Illinois Compiled Statutes
Chapter 820 - EMPLOYMENT
820 ILCS 405/ - Unemployment Insurance Act.

(820 ILCS 405/100) (from Ch. 48, par. 300)
Sec. 100.
Declaration of public policy.

As a guide to the interpretation and application of this Act the
public policy of the State is declared as follows: Economic insecurity due
to involuntary unemployment has become a serious menace to the health,
safety, morals and welfare of the people of the State of Illinois.
Involuntary unemployment is, therefore, a subject of general interest and
concern which requires appropriate action by the legislature to prevent its
spread and to lighten its burden which now so often falls with crushing
force upon the unemployed worker and his family. Poverty, distress and
suffering have prevailed throughout the State because funds have not been
accumulated in times of plentiful opportunities for employment for the
support of unemployed workers and their families during periods of
unemployment, and the taxpayers have been unfairly burdened with the cost
of supporting able-bodied workers who are unable to secure employment.
Farmers and rural communities particularly are unjustly burdened with
increased taxation for the support of industrial workers at the very time
when agricultural incomes are reduced by lack of purchasing power in the
urban markets. It is the considered judgment of the General Assembly that
in order to lessen the menace to the health, safety and morals of the
people of Illinois, and to encourage stabilization of employment,
compulsory unemployment insurance upon a statewide scale providing for
the setting aside of reserves during periods of employment to be used to
pay benefits during periods of unemployment, is necessary.

(Source: P.A. 79-98.)
(820 ILCS 405/200) (from Ch. 48, par. 310)
Sec. 200.
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the terms used in this Act have
the meaning ascribed to them in Sections 201 to 247, inclusive.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/201) (from Ch. 48, par. 311)
Sec. 201.

"Director" means the Director of the Department of Employment
Security, and "Department" means the Department of Employment Security.

(Source: P.A. 83-1503.)
(820 ILCS 405/202) (from Ch. 48, par. 312)
Sec. 202.

"Benefits" means the money payments payable to an individual as
provided in this Act, with respect to his unemployment.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/203) (from Ch. 48, par. 313)
Sec. 203.

"Employment office" means a free public employment office or
branch thereof operated by this State or any other State as a part of a
State controlled system of public employment offices or by a Federal agency
or any agency of a foreign government charged with the administration of an
unemployment compensation program or free public employment offices.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/204) (from Ch. 48, par. 314)
Sec. 204.

"Employing unit" means any individual or type of organization, including
the State of Illinois, each of its political subdivisions and municipal
corporations, and each instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing;
and any partnership, association, trust, estate, joint-stock company,
insurance company, or corporation, whether domestic or foreign, or the
receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee or successor thereof, or the legal
representative of a deceased person, which has or subsequent to January 1,
1936, had in its employ one or more individuals performing services for it
within this State. All individuals performing services within this State
for any employing unit which maintains two or more separate establishments
within this State shall be deemed to be employed by a single employing unit
for all purposes of this Act.
A talent or modeling agency that is licensed under the Private
Employment Agency Act is not the employing unit with respect to the performance
of services for which an individual has been referred by the agency.

(Source: P.A. 89-649, eff. 8-9-96.)
(820 ILCS 405/205) (from Ch. 48, par. 315)
Sec. 205.
"Employer" means:
A. With respect to the years 1937, 1938, and 1939, any employing
unit which has or had in employment eight or more individuals on some
portion of a day, but not necessarily simultaneously, and irrespective
of whether the same individuals are or were employed on each such day
within each of twenty or more calendar weeks, whether or not such weeks
are or were consecutive, within either the current or preceding calendar
B. 1. With respect to the years 1940 through 1955, inclusive, any
employing unit which has or had in employment six or more individuals
within each of twenty or more calendar weeks (but not necessarily
simultaneously and irrespective of whether the same individuals are or
were employed in each such week), whether or not such weeks are or were
consecutive, within either the current or preceding calendar year;
2. With respect to the years 1956 through 1971, inclusive, any
employing unit which has or had in employment four or more individuals
within each of twenty or more calendar weeks (but not necessarily
simultaneously and irrespective of whether the same individuals are or
were employed in each such week), whether or not such weeks are or were
consecutive, within either the current or preceding calendar year;
3. With respect to the years 1972 and thereafter, except as provided
in subsection K and in Section 301, any employing unit
which (1) pays or paid, for services in employment, wages of at least
$1500 within any calendar quarter in either the current or preceding
calendar year; or (2) has or had in employment at least one individual
on some portion of a day, irrespective of whether the same individual is
or was employed on each such day, within each of twenty or more calendar
weeks, whether or not such weeks are or were consecutive, within either
the current or preceding calendar year;
4. With respect to the years 1972 and thereafter, any nonprofit
organization as defined in Section 211.2, except as provided in subsection
K and in Section 301;
5. With respect to the years 1972 and thereafter, the State of
Illinois and each of its instrumentalities; and with respect to the years
1978 and thereafter, each governmental entity referred to in clause (B) of
Section 211.1, except as provided in Section 301;
6. With respect to the years 1978 and thereafter, any employing unit for
which service in agricultural labor is performed in employment as defined
in Section 211.4, except as provided in subsection K and in Section 301;
7. With respect to the years 1978 and thereafter, any employing unit for
which domestic service is performed in employment as defined in Section
211.5, except as provided in subsection K and in Section 301;
C. Any individual or employing unit which succeeded to the
organization, trade, or business of another employing unit which at the
time of such succession was an employer, and any individual or employing
unit which succeeded to the organization, trade, or business of any
distinct severable portion of another employing unit, which portion, if
treated as a separate employing unit, would have been, at the time of
the succession, an employer under subsections A or B of this Section;
D. Any individual or employing unit which succeeded to any of the
assets of an employer or to any of the assets of a distinct severable
portion thereof, if such portion, when treated as a separate employing
unit would be an employer under subsections A or B of this Section, by
any means whatever, otherwise than in the ordinary course of business,
unless and until it is proven in any proceeding where such issue is
involved that all of the following exist:
E. Any individual or employing unit which succeeded to the
organization, trade, or business, or to any of the assets of a
predecessor unit (unless and until it is proven in any proceeding where
such issue is involved that all the conditions enumerated in subsection
D of this Section exist), if the experience of the successor unit
subsequent to such succession plus the experience of the predecessor
unit prior to such succession, both within the same calendar year, would
equal the experience necessary to constitute an employing unit an
employer under subsections A or B of this Section;
For the purposes of this subsection, the term "predecessor unit"
shall include any distinct severable portion of an employing unit.
F. With respect to the years 1937 through 1955, inclusive, any
employing unit which together with one or more other employing units is
owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by legally enforceable
means or otherwise, by the same interests, or which owns or controls one
or more other employing units directly or indirectly, by legally
enforceable means or otherwise, and which if treated as a single unit
with such other employing units or interests or both would be an
employer under subsections A or B of this Section;
G. Any employing unit which, having become an employer under
subsections A, B, C, D, E, or F of this Section, has not, under Section
301, ceased to be an employer;
H. For the effective period of its election pursuant to Section 302,
any other employing unit which has elected to become fully subject to
this Act;
I. Any employing unit which is an employer under Section 245;
J. Any employing unit which, having become an employer under Section
245, has not, with respect to the year 1960 or thereafter, ceased to be
an employer under Section 301; or
J-1. On and after December 21, 2000, any Indian tribe for which service in
"employment" as defined under this Act is performed.
K. In determining whether or not an employing unit for which service other
than domestic service is also performed is an employer under paragraphs
3, 4, or 6 of subsection B, the domestic service of an individual and the
wages paid therefor shall not be taken into account. In determining whether
or not an employing unit for which service other than agricultural labor
is also performed is an employer under paragraphs 4 or 7 of subsection B,
the service of an individual in agricultural labor and the wages paid therefor
shall not be taken into account. An employing unit which is an employer
under paragraph 6 of subsection B is an employer under paragraph 3 of
subsection B.

(Source: P.A. 92-555, eff. 6-24-02.)
(820 ILCS 405/205.1)
Sec. 205.1.
Indian tribe.
"Indian tribe" has the meaning given to that term by
Section 4(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25
U.S.C. 450(e)), and includes any subdivision, subsidiary, or business
wholly owned by such an Indian tribe.

(Source: P.A. 92-555, eff. 6-24-02.)
(820 ILCS 405/206) (from Ch. 48, par. 316)
Sec. 206.

Subject to the provisions of Sections 207 to 233, inclusive,
and of subsection B of Section 245, "employment" means any service
performed prior to July 1, 1940, which was employment as defined in this
Act prior to that date, and any service after June 30, 1940, performed by
an individual for an employing unit, including service in interstate
commerce and service on land which is owned, held or possessed by the
United States, and including all services performed by an officer of a
business corporation, without regard to whether such services are
executive, managerial, or manual in nature, and without regard to whether
such officer is or is not a stockholder or a member of the board of
directors of the corporation.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/206.1)
Sec. 206.1. Employment; employee leasing company.
A. For purposes of this Section:
B. Subject to subsection C, services performed by an
individual under a contract between an employee leasing
company and client, including but not limited to services
performed in the capacity of a corporate officer of the
client, are services in "employment" of the employee
leasing company and are not services in "employment" of
the client if all of the following conditions are met:
C. Notwithstanding subsection B, services performed by
an individual under a contract between an employee leasing
company and client, including but not limited to services
performed in the capacity of a corporate officer of the
client, are services in "employment" of the client and are
not services in "employment" of the employee leasing
company if:
D. Except as provided in this Section and
notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
contrary, services performed by an individual under a
contract between an employee leasing company and client,
including but not limited to services performed in the
capacity of a corporate officer of the client, are services
in "employment" of the client and are not services in
"employment" of the employee leasing company.
E. Nothing in this Section shall be construed or used to effect the
existence of an employment relationship other than for purposes of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/207) (from Ch. 48, par. 317)
Sec. 207.

The term "employment" shall include an individual's entire
service, within or both within and without this State, if
A. The service is localized in this State; or
B. The service is not localized in any State but some of the service is
performed in this State and (1) the base of the operations, or, if there is
no base of operations, then, the place from which such service is directed
or controlled is in this State; or (2) the base of operations or place from
which such service is directed or controlled is not in any State in which
some part of the service is performed but the individual's residence is in
this State; or
C. The service is not localized in any State but, after 1961, is
performed by an individual employed on or in connection with an American
aircraft, if
1. The contract of service is entered into within this State, or
2. The contract of service is not entered into within this State or
within any other State and, during the performance of the contract of
service and while the individual is employed on the aircraft, it touches at
an air field in this State; provided, however, that the Director may enter
into arrangements with other States, pursuant to Section 2700, with respect
to such aircraft which touch at an air field in more than one State;
Provided, that the individual is employed on or in connection with such
American aircraft when outside the United States. The term "American
aircraft" means an aircraft registered under the laws of the United States.

(Source: Laws 1961, p. 1784.)
(820 ILCS 405/208) (from Ch. 48, par. 318)
Sec. 208.

Service shall be deemed to be localized within a State if-
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/208.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 318.1)
Sec. 208.1.
The term "employment" shall include the service of an individual
who is a citizen of the United States, performed outside the United
States after December 31,
1971, (except in Canada, and in the case of the Virgin Islands after December
31, 1971, and prior to January 1 of the year following the year in which
the United States Secretary of Labor approves the unemployment compensation
law of the Virgin Islands under Section 3304(a) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1954), in the employ of an American employer (other than service which is
defined as "employment" under the provisions of Sections 207 and 208 or
the parallel provisions of the unemployment compensation law of another
State), if:
1. The employer's principal place of business in the United States
is located in this State; or
2. The employer has no place of business in the United States, but
(a) the employer is an individual who is a resident of this State; or
(b) the employer is a corporation which is organized under the laws of
this State; or (c) the employer is a partnership or a trust and the
number of partners or trustees who are residents of this State is
greater than the number who are residents of any one other State; or
3. None of the criteria of paragraphs 1 and 2 is met but the
employer has elected coverage under this Act pursuant to Section 302 or,
the employer having failed to elect coverage under the unemployment
compensation law of any State, the individual has made a claim for
benefits under this Act, based on wages for such service.
B. When used in this Section:
"American employer" means (1) an individual who is a resident of the
United States; or (2) a partnership if two-thirds or more of the
partners are residents of the United States; or (3) a trust, if all of
the trustees are residents of the United States; or (4) a corporation
organized under the laws of the United States or of any State.
"United States" includes the States of the United States of America,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/208.2) (from Ch. 48, par. 318.2)
Sec. 208.2.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 207, the term "employment"
includes an individual's service, whenever performed within any State or
Canada, if (A) contributions are not required with respect to any part of
such service under an unemployment compensation law of any other State or
Canada, and (B) the place from which the service is directed or controlled
is in this State.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/209) (from Ch. 48, par. 319)
Sec. 209.

Services not covered under Section 207 and performed entirely
without this State, with respect to no part of which contributions are
required and paid under an unemployment compensation law of any other State
or of the Federal Government, shall be deemed to be employment if the
Director approves the election of the employing unit for whom such services
are performed that the entire service of such individual shall be deemed to
be employment.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/210) (from Ch. 48, par. 320)
Sec. 210.

Services covered by an arrangement pursuant to Section 2700 between the
Director and the agency charged with the administration of any other State
or federal unemployment compensation law, or the unemployment compensation
law of Canada, pursuant to which all services performed by an individual
for an employing unit are deemed to be performed entirely within this
State, shall be deemed to be employment.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/211) (from Ch. 48, par. 321)
Sec. 211.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, the term
"employment" shall include all service performed by an officer or member of
the crew of an American vessel on or in connection with such vessel,
provided that the operating office, from which the operations of such
vessel operating on navigable waters within or within and without the
United States are ordinarily and regularly supervised, managed, directed
and controlled, is within this State.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/211.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 321.1)
Sec. 211.1.

Except as provided in Section 220, the term "employment" shall
include (A) service performed after December 31, 1971, by an individual in
the employ of this State or any of its instrumentalities (and by an
individual in the employ of this State or any of its instrumentalities
and one or more other States or their instrumentalities for a hospital
or institution of higher education located in this State), provided that
such service is excluded from the definition of "employment" in the Federal
Unemployment Tax Act solely by reason of Section 3306(c)(7) of that Act; (B) service performed after December 31, 1977 by an individual in the
employ of this State or any of its instrumentalities, or any political
or municipal corporation thereof or any of their instrumentalities, or any
instrumentality of more than one of the foregoing, or any instrumentality
of any of the foregoing and one or more other States or political subdivisions,
provided that such service is excluded from the definition of "employment"
in the Federal Unemployment Tax Act by Section 3306(c)(7) of that Act; and
(C) service performed after December 20, 2000, by an individual in the employ
of an Indian tribe.

(Source: P.A. 92-555, eff. 6-24-02.)
(820 ILCS 405/211.2) (from Ch. 48, par. 321.2)
Sec. 211.2.

Except as provided in Section 211.3, the term "employment" shall
service performed after December 31, 1971, by an individual in the employ
of a nonprofit organization. As used in this Act, the term "nonprofit
organization" means a religious, charitable, educational, or other
nonprofit organization defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 which is exempt from income tax under Section 501(a)
of that Code, and
which has or had in employment 4 or more individuals within each of 20 or
more calendar weeks (but not necessarily simultaneously and irrespective of
whether the same individuals are or were employed in each such week),
whether or not such weeks are or were consecutive, within either the
current or preceding calendar year (or which has elected, pursuant to
Section 302, to be an employer); provided, that services
performed for the organization are excluded from the definition of
"employment" in the Federal Unemployment Tax Act solely by reason of
Section 3306(c)(8) of that Act. An employing unit cannot be a nonprofit
organization prior to 1972.

(Source: P.A. 86-3.)
(820 ILCS 405/211.3) (from Ch. 48, par. 321.3)
Sec. 211.3.

For the purpose of Section 211.2, the term
"employment" shall not include services performed
A. In the employ of (1) a church or convention or association of
churches, or (2) an organization or school which is not an institution of
higher education, which is operated primarily for
religious purposes and which is operated, supervised, controlled or
principally supported by a church or convention or association of
B. By a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a
church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious
order in the exercise of duties required by such order;
C. Prior to January 1, 1978, in the employ of a school which
is not an institution of higher education;
D. In a facility conducted for the purpose of carrying out a program
of rehabilitation for individuals whose earning capacity is impaired by
age or physical or mental deficiency or injury or providing remunerative
work for individuals who because of their impaired physical or mental
capacity cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market, by
an individual receiving such rehabilitation or remunerative work;
E. As part of an unemployment work-relief or work-training
program assisted or financed in whole or in part by any Federal
agency or an agency of a State or political subdivision or
municipal corporation thereof, by an individual receiving such
work-relief or work-training; or
F. After December 31, 1977, by an inmate of a custodial or
penal institution.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/211.4) (from Ch. 48, par. 321.4)
Sec. 211.4. A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the
term "employment" shall include service performed after December 31,
1977, by an individual in agricultural labor as defined in Section 214
B. For the purposes of this Section, any individual who is a member
of a crew furnished by a crew leader to perform service in agricultural
labor for any other employing unit shall be treated as performing
service in the employ of such crew leader if (1) the leader holds a
valid certificate of registration under the Farm Labor Contractor
Registration Act of 1963, or substantially all the members of such crew
operate or maintain tractors, mechanized harvesting or crop dusting
equipment, or any other mechanized equipment, which is provided by the
crew leader; and (2) the service of such individual is not in employment
for such other employing unit within the meaning of subsections A and C
of Section 212, and of Section 213.
C. For the purposes of this Section, any individual who is furnished
by a crew leader to perform service in agricultural labor for any other
employing unit, and who is not treated as performing service in the
employ of such crew leader under subsection B, shall be treated as
performing service in the employ of such other employing unit, and such
employing unit shall be treated as having paid cash wages to such
individual in an amount equal to the amount of cash wages paid to the
individual by the crew leader (either on his own behalf or on behalf of
such other employing unit) for the service in agricultural labor
performed for such other employing unit.
D. For the purposes of this Section, the term "crew leader" means an
individual who (1) furnishes individuals to perform service in
agricultural labor for any other employing unit; (2) pays (either on his
own behalf or on behalf of such other employing unit) the individuals so
furnished by him for the service in agricultural labor performed by
them; and (3) has not entered into a written agreement with such other
employing unit under which an individual so furnished by him is
designated as performing services in the employ of such other employing

(Source: P.A. 102-1030, eff. 5-27-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/211.5) (from Ch. 48, par. 321.5)
Sec. 211.5.

The term "employment" shall include domestic service after
December 31, 1977, in a private home, local college club or local chapter
of a college fraternity or sorority performed for an employing unit which
paid cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter in either the
current or preceding calendar year to an individual or individuals employed
in such domestic service.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/212) (from Ch. 48, par. 322)
Sec. 212.

Service performed by an individual for an employing unit, whether
or not such individual employs others in connection with the performance of
such services, shall be deemed to be employment unless and until it is
proven in any proceeding where such issue is involved that--
A. Such individual has been and will continue to be free from control or
direction over the performance of such services, both under his contract of
service and in fact; and
B. Such service is either outside the usual course of the business for
which such service is performed or that such service is performed outside
of all the places of business of the enterprise for which such service is
performed; and
C. Such individual is engaged in an independently established trade,
occupation, profession, or business.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/212.1)
Sec. 212.1.
Truck Owner-Operator.
(a) The term "employment" shall not include services performed by an
individual as an operator of a truck, truck-tractor, or tractor, provided the
person or entity to which the individual is contracted for service shows that
the individual:
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply:
(c) Nothing in this Section shall be construed or used to effect the
existence or non-existence of an employment relationship other than for
purposes of this Act.
(d) For purposes of this Section:
(Source: P.A. 89-252, eff. 8-8-95.)
(820 ILCS 405/213) (from Ch. 48, par. 323)
Sec. 213.

Each individual performing services for, or assisting in
performing the work of, any person in the employment of an employing unit
shall be deemed to be employed by such employing unit for all the purposes
of this Act, whether such services were procured or were paid for
directly by such employing unit or by such person, provided the employing
unit had actual or constructive knowledge of the work.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/214) (from Ch. 48, par. 324)
Sec. 214.
The term "employment" does not include agricultural or
aquacultural labor, except
as provided in Section 211.4. With
respect to the period prior to January 1, 1972, the term "agricultural
labor" means the services included within the term by this Act as
amended and in effect on September 15, 1969. On and after January 1,
1972, the term "agricultural labor" means all services performed:
As used in this Section, the term "farm" includes stock, dairy,
poultry, fruit, fur-bearing animal, and truck farms, plantations,
ranches, nurseries, ranges, greenhouses or other similar structures used
primarily for the raising of agricultural or horticultural commodities,
and orchards.
The term "aquacultural labor" means all services performed in
connection with the production of aquatic products, including any aquatic plants and animals or their by-products that are produced, grown, managed, harvested and marketed on an annual, semi-annual, biennial or short-term basis, in permitted aquaculture facilities.

(Source: P.A. 102-555, eff. 1-1-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/215) (from Ch. 48, par. 325)
Sec. 215.

Except as provided in Section 211.5, the term "employment" shall
not include domestic service in a private home, local college club, or
local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/216) (from Ch. 48, par. 326)
Sec. 216.
The term "employment" shall not include service performed as
an officer or member of a crew on or in connection with a vessel which is
not an American vessel; and service performed as an officer or member of a
crew of an American vessel on or in connection with such vessel, if the
operating office, from which the operations of the vessel operating on
navigable waters within or within and without the United States are
ordinarily and regularly supervised, managed, directed and controlled, is
without this State. The term "American vessel" means any vessel documented
or numbered under the laws of the United States; and includes any vessel
which is neither documented or numbered under the laws of the United States
nor documented under the laws of any foreign country, if its crew is
employed solely by one or more citizens or residents of the United States
or corporations organized under the laws of the United States or of any
B. The term "employment" shall not include service performed by an
individual on or in connection with an aircraft which is not an American
aircraft, if the individual is employed on or in connection with such
aircraft when outside the United States. The term "American aircraft" means
an aircraft registered under the laws of the United States.

(Source: Laws 1961, p. 1784.)
(820 ILCS 405/217) (from Ch. 48, par. 327)
Sec. 217.

(a) The term "employment" shall not include services performed
as a real estate salesman to the extent that such services are compensated
for by commission.
(b) After December 31, 1986, the term
"employment" shall not include services performed as a
direct seller engaged in the trade or business of selling, or soliciting
the sale of, consumer products to any buyer on a buy-sell basis, a
deposit-commission basis, or any similar basis in the home or in an
establishment other than a permanent retail establishment, if:
(1) Substantially all the remuneration, whether or not paid in cash, for
the performance of such services is directly related to sales or other
output, including the performance of services, rather than to the number of
hours worked; and
(2) The services performed by the person are performed pursuant to a
written contract between such person and the person for whom the services
are performed, and such contract provides that the person will not be
treated as an employee with respect to such services for federal tax purposes.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/217.1)
Sec. 217.1.
Real estate transaction closing agents.
(a) The term "employment" does not include services performed by an
individual as a real estate transaction closing agent when the individual has
entered into
a contract that specifies the relationship of the individual to the title
insurance company to be that of an independent contractor and not that of an
employee and is compensated on a per closing basis. For purposes of this
Section, a "real estate transaction closing agent" is an individual assigned by
a title insurance company solely to ensure that the execution of documents
related to the closing of a real estate sale or the refinancing of a real
estate loan and the disbursement of closing funds are in conformity with the
instructions of the entity financing the transaction, or in a cash transaction,
to assure proper disbursement of funds as directed by parties having an
interest in the transaction.
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to any services that are required to be
covered as a condition of approval of this Act by the United States Secretary
of Labor under Section 3304(a)(6)(A) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act.

(Source: P.A. 89-649, eff. 8-9-96.)
(820 ILCS 405/217.2)
Sec. 217.2.
Real estate appraisers.
(a) The term "employment" does not include services performed by an
individual as a real estate appraiser under a written independent contractor
agreement if the agreement provides that:
(b) Subsection
(a) shall not apply to any services that are required to be covered as a
condition of approval of this Act by the United States Secretary of Labor under
Section 3304(a)(6)(A) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act.

(Source: P.A. 89-649, eff. 8-9-96.)
(820 ILCS 405/218) (from Ch. 48, par. 328)
Sec. 218.

The term "employment" shall not include service performed by an
individual in the employ of his son, daughter, or spouse, and service
performed by a child under the age of 18 in the employ of his
father or mother.

(Source: P.A. 79-817.)
(820 ILCS 405/219) (from Ch. 48, par. 329)
Sec. 219.

The term "employment" shall not include service performed in the
employ of any other State or its political subdivisions, or of the United
States Government, or of an instrumentality of any other State or States or
their political subdivisions or of the United States except that, in the
event that the Congress of the United States shall permit States to require
any instrumentalities of the United States to make payments of
contributions under a State Unemployment Compensation Act (and to comply
with State regulations thereunder), then, to the extent permitted by
Congress, and from and after the date as of which such permission becomes
effective, all of the provisions of this Act shall be applicable to such
instrumentalities and to services performed for such instrumentalities in
the same manner, to the same extent, and on the same terms as to all other
employers, employing units, individuals, and services; provided, that if
this State shall not be certified for any year by the Secretary of Labor of
the United States of America or other appropriate Federal agency under
Section 3304 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, then the
payments required of such instrumentalities with respect to such year shall
be refunded by the Director in accordance with the provisions of Section

(Source: Laws 1955, p. 744.)
(820 ILCS 405/220) (from Ch. 48, par. 330)
Sec. 220.
The term "employment" shall not include service performed
to 1972 in the employ of this State, or of any political subdivision
thereof, or of any wholly owned instrumentality of this State or its
political subdivisions.
B. The term "employment" shall not include service, performed after
1971 and before 1978, in the employ of this State or any of its
C. Except as provided in Section 302, the term "employment" shall
not include service performed in the employ of a political subdivision
or a municipal corporation, or an instrumentality of one or more of the
foregoing or of this State and one or more of the foregoing. This subsection
shall not apply to service performed after December 31, 1977.
D. The term "employment" shall not include service performed after December
31, 1977:
E. The term "employment" shall not include service performed on or
after January 1, 2002 in the employ of a governmental entity referred to in
clause (B) of Section 211.1 if the service is performed in the exercise of
duties as an election official or election worker and the amount of
remuneration received by the individual during the calendar year for service
as an election official or election worker is less than $1,000.
F. The term "employment" shall not include service performed in the employ
of an Indian tribe if such service is performed in the exercise of duties:
(Source: P.A. 92-441, eff. 1-1-02; 92-555, eff. 6-24-02.)
(820 ILCS 405/221) (from Ch. 48, par. 331)
Sec. 221.

