorized Access to Computer System; Penalties
Section 121 - Entry on Land With Firearms
Section 121a - Trespasses Involving Motor Vehicles and Other Powered Devices
Section 122 - Notice Against Trespassers; Defacement; Penalty
Section 123 - State Land; Public Institutions; Trespass; Penalty
Section 123a - Willful Trespass Upon Public Source of Water, Water Supply Facility or Land
Section 124 - Legal Notice; Penalty for Malicious Injury
Section 125 - Show Bill or Advertisement; Penalty for Malicious Injury
Section 126 - Natural Scenery; Penalty for Defacement
Section 126a - Defacement of Real or Personal Property; Penalties
Section 126b - Tagging; Penalties; Suspension of Driver's License
Section 127a - Destruction of Place of Worship, etc.; Threats; Punishment
Section 127b - Actions for Civil Rights Violations; Liability
Section 128 - Milk Cans; Defacement
Section 129 - Correctional Institutions; Injury to Property
Section 130 - Penal Institutions; Injury to Property
Section 131 - Sunday Trespassers; Arrest and Detention Without Warrant
Section 132 - Pigeons; Killing or Frightening
Section 133 - Humane Society; Injury to Property
Section 135 - Vessels; Mooring the Buoy, Beacon or Floating Guide; Penalty
Section 137 - Injury to Mill by Raising Water
Section 138 - Dams or Reservoirs; Malicious Injury
Section 138a - Irrigation Equipment; Malicious Injury
Section 140 - Sale or Offer for Sale of Master Keys; Penalty
Section 142 - Record of Purchases by Dealers in Scrap Copper Wire; Inspection; Penalty
Section 142a - Gold, Silver and Platinum Dealers; Records; Penalty
Section 143 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 143a to 143h
Section 143a - Unauthorized Reproduction and Transfer of Sound Recordings
Section 143b - Unauthorized Reproduction and Sale of Live Performances
Section 143d - Application of Secs. 143 to 143c; Exceptions
Section 143e - Violations of Secs. 143a to 143c; Punishment
Section 143f - Unlawful Recording of Motion Picture in Motion Picture Theater; Punishment
Section 144 - Carrying Away or Conversion of Certain Milk Containers Without Permission of Owners
Section 145 - Theft of Public Records
Section 147 - Items or Services Bearing or Identified by Counterfeit Mark; Sales; Penalties