Section 34A. Whoever knowingly and willfully furnishes a false name, Social Security number, date of birth, home address, mailing address or phone number, or other information as may be requested for the purposes of establishing the person's identity, to a law enforcement officer or law enforcement official following an arrest shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 1 year or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such sentence shall run from and after any sentence imposed as a result of the underlying offense. The court may order that restitution be paid to persons whose identity has been assumed and who have suffered monetary losses as a result of a violation of this section.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 268 - Crimes Against Public Justice
Section 2 - Subornation of Perjury
Section 3 - Attempt to Procure Another to Commit Perjury
Section 5 - Presumption of Perjury; Papers, Books and Documents Detained for Prosecution
Section 6a - False Written Reports by Public Officers or Employees
Section 6b - Process Servers; False Statements; Penalty
Section 8b - Compulsion or Coercion to Refuse Appointment or Promotion
Section 9a - Public Officers or Employees; Solicitations Regarding Testimonial Dinners
Section 13a - Picketing Court, Judge, Juror, Witness or Court Officer
Section 13c - Disruption of Court Proceedings
Section 13e - Tampering With Record, Document or Other Object for Use in an Official Proceeding
Section 14 - Receipt of Gift by Juror, Arbitrator, Umpire, Referee, Master or Auditor
Section 14a - Juror Discharged From Employment
Section 14b - Witnesses in Criminal Actions; Discharge, Etc. From Employment
Section 15 - Aiding Escape From a Correctional Institution or Jail; Rescue
Section 15a - Escapes From Jail
Section 16 - Escape or Attempt to Escape, or Failure to Return From Temporary Release or Furlough
Section 17 - Aiding Escape From Officer or Person Having Custody
Section 18 - Jailer or Officer Suffering Prisoner to Escape
Section 19 - Suffering or Consenting to an Escape From a Penal Institution
Section 20 - Negligently Suffering Prisoner to Escape; Refusal to Receive Prisoner
Section 21 - Suffering Convict to Be at Large, Visited, Relieved or Comforted
Section 22 - Delay of Service of Warrants
Section 23 - Refusal or Delay to Execute Process Resulting in Escape
Section 24 - Neglect or Refusal to Assist Officer or Watchman
Section 25 - Refusal or Neglect to Obey Order of Justice of the Peace to Apprehend Offender
Section 26 - Delivering Alcoholic Beverages to Prisoners; Possession
Section 27 - Delivering Alcoholic Beverages to Patients of Public Institutions; Possession
Section 31 - Delivery or Receipt of Articles to or From Inmates
Section 32a - Interference With Fire Fighting Operations
Section 32b - Resisting Arrest
Section 33 - Falsely Assuming to Be Justice of the Peace or Other Officers
Section 33a - Engaging in Lead Paint Inspection Without a License
Section 34 - Disguises to Obstruct Execution of Law, Performance of Duties, or Exercise of Rights
Section 35 - Unauthorized Use of Town Seal; Making or Possessing Badge of Town Officer
Section 36 - Compounding or Concealing Felonies
Section 39 - Perjury; Statements Alleging Motor Vehicle Theft; Penalty; Subsequent Offenses