The term "employment" does not include service performed in the employ
of a corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and
operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or
educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or
animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any
private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the
activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to
influence legislation. On and after January 1, 1972, the provisions of this
Section do not apply to services performed in the employ of a nonprofit
organization as defined in Section 211.2.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/222) (from Ch. 48, par. 332)
Sec. 222.

The term "employment" shall not include service with respect to
which unemployment compensation is payable under an unemployment
compensation system established by an Act of Congress; provided that the
Director is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with the proper
agencies under such Act of Congress, which shall become effective ten days
after the date of such agreement, to provide reciprocal treatment to
individuals who have, after acquiring potential rights to benefits under
this Act, acquired rights to unemployment compensation under such Act of
Congress or who have, after acquiring potential rights to unemployment
compensation under such Act of Congress, acquired rights to benefits under
this Act.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/223) (from Ch. 48, par. 333)
Sec. 223.

The term "employment" shall not include service performed in any
calendar quarter in the employ of any organization exempt from income tax
under Section 501(a) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (other
than an organization described in Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1954) or under Section 521 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 if
the remuneration for such service is less than $50.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/224) (from Ch. 48, par. 334)
Sec. 224.

The term "employment" shall not include service performed
in the employ of a school, college, or university, (A) by a student who
is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at such school, college or
university, or (B) by the spouse of such
student if the spouse is advised, at the time
the spouse commences to perform such service, that (1) the employment of
the spouse to perform such service is provided under a program to
provide financial assistance to the student by the school, college, or
university, and (2) such employment will not be covered by any program
of unemployment compensation.

(Source: P.A. 81-1130.)
(820 ILCS 405/225) (from Ch. 48, par. 335)
Sec. 225.
This Section, and not Section 212 of this Act, controls the determination of employment status

for services performed by individuals in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or shopping news.
(A) The term "employment" shall not include services performed
by an
individual under the age of eighteen in the delivery or distribution of
newspapers or shopping news.
(B) The term "employment" does not include the performance of
freelance editorial or photographic work for a newspaper.
(B-5) The employment status of individuals engaged in the delivery of newspapers or shopping news shall

be determined as provided in this subsection. The term "employment" does not include the delivery or

distribution of newspapers or shopping news if at least one of the following 4 elements is present:
(C) Notwithstanding subsection (B-5), the term "employment" does not include the delivery or distribution of
newspapers or shopping news to the ultimate consumer if:
(D) Subsections (B-5) and (C) shall not apply in the case of any individual who
provides delivery or distribution services for a newspaper pursuant to the
terms of a collective bargaining agreement and shall not be construed to
alter or amend the application or interpretation of any existing collective
bargaining agreement. Further, subsections (B-5) and (C) shall not be construed as
evidence of the existence or non-existence of an employment relationship
under any other Sections of this Act or
other existing laws.
(E) Subsections (B), (B-5), and (C) shall not apply to services that are required
to be covered as a condition of approval of this Act by the United States
Secretary of Labor under Section 3304 (a)(6)(A) of the Federal Unemployment Tax

(Source: P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/226) (from Ch. 48, par. 336)
Sec. 226.

The term "employment" shall not include services performed in
connection with the illegal recording or making of bets or wagers or the
selling of pools upon any contest or race; or in connection with the
playing of or betting in any game of chance involving the losing or winning
of money or any other thing of value; or in connection with the illegal
operation of any lottery whether by dice, lot, numbers, game, hazard, or
other gambling device.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/227) (from Ch. 48, par. 337)
Sec. 227.

The term "employment" shall not include service performed after 1971
by an individual who is enrolled at a nonprofit or
public educational institution, which normally maintains a regular
faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly organized body of
students in attendance at the place where its educational activities are
carried on, as a student in a full-time program, taken for credit at
such institution, which combines academic instruction with work
experience, if such service is an integral part of such program, and
such institution has so certified to the employer, except that this
Section shall not apply to service performed in a program established
for or on behalf of an employer or group of employers.

(Source: P.A. 83-71.)
(820 ILCS 405/228) (from Ch. 48, par. 338)
Sec. 228.

The term "employment" shall not include services performed by an
individual as an insurance agent or insurance solicitor, if all such
services performed by such individual are performed for remuneration solely
by way of commission.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/229) (from Ch. 48, par. 339)
Sec. 229.

The term "employment" shall not include services covered by an
arrangement pursuant to Section 2700 whereby all services performed by an
individual for an employing unit are deemed to be performed entirely
outside of this State.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/230) (from Ch. 48, par. 340)
Sec. 230. The term "employment" shall not include service performed after
(Source: P.A. 95-639, eff. 10-5-07.)
(820 ILCS 405/231) (from Ch. 48, par. 341)
Sec. 231.

The term "employment" shall not include services performed for an
employing unit which is subject to this Act solely because of subsection
A of Section 245, if and while such employing unit, with written approval
of the Director, duly covers under the unemployment compensation law of
another State all services for it which would otherwise be covered under
this Act, provided that those individuals whose services are hereby
excluded shall be counted in determining whether such employing unit is an
employer under Section 205. Such approval may be withdrawn by the
Director upon written notice to such employing unit, addressed to its last
known address and, in the event of such withdrawal, such services shall
again be deemed employment subject to this Act as of the date such services
ceased or could have ceased to be employment, by the reasonably prompt
filing of an application for termination of coverage, under the
unemployment compensation law of such other state.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/232) (from Ch. 48, par. 342a)
Sec. 232.

The term "employment" shall not include services performed by a director
of a corporation while acting in the capacity of a director on or for a
committee provided for by law, or by charter or by by-laws of the
corporation. This Section shall not apply to the services described in
Section 211.2.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/232.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 342b)
Sec. 232.1.

The term employment shall not include services performed
by an individual under the age of 22 who is a full-time student and acting
as a caddie in assisting a golf player during a round of golf primarily by
handling the player's clubs when paid directly by the club member or
indirectly by the club acting as agent for the member.

(Source: P.A. 86-1015.)
(820 ILCS 405/232.2)
Sec. 232.2.
Students; organized camps.
A. The term "employment" does not include service performed by a full-time
student in the employ of an organized camp if:
B. For the purposes of this Section, an individual shall be treated as a
full-time student for any period:
(Source: P.A. 92-433, eff. 1-1-02.)
(820 ILCS 405/233) (from Ch. 48, par. 343)
Sec. 233.

"Included and excluded services." If the services performed
during one-half or more of any pay period by an individual for an employing
unit constitute employment, all the services of such individual for such
period shall be deemed to be employment; but if the services performed
during more than one-half of any such pay period by an individual for an
employing unit do not constitute employment, then none of the services of
such individual for such period shall be deemed to be employment. As used
in this Section the term "pay period" means a period (of not more than
thirty-one consecutive days) for which a payment of remuneration is
ordinarily made to an individual in the employ of an employing unit. This
Section shall not be applicable with respect to services performed in a pay
period by an individual in the employ of an employing unit where any of
such service is excepted by Section 222.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/234) (from Ch. 48, par. 344)
Sec. 234.

Subject to the provisions of Sections 235 and 245 C, "wages"
means every form of remuneration for personal services, including salaries,
commissions, bonuses, and the reasonable money value of all remuneration in
any medium other than cash. The reasonable money value of remuneration in
any medium other than cash shall be estimated and determined in accordance
with rules prescribed by the Director. Such rules shall be based upon the
reasonable past experience of the workers and the employing units concerned
Where gratuities are customarily received by an individual in the course
of his work from persons other than his employer, such gratuities shall,
subject to the provisions of this paragraph, be treated as wages received
from his employer. Each such employer shall notify each such individual of
his duty to report currently the amount of such gratuities to such
employer and the Director shall, by regulation, prescribe the manner of
notification and of reporting. The amount of gratuities so reported shall
constitute a conclusive determination of the amount received unless the
employer, within the time prescribed by regulation, notifies the Director
of his disagreement therewith. Gratuities not so reported to the employer
in the manner prescribed by such regulations of the Director shall not be
wages for any of the purposes of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 84-1390.)
(820 ILCS 405/235) (from Ch. 48, par. 345)
Sec. 235. (I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
The term "wages" does not include:
A. With respect to calendar years prior to calendar year 2023, the maximum amount includable as "wages" shall be determined pursuant to this Section as in effect prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
With respect to the calendar year 2023,
the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an
individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment
which does not exceed $13,271.
With respect to the calendar year 2024, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $13,590.
With respect to the calendar year 2025, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $13,916.
With respect to the calendar year 2026, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $14,250.
With respect to the calendar year 2027, and each calendar year thereafter, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $14,592.
The remuneration paid to an
individual by an employer with respect to employment in another State or
States, upon which contributions were required of such employer under an
unemployment compensation law of such other State or States, shall be
included as a part of the remuneration herein
referred to. For the purposes of this
subsection, any employing unit which succeeds to the organization,
trade, or business, or to substantially all of the assets of another
employing unit, or to the organization, trade, or business, or to
substantially all of the assets of a distinct severable portion of
another employing unit, shall be treated as a single unit with its
predecessor for the calendar year in which such succession occurs;

any employing unit which is owned or controlled by the same interests
which own or control another employing unit shall be treated as a single
unit with the unit so owned or controlled by such interests for any
calendar year throughout which such ownership or control exists; and, with respect to any trade or business transfer subject to subsection A of Section 1507.1, a transferee, as defined in subsection G of Section 1507.1, shall be treated as a single unit with the transferor, as defined in subsection G of Section 1507.1, for the calendar year in which the transfer occurs. This
subsection applies only to Sections 1400, 1405A, and 1500.
A-1. (Blank).
B. The amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an
employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any
such payment), made to, or on behalf of, an individual or any of his
dependents under a plan or system established by an employer which makes
provision generally for individuals performing services for him (or for
such individuals generally and their dependents) or for a class or
classes of such individuals (or for a class or classes of such
individuals and their dependents), on account of (1)
sickness or accident disability (except those sickness or accident
disability payments which would be includable as "wages" in Section
3306(b)(2)(A) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, in effect on
January 1, 1985, such includable payments to be attributable in such manner
as provided by Section 3306(b) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of
1954, in effect on January 1, 1985), or (2) medical or hospitalization
expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (3) death.
C. Any payment made to, or on behalf of, an employee or his
beneficiary which would be excluded from "wages" by subparagraph (A), (B),
(C), (D), (E), (F) or (G), of Section 3306(b)(5) of the Federal Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, in effect on January 1, 1985.
D. The amount of any payment on account of sickness or accident
disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with
sickness or accident disability, made by an employer to, or on behalf
of, an individual performing services for him after the expiration of
six calendar months following the last calendar month in which the
individual performed services for such employer.
E. Remuneration paid in any medium other than cash by an employing unit
to an individual for service in agricultural labor as defined in Section 214.
F. The amount of any supplemental payment made by an employer to an
individual performing services for him, other than remuneration for services
performed, under a shared work plan approved by the Director pursuant to
Section 407.1.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
The term "wages" does not include:
A. With respect to calendar years prior to calendar year 2004, the maximum amount includable as "wages" shall be determined pursuant to this Section as in effect on January 1, 2006.
With respect to the calendar year 2004,
the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an
individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment
which does not exceed $9,800.
With respect to the calendar years 2005 through 2009, the term "wages" shall
include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that
period with respect to employment which does not exceed the following amounts:
$10,500 with respect to the calendar year 2005; $11,000 with respect to the
calendar year 2006; $11,500 with respect to the calendar year 2007; $12,000
with respect to the calendar year 2008; and $12,300 with respect to the
year 2009.
With respect to the calendar years 2010, 2011, 2020, and each calendar year thereafter, the
term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an
employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed
the sum of the wage base adjustment applicable to that year pursuant to Section
1400.1, plus the maximum amount includable as "wages" pursuant to this
subsection with respect to the immediately preceding calendar year. With respect to calendar year 2012, to offset the loss of revenue to the State's account in the unemployment trust fund with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011 as a result of Section 1506.5 and the changes made by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly to Section 1506.3, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $13,560.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection A-1, with respect to calendar year 2013, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $12,900. With respect to the calendar years 2014 through 2019, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $12,960. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the maximum amount includable as
"wages" pursuant to this Section shall not be less than $12,300 or greater than
$12,960 with respect to any calendar year after calendar year 2009 except calendar year 2012 and except as otherwise provided in subsection A-1.
The remuneration paid to an
individual by an employer with respect to employment in another State or
States, upon which contributions were required of such employer under an
unemployment compensation law of such other State or States, shall be
included as a part of the remuneration herein
referred to. For the purposes of this
subsection, any employing unit which succeeds to the organization,
trade, or business, or to substantially all of the assets of another
employing unit, or to the organization, trade, or business, or to
substantially all of the assets of a distinct severable portion of
another employing unit, shall be treated as a single unit with its
predecessor for the calendar year in which such succession occurs;

any employing unit which is owned or controlled by the same interests
which own or control another employing unit shall be treated as a single
unit with the unit so owned or controlled by such interests for any
calendar year throughout which such ownership or control exists; and, with respect to any trade or business transfer subject to subsection A of Section 1507.1, a transferee, as defined in subsection G of Section 1507.1, shall be treated as a single unit with the transferor, as defined in subsection G of Section 1507.1, for the calendar year in which the transfer occurs. This
subsection applies only to Sections 1400, 1405A, and 1500.
A-1. If, by March 1, 2013, the payments attributable to the changes to subsection A by this or any subsequent amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly do not equal or exceed the loss to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund as a result of Section 1506.5 and the changes made to Section 1506.3 by this or any subsequent amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, including unrealized interest, then, with respect to calendar year 2013, the term "wages" shall include only the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer during that period with respect to employment which does not exceed $13,560.
B. The amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an
employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any
such payment), made to, or on behalf of, an individual or any of his
dependents under a plan or system established by an employer which makes
provision generally for individuals performing services for him (or for
such individuals generally and their dependents) or for a class or
classes of such individuals (or for a class or classes of such
individuals and their dependents), on account of (1)
sickness or accident disability (except those sickness or accident
disability payments which would be includable as "wages" in Section
3306(b)(2)(A) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, in effect on
January 1, 1985, such includable payments to be attributable in such manner
as provided by Section 3306(b) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of
1954, in effect on January 1, 1985), or (2) medical or hospitalization
expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (3) death.
C. Any payment made to, or on behalf of, an employee or his
beneficiary which would be excluded from "wages" by subparagraph (A), (B),
(C), (D), (E), (F) or (G), of Section 3306(b)(5) of the Federal Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, in effect on January 1, 1985.
D. The amount of any payment on account of sickness or accident
disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with
sickness or accident disability, made by an employer to, or on behalf
of, an individual performing services for him after the expiration of
six calendar months following the last calendar month in which the
individual performed services for such employer.
E. Remuneration paid in any medium other than cash by an employing unit
to an individual for service in agricultural labor as defined in Section 214.
F. The amount of any supplemental payment made by an employer to an
individual performing services for him, other than remuneration for services
performed, under a shared work plan approved by the Director pursuant to
Section 407.1.

(Source: P.A. 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/236) (from Ch. 48, par. 346)
Sec. 236.

"Insured work" means services performed in employment for

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/237) (from Ch. 48, par. 347)
Sec. 237. A. "Base period"
means the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters immediately
preceding the benefit year.
Further, any wages which had previously been used to establish a valid claim
pursuant to Section 242 and with respect to which benefits have been paid shall
not be included in the base period provided for in this subsection.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A, an individual, who has been awarded temporary
total disability under any workers' compensation act
or any occupational diseases act and does not qualify
for the maximum weekly benefit amount under Section
401 because he was unemployed and awarded temporary
total disability during the base period determined in
accordance with subsection A, shall have
his weekly benefit amount, if it is greater than the
weekly benefit amount determined in accordance with
subsection A, determined by the base period
of a benefit year which began on the date of the beginning
of the first week for which he was awarded temporary
total disability under any workers' compensation act
or occupational diseases act, provided, however, that
such base period shall not begin more than one year
prior to the individual's base period as determined
under subsection A. Further, any wages which
had previously been used to establish a valid claim
pursuant to Section 242 and with respect to which benefits
have been paid shall not be included in the base period
provided for in this subsection.
C. With respect to an individual who is ineligible to receive benefits
under this Act by reason of the provisions of Section 500E during the base
periods determined in accordance with subsections A and B, "base period" means
the last 4 completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the benefit year.
This subsection shall not apply to establish any benefit year beginning prior
to January 1, 2008.
D. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section, "base
means the base period as defined in the unemployment compensation law of
any State under which benefits are payable to an individual on the basis of
a combination of his wages pursuant to an arrangement described in Section
2700 F.

(Source: P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/238) (from Ch. 48, par. 348)
Sec. 238.

"Calendar quarter" means the period of three consecutive calendar
months ending on March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, or the
equivalent thereof as the Director may by regulation prescribe.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/239) (from Ch. 48, par. 349)
Sec. 239.
"Unemployed individual".
An individual shall be deemed unemployed in any week with respect to
which no wages are payable to him and during which he performs no services
or in any week of less than full-time work if the wages payable to him with
respect to such week are less than his weekly benefit amount. The Director
shall prescribe regulations applicable to unemployed individuals making
such distinctions in the procedures as to total unemployment, part-total
unemployment, partial unemployment of individuals, and other forms of
short-time work as the Director deems necessary.
An individual's week of unemployment shall be deemed to commence only
after his registration at an employment office, except as the Director may
by regulation otherwise prescribe if he finds that the foregoing
requirement with respect to registration would be inequitable or
administratively impracticable.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/240) (from Ch. 48, par. 350)
Sec. 240.

"Contributions" means the money payments required from employers
for the purpose of paying benefits.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/240.1)
Sec. 240.1. "Fund Building Receipts" means amounts directed for deposit
the Master Bond Fund pursuant to Section 1506.3.

(Source: P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/241) (from Ch. 48, par. 351)
Sec. 241.

Prior to September 27, 1959, "week" means such period of seven
consecutive days as the Director may by regulation prescribe. On and after
September 27, 1959, "week" means
A. Calendar week, or
B. Any seven consecutive day period with respect to which no wages are
payable to an individual and during which he performs no services, which
occurs within two calendar weeks in each of which he is not unemployed; or
C. Any seven consecutive day period which ends after September 26, 1959,
and before October 3, 1959.
The Director may by regulation prescribe that a week shall be deemed to
be "in," "within," or "during" any benefit year which includes the greater
part of such week.

(Source: Laws 1959, p. 2169.)
(820 ILCS 405/242) (from Ch. 48, par. 352)
Sec. 242.

"Benefit year" with respect to any individual means the one-year period
beginning with the first day of the week with respect to which the
individual first files a valid claim for benefits and, thereafter, the
one-year period beginning with the first day of the week with respect to
which such individual again files a valid claim after the termination of
his last preceding benefit year or, in the case of an individual all of
whose benefit rights or any remaining portion thereof have been canceled
pursuant to the provisions of Section 602B, the one-year period beginning
with the first day of the week with respect to which such individual again
files a valid claim. Any claim for benefits made in accordance with the
provisions of Section 700 shall be deemed to be a "valid claim" for the
purposes of this paragraph if the individual has met the requirements of
Section 500 E.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section, "benefit year"
means the benefit year as defined in the unemployment compensation law of
any State under which benefits are payable to an individual on the basis of
a combination of his wages pursuant to an arrangement described in Section
2700 F.

(Source: P.A. 82-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/243) (from Ch. 48, par. 353)
Sec. 243.

"Board of Review" means the Board of Review created by Section
5-125 of the Departments of State Government Law (20 ILCS 5/5-125).

(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(820 ILCS 405/244) (from Ch. 48, par. 354)
Sec. 244.

"State" includes, in addition to the States of the United
States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin
Islands of the United States.

(Source: P.A. 76-1063.)
(820 ILCS 405/245) (from Ch. 48, par. 370)
Sec. 245. Coordination with Federal Unemployment Tax Act. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Act to the contrary, excepting
the exemptions from the definition of employment contained in Sections
212.1, 217.1, 217.2, 226, and 231 and subsections (B), (B-5), and (C) of Section 225:
A. The term "employer" includes any employing unit which is an
"employer" under the provisions of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, or
which is required, pursuant to such Act, to be an "employer" under this Act
as a condition for the Federal approval of this Act requisite to the full
tax credit, against the tax imposed by the Federal Act, for contributions
paid by employers pursuant to this Act.
B. The term "employment" includes any services performed within the
State which constitute "employment" under the provisions of the Federal
Unemployment Tax Act, or which are required, pursuant to such Act, to be
"employment" under this Act as a condition for the Federal approval of this
Act requisite to the full tax credit, against the tax imposed by the
Federal Act, for contributions paid by employers pursuant to this Act.
C. The term "wages" includes any remuneration for services performed
within this State which is subject to the payment of taxes under the
provisions of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act.

(Source: P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/246) (from Ch. 48, par. 371)
Sec. 246.

"Institution of higher education" means an educational institution which
A. Admits as regular students only individuals having a certificate of
graduation from a high school, or the recognized equivalent of such a
certificate; and
B. Is legally authorized in this State to provide a program of education
beyond high school; and
C. Provides an educational program for which it awards a bachelor's or
higher degree, or provides a program which is acceptable for full credit
toward such a degree, a program of post-graduate or post-doctoral studies,
or a program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a
recognized occupation; and
D. Is a public institution or a nonprofit organization.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/247) (from Ch. 48, par. 372)
Sec. 247.

"Hospital" means any institution for the conduct, operation or
maintenance of which a license is required by the Hospital Licensing Act;
or an institution (or a facility within an institution) maintained and
operated by this State, or by any of its political subdivisions or
municipal corporations, or by an instrumentality of one or more of the
foregoing, primarily engaged in providing medical care to individuals,
including diagnostic, therapeutic, psychiatric, or obstetrical services.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/300) (from Ch. 48, par. 380)
Sec. 300.
of coverage.
Except as is provided in Sections 301 and 302, any
employing unit which is or
becomes an employer within any calendar year shall be subject to this Act
during the whole of such calendar year.

(Source: P.A. 87-1178.)
(820 ILCS 405/301) (from Ch. 48, par. 381)
Sec. 301.
Termination of coverage.
A. An employing unit shall cease to be an employer as of the first day
January of any calendar year, only if it files with the Director, prior to
the 1st day of February of such year, a written application for termination
of coverage, and the Director finds that the employment experience of such
employer within the preceding calendar year was not sufficient to render an
employing unit an employer under the provisions of subsections A or B of
Section 205. For the purposes of this Section, the two or more employing
units mentioned in subsections C, D, E, or F of Section 205 shall be
treated as a single employing unit.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 205 and subsection A of
this Section, an employing unit shall cease to be an employer as of the
last day of a calendar quarter in which it ceases to pay wages for services
in employment and ceases to have any individual performing services for
it, provided that either it files with the Director, within 5 days after
the date
on which wage reports are due for the calendar quarter, a written
application for termination of coverage and the Director approves the
application, or the Director has determined on his or her own initiative,
pursuant to standards established under duly promulgated rules, that the
employing unit has permanently ceased to pay wages for services in employment
and permanently ceased to have any individual performing services for it. If
an employing unit's coverage is terminated under this
subsection B, the termination of coverage shall be rescinded as of the date
that the employing unit begins, later in the same calendar year or in the
succeeding calendar
year, to have any individual perform services for it on any part of any day.

