Section 39. (a) Whoever commits an assault or a battery upon a person or damages the real or personal property of a person with the intent to intimidate such person because of such person's race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The court may also order restitution to the victim in any amount up to three times the value of property damage sustained by the owners of such property. For the purposes of this section, the term "disability'' shall have the same meaning as "handicap'' as defined in subsection 17 of section one of chapter one hundred and fifty-one B; provided, however, that for purposes of this section, the term "disability'' shall not include any condition primarily resulting from the use of alcohol or a controlled substance as defined in section one of chapter ninety-four C.
(b) Whoever commits a battery in violation of this section and which results in bodily injury shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Whoever commits any offense described in this subsection while armed with a firearm, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or assault weapon shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years or in the house of correction for not more than two and one-half years. For purposes of this section, "bodily injury'' shall mean substantial impairment of the physical condition, including, but not limited to, any burn, fracture of any bone, subdural hematoma, injury to any internal organ, or any injury which occurs as the result of repeated harm to any bodily function or organ, including human skin.
There shall be a surcharge of one hundred dollars on a fine assessed against a defendant convicted of a violation of this section; provided, however, that moneys from such surcharge shall be delivered forthwith to the treasurer of the commonwealth and deposited in the Diversity Awareness Education Trust Fund established under the provisions of section thirty-nine Q of chapter ten. In the case of convictions for multiple offenses, said surcharge shall be assessed for each such conviction.
A person convicted under the provisions of this section shall complete a diversity awareness program designed by the secretary of the executive office of public safety in consultation with the Massachusetts commission against discrimination and approved by the chief justice of the trial court. A person so convicted shall complete such program prior to release from incarceration or prior to completion of the terms of probation, whichever is applicable.
[ Paragraph added by 2021, 98, Sec. 6 effective December 2, 2021.]
Moneys from the collection of a punishment by fine under this section shall be delivered forthwith to the treasurer of the commonwealth and deposited in the Genocide Education Trust Fund established in section 2MMMMM of chapter 29.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 265 - Crimes Against the Person
Section 2 - Punishment for Murder; Parole; Executive Clemency
Section 3 - Duel; Wound Without and Death Within State; Venue
Section 5 - Duel; Conviction or Acquittal in Foreign State; Effect
Section 9 - Prize Fighting; Engaging
Section 10 - Prize Fight; Aiding or Promoting; Penalty
Section 11 - Prize Fight; Appointment Within and Fight Without State; Penalty
Section 13 - Manslaughter; Punishment; Business Organization as Defendant
Section 131/2 - Punishment for Manslaughter While Operating a Motor Vehicle
Section 13a - Assault or Assault and Battery; Punishment
Section 13b - Indecent Assault and Battery on Child Under Age of 14; Penalties
Section 13c - Assault and Battery to Collect Loan; Penalty
Section 13d1/2 - Firefighters, Injuries Resulting From Criminal Offenses; Penalty
Section 13g - Commission of a Felony for Hire; Additional Punishment
Section 13h - Indecent Assault and Battery on Person Fourteen or Older; Penalties
Section 13j - Assault and Battery Upon a Child; Penalties
Section 13k - Assault and Battery Upon an Elderly or Disabled Person; Definitions; Penalties
Section 14 - Mayhem; Punishment
Section 15 - Assault; Intent to Murder or Maim; Penalty
Section 15b - Assault With Dangerous Weapon; Victim Sixty or Older; Punishment; Subsequent Offenses
Section 16 - Attempt to Murder
Section 17 - Armed Robbery; Punishment
Section 18a - Dangerous Weapon; Assault in Dwelling House; Punishment
Section 18b - Use of Firearms While Committing a Felony; Second or Subsequent Offenses; Punishment
Section 18c - Entry of Dwelling Place; Persons Present Within; Weapons; Punishment
Section 20 - Simple Assault; Intent to Rob or Steal; Punishment
Section 21 - Stealing by Confining or Putting in Fear
Section 22a - Rape of Child; Punishment
Section 22b - Rape of a Child During Commission of Certain Offenses or by Use of Force; Penalties
Section 23 - Rape and Abuse of Child
Section 23b - Rape and Abuse of Child by Certain Previously Convicted Offenders; Penalties
Section 24b - Assault of Child; Intent to Commit Rape; Weapons; Punishment
Section 24c - Victim's Name; Confidentiality
Section 25 - Attempted Extortion; Punishment
Section 26 - Kidnapping; Weapons; Child Under Age 16; Punishment
Section 26a - Kidnapping of Minor or Incompetent by Relative; Punishment
Section 26b - Drugging Persons for Kidnapping
Section 26c - Definition of ''entice''; Enticement of Child Under Age 16; Punishment
Section 27 - Kidnapping; Venue
Section 27a - Kidnapping of Minor or Incompetent by Relative; Venue
Section 28 - Poison; Use With Intent to Injure; Punishment
Section 29 - Assault; Intent to Commit Felony; Punishment
Section 30 - Gross Negligence; Persons Having Care of Common Carrier; Penalty
Section 32 - Glass; Throwing in Public Streets and Beaches; Penalty
Section 34 - Tattooing Body of Person by Other Than Qualified Physician; Punishment
Section 35 - Throwing or Dropping Objects Onto Public Way; Punishment
Section 36 - Throwing or Dropping Objects at Sporting Events; Punishment
Section 37 - Violations of Constitutional Rights; Punishment
Section 39 - Assault or Battery for Purpose of Intimidation; Weapons; Punishment
Section 41 - Sentence Not Imposing Imprisonment; Specific Reasons in Record
Section 42 - Use of Radios Without Earphones on Public Conveyances; Punishment
Section 43 - Stalking; Punishment
Section 43a - Criminal Harassment; Punishment
Section 44 - Coercion of Child Under Eighteen Into Criminal Conspiracy; Penalties
Section 46 - Taking From Deceased Victim's Estate Prohibited
Section 47 - Global Positioning System Device to Be Worn by Certain Sex Offender Probationers
Section 48 - Ice Cream Truck Vending by Sex Offender Prohibited
Section 49 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49 to 57
Section 53 - Organ Trafficking; Victims Under 18 Years; Penalties
Section 54 - Transmittal of Fines to State Treasurer
Section 55 - Forfeiture of Funds Used to Facilitate Violation of Sec. 50 or 51; Victim Restitution
Section 58 - Possession of Deceptive Weapon Device During Commission of Violent Crime; Penalty