(Source: P.A. 90-554, eff. 12-12-97.)
(820 ILCS 405/302) (from Ch. 48, par. 382)
Sec. 302.
Election of coverage.
A. An employing unit not
otherwise subject to this Act, which files with the Director its written
election to become an employer for not less than two calendar years,
shall, with the written approval of the election by the Director, become
an employer to the same extent as all other employers, as of the date
stated in the approval, and shall cease to be subject to this Act as of
January 1 of any calendar year subsequent to such two calendar years,
only if prior to February 1 of that year it has filed with the Director
a written notice to that effect. The Director shall approve any election
so filed if he finds that the employment record of the applicant has not
been or is not likely to be such as will unduly threaten the full
payment of benefits when due under this Act.
B. Any employing unit for which services that do not constitute
employment are performed may file with the Director a written election
that all such services performed by individuals in its employ in one or
more distinct establishments or places of business shall be deemed to
constitute employment for all the purposes of this Act for not less than
two calendar years. Upon the written approval of the election by the
Director, the services shall be deemed to constitute employment from and
after the date stated in the approval. The services shall cease to be
deemed employment as of January 1 of any calendar year subsequent to
such two calendar years, only if prior to February 1 of that year the
employing unit has filed with the Director a written notice to that
effect. The basis for the approval by the Director of the election under
this subsection shall be the same as that provided under subsection A of
this Section.
C. Subsections A and B shall not apply to a political subdivision or a
municipal corporation, or an instrumentality of one or more of the
foregoing or of this State and one or more of the foregoing, and subsection
B shall not apply to this State or any of its instrumentalities, except that a
political subdivision or municipal corporation of this State may file
with the Director a written election that it be an employer with respect
to the services (except any services enumerated in Section 211.3)
performed prior to January 1, 1978, by individuals in its employ in all
of the hospitals and
institutions of higher education operated by it and that such services
be employment for all the purposes of this Act for not less than two
calendar years. The effective date of the written election shall be any
date after December 31, 1971, designated by the employing unit, provided
that the date shall not be prior to January 1 of the calendar year in
which the written election has been filed. The services described in
this subsection shall cease to be employment and the employing unit
shall cease to be an employer as of January 1 of any calendar year
subsequent to the two calendar years hereinabove mentioned only if,
prior to February 1 of that year, it files with the Director a written
notice to that effect.
1. With respect to the effective period of its election to be an
employer, the political subdivision or municipal corporation (unless it
elects to make payments under the provisions of paragraph 2) shall make
payments in lieu of contributions the amounts of which shall be
determined, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1400 and 1500,
in the same manner and on the same basis as the amounts are determined
for employers who incur liability for the payment of contributions. All
of the provisions of this Act applicable to employers who incur
liability for the payment of contributions shall apply to a political
subdivision or municipal corporation which becomes subject to the making
of payments in lieu of contributions under this paragraph.
2. In lieu of the payments required by paragraph 1, a political
subdivision or municipal corporation which has elected to be an employer
may elect to make payments in lieu of contributions: with respect to
benefit years beginning prior to July 1, 1989, in amounts equal to
the amounts of regular benefits and one-half the extended benefits
(defined in Section 409) paid to individuals for any weeks which begin
on or after the effective date of the election to make such payments, on
the basis of wages for insured work paid to them by the political
subdivision or municipal corporation during their respective base
periods; and, with respect to benefit years beginning on or after July 1,
1989, in amounts equal to the amounts specified in the third and fourth
sentences of subsection B of Section 1405 paid to individuals where such
political subdivision or municipal corporation was the last employer of the
individual as provided in Section 1502.1 with respect to a benefit year
beginning during the effective period of the election. An election to
make payments pursuant to this paragraph shall
be made in accordance with and subject to the provisions of subsection A
of Section 1404, applicable to elections by nonprofit organizations. All
of the provisions of Section 1404 (except subsection E), applicable to
payments in lieu of contributions by nonprofit organizations, shall be
applicable to payments in lieu of contributions by a political
subdivision or municipal corporation pursuant to this paragraph. For the
purposes of this paragraph, the term "contributions" (relating to
payments determined pursuant to Sections 1400 and 1500) which appears in
Section 1404 means the payments in lieu of contributions required by
paragraph 1 of this subsection; and the term "incurred liability" for
the payment of contributions, or any variant thereof, which appears in
Section 1404 means "became liable" for the payments in lieu of
contributions required by paragraph 1 of this subsection, or a like
variant thereof, as the case may be.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/400) (from Ch. 48, par. 400)
Sec. 400.
Payment of
All benefits shall be paid through employment offices, as hereinafter
provided, in accordance with such regulations as the Director may

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/401) (from Ch. 48, par. 401)
Sec. 401. Weekly Benefit Amount - Dependents' Allowances.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
A. With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, an
individual's weekly benefit amount shall be an amount equal to the weekly
benefit amount as defined in the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
B. 1.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, an individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 48% of
his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one
dollar) to the next higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit
amount cannot exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than
$51. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008, an
individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 47% of his or her prior average
weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next
higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit amount cannot exceed
the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than $51.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 and before January 1, 2026, an individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 40.6% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit amount cannot exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than $51.
2. For the purposes of this subsection:
individual's "prior average weekly wage" means the total wages for insured
work paid to that individual during the 2 calendar quarters of his base
period in which such total wages were highest, divided by 26. If
the quotient is not already a multiple of one dollar, it shall be
rounded to the nearest dollar; however if the quotient is equally near
2 multiples of one dollar, it shall be rounded to the higher multiple of
one dollar.
"Determination date" means June 1 and December 1 of each calendar year except that, for the purposes
of this Act only, there shall be no June 1 determination date in any
"Determination period" means, with respect to each June 1 determination
date, the 12 consecutive calendar months ending on the immediately preceding
December 31 and, with respect to each December 1 determination date, the
12 consecutive calendar months ending on the immediately preceding June 30.
"Benefit period" means the 12 consecutive calendar month period
beginning on the first day of the first calendar month immediately following
a determination date, except that, with respect to any calendar year
in which there is a June 1 determination date, "benefit period" shall mean
the 6 consecutive calendar month period beginning on the first day of the first
calendar month immediately following the preceding December 1 determination
date and the 6 consecutive calendar month period beginning on the first
day of the first calendar month immediately following the June 1 determination
"Gross wages" means all the wages paid to individuals during the
determination period immediately preceding a determination date for
insured work, and reported to the Director by employers prior to the
first day of the third calendar month preceding that date.
"Covered employment" for any calendar month means the total number of
individuals, as determined by the Director, engaged in insured work at
"Average monthly covered employment" means one-twelfth of the sum of
the covered employment for the 12 months of a determination period.
"Statewide average annual wage" means the quotient, obtained by
dividing gross wages by average monthly covered employment for the same
determination period, rounded (if not already a multiple of one cent) to
the nearest cent.
"Statewide average weekly wage" means the quotient, obtained by
dividing the statewide average annual wage by 52, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one cent) to the nearest cent. Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the statewide average weekly wage for any benefit period prior to calendar year 2012 shall be as determined by the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011. Notwithstanding any
provisions of this Section to the contrary, the statewide average weekly
wage for the benefit period of calendar year 2012 shall be $856.55 and for each calendar year
thereafter, the
statewide average weekly wage shall be the statewide
average weekly wage, as determined in accordance with
this sentence, for the immediately preceding benefit
period plus (or minus) an amount equal to the percentage
change in the statewide average weekly wage, as computed
in accordance with the first sentence of this paragraph,
between the 2 immediately preceding benefit periods,
multiplied by the statewide average weekly wage, as
determined in accordance with this sentence, for the
immediately preceding benefit period.
However, for purposes of the
Compensation Act, the statewide average weekly wage will be computed
using June 1 and December 1 determination dates of each calendar year and
such determination shall not be subject to the limitation of the statewide average weekly wage as
computed in accordance with the preceding sentence of this
With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a benefit period shall be as defined in the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each
week beginning within a benefit period means 48% of the statewide average
weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next
higher dollar.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008,
"maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a
benefit period means 47% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 and before January 1, 2026, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a benefit period means 40.6% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
C. With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, an individual's eligibility for a dependent allowance with respect to a nonworking spouse or one or more dependent children shall be as defined by the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect
to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such
week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, 9% of
his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one
dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided, that the total amount payable to
the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 57% of the statewide
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or
dependent children, 17.2% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if
not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that
the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not
exceed 65.2% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a
multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008 and before January 1, 2010, an
individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in
addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in
the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, 9% of his or her prior
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar, provided, that the total amount payable
to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 56% of the statewide
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or
dependent children, 18.2% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if
not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that
the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week
shall not exceed 65.2% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
The additional
amount paid pursuant to this subsection in the case of an individual with a
dependent child or dependent children shall be referred to as the "dependent
child allowance", and the percentage rate by which an individual's prior average weekly wage is multiplied pursuant to this subsection to calculate the dependent child allowance shall be referred to as the "dependent child allowance rate".
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, the greater of (i) 9% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) $15, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 56% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or dependent children, the greater of (i) the product of the dependent child allowance rate multiplied by his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) the lesser of $50 or 50% of his or her weekly benefit amount, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed the product of the statewide average weekly wage multiplied by the sum of 47% plus the dependent child allowance rate, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 and before January 1, 2026, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, the greater of (i) 9% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) $15, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 49.6% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or dependent children, the greater of (i) the product of the dependent child allowance rate multiplied by his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) the lesser of $50 or 50% of his or her weekly benefit amount, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed the product of the statewide average weekly wage multiplied by the sum of 40.6% plus the dependent child allowance rate, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to each benefit year beginning after calendar year 2012, the
dependent child allowance rate shall be the sum of the allowance adjustment
applicable pursuant to Section 1400.1 to the calendar year in which the benefit
year begins, plus the dependent child
allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in the immediately
preceding calendar year, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. The dependent
child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2010 shall be 17.9%.
The dependent child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2011 shall be 17.4%. The dependent child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2012 shall be 17.0% and, with respect to each benefit year beginning after calendar year 2012, shall not be less than 17.0% or greater than 17.9%.
For the purposes of this subsection:
"Dependent" means a child or a nonworking spouse.
"Child" means a natural child, stepchild, or adopted child of an
individual claiming benefits under this Act or a child who is in the
custody of any such individual by court order, for whom the individual is
supplying and, for at least 90 consecutive days (or for the duration of
the parental relationship if it has existed for less than 90 days)
immediately preceding any week with respect to which the individual has
filed a claim, has supplied more than one-half the cost of support, or
has supplied at least 1/4 of the cost of support if the individual and
the other parent, together, are supplying and, during the aforesaid
period, have supplied more than one-half the cost of support, and are,
and were during the aforesaid period, members of the same household; and
who, on the first day of such week (a) is under 18 years of age, or (b)
is, and has been during the immediately preceding 90 days, unable to
work because of illness or other disability: provided, that no person
who has been determined to be a child of an individual who has been
allowed benefits with respect to a week in the individual's benefit
year shall be deemed to be a child of the other parent, and no other
person shall be determined to be a child of such other parent, during
the remainder of that benefit year.
"Nonworking spouse" means the lawful husband or wife of an individual
claiming benefits under this Act, for whom more than one-half the cost
of support has been supplied by the individual for at least 90
consecutive days (or for the duration of the marital relationship if it
has existed for less than 90 days) immediately preceding any week with
respect to which the individual has filed a claim, but only if the
nonworking spouse is currently ineligible to receive benefits under this
Act by reason of the provisions of Section 500E.
An individual who was obligated by law to provide for the support of
a child or of a nonworking spouse for the aforesaid period of 90 consecutive
days, but was prevented by illness or injury from doing so, shall be deemed
to have provided more than one-half the cost of supporting the child or
nonworking spouse for that period.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
A. With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, an
individual's weekly benefit amount shall be an amount equal to the weekly
benefit amount as defined in the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
B. 1.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, an individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 48% of
his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one
dollar) to the next higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit
amount cannot exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than
$51. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008, an
individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 47% of his or her prior average
weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next
higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit amount cannot exceed
the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than $51.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025, an individual's weekly benefit amount shall be 40.6% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; provided, however, that the weekly benefit amount cannot exceed the maximum weekly benefit amount and cannot be less than $51.
2. For the purposes of this subsection:
individual's "prior average weekly wage" means the total wages for insured
work paid to that individual during the 2 calendar quarters of his base
period in which such total wages were highest, divided by 26. If
the quotient is not already a multiple of one dollar, it shall be
rounded to the nearest dollar; however if the quotient is equally near
2 multiples of one dollar, it shall be rounded to the higher multiple of
one dollar.
"Determination date" means June 1 and December 1 of each calendar year except that, for the purposes
of this Act only, there shall be no June 1 determination date in any
"Determination period" means, with respect to each June 1 determination
date, the 12 consecutive calendar months ending on the immediately preceding
December 31 and, with respect to each December 1 determination date, the
12 consecutive calendar months ending on the immediately preceding June 30.
"Benefit period" means the 12 consecutive calendar month period
beginning on the first day of the first calendar month immediately following
a determination date, except that, with respect to any calendar year
in which there is a June 1 determination date, "benefit period" shall mean
the 6 consecutive calendar month period beginning on the first day of the first
calendar month immediately following the preceding December 1 determination
date and the 6 consecutive calendar month period beginning on the first
day of the first calendar month immediately following the June 1 determination
"Gross wages" means all the wages paid to individuals during the
determination period immediately preceding a determination date for
insured work, and reported to the Director by employers prior to the
first day of the third calendar month preceding that date.
"Covered employment" for any calendar month means the total number of
individuals, as determined by the Director, engaged in insured work at
"Average monthly covered employment" means one-twelfth of the sum of
the covered employment for the 12 months of a determination period.
"Statewide average annual wage" means the quotient, obtained by
dividing gross wages by average monthly covered employment for the same
determination period, rounded (if not already a multiple of one cent) to
the nearest cent.
"Statewide average weekly wage" means the quotient, obtained by
dividing the statewide average annual wage by 52, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one cent) to the nearest cent. Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the statewide average weekly wage for any benefit period prior to calendar year 2012 shall be as determined by the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011. Notwithstanding any
provisions of this Section to the contrary, the statewide average weekly
wage for the benefit period of calendar year 2012 shall be $856.55 and for each calendar year
thereafter, the
statewide average weekly wage shall be the statewide
average weekly wage, as determined in accordance with
this sentence, for the immediately preceding benefit
period plus (or minus) an amount equal to the percentage
change in the statewide average weekly wage, as computed
in accordance with the first sentence of this paragraph,
between the 2 immediately preceding benefit periods,
multiplied by the statewide average weekly wage, as
determined in accordance with this sentence, for the
immediately preceding benefit period.
However, for purposes of the
Compensation Act, the statewide average weekly wage will be computed
using June 1 and December 1 determination dates of each calendar year and
such determination shall not be subject to the limitation of the statewide average weekly wage as
computed in accordance with the preceding sentence of this
With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a benefit period shall be as defined in the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each
week beginning within a benefit period means 48% of the statewide average
weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next
higher dollar.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008,
"maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a
benefit period means 47% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025, "maximum weekly benefit amount" with respect to each week beginning within a benefit period means 40.6% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
C. With respect to any week beginning in a benefit year beginning prior to January 4, 2004, an individual's eligibility for a dependent allowance with respect to a nonworking spouse or one or more dependent children shall be as defined by the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 4, 2004 and
before January 6, 2008, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect
to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such
week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, 9% of
his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one
dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided, that the total amount payable to
the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 57% of the statewide
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or
dependent children, 17.2% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if
not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that
the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not
exceed 65.2% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a
multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 6, 2008 and before January 1, 2010, an
individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in
addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in
the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, 9% of his or her prior
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar, provided, that the total amount payable
to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 56% of the statewide
average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the
next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or
dependent children, 18.2% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if
not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that
the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week
shall not exceed 65.2% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not
already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
The additional
amount paid pursuant to this subsection in the case of an individual with a
dependent child or dependent children shall be referred to as the "dependent
child allowance", and the percentage rate by which an individual's prior average weekly wage is multiplied pursuant to this subsection to calculate the dependent child allowance shall be referred to as the "dependent child allowance rate".
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, with respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, the greater of (i) 9% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) $15, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 56% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or dependent children, the greater of (i) the product of the dependent child allowance rate multiplied by his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) the lesser of $50 or 50% of his or her weekly benefit amount, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed the product of the statewide average weekly wage multiplied by the sum of 47% plus the dependent child allowance rate, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025, an individual to whom benefits are payable with respect to any week shall, in addition to those benefits, be paid, with respect to such week, as follows: in the case of an individual with a nonworking spouse, the greater of (i) 9% of his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) $15, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed 49.6% of the statewide average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar; and in the case of an individual with a dependent child or dependent children, the greater of (i) the product of the dependent child allowance rate multiplied by his or her prior average weekly wage, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, or (ii) the lesser of $50 or 50% of his or her weekly benefit amount, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar, provided that the total amount payable to the individual with respect to a week shall not exceed the product of the statewide average weekly wage multiplied by the sum of 40.6% plus the dependent child allowance rate, rounded (if not already a multiple of one dollar) to the next higher dollar.
With respect to each benefit year beginning after calendar year 2012, the
dependent child allowance rate shall be the sum of the allowance adjustment
applicable pursuant to Section 1400.1 to the calendar year in which the benefit
year begins, plus the dependent child
allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in the immediately
preceding calendar year, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. The dependent
child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2010 shall be 17.9%.
The dependent child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2011 shall be 17.4%. The dependent child allowance rate with respect to each benefit year beginning in calendar year 2012 shall be 17.0% and, with respect to each benefit year beginning after calendar year 2012, shall not be less than 17.0% or greater than 17.9%.
For the purposes of this subsection:
"Dependent" means a child or a nonworking spouse.
"Child" means a natural child, stepchild, or adopted child of an
individual claiming benefits under this Act or a child who is in the
custody of any such individual by court order, for whom the individual is
supplying and, for at least 90 consecutive days (or for the duration of
the parental relationship if it has existed for less than 90 days)
immediately preceding any week with respect to which the individual has
filed a claim, has supplied more than one-half the cost of support, or
has supplied at least 1/4 of the cost of support if the individual and
the other parent, together, are supplying and, during the aforesaid
period, have supplied more than one-half the cost of support, and are,
and were during the aforesaid period, members of the same household; and
who, on the first day of such week (a) is under 18 years of age, or (b)
is, and has been during the immediately preceding 90 days, unable to
work because of illness or other disability: provided, that no person
who has been determined to be a child of an individual who has been
allowed benefits with respect to a week in the individual's benefit
year shall be deemed to be a child of the other parent, and no other
person shall be determined to be a child of such other parent, during
the remainder of that benefit year.
"Nonworking spouse" means the lawful husband or wife of an individual
claiming benefits under this Act, for whom more than one-half the cost
of support has been supplied by the individual for at least 90
consecutive days (or for the duration of the marital relationship if it
has existed for less than 90 days) immediately preceding any week with
respect to which the individual has filed a claim, but only if the
nonworking spouse is currently ineligible to receive benefits under this
Act by reason of the provisions of Section 500E.
An individual who was obligated by law to provide for the support of
a child or of a nonworking spouse for the aforesaid period of 90 consecutive
days, but was prevented by illness or injury from doing so, shall be deemed
to have provided more than one-half the cost of supporting the child or
nonworking spouse for that period.
(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20; 101-633, eff. 6-5-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22; 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/401.5)
Sec. 401.5.
Exclusion of student aid.
For purposes of determining
eligibility for or the amount of any benefits under this Act, the Department
shall exclude from consideration any financial assistance received, under any
student aid program administered by an agency of this State or the federal
government, by a person who is enrolled as a full-time or part-time student at
any public or private university, college, or community college in this State.

(Source: P.A. 88-436.)
(820 ILCS 405/402) (from Ch. 48, par. 402)
Sec. 402.
Reduced weekly benefits.
Each eligible individual who is unemployed
in any week, as defined in
Section 239, shall be paid, with respect to such week, a benefit in an
amount equal to his weekly benefit amount (plus dependents' allowances)
less that part of wages (if
any) payable to him with respect to such week which is in excess of 50%
of his weekly benefit amount,
provided that such benefit for any benefit week shall be reduced by:
(1) the amount
of any holiday pay which the individual is entitled to receive, and receives,
for any workday in such week, and (2) the amount of any vacation wages
allocated to such week by the individual's employer pursuant to Section
610 of this Act, and (3)
one-fifth of the weekly
benefit amount for each normal workday during which such individual is
unable to work or unavailable for work, and provided, further, that this
subsection shall not be construed so as to effect any change in the
status of part-time workers as defined in Section 407. Such benefit, if
not a multiple of $1, shall be computed to the next higher multiple of

(Source: P.A. 82-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/403) (from Ch. 48, par. 403)
Sec. 403. Maximum total amount of benefits.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
A. With respect to
any benefit year beginning prior to September 30, 1979, any otherwise eligible
individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum
total amount of benefits as shall be determined in the manner set forth
in this Act as amended and in effect on November 9, 1977.
B. With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after September 30,
1979, except as otherwise provided in this Section, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit
year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 26 times his or her weekly
benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured
work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever
amount is smaller. With respect to any benefit year beginning in calendar year 2012, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 25 times his or her weekly benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever amount is smaller. With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2025 and before January 1, 2026, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 23 times his or her weekly benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever amount is smaller.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
A. With respect to
any benefit year beginning prior to September 30, 1979, any otherwise eligible
individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum
total amount of benefits as shall be determined in the manner set forth
in this Act as amended and in effect on November 9, 1977.
B. With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after September 30,
1979, except as otherwise provided in this Section, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit
year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 26 times his or her weekly
benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured
work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever
amount is smaller. With respect to any benefit year beginning in calendar year 2012, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 25 times his or her weekly benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever amount is smaller. With respect to any benefit year beginning on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025, any otherwise eligible individual shall be entitled, during such benefit year, to a maximum total amount of benefits equal to 23 times his or her weekly benefit amount plus dependents' allowances, or to the total wages for insured work paid to such individual during the individual's base period, whichever amount is smaller.
(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22; 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/404) (from Ch. 48, par. 404)
Sec. 404.
Payment of
benefits due to deceased individuals.
The Director may prescribe regulations to provide for the payment of
benefits which are due and payable, to the legal representative,
dependents, relatives or next of kin of persons since deceased. Such
regulations need not conform with the statutes governing decedent estates,
and such payment shall be deemed a valid payment to the same extent as if
made to the legal representative of the deceased.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/405) (from Ch. 48, par. 405)
Sec. 405.
When wages
payable treated as wages paid.
The Director may, for the purpose of determining benefit rights of a
claimant, treat wages payable but unpaid as wages paid, where such wages
are not paid because of the insolvency, bankruptcy, or other financial
difficulty of the employer.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/406) (from Ch. 48, par. 406)
Sec. 406.
after termination of military service.
An individual otherwise eligible for benefits shall not be disqualified
from the receipt thereof by reason of being entitled to readjustment
allowances under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; provided,
however, that the filing of a valid claim in any benefit year for
readjustment allowance under said Act by a claimant for any week shall,
when followed by authorization of payment thereof, be deemed an election by
such claimant to avail himself of his rights to readjustment allowances
under such Servicemen's Readjustment Act throughout the benefit year in
which such week occurs in preference to those under this Act, and shall
disqualify such claimant for benefits until whichever of the following
events first occurs: (A) the exhaustion of all his rights to readjustment
allowances under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 or (B) the end
of such benefit year.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/407) (from Ch. 48, par. 407)
Sec. 407.
As used in this Section, the term "part-time worker" means an individual
whose normal work is in an occupation in which his services are not
required for the customary scheduled full time hours or days prevailing in
the establishment in which he is employed or who, owing to personal
circumstances does not customarily work the customary scheduled full time
hours or days prevailing in the establishment in which he is employed.
The Director may, in his discretion, after giving interested parties
fair notice and opportunity to be heard, prescribe fair and reasonable
general rules applicable to part-time workers for determining their weekly
benefit amount and their total wages in insured work required to qualify
such workers for benefits. Such rules shall, with respect to such workers,
supersede any inconsistent provisions of this Act, but, so far as
practicable, shall secure results reasonably similar to those provided in
the analogous provisions of this Act. Such rules shall be made with due
regard to the customary hours or days during which such individual works in
such employment and to the wages payable therefor as compared with the
wages that would have been payable therefor, if such individual were
employed for the full time hours or days during which persons are
customarily employed at full time in such work by such employer.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/408.5)
Sec. 408.5. Additional benefits.
A. Additional benefits shall be available:
B. An individual shall be eligible to receive additional benefits pursuant to this Section for a week if he or she: (1) has met the requirements of Section 500E of this Act; (2) is an exhaustee; and (3) except when the result would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Section, has satisfied the requirements of this Act for the receipt of regular benefits as that term is defined in Section 409 of this Act.
C. For the purposes of this Section, an individual is an exhaustee with respect to a week if:
For the purposes of clauses (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this subsection, an individual shall be deemed to have received, with respect to his or her current benefit year, the maximum total amount of benefits to which he or she was entitled or all of the regular benefits to which he or she had entitlement, or all of the regular benefits available to him or her, as the case may be, even though: (a) as a result of a pending reconsideration or appeal with respect to the "finding" defined in Section 701, or of a pending appeal with respect to wages or employment or both under any other State unemployment compensation law, he or she may subsequently be determined to be entitled to more regular benefits; or (b) by reason of a seasonality provision in a State unemployment compensation law which establishes the weeks of the year for which regular benefits may be paid to individuals on the basis of wages in seasonal employment he or she may be entitled to regular benefits for future weeks but such benefits are not payable with respect to the week for which he or she is claiming additional benefits, provided that he or she is otherwise an exhaustee under the provisions of this subsection with respect to his or her rights to regular benefits, under such seasonality provision, during the portion of the year in which that week occurs; or (c) having established a benefit year, no regular benefits are payable to him or her with respect to such year because his or her wage credits were cancelled or his or her rights to regular benefits were totally reduced by reason of the application of a disqualification provision of a State unemployment compensation law.
An individual shall not cease to be an exhaustee with respect to any week solely because he or she meets the qualifying wage requirements of Section 500E for a part of such week.
D. The provisions of Section 607 and the waiting period requirements of Section 500D shall not be applicable to any week with respect to which benefits are otherwise payable under this Section.
E. With respect to any week payable under this Section, an exhaustee's "weekly additional benefit amount" shall be the same as his or her weekly benefit amount during his or her benefit year which includes such week or, if such week is not in a benefit year, during his or her applicable benefit year, as defined in regulations issued by the United States Secretary of Labor or other appropriate federal agency. If the exhaustee had more than one weekly benefit amount during his or her benefit year, his or her weekly additional benefit amount with respect to such week shall be the latest of such weekly benefit amounts.
F. An eligible exhaustee shall be entitled to a maximum total amount of additional benefits equal to the maximum total amount of benefits to which he or she was entitled under Section 403B, plus dependents' allowances, during his or her applicable benefit year, minus the sum of any trade readjustment allowances he or she has received as a result of the certification referenced in item (a) of paragraph 2 of subsection A.
G. 1. A claims adjudicator shall examine the first claim filed by an individual who meets the requirements of subsection A and, on the basis of the information in his or her possession, shall make an "additional benefits finding". Such finding shall state whether or not the individual has met the requirement of subsection E of Section 500 of this Act, is an exhaustee and, if so, his or her weekly additional benefit amount and the maximum total amount of additional benefits to which he or she is entitled. The claims adjudicator shall promptly notify the individual of his or her "additional benefits finding", and shall promptly notify the individual's most recent employing unit and the individual's last employer (referred to in Section 1502.1) that the individual has filed a claim for additional benefits. The claims adjudicator may reconsider his or her "additional benefits finding" at any time within 2 years after the close of the individual's applicable benefit year, and shall promptly notify the individual of such reconsidered finding. All of the provisions of this Act applicable to reviews from findings or reconsidered findings made pursuant to Sections 701 and 703 which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection shall be applicable to reviews from additional benefits findings and reconsidered additional benefits findings.
2. If, pursuant to the reconsideration or appeal with respect to a "finding", referred to in subsection C, an exhaustee is found to be entitled to more regular benefits and, by reason thereof, is entitled to more additional benefits, the claims adjudicator shall make a reconsidered additional benefits finding and shall promptly notify the exhaustee thereof.
H. Benefits payable pursuant to this Section shall be paid from the unemployment trust fund.
I. No employer shall be chargeable for the additional benefits paid under this Section.
J. To ensure full compliance and coordination with all applicable federal laws, including, but not limited to, the federal Trade Act of 1974, as amended, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, and the Social Security Act, the Director shall take any action or issue any regulations necessary in the administration of this Section to ensure that its provisions are so interpreted and applied as to meet the requirements of such federal Act as interpreted by the United States Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency.

(Source: P.A. 99-912, eff. 12-19-16.)
(820 ILCS 405/409) (from Ch. 48, par. 409)
Sec. 409. Extended benefits.
A. For the purposes of this Section:
B. An individual shall be eligible to receive extended benefits
pursuant to this Section for any week which begins in his eligibility
period if, with respect to such week (1) he has been paid wages for insured
work during his base period equal to at least 1 1/2 times the wages paid
in that calendar quarter of his base period in which such wages were highest; (2) he has met the requirements of Section 500E
of this Act; (3) he is an exhaustee; and (4) except when the result
would be inconsistent with the provisions of this
Section, he has satisfied the requirements of this Act for the receipt
of regular benefits.
C. An individual is an exhaustee with respect to a week which begins
in his eligibility period if:
D. 1. The provisions of Section 607 and the waiting period
requirements of Section 500D shall not be applicable to any week with
respect to which benefits are otherwise payable under this Section.
2. An individual shall not cease to be an exhaustee with respect to
any week solely because he meets the qualifying wage requirements of
Section 500E for a part of such week.
E. With respect to any week which begins in his eligibility period,
an exhaustee's "weekly extended benefit amount" shall be the same as his
weekly benefit amount during his benefit year which includes such week or, if
such week is not in a benefit year, during his applicable
benefit year, as defined in regulations issued by the United States
Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency. If the exhaustee
had more than one weekly benefit amount during
his benefit year, his weekly extended benefit amount with respect to
such week shall be the latest of such weekly benefit amounts.
F. 1. An eligible exhaustee shall be entitled, during any eligibility
period, to a maximum total amount of extended benefits equal to the
lesser of the following amounts, not including any Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation amounts provided for in Section 2104 of Public Law 116-136:
2. An eligible exhaustee shall be entitled, during a "high unemployment period", to a maximum total amount of extended benefits equal to the lesser of the following amounts:
For purposes of this paragraph, the term "high unemployment period" means any period during which (i) clause (b) of paragraph (2) of subsection A is operative and (ii) an extended benefit period would be in effect if clause (b) of paragraph (2) of subsection A of this Section were applied by substituting "8%" for "6.5%".
3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subsection F, and if
the benefit year of an individual ends within an extended benefit period,
the remaining balance of extended benefits that the individual would, but
for this subsection F, be otherwise entitled to receive in that extended
benefit period, for weeks of unemployment beginning after the end of the
benefit year, shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the product of the
number of weeks for which the individual received any amounts as trade
readjustment allowances as defined in the federal Trade Act of 1974 within
that benefit year multiplied by his weekly benefit amount for extended
G. 1. A claims adjudicator shall examine the first claim filed by
an individual with respect to his eligibility period and, on the basis
of the information in his possession, shall make an "extended benefits
finding". Such finding shall state whether or not the individual has met
the requirement of subsection B(1), is an
exhaustee and, if he is, his weekly extended benefit amount and the
maximum total amount of extended benefits to which he is entitled. The
claims adjudicator shall promptly notify the individual of his "extended
benefits finding", and shall promptly notify the individual's most
recent employing unit and the individual's last employer (referred to in Section
1502.1) that the individual has filed a claim for extended benefits. The
claims adjudicator may reconsider his "extended benefits finding" at any time
within one year after the close of the individual's eligibility period, and
shall promptly notify the individual of such reconsidered finding. All of the
provisions of this Act applicable to reviews from findings or reconsidered
findings made pursuant to Sections 701 and 703 which are not inconsistent with
the provisions of this subsection shall be applicable to reviews from extended
benefits findings and reconsidered extended benefits findings.
2. If, pursuant to the reconsideration or appeal with respect to a
"finding", referred to in paragraph 3 of subsection C, an exhaustee is
found to be entitled to more regular benefits and, by reason thereof, is
entitled to more extended benefits, the claims adjudicator shall make a
reconsidered extended benefits finding and shall promptly notify the
exhaustee thereof.
H. Whenever an extended benefit period is to begin in this State because
there is a State "on" indicator, or whenever an extended benefit period is to
end in this State because there is a State "off" indicator, the Director shall
make an appropriate public announcement.
I. Computations required by the provisions of paragraph 4 of subsection A
shall be made by the Director in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
United States Secretary of Labor, or other appropriate Federal agency.
J. 1. Interstate Benefit Payment Plan means the plan approved by
the Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies under which benefits
shall be payable to unemployed individuals absent from the state (or states)
in which benefit credits have been accumulated.
2. An individual who commutes from his state of residence to work in
another state and continues to reside in such state of residence while filing
his claim for unemployment insurance under this Section of the Act shall not be
considered filing a claim under the Interstate Benefit Payment Plan so long as
he files his claim in and continues to report to the employment office under
the regulations applicable to intrastate claimants in the state in which he was
so employed.
3. "State" when used in this subsection includes States of the United
States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands. For purposes of this subsection, the term "state" shall also be
construed to include Canada.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an individual shall be eligible for a
maximum of 2 weeks of benefits payable under this Section after he files
his initial claim for extended benefits in an extended benefit period, as
defined in paragraph 1 of subsection A, under the Interstate Benefit Payment
Plan unless there also exists an extended benefit period, as defined in
paragraph 1 of subsection A, in the state where such claim is filed. Such
maximum eligibility shall continue as long as the individual continues to
file his claim under the Interstate Benefit Payment Plan, notwithstanding
that the individual moves to another state where an extended benefit period
exists and files for weeks prior to his initial Interstate claim in that state.
5. To assure full tax credit to the employers of this state against the
tax imposed by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the Director shall take
any action or issue any regulations necessary in the administration of this
subsection to insure that its provisions are so interpreted and applied
as to meet the requirements of such Federal Act as interpreted by the United
States Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency.
K. 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, an individual
shall be ineligible for the payment of extended benefits for any week of
unemployment in his eligibility period if the Director finds that during such
2. Any individual who has been found ineligible for extended benefits
by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this subsection shall be denied
benefits beginning with the first day of the week in which such failure
has occurred and until he has been employed in each of 4 subsequent weeks
(whether or not consecutive) and has earned remuneration equal to at least
4 times his weekly benefit amount.
3. For purposes of this subsection only, the term "suitable work" means,
with respect to any individual, any work which is within such individual's
capabilities, provided, however, that the gross average weekly remuneration
payable for the work:
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 to the contrary, no work
shall be deemed to be suitable work for an individual which does not accord
with the labor standard provisions required by Section 3304(a)(5) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and set forth herein under Section 603 of this
5. For the purposes of subparagraph b of paragraph 1, an individual shall
be treated as actively engaged in seeking work during any week if --
6. The employment service shall refer any individual entitled to extended
benefits under this Act to any suitable work which meets the criteria
prescribed in paragraph 3.
7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an individual shall
not be eligible to receive extended benefits, otherwise payable under this
Section, with respect to any week of unemployment in his eligibility period
if such individual has been held ineligible for benefits under the provisions
of Sections 601, 602 or 603 of this Act until such individual had requalified
for such benefits by returning to employment and satisfying the monetary
requalification provision by earning at least his weekly benefit amount.
8. In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Director may prescribe such rules as allowed by federal law limiting the work search requirements under subsection K.
L. The Governor may, if federal law so allows, elect, in writing, to pay individuals, otherwise eligible for extended benefits pursuant to this Section, any other federally funded unemployment benefits, including but not limited to benefits payable pursuant to the federal Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008, as amended, and Public Law 116-136, prior to paying them benefits under this Section.
M. The provisions of this Section, as revised by this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, are retroactive to February 22, 2009. The provisions of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly with regard to subsection L and paragraph 8 of subsection A clarify authority already provided.
N. The provisions of this Section, as revised by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, are retroactive to March 15, 2020.
(Source: P.A. 101-633, eff. 6-5-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/410) (from Ch. 48, par. 410)
Sec. 410.

The Director may prescribe regulations authorizing the
deduction from an eligible individual's weekly benefit amount of an amount
to pay for health insurance if the individual elects to have such deduction
made and the deduction is made under a program approved by the United
States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 3304(a)(4)(C) of the
Internal Revenue Code.

(Source: P.A. 84-26.)
(820 ILCS 405/500) (from Ch. 48, par. 420)
Sec. 500. Eligibility for benefits. An unemployed individual shall
be eligible to receive benefits with respect to any week only if the
Director finds that:
(Source: P.A. 100-477, eff. 9-8-17; 101-633, eff. 6-5-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/500.1)
Sec. 500.1. Illinois Worker Adjustment and
Retraining Notification Act; federal Worker
Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. Benefits payable under this Act may
not be denied or reduced because of the receipt of payments related
to an employer's violation of the Illinois Worker Adjustment and
Retraining Notification Act or the federal Worker
Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (29 U.S.C. 2101 et

(Source: P.A. 93-915, eff. 1-1-05.)
(820 ILCS 405/501) (from Ch. 48, par. 421)
Sec. 501.
Eligibility on basis of wages for previously uncovered services.

A. Solely for the purposes of subsection E of Section 500, and notwithstanding
any other provisions of this Act, the term "wages for insured work" as used
in the said subsection E, shall include, with respect to any benefit year
beginning on or after January 1, 1978, and before May 1, 1979, wages paid
for previously uncovered services. For such purposes, the term "previously
uncovered services" means services (except to the extent that assistance
under Title II of the Federal Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance
Act of 1974 was paid on the basis of such services):
1. Which were not "employment" as defined in Sections 206 to 233, inclusive,
and in subsection B of Section 245, or pursuant to Section 302, at any time
during the one year period ending December 31, 1975; and
2. Which (a) are agricultural labor which would have been employment
as defined in Section 211.4 had it been performed after December 31, 1977,
or domestic service which would have been employment as defined in Section
211.5 had it been performed after December 31, 1977, or (b) are services
performed for a governmental entity referred to in Section 211.1 (other
than the State of Illinois and its wholly owned instrumentalities), or for
a not-for-profit school which is not an institution of higher education
defined in Section 246.
B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, no employer shall
be liable for payments in lieu of contributions (other than payments in
lieu of contributions pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section 302 C) by reason
of the payment of benefits on the basis of wages paid for previously uncovered
services, to the extent that reimbursement for such benefits is made to
this State by the Federal Government pursuant to Section 121 of the Federal
Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976; and wages for previously uncovered
services on which such benefits are based shall not become benefit wages.
Wages shall become benefit wages only when an individual is paid benefits
(in the amount and pursuant to the conditions specified in Section 1501)
which are not reimbursed to this State by the Federal Government. If an
individual would be ineligible for benefits under subsection E of Section
500 but for the wages paid for previously uncovered services, payments in
lieu of contributions (other than payments pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section
302 C) shall not be due on the basis of any benefits paid to such individual,
and the wages on which such benefits are based shall not become benefit wages.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/502)
Sec. 502. Eligibility for benefits under the Short-Time Compensation Program.
A. The Director may by rule establish a short-time compensation program consistent with this Section. No short-time compensation shall be payable except as authorized by rule.
B. As used in this Section:
"Affected unit" means a specified plant, department, shift, or other definable unit that includes 2 or more workers to which an approved short-time compensation plan applies.
"Health and retirement benefits" means employer-provided health benefits and retirement benefits under a defined benefit pension plan (as defined in Section 414(j) of the Internal Revenue Code) or contributions under a defined contribution plan (defined in Section 414(i) of the Internal Revenue Code), which are incidents of employment in addition to the cash remuneration earned.
"Short-time compensation" means the unemployment benefits payable to employees in an affected unit under an approved short-time compensation plan, as distinguished from the unemployment benefits otherwise payable under this Act.
"Short-time compensation plan" means a plan submitted by an employer, for approval by the Director, under which the employer requests the payment of short-time compensation to workers in an affected unit of the employer to avert layoffs.
"Usual weekly hours of work" means the usual hours of work for full-time or part-time employees in the affected unit when that unit is operating on its regular basis, not to exceed 40 hours and not including hours of overtime work.
"Unemployment insurance" means the unemployment benefits payable under this Act other than short-time compensation and includes any amounts payable pursuant to an agreement under any Federal law providing for compensation, assistance, or allowances with respect to unemployment.
C. An employer wishing to participate in the short-time compensation program shall submit a signed written short-time compensation plan to the Director for approval. The Director shall develop an application form to request approval of a short-time compensation plan and an approval process. The application shall include:
D. The Director shall approve or disapprove a short-time compensation plan in writing within 45 days of its receipt and promptly communicate the decision to the employer. A decision disapproving the plan shall clearly identify the reasons for the disapproval. The disapproval shall be final, but the employer shall be allowed to submit another short-time compensation plan for approval not earlier than 30 days from the date of the disapproval.
E. The short-time compensation plan shall be effective on the mutually agreed upon date by the employer and the Director, which shall be specified in the notice of approval to the employer. The plan shall expire on the date specified in the notice of approval, which shall be mutually agreed on by the employer and Director but no later than the end of the 12th full calendar month after its effective date. However, if a short-time compensation plan is revoked by the Director, the plan shall terminate on the date specified in the Director's written order of revocation. An employer may terminate a short-time compensation plan at any time upon written notice to the Director. Upon receipt of such notice from the employer, the Director shall promptly notify each member of the affected unit of the termination date. An employer may submit a new application to participate in another short-time compensation plan at any time after the expiration or termination date.
F. The Director may revoke approval of a short-time compensation plan for good cause at any time, including upon the request of any of the affected unit's employees or their collective bargaining representative. The revocation order shall be in writing and shall specify the reasons for the revocation and the date the revocation is effective. The Director may periodically review the operation of each employer's short-time compensation plan to assure that no good cause exists for revocation of the approval of the plan. Good cause shall include, but not be limited to, failure to comply with the assurances given in the plan, termination of the approval of the plan by a collective bargaining representative of employees in the affected unit, unreasonable revision of productivity standards for the affected unit, conduct or occurrences tending to defeat the intent and effective operation of the short-time compensation plan, and violation of any criteria on which approval of the plan was based.
G. An employer may request a modification of an approved plan by filing a written request to the Director. The request shall identify the specific provisions proposed to be modified and provide an explanation of why the proposed modification is appropriate for the short-time compensation plan. The Director shall approve or disapprove the proposed modification in writing within 30 days of receipt and promptly communicate the decision to the employer. The Director, in his or her discretion, may approve a request for modification of the plan based on conditions that have changed since the plan was approved provided that the modification is consistent with and supports the purposes for which the plan was initially approved. A modification may not extend the expiration date of the original plan, and the Director must promptly notify the employer whether the plan modification has been approved and, if approved, the effective date of modification. An employer is not required to request approval of plan modification from the Director if the change is not substantial, but the employer must report every change to plan to the Director promptly and in writing. The Director may terminate an employer's plan if the employer fails to meet this reporting requirement. If the Director determines that the reported change is substantial, the Director shall require the employer to request a modification to the plan.
H. An individual is eligible to receive short-time compensation with respect to any week only if the individual is eligible for unemployment insurance pursuant to subsection E of Section 500, not otherwise disqualified for unemployment insurance, and:
I. The short-time compensation weekly benefit amount shall be the product of the percentage of reduction in the individual's usual weekly hours of work multiplied by the sum of the regular weekly benefit amount for a week of total unemployment plus any applicable dependent allowance pursuant to subsection C of Section 401.
J. Short-time compensation shall be charged to employers in the same manner as unemployment insurance is charged under Illinois law. Employers liable for payments in lieu of contributions shall have short-time compensation attributed to service in their employ in the same manner as unemployment insurance is attributed. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, to the extent that short-term compensation payments under this Section are reimbursed by the federal government, no benefit charges or payments in lieu of contributions shall be accrued by a participating employer.
K. A short-time compensation plan shall not be approved for an employer that is delinquent in the filing of any reports required or the payment of contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, interest, or penalties due under this Act through the date of the employer's application.
L. Overpayments of other benefits under this Act may be recovered from an individual receiving short-time compensation under this Act in the manner provided under Sections 900 and 901. Overpayments under the short-time compensation plan may be recovered from an individual receiving other benefits under this Act in the manner provided under Sections 900 and 901.
M. An individual who has received all of the short-time compensation or combined unemployment insurance and short-time compensation available in a benefit year shall be considered an exhaustee for purposes of extended benefits, as provided under the provisions of Section 409, and, if otherwise eligible under those provisions, shall be eligible to receive extended benefits.

(Source: P.A. 100-477, eff. 9-8-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/600) (from Ch. 48, par. 430)
Sec. 600.
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits, as provided in
Sections 601 to 614, inclusive.

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/601) (from Ch. 48, par. 431)
Sec. 601. Voluntary leaving.
A. An individual shall be ineligible for
benefits for the week in which he or she has left work voluntarily without good
cause attributable to the employing unit and, thereafter, until he or she has become
reemployed and has had earnings equal to or in excess of his or her current weekly
benefit amount in each of four calendar weeks which are either for services
in employment, or have been or will be reported pursuant to the provisions
of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act by each employing unit for which
such services are performed and which submits a statement certifying to that fact.
B. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to an individual
who has left work voluntarily:
C. Within 90 days of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, the Department shall promulgate rules, pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and consistent with Section 903(f)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act, to clarify and provide guidance regarding eligibility and the prevention of fraud.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
(820 ILCS 405/602) (from Ch. 48, par. 432)
Sec. 602. Discharge for misconduct - Felony.
A. An individual shall be
ineligible for benefits for the week in which he has been discharged for
misconduct connected with his work and, thereafter, until he has become
reemployed and has had earnings equal to or in excess of his current weekly
benefit amount in each of four calendar weeks
which are either for services in employment, or have been or will be reported
pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act by
each employing unit for which such services are performed and which submits
a statement certifying to that fact.
The requalification requirements of the preceding sentence shall be
deemed to have been satisfied, as of the date of reinstatement, if,
subsequent to his discharge by an employing unit for misconduct connected
with his work, such individual is reinstated by such employing unit. For
purposes of this subsection, the term "misconduct" means the deliberate and
willful violation of a reasonable rule or policy of the employing unit,
governing the individual's behavior in performance of his work, provided
such violation has harmed the employing unit or other employees or has been
repeated by the individual despite a warning or other explicit instruction
from the employing unit. The previous definition notwithstanding, "misconduct" shall include any of the following work-related circumstances:
For purposes of paragraphs 4 and 8, conduct is "grossly negligent" when the individual is, or reasonably should be, aware of a substantial risk that the conduct will result in the harm sought to be prevented and the conduct constitutes a substantial deviation from the standard of care a reasonable person would exercise in the situation.
Nothing in paragraph 6 or 7 prohibits the lawful use of over-the-counter drug products as defined in Section 206 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, provided that the medication does not affect the safe performance of the employee's work duties.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no benefit
rights shall accrue to any individual based upon wages from any employer
for service rendered prior to the day upon which such individual was
discharged because of the commission of a felony in connection with his
work, or because of theft in connection with his work, for which the
employer was in no way responsible; provided, that the employer notified
the Director of such possible ineligibility within the time limits
specified by regulations of the Director, and that the individual has
admitted his commission of the felony or theft to a representative of
the Director, or has signed a written admission of such act and such
written admission has been presented to a representative of the
Director, or such act has resulted in a conviction or order of
supervision by a court of
competent jurisdiction; and provided further, that if by reason of such
act, he is in legal custody, held on pretrial release or is a fugitive from justice,
the determination of his benefit rights shall be held in abeyance
pending the result of any legal proceedings arising therefrom.

(Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/603) (from Ch. 48, par. 433)
Sec. 603.
Refusal of work.
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits if he has failed,
without good cause, either to apply for available, suitable work when so
directed by the employment office or the Director, or to accept suitable
work when offered him by the employment office or an employing unit, or
to return to his customary self-employment (if any) when so directed by
the employment office or the Director. Such ineligibility shall continue
for the week in which such failure occurred and, thereafter, until
he has become reemployed and has had earnings equal to or in excess of
his current weekly benefit amount in each of four calendar weeks which are either
for services in employment, or have been or will be reported pursuant to
the provisions of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act by each employing
unit for which such services
are performed and which submits a statement certifying to that fact.
In determining whether or not any work is suitable for an individual,
consideration shall be given to the degree of risk involved to his
health, safety, and morals, his physical fitness and prior training, his
experience and prior earnings, his length of unemployment and prospects
for securing local work in his customary occupation, and the distance of
the available work from his residence.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, no work shall be
deemed suitable and benefits shall not be denied under this Act to any
otherwise eligible individual for refusing to accept new work under any
of the following conditions:
If the position offered is vacant due directly to a strike, lockout,
or other labor dispute; if the wages, hours, or other conditions of the
work offered are substantially less favorable to the individual than
those prevailing for similar work in the locality; if, as a condition of
being employed, the individual would be required to join a company union
or to resign from or refrain from joining any bona fide labor
organization; if the position offered is a transfer to other work offered
to the individual by the employing unit under the terms of a collective
bargaining agreement or pursuant to an established employer plan, program,
or policy, when the acceptance of such other work by the individual would
require the separation from that work of another individual currently performing it.

(Source: P.A. 82-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/604)
(from Ch. 48, par. 434)
Sec. 604.
Labor dispute.
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week with respect
to which it is found that his total or partial unemployment is due to a
stoppage of work which exists because of a labor dispute at the factory,
establishment, or other premises at which he is or was last employed.
The term "labor dispute" does not include an individual's
refusal to work because of his employer's failure to pay
accrued earned wages within 10 working days from the date due, or to pay
any other uncontested accrued obligation arising out of his employment
within 10 working days from the date due.
For the purpose of disqualification under this Section the term "labor
dispute" does not include a lockout by an employer, and no individual shall
be denied benefits by reason of a lockout, provided that no individual shall be
eligible for benefits during a lockout who is ineligible for benefits under
another Section of this Act, and provided further that no individual locked out
by an employer shall be eligible for benefits for any week during
which (1) the
recognized or certified collective bargaining representative of the locked
out employees refuses to meet under reasonable conditions with the employer
to discuss the issues giving rise to the lockout or (2) there
is a final adjudication under the National Labor Relations Act that during
the period of the lockout the recognized or certified collective bargaining representative of
the locked-out employees has refused to bargain in good faith with the
employer over issues giving rise to the lockout, or (3) the
lockout has resulted as a direct consequence of a violation by the recognized
or certified collective bargaining representative of the locked out employees
of the provisions of an existing collective bargaining
agreement. An individual's total or partial unemployment resulting from any
reduction in operations or reduction of force or layoff of employees by an
employer made in the course of or in anticipation of collective bargaining
negotiations between a labor organization and such employer, is not due to
a stoppage of work which exists because of a labor dispute until the date
of actual commencement of a strike or lockout.
This Section shall not apply if it is shown that (A) the individual is
not participating in or financing or directly interested in the labor
dispute which caused the stoppage of work and (B) he does not belong to a
grade or class of workers of which immediately before the commencement of
the stoppage there were members employed at the premises at which the
stoppage occurs, any of whom are participating in or financing or directly
interested in the dispute; provided, that a lockout by the employer or an
individual's failure to cross a picket line at such factory, establishment,
or other premises shall not, in itself, be deemed to be participation by
him in the labor dispute. If in any case, separate branches
of work which are commonly conducted as separate businesses in separate
premises are conducted in separate departments of the same premises, each
such department shall, for the purpose of this Section, be deemed to be a
separate factory, establishment, or other premises.
Whenever any claim involves the provisions of this Section, the claims
adjudicator referred to in Section 702 shall make a separate determination
as to the eligibility or ineligibility of the claimant with respect to the
provisions of this Section. This separate determination may be appealed to
the Director in the manner prescribed by Section 800.

(Source: P.A. 93-1088, eff. 1-1-06.)
(820 ILCS 405/605) (from Ch. 48, par. 435)
Sec. 605.
Receipt of
unemployment benefits under another law.
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week with respect
to which he has received or is seeking unemployment benefits under an
unemployment compensation law of the United States or any other State or
Canada, provided, that if the appropriate agency of the United States or of
such other State or Canada finally determines that he is not entitled to
such unemployment benefits, this ineligibility shall not apply.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/606) (from Ch. 48, par. 436)
Sec. 606.
Receipt of Workers' Compensation.
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week with
respect to which he is receiving or has received remuneration in the
form of compensation for temporary disability under the Workers'
Compensation Act of this State, or under a workers' compensation law of
any other State or of the United States. If such remuneration is less
than the benefits which would otherwise be due under this Act, he shall
be entitled to receive for such week, if otherwise eligible, benefits
reduced by the amount of such remuneration.

(Source: P.A. 81-992.)
(820 ILCS 405/607) (from Ch. 48, par. 437)
Sec. 607.
Ineligibility after 26 weeks - Work requirement for second benefit year.
A. An individual shall be ineligible for benefits whenever, in any
period commencing with a compensable week of unemployment, he has been
allowed his full weekly benefit amount for each of twenty-six weeks, until
he has earned wages equal to at least three times his current weekly
benefit amount in bona fide work, reduced by an amount equal to his current
weekly benefit amount for each week, if any, in which he was not unemployed
within such period, whereupon he shall again, if otherwise eligible, be
permitted to receive his full weekly benefit amount for twenty-six weeks.
If, however, a compensable week of unemployment is followed by three or
more weeks (not necessarily consecutive) in each of which he earned wages
for bona fide work equal to at least his then current weekly benefit
amount, such period shall be deemed to commence immediately after the last
week in which he earned such wages.
This subsection is applicable only to weeks in benefit years which begin
prior to January 1, 1972.
B. An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week in a
benefit year which begins on or after January 1, 1972, unless, subsequent
to the beginning of his immediately preceding benefit year with respect to
which benefits were paid to him, he performed bona fide work and earned
remuneration for such work equal to at least 3 times his current weekly
benefit amount.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/609) (from Ch. 48, par. 439)
Sec. 609.
Evasion of
An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week in which he
causes himself to be unavailable for work with intent to avoid any of the
disqualifications imposed under the provisions of Sections 601 to 608,
inclusive, notwithstanding any provisions of Section 500 C to the

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/610) (from Ch. 48, par. 440)
Sec. 610.
Vacation pay.
A. Whenever an employer has announced a
period of shutdown for the taking of inventory or for vacation purposes,
or both, and at the time of or during such shutdown makes a payment or
becomes obligated or holds himself ready to make such payment to an
individual as vacation pay, or as vacation pay allowance, or as pay in
lieu of vacation, or as standby pay, such sum shall be deemed "wages" as
defined in Section 234, and shall be treated as provided in subsection C
of this Section.
B. Whenever in connection with any
separation or layoff of an individual, his employer makes a payment or
payments to him, or becomes obligated and holds himself ready to make
such payment to him as, or in the nature of, vacation pay, or vacation
pay allowance, or as pay in lieu of vacation, and within 10 calendar
days after notification of the filing of his claim, designates (by
notice to the Director) the period to which such payment shall be
allocated (provided, that if such designated period is extended by the
employer, he may again similarly designate an extended period, by giving
notice thereof not later than the beginning of the extension of such
period, with the same effect as if such period of extension were
included in the original designation), the amount of any such payment,
or obligation to make payment, shall be deemed "wages" as defined in
Section 234, and shall be treated as provided in subsection C of this
C. If the employer has not designated the period provided for in
subsection B within the prescribed time limits, the wages referred to in
subsection B shall not be attributed or be deemed payable to such
individual with respect to any week after such separation or layoff. Of
the wages described in subsection A (whether or not the employer has
designated the period therein described), or of the wages described in
subsection B if the period therein described has been designated by the
employer as therein provided, a sum equal to such individual's wages for
a normal work day shall be attributed to, or deemed to be payable to him
with respect to, the first and each subsequent work day except paid
holidays in such period until such amount so paid or owing is exhausted.
If an employee is entitled to receive and receives holiday pay for any
work day in such designated period, such pay shall be deemed "wages" and
the period herein designated shall be extended by such paid holiday.
Any individual receiving or entitled to receive wages as provided in
this Section shall be ineligible for benefits for any week in which the
sums, so designated or attributed to such normal work days, equal or
exceed his weekly benefit amount. If no amount is so paid or owing, or
if in any week the amount so paid or owing is insufficient to attribute
any sum as wages, or if the amount so designated or attributed as wages
is less than such individual's weekly benefit amount, he shall be deemed
"unemployed" as defined in Section 239.

(Source: P.A. 81-1521.)
(820 ILCS 405/611) (from Ch. 48, par. 441)
Sec. 611. Retirement pay.
A. For the purposes of this Section
"disqualifying income" means:
B. Whenever an individual has received or will receive a retirement
payment for a month, an amount shall be deemed to have been paid him for
each day equal to one-thirtieth of such retirement payment. If the
retirement payment is for a half-month, an amount shall be deemed to
have been paid the individual for each day equal to one-fifteenth of
such retirement payment. If the retirement payment is for any other
period, an amount shall be deemed to have been paid the individual for
each day in such period equal to the retirement payment divided by the
number of days in the period.
C. An individual shall be ineligible for benefits for any week with
respect to which his disqualifying income equals or exceeds his weekly
benefit amount. If such disqualifying income with respect to a week
totals less than the benefits for which he would otherwise be eligible
under this Act, he shall be paid, with respect to such week, benefits
reduced by the amount of such disqualifying income.
D. To assure full tax credit to the employers of this State against
the tax imposed by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the Director shall
take any action as may be necessary in the administration of paragraph 3
of subsection A of this Section to insure that
the application of its provisions
conform to the requirements of such Federal Act as interpreted by the United
States Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency.

(Source: P.A. 99-488, eff. 1-3-16.)
(820 ILCS 405/611.1)
Sec. 611.1. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11. Repealed by P.A. 99-933, eff. 1-27-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/612) (from Ch. 48, par. 442)
Sec. 612. Academic personnel; ineligibility between academic years or
A. Benefits based on wages for services which are employment under the
of Sections 211.1, 211.2, and 302C shall be payable in the same amount,
on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as benefits payable
on the basis of wages for other services which are employment under this
Act; except that:
B. Benefits based on wages for services which are employment under the
provisions of Sections 211.1 and 211.2 shall be payable in the same amount,
on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions, as benefits payable
on the basis
of wages for other services which are employment under this Act, except that:
C. 1. If benefits are denied to any individual under the provisions of
2 of either subsection A or B of this Section for any week which begins
on or after September 3, 1982 and such individual is not offered a bona
fide opportunity to perform such services for the educational institution
for the second of such academic years or terms, such individual shall be
entitled to a retroactive payment of benefits for each week for which the
individual filed a timely claim for benefits as determined by the rules
and regulations issued by the Director for the filing of claims for benefits,
provided that such benefits were denied solely because of the provisions
of paragraph 2 of either subsection A or B of this Section.
2. If benefits on the basis of wages for service in employment in
other than an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity
performed in an educational institution while in the employ of an
educational service agency are denied to any individual under the
provisions of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 4 of subsection B and such
individual is not offered a bona fide opportunity to perform such services
in an educational institution while in the employ of an educational service
agency for the second of such academic years or terms, such individual
shall be entitled to a retroactive payment of benefits for each week for
which the individual filed a timely claim for benefits as determined by the
rules and regulations issued by the Director for the filing of claims for
benefits, provided that such benefits were denied solely because
of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 4 of subsection B of this Section.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section or paragraph 2 of subsection C of Section 500 to the contrary, with respect to a week of unemployment beginning on or after March 15, 2020, and before September 4, 2021 (including any week of unemployment beginning on or after January 1, 2021 and on or before June 25, 2021 (the effective date of Public Act 102-26)), benefits shall be payable to an individual on the basis of wages for employment in other than an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity performed for an educational institution or an educational service agency under any of the circumstances described in this Section, to the extent permitted under Section 3304(a)(6) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, as long as the individual is otherwise eligible for benefits.
(Source: P.A. 101-633, eff. 6-5-20; 102-26, eff. 6-25-21; 102-687, eff. 12-17-21.)
(820 ILCS 405/613) (from Ch. 48, par. 443)
Sec. 613.
Athletes - ineligibility between sport seasons.
An individual
shall be ineligible for benefits, on the basis of wages for any services
if substantially all of such services consist of participating in sports
or athletic events or training or preparing so to participate, for any week
which begins (after December 31, 1977) during the period between two successive
sport seasons (or similar periods), if the individual performed such services
in the first of such seasons (or similar periods) and there is a reasonable
assurance that the individual will perform such services in the later of
such seasons (or similar periods).

(Source: P.A. 80-2dSS-1.)
(820 ILCS 405/614) (from Ch. 48, par. 444)
Sec. 614. Noncitizens - ineligibility. A noncitizen shall be ineligible
for benefits for any week which begins after December 31, 1977, on the basis
of wages for services performed by such noncitizen, unless the noncitizen was an individual
who was lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the
time such services were performed or otherwise was permanently
residing in the United States under color of law at the time such
services were performed (including a noncitizen who
was lawfully present in the United States as a result of the application
of the provisions of Section 212(d)(5) of the Immigration
and Nationality Act); provided, that any modifications of the provisions
of Section 3304(a)(14) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act which
Any data or information required of individuals who claim benefits for
the purpose of determining whether benefits are not payable to them pursuant
to this Section shall be uniformly required of all individuals who claim benefits.
If an individual would otherwise be eligible for benefits, no determination
shall be made that such individual is ineligible for benefits pursuant to
this Section because of the individual's noncitizen status, except upon a preponderance
of the evidence.

(Source: P.A. 102-1030, eff. 5-27-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/700) (from Ch. 48, par. 450)
Sec. 700.
claims for benefits.
Claims for benefits shall be made in accordance with such regulations as
the Director may prescribe. Each employer shall post and maintain printed
statements concerning such regulations or such other matters as the
Director may by regulation prescribe in places readily accessible to
individuals in such employer's service. Each employer shall supply to such
individuals copies of such printed statements or materials relating to
claims for benefits as the Director may by regulation prescribe. Such
printed statements shall be supplied by the Director to each employer
without cost to the employer.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/701) (from Ch. 48, par. 451)
Sec. 701.
A representative designated by the Director, and hereinafter referred to
as a claims adjudicator, shall promptly examine the first claim filed by a
claimant for each benefit year and, on the basis of the information in his
possession, shall make a "finding." Such "finding" shall be a statement of
the amount of wages for insured work paid to the claimant during each
quarter in the base period by each employer. On the basis of the "finding,"
the claims adjudicator shall decide whether or not such claim is valid
under Section 500 E, and, if so valid, shall compute the weekly benefit
amount payable to the claimant and the maximum amount payable with respect
to such benefit year; and shall promptly notify the claimant thereof,
shall notify his most recent employing unit, and with respect to benefit
years beginning on or after July 1, 1989, shall also notify the individual's
last employer (referred to in Section 1502.1) that such claim has been filed.
The claims adjudicator shall promptly notify the claimant of his "finding."

(Source: P.A. 86-3.)
(820 ILCS 405/702) (from Ch. 48, par. 452)
Sec. 702. Determinations. The claims adjudicator shall for each week
with respect to which the claimant claims benefits or waiting period
credit, make a "determination" which shall state whether or not the
claimant is eligible for such benefits or waiting period credit and the
sum to be paid the claimant with respect to such week. The claims
adjudicator shall promptly notify the claimant and such employing unit
as shall, within the time and in the manner prescribed by the Director,
have filed a sufficient allegation that the claimant is ineligible to
receive benefits or waiting period credit for said week, of his
"determination" and the reasons therefor. The Director may, by rule adopted with the advice and aid of the Employment Security Advisory Board, require that an employing unit with 25 or more individuals in its employ during a calendar year, or an entity representing 5 or more employing units during a calendar year, file an allegation of ineligibility electronically in a manner prescribed by the Director for the one year period commencing on July 1 of the immediately succeeding calendar year and ending on June 30 of the second succeeding calendar year. In making his
"determination," the claims adjudicator shall give consideration to the
information, if any, contained in the employing unit's allegation,
whether or not the allegation is sufficient. The claims adjudicator
shall deem an employing unit's allegation sufficient only if it contains
a reason or reasons therefor (other than general conclusions of
law, and statements such as "not actively seeking work" or "not available
for work" shall be deemed, for this purpose, to be conclusions of law).
If the claims adjudicator deems an allegation insufficient, he shall make a
decision accordingly, and shall notify the employing unit of such
decision and the reasons therefor. Such decision may be appealed by the
employing unit to a Referee within the time limits prescribed by Section
800 for appeal from a "determination". Any such appeal, and any appeal
from the Referee's decision thereon, shall be governed by the applicable
provisions of Sections 801, 803, 804 and 805.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11; 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/703) (from Ch. 48, par. 453)
Sec. 703. Reconsideration of findings or determinations. The claims adjudicator may reconsider his finding at any time within
thirteen weeks after the close of the benefit year. He may reconsider his
determination at any time within one year after the last day of the week
for which the determination was made, except that if the issue is
whether or not, by reason of a back pay award made by any governmental
agency or pursuant to arbitration proceedings, or by
reason of a payment of wages wrongfully withheld by an employing unit, an
individual has received wages for a week with
respect to which he or she has received benefits, such reconsidered
determination may be made at any time within 3 years after the last
of the week, or if the issue is whether or not an individual misstated earnings for any week beginning on or after March 15, 2020, such reconsidered determination may be made at any time within 5 years after the last day of the week. No finding or determination shall be reconsidered at any time
after appeal therefrom has been taken pursuant to the provisions of Section
800, except where a case has been remanded to the claims adjudicator by a
Referee, the Director or the Board of Review, and except, further, that if
an issue as to whether or not the claimant misstated his earnings is newly
discovered, the determination may be reconsidered after and notwithstanding
the fact that the decision upon the appeal has become final. Notice of such
reconsidered determination or reconsidered finding shall be promptly given
to the parties entitled to notice of the original determination or finding,
as the case may be, in the same manner as is prescribed therefor, and such
reconsidered determination or reconsidered finding shall be subject to
appeal in the same manner and shall be given the same effect as is provided
for an original determination or finding.
The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly apply retroactively to March 15, 2020.
(Source: P.A. 102-700, eff. 4-19-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/705) (from Ch. 48, par. 455)
Sec. 705.

Effect of finality of finding of claims adjudicator, referee,
or board of review - estoppel.
If, in any "finding" made by a claims adjudicator or in any decision
rendered by a Referee or the Board of Review, it is found that the claimant
has been paid wages for insured work by any employing unit or units in his
base period, and such "finding" of the claims adjudicator or decision of
the Referee or the Board of Review becomes final, each such employing unit
as shall have been a party to the claims adjudicator's "finding" as
provided in Section 701, or to the proceedings before the Referee, or the
Board of Review, and shall have been given notice of such "finding" of the
claims adjudicator, or proceedings before the Referee or the Board of
Review, as the case may be, and an opportunity to be heard, shall be
forever estopped to deny in any proceeding whatsoever that during such base
period it was an employer as defined by this Act, that the wages paid by
such employing unit to the claimant were wages for insured work, and that
the wages paid by it for services rendered for it by any individual under
circumstances substantially the same as those under which the claimant's
services were performed were wages for insured work.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/706) (from Ch. 48, par. 456)
Sec. 706. Benefits undisputed or allowed - Prompt payment. Benefits shall be paid promptly in accordance with a claims
adjudicator's finding and determination, or reconsidered finding or
reconsidered determination, or the decision of a Referee, the Board of
Review or a reviewing court, upon the issuance of such finding and
determination, reconsidered finding, reconsidered determination or
decision, regardless of the pendency of the period to apply for
reconsideration, file an appeal, or file a complaint for judicial review,
or the pendency of any such application or filing, unless and until such
finding, determination, reconsidered finding, reconsidered determination or
decision has been modified or reversed by a subsequent reconsidered finding
or reconsidered determination or decision, in which event benefits shall be
paid or denied with respect to weeks thereafter in accordance with such
reconsidered finding, reconsidered determination, or modified or reversed
finding, determination, reconsidered finding, reconsidered determination or
decision. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, if benefits are paid pursuant to a finding or a determination, or
a reconsidered finding, or a reconsidered determination, or a decision of a
Referee, the Board of Review or a court, which is finally reversed or
modified in subsequent proceedings with respect thereto, the benefit wages
on which such benefits are based shall, for the purposes set forth in
Section 1502, or benefit charges, for purposes set forth in Section
1502.1, be treated in the same manner as if such final reconsidered
finding, reconsidered determination, or decision had been the finding or
determination of the claims adjudicator. If benefits are paid pursuant to a finding, determination, reconsidered finding or determination, or a decision of a Referee, the Board of Review, or a court which is finally reversed or modified in subsequent proceedings with respect thereto, the benefit charges, for purposes set forth in Section 1502.1, shall be treated in the same manner as if the finding, determination, reconsidered finding or determination, or decision of the Referee, the Board of Review, or the court pursuant to which benefits were paid had not been reversed if: (1) the benefits were paid because the employer or an agent of the employer was at fault for failing to respond timely or adequately to the Department's request for information relating to the claim; and (2) the employer or agent has established a pattern of failing to respond timely or adequately to such requests.

(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/800) (from Ch. 48, par. 470)
Sec. 800.
Appeals to referee or director.
Except as hereinafter
provided, appeals from a claims adjudicator shall be taken to a Referee.
Whenever a "determination" of a claims adjudicator involves a decision
as to eligibility under Section 604, appeals shall be taken to the
Director or his representative designated for such purpose. Unless the
claimant or any other party entitled to notice of the claims
adjudicator's "finding" or "determination," as the case may be, or the
Director, within 30 calendar days after the delivery of the claims
adjudicator's notification of such "finding" or "determination," or
within 30 calendar days after such notification was mailed to his last
known address, files an appeal therefrom, such "finding" or
"determination" shall be final as to all parties given notice thereof.

(Source: P.A. 81-1521.)
(820 ILCS 405/801) (from Ch. 48, par. 471)
Sec. 801.
Decision of referee or director.
A. Unless such appeal is withdrawn, a Referee or the Director, as the case
may be, shall afford the parties reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing. At
any hearing, the record of the claimant's registration for work, or of the
claimant's certification that, during the week or weeks affected by the
hearing, he was able to work, available for work, and actively seeking work, or
any document in the files of the Department of Employment Security submitted to
it by any of the parties, shall be a part of the record, and shall be
competent evidence bearing upon the issues. The failure of the claimant
or other party to appear at a hearing, unless he is the appellant, shall
not preclude a decision in his favor if, on the basis of all the
information in the record, he is entitled to such decision. The Referee
or the Director, as the case may be, shall affirm, modify, or set aside
the claims adjudicator's "finding" or "determination," or both, as the
case may be, or may remand the case, in whole or in part, to the claims
adjudicator, and, in such event, shall state the questions requiring
further consideration, and give such other instructions as may be
necessary. The parties shall be duly notified of such decision,
together with the reasons therefor. The decision of the Referee shall
be final, unless, within 30 calendar days after the date of mailing of
such decision, further appeal to the Board of Review is initiated
pursuant to Section 803.
B. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Director may by
regulation allow the Referee, upon the request of a party for good cause shown,
before or after the Referee issues his decision, to reopen the record to take
additional evidence or to reconsider the Referee's decision or both to reopen
the record and reconsider the Referee's decision. Where the Referee issues
a decision, he shall not reconsider his decision or reopen the record to take
additional evidence after an appeal of the decision is initiated pursuant to
Section 803 or if the request is made more than 30 calendar days, or fewer days
if prescribed by the Director, after the date of mailing of the Referee's
decision. The allowance or denial of a request to reopen the record, where the
request is made before the Referee issues a decision, is not
separately appealable but may be raised as part of the appeal of the Referee's
decision. The allowance of a request to reconsider is not separately
appealable but may be raised as part of the appeal of the Referee's
reconsidered decision. A party may appeal the denial of a timely request to
reconsider a decision within 30 calendar days after the date of mailing of
notice of such denial, and any such appeal shall constitute a timely appeal of
both the denial of the request to reconsider and the Referee's decision.
Whenever reference is made in this Act to the Referee's decision, the term
"decision" includes a reconsidered decision under this subsection.

(Source: P.A. 88-655, eff. 9-16-94.)
(820 ILCS 405/802) (from Ch. 48, par. 472)
Sec. 802.

Appointment of referees and providing legal services in disputed
A. To hear and decide disputed claims, the Director shall obtain an
adequate number of impartial Referees selected in accordance with the
provisions of the "Personnel Code" enacted by the Sixty-ninth General
Assembly. No person shall participate on behalf of the Director or the
Board of Review in any case in which he is an interested party. The
Director shall provide the Board of Review and such Referees with proper
facilities and supplies and with assistants and employees (selected in
accordance with the provisions of the "Personnel Code" enacted by the
Sixty-ninth General Assembly) necessary for the execution of their
B. As provided in Section 1700.1, effective January 1, 1989, the Director
shall establish a program for providing services by licensed attorneys at law
to advise and represent, at hearings before the Referee, the Director or the
Director's Representative, or the Board of Review, "small employers", as
defined in rules promulgated by the Director, and issued pursuant to the
results of the study referred to in Section 1700.1, and individuals who
have made a claim for benefits with respect to a week of unemployment,
whose claim has been disputed, and who are eligible under rules promulgated
by the Director which are issued pursuant to the results of the study
referred to in Section 1700.1.
For the period beginning July 1, 1994, and extending through June 30,
1996, no legal services shall be provided under the program established under
this subsection.
For the period beginning July 1, 1990, and extending through June 30,
1991, no legal services shall be provided under the program established
pursuant to this subsection.

(Source: P.A. 88-655, eff. 9-16-94; 89-21, eff. 6-6-95.)
(820 ILCS 405/803) (from Ch. 48, par. 473)
Sec. 803.

Board of
review - Decisions.
The Board of Review may, on its own motion or upon appeal by any party
to the determination or finding, affirm, modify, or set aside any decision
of a Referee. The Board of Review in its discretion, may take additional
evidence in hearing such appeals, or may remand the case, in whole or in
part, to a Referee or claims adjudicator, and, in such event, shall state
the questions requiring further consideration and give such other
instructions as may be necessary. The Director may remove to the Board of
Review or transfer to another Referee the proceedings on any claim pending
before a Referee. Any proceedings so removed to the Board of Review shall
be heard in accordance with the requirements of Section 801 by the Board
of Review. At any hearing before the Board of Review, in the absence or
disqualification of any member thereof representing either the employee or
employer class, the hearing shall be conducted by the member not identified
with either of such classes.
Upon receipt of an appeal by any party to the findings and decision of a
Referee, the Board of Review shall promptly notify all parties entitled to
notice of the Referee's decision that the appeal has been filed, and shall
inform each party of the right to apply for a Notice of Right to Sue as
provided for in this Section.
The Board of Review shall provide transcripts
of the proceedings before the Referee within 35 days of the date of the
filing of an appeal by any party. The Board of Review shall make a final
determination on the appeal within 120 days of the date of the filing of
the appeal and shall notify the parties of its final determination or finding,
or both, within the same 120 day period. The period for making a final
determination may be extended by the Board of Review to no more than 30
additional days upon written request of either party, for good cause shown.
At any time after the expiration of the aforesaid 120 day period, or the
expiration of any extension thereof, and prior to the date the Board of
Review makes a final determination on the appeal, the party claiming to be
aggrieved by the decision of the Referee may apply in writing by certified
mail, return receipt requested, to the Board of Review for a Notice of
Right to Sue. The Board of Review shall issue, within 14 days of the date
that the application was mailed to it, a Notice of Right to Sue to all
parties entitled to notice of the Referee's decision, unless, within that
time, the Board has issued its final decision. The
Notice of Right to Sue shall notify the parties that the findings and
decision of the Referee shall be the final administrative decision on the
appeal, and it shall further notify any party claiming to be aggrieved
thereby that he may seek judicial review of the final decision of the
referee under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law. If the
Board issues a Notice of Right to Sue, the date that such notice is served
upon the parties shall determine the time within which to commence an
action for judicial review. Any decision issued by the Board after the
aforesaid 14 day period shall be null and void. If the Board fails to
either issue its decision or issue a Notice of Right to Sue within the
prescribed 14 day period, then the findings and decision of the Referee
shall, by operation of law, become the final administrative decision on the
appeal. In such an instance, the period within which to commence an action
for judicial review pursuant to the Administrative Review Law shall begin
to run on the 15th day after the date of mailing of the application for the
Notice of Right to Sue. If no party applies for a Notice of Right to Sue,
the decision of the Board of Review, issued at any time, shall be the final
decision on the appeal.

(Source: P.A. 84-26.)
(820 ILCS 405/804) (from Ch. 48, par. 474)
Sec. 804. Conduct of
hearings-Service of notice.
The manner in which disputed claims for benefits shall be presented and
the conduct of hearings and appeals shall be in accordance with regulations
prescribed by the Director for determining the rights of the parties. A
full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings in connection
with a disputed claim. All testimony at any hearing upon a disputed claim
shall be recorded but need not be transcribed unless the disputed claim is
further appealed.
Whenever the giving of notice is required by Sections 701, 702, 703,
801, 803, 805, and 900, it may be given and be completed by mailing the
same to the last known address of the person entitled thereto. If agreed to by the person or entity entitled to notice, notice may be given and completed electronically, in the manner prescribed by rule, by posting the notice on a secure web site accessible to the person or entity and sending notice of the posting to the last known e-mail address of the person or entity.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/805) (from Ch. 48, par. 474a)
Sec. 805.
Additional parties.

The Director, Referee, and the Board of Review, in any hearing involving
benefit claims, may add parties, whenever in his or its discretion, it is
necessary to the proper disposition of the case. Such additional parties
shall be entitled to reasonable notice of the proceedings and an
opportunity to be heard.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 844.)
(820 ILCS 405/806) (from Ch. 48, par. 474b)
Sec. 806.
Any individual or entity in any proceeding
before the Director or his representative, or the Referee or the Board of
Review, may be represented by a union or any duly authorized agent.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/900) (from Ch. 48, par. 490)
Sec. 900. Recoupment.)
A. Whenever an individual has received any
sum as benefits for which he or she is found to have been ineligible, the individual must be provided written notice of his or her appeal rights, including the ability to request waiver of any recoupment ordered and the standard for such waiver to be granted. Thereafter, the
amount thereof may be recovered by suit in the name of the People of the
State of Illinois, or, from benefits payable to him, may be recouped:
Recovery by suit in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, recoupment pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection A from benefits payable to an individual for any week, and, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Illinois State Collection Act of 1986, withholding pursuant to subsection E shall be permanently waived if the sum referred to in this subsection A was received by the individual without fault on his or her part and if such recoupment would be against equity and good conscience, and the sum referred to in this subsection A was received by the individual on or after March 8, 2020, but prior to the last day of a disaster period established by the gubernatorial disaster proclamation in response to COVID-19, dated March 9, 2020, and any consecutive gubernatorial disaster proclamation in response to COVID-19. To be eligible for permanent waiver under this paragraph, an individual must request a waiver pursuant to this paragraph within 45 days of the mailing date of the notice from the Department that the individual may request a waiver. A determination under this paragraph may be appealed to a Referee within the time limits prescribed by Section 800 for an appeal from a determination. Any such appeal, and any appeal from the Referee's decision thereon, shall be governed by the applicable provisions of Sections 801, 803, 804, and 805. This paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits that are received pursuant to any program that the Department administers as an agent of the federal government and for which the individual is found to have been ineligible.
B. Whenever the claims adjudicator referred to in Section 702
decides that any sum received by a claimant as benefits shall be
recouped, or denies recoupment waiver requested by the claimant, he shall
promptly notify the claimant of his decision and the
reasons therefor. The decision and the notice thereof shall state the
amount to be recouped, the weeks with respect to which such sum was
received by the claimant, and the time within which it may be recouped and,
as the case may be, the reasons for denial of recoupment waiver.
The claims adjudicator may reconsider his decision within one year after
the date when the decision was made. Such decision or reconsidered
decision may be appealed to a Referee within the time limits prescribed
by Section 800 for appeal from a determination. Any such appeal, and
any appeal from the Referee's decision thereon, shall be governed by the
applicable provisions of Sections 801, 803, 804 and 805. No recoupment
shall be begun until the expiration of the time limits prescribed by
Section 800 of this Act or, if an appeal has been filed, until the
decision of a Referee has been made thereon affirming the decision of
the Claims Adjudicator.
C. Any sums recovered under the provisions of this Section shall be
treated as repayments to the Department of sums improperly obtained by the
D. Whenever, by reason of a back pay award made by any governmental
agency or pursuant to arbitration proceedings, or by reason of a payment
of wages wrongfully withheld by an employing unit, an individual has
received wages for weeks with respect to which he has received benefits,
the amount of such benefits may be recouped or otherwise recovered as
herein provided. An employing unit making a back pay award to an
individual for weeks with respect to which the individual has received
benefits shall make the back pay award by check payable jointly to the
individual and to the Department.
E. The amount recouped pursuant to paragraph 2 of subsection A from
benefits payable to an individual for any week shall not exceed 25% of
the individual's weekly benefit amount.
In addition to the remedies provided by this Section, when an
individual has received any sum as benefits for which he is found to be
ineligible, the Director may request the Comptroller to withhold such sum
in accordance with Section 10.05 of the State Comptroller Act and the Director may request the Secretary of the Treasury to withhold such sum to the extent allowed by and in accordance with Section 6402(f) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Benefits
paid pursuant to this Act shall not be subject to such withholding. Where the Director requests withholding by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to this Section, in addition to the amount of benefits for which the individual has been found ineligible, the individual shall be liable for any legally authorized administrative fee assessed by the Secretary, with such fee to be added to the amount to be withheld by the Secretary.

(Source: P.A. 102-26, eff. 6-25-21.)
(820 ILCS 405/901) (from Ch. 48, par. 491)
Sec. 901.
Fraud - Repayment - Ineligibility.
An individual who, for the purpose of obtaining benefits, knowingly
makes a false statement or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact,
and thereby obtains any sum as benefits for which he is not eligible:
A. Shall be required to repay such sum in cash, or the amount thereof may
be recovered or recouped pursuant to the provisions of Section 900.
B. Shall be ineligible, except to the extent that such benefits are
subject to recoupment pursuant to this Section,
for benefits for the week in which he or she has been notified
of the determination of the claims adjudicator referred to in Section 702
that he or she has committed the offense described in
the first paragraph and, thereafter, for 6 weeks (with respect to each of
which he or she
would be eligible for benefits but for the provisions of this
paragraph, not including weeks for which such benefits are subject to
recoupment pursuant to this Section)
for the first offense, and for 2 additional weeks (with respect to each
of which he or she would be eligible for benefits but for the provisions
of this paragraph, not including weeks for which such benefits are subject to
recoupment pursuant to this Section) for each subsequent offense. For the
purposes of this paragraph, a separate offense shall be deemed to have been
committed in each week for which such an individual has received a sum as
benefits for which he
or she
was not eligible. No ineligibility under the provisions
of this paragraph shall accrue with respect to any week beginning after
whichever of the following occurs first: (1) 26 weeks (with respect to each
of which the individual would be eligible for benefits but for the provisions
of this paragraph, not
including weeks for which such benefits are subject to recoupment pursuant to
this Section)
have elapsed since the date that he or she is notified of the determination
of the claims adjudicator referred to in Section 702 that he or she has
committed the offense described in the first paragraph, or (2) 2 years have
since the date
that he
or she
is notified of the determination of the claims adjudicator referred
to in Section 702 that he
or she
has committed the offense described in the first

(Source: P.A. 91-342, eff. 1-1-00.)
(820 ILCS 405/901.1)
Sec. 901.1. Additional penalty. In addition to the penalties imposed under Section 901, an individual who, for the purposes of obtaining benefits, knowingly makes a false statement or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact, and thereby obtains any sum as benefits for which he or she is not eligible, shall be required to pay a penalty in an amount equal to 15% of such sum. All of the provisions of Section 900 applicable to the recovery of sums described in paragraph 1 of subsection A of Section 900 shall apply to penalties imposed pursuant to this Section. All penalties collected under this Section shall be treated in the same manner as benefits recovered from such individual.

(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1000) (from Ch. 48, par. 500)
Sec. 1000.
The Director, claims adjudicator, or other representative of the
Director and any Referee and the Board of Review, or any member thereof,
shall have the power, in the discharge of the duties imposed by this Act,
to administer oaths and affirmations, certify to all official acts, and
issue subpoenas to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and
the production of papers, books, accounts and documents deemed necessary as
evidence in connection with a disputed claim or the administration of this

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/1001) (from Ch. 48, par. 501)
Sec. 1001.

No person shall be excused from testifying or from producing any papers,
books, accounts, or documents in any investigation or inquiry or upon any
hearing, when ordered to do so by the Director, Board of Review, or member
thereof, or any claims adjudicator, Referee, or a representative of the
Director, upon the ground that the testimony or evidence, documentary or
otherwise, may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or
forfeiture. But no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty
or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing
concerning which he may testify or produce evidence, documentary or
otherwise, before any such person or Board of Review: Provided, that such
immunity shall extend only to a natural person, who, in obedience to a
subpoena, and after claiming his privilege, shall, upon order, give
testimony under oath or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, under
oath. No person so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution and
punishment for perjury committed in so testifying.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/1002) (from Ch. 48, par. 502)
Sec. 1002.
Attendance of witnesses - Production of papers.
All subpoenas
issued under the terms of this Act may be served by any person of full age.
The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as fees
of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State,
such fees to be paid when the witness is excused from further attendance.
The payment of such fees shall be made in the same manner as are other
expenses incurred in the administration of this Act. A subpoena issued shall
be served in the same manner as a subpoena issued out of a
Any person who shall be served with a subpoena to appear and testify or
to produce books, papers, accounts, or documents, issued by the Director or
by any claims adjudicator or other representative of the Director, or by
any Referee or the Board of Review, or member thereof, in the course of an
inquiry, investigation, or hearing conducted under any of the provisions of
this Act, and who refuses or neglects to appear or to testify or to produce
books, papers, accounts, and documents relevant to said inquiry,
investigation, or hearing as commanded in such subpoena, shall be guilty of
a Class A misdemeanor.
Any circuit court of this State, upon application
by the Director, or claims adjudicator, or other representative of the
Director, or by any Referee or the Board of Review, or any member thereof,
may, in its discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses, the
production of books, papers, accounts, and documents, and the giving of
testimony before such person or Board by an attachment for contempt or
otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may be compelled
before the court.

(Source: P.A. 83-334.)
(820 ILCS 405/1003) (from Ch. 48, par. 503)
Sec. 1003.
The deposition of any witness residing
within or without the State may be taken at the instance of any claims
adjudicator, Referee, member of the Board of Review, field auditor,
Director's representative, or any of the parties to any proceeding
arising under the provisions of this Act in the manner prescribed by
law for the taking of like depositions in civil cases in the courts of
this State. The Director may, at the request of any such person, issue
a dedimus potestatem or commission under the seal of the Department of
Employment Security in the same manner as the proper clerk's
office is authorized to issue such dedimus potestatem or commission under
the seal of the court in connection with any matter pending in the circuit
courts of this State.

(Source: P.A. 83-1503.)
(820 ILCS 405/1004) (from Ch. 48, par. 504)
Sec. 1004.
Record of
The Director shall provide facilities for the taking of testimony and
the recording of proceedings at the hearings before the Director, his
representative, the Board of Review, or a Referee. All expenses arising
pursuant to this Section shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses
incurred pursuant to this Act.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 844.)
(820 ILCS 405/1100) (from Ch. 48, par. 520)
Sec. 1100.
Review by the courts of decisions on benefits.
Any decision of the Board of Review (or of the Director in cases of
decisions made pursuant to Sections 800 and 801) shall be reviewable
only under and in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative
Review Law, provided that judicial review thereof shall be permitted
only after any party claiming to be aggrieved thereby has exhausted his
administrative remedies as provided by this Act. The Director shall be
deemed to have been a party to any administrative proceeding
before the Board of Review and shall be represented by the Attorney General in
any judicial action involving any such decision. The provisions of the
Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and modifications
thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and
govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative
decisions of the Director or Board of Review hereunder. The term
"administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.
The party aggrieved by the decision of the Board of Review (or the
decision of the Director rendered pursuant to Sections 800 and 801) may
secure judicial review thereof in the circuit court of the county in
which he resides, or in the county in which his principal place of
business is located, or if he does not reside within the State of
Illinois and has no place of business within this State, then in the
circuit court of Cook County.
Such proceedings before the courts shall be given precedence over all
other civil cases except cases arising under the Workers' Compensation
Act of this State.
The Board of Review or the Director, as the case may be, shall
certify the record of the proceedings to the circuit court and shall
prepare a true and correct typewritten copy of such testimony and a true
and correct copy of all other matters contained in such record and
certified to by the secretary thereof.
Judgments and orders of the circuit court under this Act shall be reviewed by
appeal in the same manner as in other civil cases.
The clerk of any court rendering a decision affecting or affirming
any decision of the Board of Review or of the Director, as the case may
be, shall promptly furnish the Director and the Board of Review with a
copy of such decision, without charge, and the Board of Review or the
Director, as the case may be, shall enter an order in accordance with
such decision.

(Source: P.A. 88-655, eff. 9-16-94.)
(820 ILCS 405/1200) (from Ch. 48, par. 530)
Sec. 1200.
Compensation of attorneys.
No fee shall be charged any claimant in any proceeding under this Act by
the Director or his representatives, or by the Referees or Board of Review,
or by any court or the clerks thereof except as provided herein.
Any individual claiming benefits in any proceeding before the Director
or his representative, or the Referee or the Board of Review, or his or its
representatives, or a court, may be represented by counsel or other duly
authorized agent; but no such counsel or agents shall either charge or
receive for such services more than an amount approved by the Board of
Review or, in cases arising under Section 604, by the Director.
After reasonable notice and a hearing before the Department's
representative, any attorney found to be in violation of any provision of this
Section shall be required to make restitution of any excess fees charged plus
interest at a reasonable rate as determined by the Department's

(Source: P.A. 93-215, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/1300) (from Ch. 48, par. 540)
Sec. 1300. Waiver or transfer of benefit rights - Partial exemption.
(A) Except as otherwise provided herein any agreement by an individual
to waive, release or commute his rights under this Act shall be void.
(B) Benefits due under this Act shall not be assigned, pledged, encumbered,
released or commuted and shall be exempt from all claims of creditors and
from levy, execution and attachment or other remedy for recovery or
collection of a debt. However, nothing in this Section shall prohibit a
specified or agreed upon deduction from benefits by an individual, or a
court or administrative order for withholding of income, for payment of
past due child support from being enforced and collected by the Department
of Healthcare and Family Services on behalf of persons receiving a grant of financial aid under
Article IV of the Illinois Public Aid Code, persons for whom an application
has been made and approved for child support enforcement services under
Section 10-1 of such
Code, or persons similarly situated and receiving like services
in other states. It is provided that:
(C) Nothing in this Section prohibits an individual from voluntarily
electing to have federal income tax deducted and withheld from his or her
unemployment insurance benefit payments.
(D) Nothing in this Section prohibits an individual from voluntarily
electing to have State of Illinois income tax deducted and withheld from his or
her unemployment insurance benefit payments.
(E) Nothing in this Section prohibits the deduction and withholding of an
uncollected overissuance of food stamp coupons from unemployment insurance
benefits pursuant to this subsection (E).
(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1400) (from Ch. 48, par. 550)
Sec. 1400. Payment of contributions. On and after July 1, 1937,
contributions shall accrue and become payable by each employer for each
calendar year in which he is subject to this Act, with respect to wages
payable for employment occurring during the six months' period beginning
July 1, 1937, and the calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940. For the year
1941 and for each calendar year thereafter, contributions shall accrue
and become payable by each employer upon the wages paid with respect to
employment after December 31, 1940. Except as otherwise provided in Section 1400.2, such contributions shall become due
and shall be paid quarterly on or before the last day of the month next
following the calendar quarter for which such contributions have
accrued; except that any employer who is delinquent in filing a
contribution report or in paying his contributions for any calendar
quarter may, at the discretion of the Director, be required to report
and to pay contributions on a calendar month basis. Such contributions
shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the wages of
individuals in such employer's employ. If the Director shall find that
the collection of any contributions will be jeopardized by delay, he may
declare the same to be immediately due and payable.
In the payment of any contributions, interest, or penalties, a
fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to
one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent.
The Director may by regulation provide that if, at any time, a total
amount of less
than $2 is payable with respect to a quarter, including any
contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, interest or
penalties, such amount may be disregarded. Any amounts
disregarded under this paragraph are deemed to have been paid for all
other purposes of this Act. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to
relieve any employer from filing any reports required by this Act or by
any rules or regulations adopted by the Director pursuant to this Act.
Except with respect to the provisions concerning amounts that may be
disregarded pursuant to regulation, this Section does not apply to any
nonprofit organization or any governmental
entity referred to in subsection B of Section 1405 for any
period with respect to which it does not incur liability for the payment
of contributions by reason of having elected to make payments in lieu of
contributions, or to any political subdivision or municipal corporation
for any period with respect to which it is not subject to payments in
lieu of contributions under the provisions of paragraph 1 of Section
302C by reason of having elected to make payments in lieu of
contributions under paragraph 2 of that Section, or to the State of
Illinois or any of its instrumentalities.
The Director may, by regulation, provide that amounts due from an employing unit for contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, penalties, or interest be paid by an electronic funds transfer, including amounts paid on behalf of an employing unit by an entity representing the employing unit. The regulation shall not apply to an employing unit until the Director notifies the employing unit of the regulation. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, where the employing unit, within 30 days of the date of service of the notice sent pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, notifies the Director that it declines to pay by electronic funds transfer, the regulation shall not apply to the employing unit. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, where the employing unit, within 30 days of the date of service of a notice sent pursuant to Section 1509 of this Act, notifies the Director that it declines to pay by electronic funds transfer, the regulation shall not apply to the employing unit with respect to any payment due after the date the employing unit so notifies the Director. The Director is authorized to provide by regulation reasonable penalties for employing units that are subject to and fail to comply with such a regulation. Any employing unit that is not subject to the regulation may elect to become subject to the regulation by paying amounts due for contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, penalties, or interest by an electronic funds transfer. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, in the case of an entity representing 5 or more employing units, neither the entity nor the employing units (for as long as they are represented by that entity) shall have the option to decline to pay by electronic funds transfer.
(Source: P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1400.1)
Sec. 1400.1. Solvency Adjustments.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
As used in this Section, "prior year's
trust fund
balance" means the net amount standing to the credit of this State's account in
trust fund (less all outstanding advances to that account, including but not
limited to advances
pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act) as of June 30 of the
preceding calendar year.
The wage base adjustment, rate adjustment, and allowance adjustment applicable to any calendar year prior to 2023 shall be as determined pursuant to this Section as in effect prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
The rate adjustment and allowance adjustment
applicable to calendar year 2023 and each calendar year thereafter shall be as follows:
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
As used in this Section, "prior year's
trust fund
balance" means the net amount standing to the credit of this State's account in
trust fund (less all outstanding advances to that account, including but not
limited to advances
pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act) as of June 30 of the
preceding calendar year.
The wage base adjustment, rate adjustment, and allowance adjustment
applicable to any
calendar year after calendar year 2009 shall be as follows:
(820 ILCS 405/1400.2)
Sec. 1400.2. Annual reporting and paying; household workers. This Section applies to an employer who solely employs one or more household workers with respect to whom the employer files federal unemployment taxes as part of his or her federal income tax return, or could file federal unemployment taxes as part of his or her federal income tax return if the worker or workers were providing services in employment for purposes of the federal unemployment tax. For purposes of this Section, "household worker" has the meaning ascribed to it for purposes of Section 3510 of the federal Internal Revenue

Code. If an employer to whom this Section applies notifies the Director, in writing, that he or she wishes to pay his or her contributions for each quarter and submit his or her wage reports for each month or quarter, as the case may be, on an annual basis, then the due date for filing the reports and paying the contributions shall be April 15 of the calendar year immediately following the close of the months or quarters to which the reports and quarters to which the contributions apply, except that the Director may, by rule, establish a different due date for good cause.

(Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.)
(820 ILCS 405/1401) (from Ch. 48, par. 551)
Sec. 1401. Interest. Any employer who shall fail to pay any contributions
(including any amounts due pursuant to Section 1506.3) when required of him by the provisions of this Act and the rules
and regulations of the Director, whether or not the amount thereof has been
determined and assessed by the Director, shall pay to the Department, in
addition to such contribution, interest thereon at the rate of one percent
(1%) per month and one-thirtieth (1/30) of one percent (1%) for each day or
fraction thereof computed from the day upon which said contribution became
due. After 1981, such interest shall accrue at the rate of 2% per month,
computed at the rate of 12/365 of 2% for each day or fraction thereof, upon
any unpaid contributions which become due, provided that, after 1987, for
the purposes of calculating interest due under this Section only, payments
received more than 30 days after such contributions become due shall be
deemed received on the last day of the month preceding the month in which
they were received except that, if the last day of such preceding month is
less than 30 days after the date that such contributions became due, then
such payments shall be deemed to have been received on the 30th day after
the date such contributions became due.
However, all or part of any interest may be waived by the Director for
good cause shown.

(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1402) (from Ch. 48, par. 552)
Sec. 1402. Penalties.
A. If any employer fails, within the time prescribed in this Act as
amended and in effect on October 5, 1980, and the regulations of the
Director, to file a report of wages paid to each of his workers, or to file
a sufficient report of such wages after having been notified by the
Director to do so, for any period which begins prior to January 1, 1982, he
shall pay to the Department as a penalty a sum determined in accordance with
the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on October 5, 1980.
B. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, any employer who
fails to file a report of wages paid to each of his
workers for any period which begins on or after January 1, 1982, within the
time prescribed by the provisions of this Act and the regulations of the
Director, or, if the Director pursuant to such regulations extends the time
for filing the report, fails to file it within the extended time, shall, in
addition to any sum otherwise payable by him under the provisions of this
Act, pay to the Department as a penalty a sum equal to the lesser of (1) $5
for each $10,000 or fraction thereof of the total wages for insured work
paid by him during the period or (2) $2,500, for each month
or part thereof of such failure to file the report. With respect to an employer who has elected to file reports of wages on an annual basis pursuant to Section 1400.2, in assessing penalties for the failure to submit all reports by the due date established pursuant to that Section, the 30-day period immediately following the due date shall be considered as one month.
If the Director deems an employer's report of wages paid to each of his
workers for any period which begins on or after January 1, 1982,
insufficient, he shall notify the employer to file a sufficient report. If
the employer fails to file such sufficient report within 30 days after the
mailing of the notice to him, he shall, in addition to any sum otherwise
payable by him under the provisions of this Act, pay to the Department as a
penalty a sum determined in accordance with the provisions of the first
paragraph of this subsection, for each month or part thereof of such
failure to file such sufficient report after the date of the notice.
For wages paid in calendar years prior to 1988, the penalty or
penalties which accrue under the two foregoing paragraphs
with respect to a report for any period shall not be less than $100, and
shall not exceed the lesser of
(1) $10 for each $10,000 or fraction thereof
of the total wages for insured work paid during the period or (2) $5,000.
For wages paid in calendar years after 1987, the penalty or penalties which
accrue under the 2 foregoing paragraphs with respect to a report for any
period shall not be less than $50, and shall not exceed the lesser of (1)
$10 for each $10,000 or fraction of the total wages for insured work
paid during the period or (2) $5,000.
With respect to an employer who has elected to file reports of wages on an annual basis pursuant to Section 1400.2, for purposes of calculating the minimum penalty prescribed by this Section for failure to file the reports on a timely basis, a calendar year shall constitute a single period. For reports of wages paid after 1986, the Director shall not,
however, impose a penalty pursuant to either of the two foregoing
paragraphs on any employer who can prove within 30 working days after the
mailing of a notice of his failure to file such a report, that (1) the
failure to file the report is his first such failure during the previous 20
consecutive calendar quarters, and (2) the amount of the total
contributions due for the calendar quarter of such report (or, in the case of an employer who is required to file the reports on a monthly basis, the amount of the total contributions due for the calendar quarter that includes the month of such report) is less than $500.
For any month which begins on or after January 1, 2013, a report of the wages paid to each of an employer's workers shall be due on or before the last day of the month next following the calendar month in which the wages were paid if the employer is required to report such wages electronically pursuant to the regulations of the Director; otherwise a report of the wages paid to each of the employer's workers shall be due on or before the last day of the month next following the calendar quarter in which the wages were paid.
Any employer who willfully fails to pay any contribution or part
thereof, based upon wages paid prior to 1987,
when required by the provisions of this Act and the regulations of the
Director, with intent to defraud the Director, shall in addition to such
contribution or part thereof pay to the Department a penalty equal to 50 percent
of the amount of such contribution or part thereof, as the case may
be, provided that the penalty shall not be less than $200.
Any employer who willfully fails to pay any contribution or part
thereof, based upon wages paid in 1987 and in each calendar year
thereafter, when required by the
provisions of this Act and the regulations of the Director, with intent to
defraud the Director, shall in addition to such contribution or part
thereof pay to the Department a penalty equal to 60% of the amount of such
contribution or part thereof, as the case may be, provided that the penalty
shall not be less than $400.
However, all or part of any penalty may be waived by the Director for
good cause shown.
C. With regard to an employer required to report monthly pursuant to this Section, in addition to each employee's name, social security number, and wages for insured work paid during the period, the Director may, by rule, require a report to provide the following information concerning each employee: the employee's occupation, hours worked during the period, hourly wage, if applicable, and work location if the employer has more than one physical location. Notwithstanding any other provision of any other law to the contrary, information obtained pursuant to this subsection shall not be disclosed to any other public official or agency of this State or any other state to the extent it relates to a specifically identified individual or entity or to the extent that the identity of a specific individual or entity may be discerned from such information. The additional data elements required to be reported pursuant to the rule authorized by this subsection may be reported in the same electronic format as in the system maintained by the employer or employer's agent and need not be reformatted.
(Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; 97-791, eff. 1-1-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/1402.1)
Sec. 1402.1. Processing fee.
A. The Director may, by rule, establish a processing fee of $50 with regard to a report of contributions due that is not required to be submitted electronically if the employer fails to submit the report on the form designated by the Director or otherwise provide all of the information required by the form designated by the Director. With respect to the first instance of such a failure after the effective date of the rule, the Director shall issue the employer a written warning instead of a processing fee, and no such processing fee shall be assessed unless the Director has issued the employer a written warning for a prior failure.
B. The Director may, by rule, establish a processing fee of $50 with regard to any payment of contributions, payment in lieu of contributions, interest, or penalty that is not made through electronic funds transfer if the employer fails to enclose the payment coupon provided by the Director with its payment or otherwise provide all of the information the coupon would provide, regardless of the amount due. With respect to the first instance of such a failure after the effective date of the rule, the Director shall issue the employer a written warning instead of a processing fee, and no such processing fee shall be assessed unless the Director has issued the employer a written warning for a prior failure.

(Source: P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/1403) (from Ch. 48, par. 553)
Sec. 1403. Financing benefits paid to state employees. Benefits paid
to individuals with respect to whom this State or any of its wholly owned instrumentalities
is the last employer as provided in Section 1502.1 shall be financed by appropriations to the Department of Employment
The State Treasurer shall be liable on his general official bond for
the faithful performance of his duties with regard to such moneys as
may come into his hands by virtue of this Section. Such liability on his
official bond shall exist in addition to the liability upon any separate
bond given by him. All sums recovered for losses sustained by the clearing account

herein described shall be deposited therein.
In lieu of contributions required of other employers under this Act,
the State Treasurer shall transfer to and deposit in the clearing
account an amount equal to 100% of regular benefits, including dependents'
allowances, and 100% of extended benefits, including dependents' allowances
paid to an individual, but only if the State: (a) is the last
employer as provided in Section 1502.1 and (b) paid, to the individual
receiving benefits, wages for insured work during his base period. If the
State meets the requirements of (a) but not (b), it shall be required to make
payments in an amount equal to 50% of regular benefits, including
dependents' allowances, and 50% of extended benefits, including dependents'
allowances, paid to an individual.
On and after July 1, 2005, transfers to the clearing account pursuant to this Section shall be made directly from such funds and accounts as the appropriations to the Department authorize, as designated by the Director. On July 1, 2005, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably practicable, all remaining funds in the State Employees' Unemployment Benefit Fund shall be transferred to the clearing account, and, upon the transfer of those funds, the State Employees' Unemployment Benefit Fund is abolished.
The Director shall ascertain the amount to be so transferred and
deposited by the State Treasurer as soon as practicable after the end of
each calendar quarter. The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Section
1404B shall be applicable to a determination of the amount to be so
transferred and deposited. Such deposit shall be made by the State
Treasurer at such times and in such manner as the Director may determine
and direct.
Every department, institution, agency and instrumentality of the
State of Illinois shall make available to the Director such information
with respect to any individual who has performed insured work for it as
the Director may find practicable and necessary for the determination of
such individual's rights under this Act. Each such department,
institution, agency and instrumentality shall file such reports with the
Director as he may by regulation prescribe.

(Source: P.A. 94-233, eff. 7-14-05.)
(820 ILCS 405/1404) (from Ch. 48, par. 554)
Sec. 1404. Payments in lieu of contributions by nonprofit
A. For the year 1972 and for each calendar year thereafter,
contributions shall accrue and become payable, pursuant to Section 1400,
by each nonprofit organization (defined in Section 211.2) upon the wages
paid by it with respect to employment after 1971, unless the nonprofit
organization elects, in accordance with the provisions of this Section,
to pay, in lieu of contributions, an amount equal to the amount of
regular benefits and one-half the amount of extended benefits (defined
in Section 409) paid to individuals, for any weeks which begin on or
after the effective date of the election, on the basis of wages for
insured work paid to them by such nonprofit organization during the
effective period of such election. Notwithstanding
the preceding provisions of this subsection and the
provisions of subsection D, with respect to benefit
years beginning prior to July 1, 1989, any adjustment
after September 30, 1989 to the base period wages paid
to the individual by any employer shall not affect the
ratio for determining the payments in lieu of contributions
of a nonprofit organization which has elected to make
payments in lieu of contributions. Provided, however,
that with respect to benefit years beginning on or after
July 1, 1989, the nonprofit organization shall be required
to make payments equal to 100% of regular benefits,
including dependents' allowances, and 50% of extended
benefits, including dependents' allowances, paid to
an individual with respect to benefit years beginning
during the effective period of the election, but only
if the nonprofit organization: (a) is the last employer
as provided in Section 1502.1 and (b) paid to the individual
receiving benefits, wages for insured work during his
base period. If the nonprofit organization described
in this paragraph meets the requirements of (a) but
not (b), with respect to benefit years beginning on or
after July 1, 1989, it shall be required to make payments
in an amount equal to 50% of regular benefits, including
dependents' allowances, and 25% of extended benefits,
including dependents' allowances, paid to an individual
with respect to benefit years beginning during the effective
period of the election.
B. As soon as practicable following the close of each calendar
quarter, the Director shall mail to each nonprofit organization which
has elected to make payments in lieu of contributions a Statement of the
amount due from it for the regular and one-half the extended benefits
paid (or the amounts otherwise provided for in subsection A) during the
calendar quarter, together with the names of its workers
or former workers and the amounts of benefits paid to each of them
during the calendar quarter, with respect to benefit years beginning
prior to July 1, 1989, on the basis of wages for insured work paid
to them by the nonprofit organization; or, with respect to benefit years
beginning after June 30, 1989, if such nonprofit organization was the last
employer as provided in Section 1502.1 with respect to a benefit year
beginning during the effective period of the election. The amount
due shall be payable, and
the nonprofit organization shall make payment of such amount not later
than 30 days after the date of mailing of the Statement. The Statement
shall be final and conclusive upon the nonprofit organization unless,
within 20 days after the date of mailing of the Statement, the nonprofit
organization files with the Director an application for revision
thereof. Such application shall specify wherein the nonprofit
organization believes the Statement to be incorrect, and shall set forth
its reasons for such belief. All of the provisions of Section 1508,
applicable to applications for revision of Statements of Benefit Wages
and Statements of Benefit Charges and not inconsistent with the
provisions of this subsection, shall be applicable to an application for
revision of a Statement filed pursuant to this subsection.
C. With respect to benefit years beginning prior to July 1, 1989,
whenever benefits have been paid to an individual on the basis of
wages for insured work paid to him by a nonprofit organization, and the
organization incurred liability for the payment of contributions on some
of the wages because only a part of the individual's base period was
within the effective period of the organization's written election to
make payments in lieu of contributions, the organization shall pay an
amount in lieu of contributions which bears the same ratio to the total
benefits paid to the individual as the total wages for insured work paid
to him during the base period by the organization upon which it did not
incur liability for the payment of contributions (for the aforesaid
reason) bear to the total wages for insured work paid to the individual
during the base period by the organization.
D. With respect to benefit years beginning prior to July 1, 1989,
whenever benefits have been paid to an individual on the basis of
wages for insured work paid to him by a nonprofit organization which has
elected to make payments in lieu of contributions, and by one or more
other employers, the nonprofit organization shall pay an amount in lieu
of contributions which bears the same ratio to the total benefits paid
to the individual as the wages for insured work paid to the individual
during his base period by the nonprofit organization bear to the total
wages for insured work paid to the individual during the base period by
all of the employers. If the nonprofit organization incurred liability
for the payment of contributions on some of the wages for insured work
paid to the individual, it shall be treated, with respect to such wages,
as one of the other employers for the purposes of this paragraph.
E. Two or more nonprofit organizations which have elected to make
payments in lieu of contributions may file a joint application with the
Director for the establishment of a group account, effective January 1
of any calendar year, for the purpose of sharing the cost of benefits
paid on the basis of the wages for insured work paid by such nonprofit
organizations, provided that such joint application is filed with the
Director prior to such January 1. The application shall identify and
authorize a group representative to act as the group's agent for the
purposes of this paragraph, and shall be filed in such form and shall
contain such information as the Director may prescribe. Upon his
approval of a joint application, the Director shall, by order, establish
a group account for the applicants and shall serve notice upon the
group's representative of such order. Such account shall remain in
effect for not less than 2 calendar years and thereafter until
terminated by the Director for good cause or, as of the close of any
calendar quarter, upon application by the group. Upon establishment of
the account, the group shall be liable to the Director for payments in
lieu of contributions in an amount equal to the total amount for which,
in the absence of the group account, liability would have been incurred
by all of its members; provided, with respect to benefit years beginning
prior to July 1, 1989, that the liability of any member to the
Director with respect to any payment in lieu of contributions, interest
or penalties not paid by the group when due with respect to any calendar
quarter shall be in an amount which bears the same ratio to the total
benefits paid during such quarter on the basis of the wages for insured
work paid by all members of the group as the total wages for insured
work paid by such member during such quarter bear to the total wages for
insured work paid during the quarter by all members of the group, and,
with respect to benefit years beginning on or after July 1, 1989, that the
liability of any member to the Director with respect to any payment in lieu
of contributions, interest or penalties not paid by the group when due with
respect to any calendar quarter shall be in an amount which bears the same
ratio to the total benefits paid during such quarter to individuals with
respect to whom any member of the group was the last employer as provided
in Section 1502.1 as the total wages for insured work paid by such member
during such quarter bear to the total wages for insured work paid during
the quarter by all members of the group.
With respect to calendar months and quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2013, the liability of any member to the Director with respect to any penalties that are assessed for failure to file a timely and sufficient report of wages and which are not paid by the group when due with respect to the calendar month or quarter, as the case may be, shall be in an amount which bears the same ratio to the total penalties due with respect to such month or quarter as the total wages for insured work paid by such member during such month or quarter bear to the total wages for insured work paid during the month or quarter by all members of the group. All of the provisions of this Section applicable to nonprofit organizations
which have elected to make payments in lieu of contributions, and not
inconsistent with the provisions of this paragraph, shall apply to a
group account and, upon its termination, to each former member thereof.
The Director shall by regulation prescribe the conditions for
establishment, maintenance and termination of group accounts, and for
addition of new members to and withdrawal of active members from such accounts.
F. Whenever service of notice is required by this Section, such
notice may be given and be complete by depositing it with the United
States Mail, addressed to the nonprofit organization (or, in the case of
a group account, to its representative) at its last known address. If
such organization is represented by counsel in proceedings before the
Director, service of notice may be made upon the nonprofit organization
by mailing the notice to such counsel.

(Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.)
(820 ILCS 405/1405) (from Ch. 48, par. 555)
Sec. 1405. Financing Benefits for Employees of Local Governments.
A. 1. For the year 1978 and for each calendar year thereafter,
contributions shall accrue and become payable, pursuant to Section 1400,
by each governmental entity (other than the State of Illinois and its
wholly owned instrumentalities) referred to in clause (B) of Section
211.1, upon the wages paid by such entity with respect to employment
after 1977, unless the entity elects to make payments in lieu of
contributions pursuant to the provisions of subsection B.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 1500 to 1510, inclusive, a
governmental entity which has not made such election shall, for liability
for contributions incurred prior to January 1, 1984, pay
contributions equal to 1 percent with respect to wages for insured work
paid during each such calendar year or portion of such year as may be
applicable. As used in this subsection, the
word "wages", defined in Section 234, is subject to all of the
provisions of Section 235.
2. An Indian tribe for which service is exempted from the federal
unemployment tax under Section 3306(c)(7) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act
may elect to make payments in lieu of contributions in the same manner and
subject to the same conditions as provided in this Section with regard to
governmental entities, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 7, 8, and 9
subsection B.
B. Any governmental entity subject to subsection A may elect to make
payments in lieu of contributions, in amounts equal to the amounts of
regular and extended benefits paid to individuals, for any weeks which
begin on or after the effective date of the election, on the basis of
wages for insured work paid to them by the entity during the effective
period of such election.
Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subsection
and the provisions of subsection D of Section 1404, with respect to
benefit years beginning prior to July 1, 1989, any adjustment
after September 30, 1989 to the base period wages paid
to the individual by any employer shall not affect the
ratio for determining payments in lieu of contributions
of a governmental entity which has elected to make payments
in lieu of contributions. Provided, however, that with
respect to benefit years beginning on or after July
1, 1989, the governmental entity shall be required to
make payments equal to 100% of regular benefits, including
dependents' allowances, and 100% of extended benefits,
including dependents' allowances, paid to an individual
with respect to benefit years beginning during the effective
period of the election, but only if the governmental
entity: (a) is the last employer as provided in Section
1502.1 and (b) paid to the individual receiving benefits,
wages for insured work during his base period. If the
governmental entity described in this paragraph meets
the requirements of (a) but not (b), with respect to
benefit years beginning on or after July 1, 1989, it
shall be required to make payments in an amount equal
to 50% of regular benefits, including dependents' allowances,
and 50% of extended benefits, including dependents'
allowances, paid to an individual with respect to benefit
years beginning during the effective period of the election.
1. Any such governmental entity which becomes an employer on January
1, 1978 pursuant to Section 205 may elect to make payments in lieu of
contributions for not less than one calendar year beginning with January
1, 1978, provided that it files its written election with the Director
not later than January 31, 1978.
2. A governmental entity newly created after January 1, 1978, may
elect to make payments in lieu of contributions for a period of not less
than one calendar year beginning as of the first day with respect to
which it would, in the absence of its election, incur liability for the
payment of contributions, provided that it files its written election
with the Director not later than 30 days immediately following the end
of the calendar quarter in which it has been created.
3. A governmental entity which has incurred liability for the
payment of contributions for at least 2 calendar years, and is not
delinquent in such payment and in the payment of any interest or
penalties which may have accrued, may elect to make payments in lieu of
contributions beginning January 1 of any calendar year, provided that it
files its written election with the Director prior to such January 1,
and provided, further, that such election shall be for a period of not
less than 2 calendar years.
4. An election to make payments in lieu of contributions shall not
terminate any liability incurred by a governmental entity for the
payment of contributions, interest or penalties with respect to any
calendar quarter (or month, as the case may be) which ends prior to the effective period of the
5. The termination by a governmental entity of the effective period
of its election to make payments in lieu of contributions, and the
filing of and subsequent action upon written notices of termination of
election, shall be governed by the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 of
Section 1404A, pertaining to nonprofit organizations.
6. With respect to benefit years beginning prior to July 1, 1989,
wages paid to an individual during his base period by a governmental
entity which elects to make payments in lieu of contributions for less than
full time work, performed during the same weeks in the base period during
which the individual had other insured work, shall not be subject to
payments in lieu of contribution (upon such employer's request pursuant to
the regulation of the Director) so long as the employer continued after the
end of the base period, and continues during the applicable benefit year,
to furnish such less than full time work to the individual on the same
basis and in substantially the same amount as during the base period. If the
individual is paid benefits with respect to a week (in the applicable
benefit year) after the employer has ceased to furnish the work hereinabove
described, the governmental entity shall be liable for payments in lieu
of contributions with respect to the benefits paid to the individual after
the date on which the governmental entity ceases to furnish the work.
7. An Indian tribe may elect to make payments in lieu of contributions for
calendar year 2003, provided that it files its written election with the
Director not later than January 31, 2003, and provided further that it is not
delinquent in the payment of any contributions, interest, or penalties.
8. Failure of an Indian tribe to make a payment in lieu of contributions, or
a payment of interest or penalties due under this Act, within 90 days after the
Department serves notice of the finality of a determination and assessment
shall cause the Indian tribe to lose the option of making payments in lieu of
contributions, effective as of the calendar year immediately following the date
on which the Department serves the notice. Notice of the loss of the option to
make payments in lieu of contributions may be protested in the same manner as a
determination and assessment under Section 2200 of this Act.
9. An Indian tribe that, pursuant to paragraph 8, loses the option of
making payments in lieu of contributions may again elect to make payments in
lieu of contributions for a calendar year if: (a) the Indian tribe has incurred
liability for the payment of contributions for at least one calendar year since
losing the option pursuant to paragraph 8, (b) the Indian tribe is not
delinquent in the payment of any liabilities under the Act, including interest
or penalties, and (c) the Indian tribe files its written election with the
Director not later than January 31 of the year with respect to which it is
making the election.
C. As soon as practicable following the close of each calendar
quarter, the Director shall mail to each governmental entity which has
elected to make payments in lieu of contributions a Statement of the
amount due from it for all the regular and extended benefits paid during
the calendar quarter, together with the names of its workers or former
workers and the amounts of benefits paid to each of them during the
calendar quarter with respect to benefit years beginning prior to July 1,
1989, on the basis of wages for insured work paid to them by
the governmental entity; or, with respect to benefit years beginning
after June 30, 1989, if such governmental entity was the last employer as
provided in Section 1502.1 with respect to a benefit year beginning during
the effective period of the election. All of the provisions of subsection
B of Section 1404 pertaining to nonprofit organizations, not inconsistent
with the preceding sentence, shall be applicable to payments in lieu of
contributions by a governmental entity.
D. The provisions of subsections C through F, inclusive, of Section
1404, pertaining to nonprofit organizations, shall be applicable to each
governmental entity which has elected to make payments in lieu of
E. 1. If an Indian tribe fails to pay any liability under this Act
(including assessments of interest or penalty) within 90 days after the
Department issues a notice of the finality of a determination and assessment,
the Director shall immediately notify the United States Internal Revenue
and the United States Department of Labor.
2. Notices of payment and reporting delinquencies to Indian tribes shall
include information that failure to make full payment within the prescribed
time frame:
(Source: P.A. 97-689, eff. 6-14-12.)
(820 ILCS 405/1405.1)
Sec. 1405.1.
Educational service centers; entities under joint agreements.
A. If a school district, together with either (i) an educational service
center that serves that school district and is established under Section 2-3.62
of the School Code or (ii) another governmental entity that exists under a
cooperative or joint agreement to which that school district and one or more
other school districts are parties, concurrently employ the same individual and
compensate the individual through a common paymaster that is either the
governmental entity or school district, the common paymaster is considered to
be the employer of the individual.
B. Notwithstanding Section 1405, for the one-year period following the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1994, an educational service center
described in subsection A or another governmental entity that exists under a
cooperative or joint agreement to which 2 or more school districts are parties
may elect to make payments in lieu of contributions, effective with the date
that the entity became liable under this Act. The right to elect under
this subsection is conditioned upon the payment, within 60 days of the
election, of any payments in lieu of contributions that are based on the
payment of benefits within any calendar quarters completed no more than 4 years
before the date of the election.

(Source: P.A. 88-655, eff. 9-16-94.)
(820 ILCS 405/1500) (from Ch. 48, par. 570)
Sec. 1500. Rate of contribution.
A. For the six months' period beginning July 1, 1937, and for each of the
calendar years 1938 to 1959, inclusive, each employer shall pay contributions
on wages at the percentages specified in or determined in accordance with
the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on July 11, 1957.
B. For the calendar years 1960 through 1983,
each employer shall pay contributions equal to 2.7 percent with respect
to wages for insured work paid during each such calendar year, except that
the contribution rate of each employer who has incurred liability for the
payment of contributions within each of the three calendar years immediately
preceding the calendar year for which a rate is being determined, shall
be determined as provided in Sections 1501 to 1507, inclusive.
For the calendar year 1984 and each calendar year thereafter, each
employer shall pay contributions at a percentage rate equal
to the greatest of 2.7%, or 2.7% multiplied by the current adjusted State
experience factor, as determined for each calendar year by the Director
in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1504 and 1505, or the average
contribution rate for his major classification in the Standard Industrial
or another classification sanctioned by the United States Department of Labor
and prescribed by the Director by rule,
with respect to wages for insured work paid during such year. The
Director of Employment Security shall
determine for calendar year 1984 and each calendar year
thereafter by a method pursuant to adopted rules each
individual employer's industrial code and the average contribution rate for
each major classification in the Standard Industrial Code, or each other
classification sanctioned by the United States Department of Labor and
prescribed by the Director by rule. Notwithstanding
the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the contribution rate for
calendar years 1984, 1985 and 1986 of each
employer who has incurred liability for the payment of contributions within
each of the two calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year for
which a rate is being determined,
and the contribution rate for calendar year 1987 and each calendar year
thereafter of each employer who has incurred liability for the payment of
contributions within each of the three calendar years immediately preceding
the calendar year for which a rate is being determined
shall be determined as provided in Sections 1501 to 1507.1, inclusive.
Provided, however, that the contribution rate for calendar years 1989 and
1990 of each employer who has had experience with the risk of unemployment
for at least 13 consecutive months ending June 30 of the preceding calendar
year shall be a rate determined in accordance with this Section or a rate
determined as if it had been calculated in accordance with Sections 1501
through 1507, inclusive, whichever is greater, except that for purposes of
calculating the benefit wage ratio as provided in Section 1503, such
benefit wage ratio shall be a percentage equal to the total of benefit
wages for the 12 consecutive calendar month period ending on the above
preceding June 30, divided by the total wages for insured work subject to
the payment of contributions under Sections 234, 235 and 245 for the same
period and provided, further, however, that the contribution rate for
calendar year 1991 and for each calendar year thereafter of each employer
who has had experience with the risk of unemployment for at least 13
consecutive months ending June 30 of the preceding calendar year shall be a
rate determined in accordance with this Section or a rate determined as if
it had been calculated in accordance with Sections 1501 through 1507.1,
whichever is greater, except that for purposes of calculating the benefit
ratio as provided in Section 1503.1, such benefit ratio shall be a
percentage equal to the total of benefit charges for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending on the above preceding June 30, multiplied by
the benefit conversion factor applicable to such year, divided by the total
wages for insured work subject to the payment of contributions under
Sections 234, 235 and 245 for the same period.
C. Except as expressly provided in this Act, the provisions of
Sections 1500 to 1510, inclusive, do not apply to any nonprofit
organization for any period with respect to which it does not incur
liability for the payment of contributions by reason of having elected
to make payments in lieu of contributions, or to any political
subdivision or municipal corporation for any period with respect to
which it is not subject to payments in lieu of contributions under the
provisions of paragraph 1 of Section 302C by reason of having elected to
make payments in lieu of contributions under paragraph 2 of that
Section or to any governmental entity referred to in clause (B) of Section
211.1. Wages paid to an individual which are subject to contributions under
Section 1405 A, or on the basis of which benefits are paid to him which are
subject to payment in lieu of contributions under Sections 1403, 1404, or
1405 B, or under paragraph 2 of Section 302C, shall not become benefit
wages or benefit charges under the provisions of Sections 1501 or
1501.1, respectively, except for purposes of determining a rate of
contribution for 1984 and each calendar year thereafter for any
governmental entity referred to in clause (B) of Section 211.1 which does
not elect to make payments in lieu of contributions.
D. If an employer's business is closed solely because of the
entrance of one or more of the owners, partners, officers, or the
majority stockholder into the armed forces of the United States, or of
any of its allies, or of the United Nations, and, if the business is
resumed within two years after the discharge or release of such person
or persons from active duty in the armed forces, the employer will be
deemed to have incurred liability for the payment of contributions
continuously throughout such period. Such an employer, for the purposes
of Section 1506.1, will be deemed to have paid
contributions upon wages for insured work during the applicable period
specified in Section 1503 on or before the date designated therein,
provided that no wages became benefit wages during the applicable period
specified in Section 1503.

(Source: P.A. 94-301, eff. 1-1-06.)
(820 ILCS 405/1501) (from Ch. 48, par. 571)
Sec. 1501.
Benefit wages.
A. When an individual is paid regular
benefits (defined in Section 409) under this Act, with respect to any
benefit year which begins prior to November 4, 1979, which, when added
to such regular benefits previously paid him for the same benefit year,
equal or exceed three times his weekly benefit amount for the benefit
year, his wages during his base period shall immediately become benefit wages.
B. When an individual is paid regular benefits with respect to a
week in any benefit year which begins on or after November 4, 1979, an
amount equal to 1/26 of the wages for insured work, but not in excess of
1/26 of $6,000, paid to him by each employer during his base period
shall immediately become benefit wages provided, however, that no payment
of regular benefits made on or after July 1, 1989, shall become benefit
wages. Such amount, if not a multiple
of $1, shall be rounded to the next higher dollar.
C. When an individual is first paid extended benefits with respect
to his eligibility period (defined in Section 409), one-half of the
wages for insured work paid to him by each employer during his base
period applicable to the benefit year in which his eligibility period
began shall immediately become benefit wages, whether or not they had
previously become benefit wages. This subsection shall apply only to
eligibility periods beginning in benefit years which commence prior to
November 4, 1979.
D. When an individual is paid extended benefits with respect to any
week in an eligibility period beginning in a benefit year commencing on
or after November 4, 1979, an amount equal to 1/13 of one-half
of the wages for insured work, but not in excess of 1/13 of $3,000, paid to
him by each employer during his base period
applicable to the benefit year in which the eligibility period began,
shall immediately become benefit wages, whether or not any part of such
wages had previously become benefit wages provided, however, that no
payment of extended benefits made on or after July 1, 1989, shall become
benefit wages. Such amount, if not a
multiple of $1, shall be rounded to the next higher dollar.
E. Notwithstanding the foregoing subsections, an individual's wages
shall not become benefit wages if he cannot, on the basis of such wages,
meet the qualifying requirements of Section 500E, or if, by reason of
the application of Section 602B, no benefit rights can accrue to him on
the basis of such wages, but he is paid benefits because the wages have
been combined in accordance with the provisions of Section 2700 and
provided further that an individual's wages shall not become benefit wages
if, by reason of the application of the third paragraph of Section 237, he
is paid benefits based upon wages other than those paid in a base period as
defined in the second paragraph of Section 237.
F. Notwithstanding the foregoing subsection, wages paid by a base period
employer, subject to payment of contributions, to an individual who voluntarily
leaves that employer shall not become benefit wages with respect to that
employer but shall instead become the benefit wages of the individual's
next subsequent employer if:
1. The individual had subsequent employment and earned 6 times
his weekly benefit amount or more, prior to the beginning of his benefit year; or
2. For a benefit year beginning after December 31, 1986, the individual
was determined to be ineligible for benefits pursuant to Section 601 from
the last employing unit which was also a base period employer but
thereafter earned 6 times his weekly benefit amount or more from his next
subsequent employer during his benefit year, provided that the disqualifying
separation occurred prior to the first payment of benefits in the
individual's benefit year.
Wages paid to an individual during his base period by an employer for less
than full time work, performed during the same weeks in the base period
during which the individual had other insured work, shall not become
benefit wages (upon such employer's request pursuant
to the regulation of the Director) so long as the employer continued after
the end of the base period, and continues during the applicable benefit
year, to furnish such less than full time work to the individual on the
same basis and in substantially the same amount during the base period.
If the individual is paid benefits with respect to a week (in the applicable
benefit year) after the employer has ceased to furnish the work hereinabove
described, the wages paid by the employer to the individual during his base
period shall become benefit wages as provided in this Section.
G. For the purposes of this Section and of Section 1504, benefits shall
be deemed to have been paid on the date such payment has been mailed to
the individual by the Director.
H. If any benefit wages are increased by reason of the reconsideration
by a claims adjudicator of his finding, the amount of such increase
shall be treated as if it became benefit wages on the day on which the claims
adjudicator made the reconsidered finding.
I. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, no wages
paid by a base period employer shall become benefit wages after September
30, 1989, and no wages paid by a base period employer, subject to the
payment of contributions, shall become the benefit wages of the
individual's next subsequent employer under the provisions of subsection F
above after September 30, 1989.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/1501.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 571.1)
Sec. 1501.1. Benefit charges.
A. When an individual
is paid regular benefits with respect to a week,
an amount equal to such regular benefits, including
dependents' allowances, shall immediately become benefit charges.
B. (Blank).
C. When an individual is paid extended benefits with
respect to any week in his eligibility period,
an amount equal to one-half of such extended benefits
including dependents' allowances, shall immediately
become benefit charges.
D. (Blank).
E. Notwithstanding the foregoing subsections, the payment
of benefits shall not become benefit charges if, by
reason of the application of subsection B of
Section 237, he is paid benefits based upon wages other
than those paid in a base period as defined in subsections A and C of Section 237.
F. (Blank).
G. (Blank).
H. For the purposes of this Section and of Section 1504,
benefits shall be deemed to have been paid on the date
such payment has been mailed to the individual by the Director or the date on which the Director initiates an electronic transfer of the benefits to the individual's debit card or financial institution account.

(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502) (from Ch. 48, par. 572)
Sec. 1502.
Employer's benefit wages.
An employer's benefit wages shall be the wages paid by him which became
benefit wages. With respect to any base period applicable to a benefit year
commencing prior to November 4, 1979, an employer's
benefit wages with
respect to any one individual shall include only the amount specified in
Section 1502 of this Act as amended and in effect on November 9, 1977.
With respect to each base period applicable to benefit
years commencing on and after November 4, 1979 an
employer's benefit wages with respect to any one individual shall not exceed
the total amount of wages paid to the individual by that employer during
the base period, or $6,000, whichever amount is smaller, except
that an employer's benefit wages resulting from the payment of extended
benefits to an individual shall not exceed 1/2 such total amount of wages,
or $3,000, whichever is smaller. The sum of an employer's benefit
wages resulting from the payment to the same individual of both regular
benefits with respect to his benefit year and extended benefits with respect
to his eligibility period which began in that benefit year shall not exceed
1 1/2 times the individual's base period wages, or $9,000, whichever is

(Source: P.A. 81-962.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 572.1)
Sec. 1502.1. Employer's benefit charges.
A. Benefit charges which result from payments to any claimant made on or
after July 1, 1989 shall be charged:
B. Whenever a claimant is ineligible pursuant to Section 614 on the
basis of wages paid during his base period, any days on which such wages
were earned shall not be counted in determining whether that claimant
performed services during at least 30 days for the employer that paid such
wages as required by paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection A.
C. If no employer meets the requirements of paragraph 2 or 3 of subsection
A, then no employer will be chargeable for any benefit charges which result
from the payment of benefits to the claimant for that benefit year.
D. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Section, no employer
shall be chargeable for any benefit charges which result from the payment of
benefits to any claimant after the effective date of this amendatory Act of
1992 where the claimant's separation from that employer occurred
as a result of his detention, incarceration, or imprisonment under State,
local, or federal law.
D-1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, including those affecting finality of benefit charges or rates, an employer shall not be chargeable for any benefit charges which result from the payment of benefits to an individual for any week of unemployment after January 1, 2003,
during the period that the employer's business is closed solely because of the entrance of the employer, one or more of the partners or officers of the employer, or the majority stockholder of the employer into active duty in the Illinois National Guard or the Armed Forces of the United States.
D-2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an employer shall not be chargeable for any benefit charges that result from the payment of benefits to an individual for any week of unemployment after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly if the payment was the result of the individual voluntarily leaving work under the conditions described in item 6 of subsection C of Section 500.
E. For the purposes of Sections 302, 409, 701, 1403, 1404, 1405 and
1508.1, last employer means the employer that:
(Source: P.A. 100-484, eff. 9-8-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502.2) (from Ch. 48, par. 572.2)
Sec. 1502.2.
Benefit conversion factor.
A. For calendar year
1991, the benefit conversion factor shall be the total benefit wages
based on the total benefits paid under this Act which would have become
benefit wages pursuant to Sections 1501 and 1502 for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending June 30, 1990, if Sections 1501 and 1502 were
applicable during such period, divided by the total benefits paid under
this Act for the same 12 month period.
B. For calendar year 1992, the benefit conversion factor shall
be the total benefit wages based on the total benefits paid under this Act
which would have become benefit wages pursuant to Sections 1501 and 1502
for the 24 consecutive calendar month period ending June 30, 1991, if
Sections 1501 and 1502 were applicable during such period, divided by the
total benefits paid under this Act for the same 24 month period.
C. For calendar year 1993 and each calendar year thereafter, the
benefit conversion factor shall be the total benefit wages based on the
total benefits paid under this Act which would have become benefit wages
pursuant to Sections 1501 and 1502 for the 36 consecutive calendar month
period ending June 30, 1992, if Sections 1501 and 1502 were applicable
during such period, divided by the total benefits paid under this Act for
the same 36 month period.
D. If the number obtained in the preceding subsections is not
an exact multiple of one-tenth of one percent, it shall be increased
or reduced, as the case may be, to the nearer multiple of one-tenth
of one percent. If such number is equally near to 2 multiples
of one-tenth of one percent, it shall be increased to the higher
multiple of one-tenth of one percent.
E. Notwithstanding the above provisions of this Section, the benefit
conversion factor shall not exceed 167 percent.

(Source: P.A. 85-956; 85-1009.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502.3)
Sec. 1502.3.
Benefit charges; federal disasters.
Notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 1502.1, no employer located in an Illinois county that
has, during 1993, been declared a federal disaster area due to flooding shall
be chargeable for any benefit charges which result from the payment of benefits
to any individual for any weeks of unemployment during the period of the
federal disaster, but only to the extent that the employer can show that the
individual's unemployment was a direct result of the flooding.

(Source: P.A. 88-518.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502.4)
Sec. 1502.4. Benefit charges; COVID-19.
A. With respect to any benefits paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after March 15, 2020, and before December 31, 2020, and is directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary an employer that is subject to the payment of contributions shall not be chargeable for any benefit charges.
B. With respect to any regular benefits paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after March 15, 2020, and before December 31, 2020, and is directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary except subsection E, a nonprofit organization that is subject to making payments in lieu of contributions shall be chargeable for 50% of the benefits paid.
C. With respect to any benefits paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after March 15, 2020, and before December 31, 2020, and is directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary except subsection E, the State and any local government that is subject to making payments in lieu of contributions shall be chargeable for 50% of the benefits paid, irrespective of whether the State or local government paid the individual who received the benefits wages for insured work during the individual's base period.
D. Subsections A, B, and C shall only apply to the extent that the employer can show that the individual's unemployment for the week was directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19.
E. No employer shall be chargeable for the week of benefits paid to an individual under the provisions of subsection D-5 of Section 500.

(Source: P.A. 101-633, eff. 6-5-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21.)
(820 ILCS 405/1502.5)
Sec. 1502.5. Benefit charges.
A. With respect to any benefits that are paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after January 3, 2021, and before September 4, 2021, and would not have been paid but for subsection D of Section 612, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, an employer that is subject to the payment of contributions shall not be chargeable for any benefit charges.
B. With respect to any regular benefits paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after January 3, 2021, and before September 4, 2021, and would not have been paid but for subsection D of Section 612, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary except subsection E of Section 1502.4, a nonprofit organization that is subject to making payments in lieu of contributions shall be chargeable for 50% of the benefits paid if the week begins before April 4, 2021, and 75% if the week begins on or after April 4, 2021.
C. With respect to any benefits paid for a week of unemployment that begins on or after January 3, 2021, and before September 4, 2021, and would not have been paid but for subsection D of Section 612, notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary except subsection E of Section 1502.4 and irrespective of whether the State or local government paid the individual who received the benefits wages for insured work during the individual's base period, the State and any local government that is subject to making payments in lieu of contributions shall be chargeable for 50% of the benefits paid if the week begins before April 4, 2021, and 75% if the week begins on or after April 4, 2021.

(Source: P.A. 102-666, eff. 10-8-21.)
(820 ILCS 405/1503)
Sec. 1503. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 85-1009. Repealed by P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1503.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 573.1)
Sec. 1503.1.
Benefit ratio.
A. For calendar year 1991:
1. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the three
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1991,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1990, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, divided by his total
wages for insured work subject to the payment of contributions
under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the
same 12 month period, provided, however, that such wages
shall not include either those wages estimated by the
Director prior to the issuance of a Determination and
Assessment or those wages estimated as a result of an
audit because of an employer's failure to report wages.
2. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the four
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1991,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1990, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, and his benefit wages
for the 12 consecutive calendar month period ending
on June 30, 1989, divided by his total wages for insured
work subject to the payment of contributions under Sections
234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the same 24 month period,
provided, however, that such wages shall not include
either those wages estimated by the Director prior to
the issuance of a Determination and Assessment or those
wages estimated as a result of an audit because of an
employer's failure to report wages.
3. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the five
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1991,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1990, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, and his benefit wages
for the 24 consecutive calendar month period ending
on June 30, 1989, divided by his total wages for insured
work subject to the payment of contributions under Sections
234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the same 36 month period,
provided, however, that such wages shall not include
either those wages estimated by the Director prior to
the issuance of a Determination and Assessment or those wages estimated
as a result of an audit because of an employer's failure to report wages.
B. For calendar year 1992:
1. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the three
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1992,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 12 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1991, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, divided by his total
wages for insured work subject to the payment of contributions
under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the
same 12 month period, provided, however, that such wages
shall not include either those wages estimated by the
Director prior to the issuance of a Determination and
Assessment or those wages estimated as a result of an
audit because of an employer's failure to report wages.
2. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the four
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1992,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 24 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1991, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, divided by his total
wages for insured work subject to the payment of contributions
under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the
same 24 month period, provided, however, that such wages
shall not include either those wages estimated by the
Director prior to the issuance of a Determination and
Assessment or those wages estimated as a result of an
audit because of an employer's failure to report wages.
3. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the five
calendar years immediately preceding calendar year 1992,
the benefit ratio shall be a percentage equal to the
total of his benefit charges for the 24 consecutive
calendar month period ending on June 30, 1991, multiplied
by the benefit conversion factor, and his benefit wages
for the 12 consecutive calendar month period ending
on June 30, 1989, divided by his total wages for insured
work subject to the payment of contributions under Sections
234, 235, and 245 of this Act for the same 36 month period,
provided, however, that such wages shall not include
either those wages estimated by the Director prior to
the issuance of a Determination and Assessment or those
wages estimated as a result of an audit because of an
employer's failure to report wages.
C. For calendar year 1993 and each calendar year thereafter:
1. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the three
calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year
for which a rate is being determined, the benefit ratio
shall be a percentage equal to the total of his benefit
charges for the 12 consecutive calendar month period
ending on the June 30 immediately preceding that calendar
year, multiplied by the benefit conversion factor, divided
by his total wages for insured work subject to the payment
of contributions under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of
this Act for the same 12 month period, provided, however,
that such wages shall not include either those wages
estimated by the Director prior to the issuance of a
Determination and Assessment or those wages estimated
as a result of an audit because of an employer's failure
to report wages.
2. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the four
calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year
for which a rate is being determined, the benefit ratio
shall be a percentage equal to the total of his benefit
charges for the 24 consecutive calendar month period
ending on the June 30 immediately preceding that calendar
year, multiplied by the benefit conversion factor, divided
by his total wages for insured work subject to the payment
of contributions under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of
this Act for the same 24 month period, provided, however,
that such wages shall not include either those wages
estimated by the Director prior to the issuance of a
Determination and Assessment or those wages estimated
as a result of an audit because of an employer's failure
to report wages.
3. For each employer who has incurred liability for
the payment of contributions within each of the five
calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year
for which a rate is being determined, the benefit ratio
shall be a percentage equal to the total of his benefit
charges for the 36 consecutive calendar month period
ending on the June 30 immediately preceding that calendar
year, multiplied by the benefit conversion factor, divided
by his total wages for insured work subject to the payment
of contributions under Sections 234, 235, and 245 of
this Act for the same 36 month period, provided, however,
that such wages shall not include either those wages
estimated by the Director prior to the issuance of a
Determination and Assessment or those wages estimated
as a result of an audit because of an employer's failure
to report wages.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/1504) (from Ch. 48, par. 574)
Sec. 1504.
State experience factor.
A. For each calendar year prior to
1988, the total benefits paid from this State's
account in the unemployment trust fund during the 36 consecutive calendar
month period ending June 30 of the calendar year immediately preceding the
calendar year for which a contribution rate is being determined shall be
termed the loss experience. The loss experience less all repayments (including
payments in lieu of contributions pursuant to Sections 1403, 1404 and 1405B
and paragraph 2 of Section 302C) to this State's account in the unemployment
trust fund during the same 36 consecutive calendar month period divided
by the total benefit wages of all employers for the same period, after
adjustment of any fraction to the nearer multiple of one percent, shall be
termed the state experience factor. Whenever such fraction is exactly
one-half, it shall be adjusted to the next higher multiple of one percent.
B. For calendar year 1988 and each calendar year thereafter,
the state experience factor shall be the sum of all regular
benefits paid plus the applicable benefit reserve for fund
building, pursuant to Section 1505, during the three year
period ending on June 30 of the year immediately preceding
the year for which a contribution rate is being determined
divided by the "net revenues" for the three year period
ending on September 30 of the year immediately preceding
the year for which a contribution rate is being determined,
after adjustment of any fraction to the nearer multiple
of one percent. Whenever such fraction is exactly one-half,
it shall be adjusted to the next higher multiple of one
For purposes of this subsection, "Net revenue" means, for
each one year period ending on September 30, the sum of
the amounts, as determined pursuant to (1) and (2) of this
subsection, in each quarter of such one year period.
(1) For each calendar quarter prior to the second calendar
quarter of 1988, "net revenue" means all repayments (including
payments in lieu of contributions pursuant to Sections
1403, 1404 and 1405B and paragraph 2 of Section 302C) to
this State's account in the unemployment trust fund less
"net voluntary debt repayments" during the same calendar
quarter. "Net voluntary debt repayments" means an amount
equal to repayments to Title XII advances less any new
advances. Any such repayments made after June 30, 1987
but prior to November 10, 1987 shall be deemed to have
been made prior to June 30, 1987.
(2) For each calendar quarter after the first calendar
quarter of 1988, "net revenue" shall be the sum of:
(a) the amount determined by (i) multiplying the benefit
wage or benefit ratios, pursuant to Sections 1503 or 1503.1,
respectively, of all employers who have not elected to
make payments in lieu of contributions applicable to the
prior quarter by the state experience factor for that same
quarter, (ii) adding this product to the fund building
factor provided for in Section 1506.3, (iii) constraining this
sum by the application of Sections 1506.1 and 1506.3, except that the State
experience factor shall be substituted for the adjusted State experience
factor in determining these constraints, and then (iv) multiplying this sum
by the total wages for insured work subject to the payment
of contributions under Sections 234, 235 and 245 of each
employer for the prior quarter except that such wages shall not include
those wages estimated by the Director prior to the issuance of a
Determination and Assessment or those wages estimated as a result of an
audit because of the employer's failure to report wages; plus (b) all payments in
lieu of contributions pursuant to Sections 1403 and 1404 and subsection B
of Section 1405 and paragraph 2 of subsection C of Section 302 received
during the same calendar quarter. For purposes of computing "net
revenue", employers who have not incurred liability for the payment of
contributions for at least three years will be excluded from the
calculation as will predecessor employers pursuant to Section 1507.
C. The state experience factor shall be determined for each calendar year
by the Director. Any change in the benefit wages or benefit charges of
any employer or any change in contributions (including payments in lieu
of contributions pursuant to Sections 1403 and 1404 and subsection B of
Section 1405 and paragraph 2 of subsection C of Section 302) received into
this State's account in the unemployment trust fund after June
30 of the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year for which
the state experience factor is being determined shall not affect the state
experience factor as determined by the Director for that year.

(Source: P.A. 86-3.)
(820 ILCS 405/1505) (from Ch. 48, par. 575)
Sec. 1505. Adjustment of state experience factor.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
The state experience
factor shall be adjusted in accordance with the following provisions:
A. For calendar years prior to 1988, the state experience factor shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
B. (Blank).
C. For calendar year 1988
and each calendar year thereafter, for which the state
experience factor is being determined.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C, the
adjusted state experience factor:
D-1. The adjusted state experience factor for each of calendar years 2013 through 2015 shall be increased by 5% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The adjusted state experience factor for each of calendar years 2016 through 2018 shall be increased by 6% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The increase in the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2018 pursuant to this subsection shall not be counted for purposes of applying paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection D to the calculation of the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2019.
D-2. (Blank).
D-3. The adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2025 shall be increased by 20% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The increase in the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2025 pursuant to this subsection shall not be counted for purposes of applying paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection D to the calculation of the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2026.
D-4. If and only if an appropriation as set forth in subsection B of Part (I) of Section 2101.1 is made, the adjusted state experience factor for calendar years beginning in 2024 shall be increased by 3% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection or subsection D-3. The increase in the state experience factor provided for in this subsection shall not be counted for purposes of applying paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection D to the calculation of the adjusted state experience factor for the following calendar year. This subsection shall cease to be operative beginning January 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the total amount of the transfers of funds provided for in subsection B of Part (I) of Section 2101.1 equals the total amount of the appropriation.
E. The amount standing to the credit of this State's account in the
unemployment trust fund as of June 30 shall be deemed to include as part
thereof (a) any amount receivable on that date from any Federal
governmental agency, or as a payment in lieu of contributions under the
provisions of Sections 1403 and 1405 B and paragraph 2 of Section 302C,
in reimbursement of benefits paid to individuals, and (b) amounts
credited by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to this
State's account in the unemployment trust fund pursuant to Section 903
of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, including any such
amounts which have been appropriated by the General Assembly in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2100 B for expenses of
administration, except any amounts which have been obligated on or
before that date pursuant to such appropriation.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
The state experience
factor shall be adjusted in accordance with the following provisions:
A. For calendar years prior to 1988, the state experience factor shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
B. (Blank).
C. For calendar year 1988
and each calendar year thereafter, for which the state
experience factor is being determined.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C, the
adjusted state experience factor:
D-1. The adjusted state experience factor for each of calendar years 2013 through 2015 shall be increased by 5% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The adjusted state experience factor for each of calendar years 2016 through 2018 shall be increased by 6% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The increase in the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2018 pursuant to this subsection shall not be counted for purposes of applying paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection D to the calculation of the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2019.
D-2. (Blank).
D-3. The adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2024 shall be increased by 20% absolute above the adjusted state experience factor as calculated without regard to this subsection. The increase in the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2024 pursuant to this subsection shall not be counted for purposes of applying paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection D to the calculation of the adjusted state experience factor for calendar year 2025.
E. The amount standing to the credit of this State's account in the
unemployment trust fund as of June 30 shall be deemed to include as part
thereof (a) any amount receivable on that date from any Federal
governmental agency, or as a payment in lieu of contributions under the
provisions of Sections 1403 and 1405 B and paragraph 2 of Section 302C,
in reimbursement of benefits paid to individuals, and (b) amounts
credited by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to this
State's account in the unemployment trust fund pursuant to Section 903
of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, including any such
amounts which have been appropriated by the General Assembly in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2100 B for expenses of
administration, except any amounts which have been obligated on or
before that date pursuant to such appropriation.
(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20; 101-633, eff. 6-5-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22; 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/1506.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 576.1)
Sec. 1506.1. Determination of Employer's Contribution Rate.
A. The contribution rate for any calendar year prior to 1991 of each
employer whose contribution rate is determined as provided in Sections 1501 through 1507, inclusive, shall be determined in accordance with
the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011.
B. (Blank).
C. (Blank).
D. (Blank).
contribution rate for calendar year 1991 and
each calendar year thereafter of each employer who has
incurred liability for the payment of contributions
within each of the three calendar years immediately
preceding the calendar year for which a rate is being
determined shall be the product obtained by multiplying
the employer's benefit ratio defined by Section 1503.1
for that calendar year by the adjusted state experience
factor for the same year, provided that:
The contribution rate of each employer for whom wages
became benefit wages during the applicable period specified
in Section 1503 or for whom benefit payments became
benefit charges during the applicable period specified
in Section 1503.1, but who did not report wages for
insured work during such period, shall be the maximum
contribution rate as determined by paragraph 2 of this
contribution rate for each employer
for whom no wages became benefit wages during the applicable
period specified in Section 1503 or for whom no benefit
payments became benefit charges during the applicable
period specified in Section 1503.1, and who did not
report wages for insured work during such period, shall
be the greater of 2.7% or 2.7% times the then current
adjusted state experience factor as determined by the
Director in accordance with the provisions of Sections
1504 and 1505.
F. (Blank).
G. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, no employer's
contribution rate with respect to calendar year 1989 and each calendar year
thereafter shall exceed 5.4% of the wages for insured work paid by him
during any calendar quarter, if such wages paid during such calendar
quarter total less than $50,000, plus any applicable penalty contribution rate calculated pursuant to subsection C of Section 1507.1.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11; 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1506.3) (from Ch. 48, par. 576.3)
Sec. 1506.3. Fund building rates - Temporary Administrative Funding.
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an employer's contribution rate for calendar years prior to 2004 shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Act as amended and in effect on November 18, 2011. The following fund
building rates shall be in effect for the following calendar years:
For each employer whose contribution rate for 2004 through 2009 would, in
of this Section, be 0.2% or higher, a contribution rate which is the sum of
such rate and the
following: a fund building rate of 0.7% for 2004; a fund building rate of 0.9%
for 2005; a fund
building rate of 0.8% for 2006 and 2007; a fund building rate of 0.6% for 2008;
a fund building
rate of 0.4% for 2009.
Except as otherwise provided in this Section, for each employer whose contribution rate for 2010 and any calendar year
is determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1, including but not limited to an employer whose contribution rate pursuant to Section 1506.1 is 0.0%, a contribution rate
which is the sum of the rate determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1
and a fund building rate equal to the sum of the rate adjustment
applicable to that year
pursuant to Section 1400.1, plus the fund building rate in effect pursuant to
this Section for the
immediately preceding calendar year.
For calendar year 2012 and any outstanding bond year thereafter, for each employer whose contribution rate is determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1, including but not limited to an employer whose contribution rate pursuant to Section 1506.1 is 0.0%, a contribution rate which is the sum of the rate determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1 and .55%. For purposes of this subsection, a calendar year is an outstanding bond year if, as of October 31 of the immediately preceding calendar year, there are bonds outstanding pursuant to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Financing Act.
Notwithstanding any provision to the
contrary, the fund
building rate in effect for any calendar year after calendar year 2009 shall
not be less than 0.4%
or greater than 0.55%.
Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the fund building rate established pursuant to this Section shall not apply with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011. The changes made to Section 235 by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly are intended to offset the loss of revenue to the State's account in the unemployment trust fund with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011 as a result of Section 1506.5 and the changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs of this Section
or any other provision of this Act, except for the provisions
contained in Section 1500 pertaining to rates applicable
to employers classified under the Standard Industrial
or another classification system sanctioned by the United States Department
of Labor and prescribed by the Director by rule,
no employer whose total wages for insured work
paid by him during any calendar quarter are less than $50,000 shall
pay contributions at a rate with respect to such quarter
which exceeds 5.4%, plus any penalty contribution rate calculated pursuant to subsection C of Section 1507.1.
All payments attributable to the fund building rate established
pursuant to
this Section with
respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2013 and
any calendar quarter thereafter as of the close of which there are either bond
outstanding pursuant to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
Financing Act, or bond
obligations anticipated to be outstanding as of either or both of the 2
immediately succeeding
calendar quarters, shall be directed for deposit into the Master Bond Fund. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no fund building rate shall be added to any penalty contribution rate assessed pursuant to subsection C of Section 1507.1.
B. (Blank).
C. (Blank).
C-1. Payments received by the Department with respect to the first quarter
calendar year 2013
and any calendar quarter
thereafter as of the close of
which there are either bond obligations outstanding pursuant to the Illinois
Insurance Trust Fund Financing Act, or bond obligations anticipated to be
outstanding as of either or both of the 2 immediately succeeding calendar
quarters, shall, to the extent they are insufficient to pay the total
amount due under the Act with respect to the quarter, be first applied to
satisfy the amount due
with respect to that quarter and attributable to the fund building rate
established pursuant to this
Section. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, with respect to
an employer whose
contribution rate with respect to a quarter subject to this subsection would
have exceeded 5.4%
but for the 5.4% rate ceiling imposed pursuant to subsection A, the amount due
from the
employer with respect to that quarter and attributable to the fund building
rate established
pursuant to subsection A shall equal the amount, if any, by which the amount
due and
attributable to the 5.4% rate exceeds the amount that would have been due and
attributable to the
employer's rate determined pursuant to Sections 1500 and 1506.1, without regard
to the fund
building rate established pursuant to subsection A.
D. All provisions of this Act applicable to the collection or refund of
any contribution due under this Act shall be applicable to the collection or
refund of amounts directed pursuant
to this Section for deposit into the Master
Bond Fund to the extent
they would not otherwise be considered as contributions.

(Source: P.A. 97-1, eff. 3-31-11; 97-621, eff. 11-18-11; 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1506.4) (from Ch. 48, par. 576.4)
Sec. 1506.4.

(Source: P.A. 87-1178. Repealed by P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/1506.5)
Sec. 1506.5. Surcharge; specified period. With respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011, each employer shall pay a surcharge equal to 0.5% of the total wages for insured work subject to the payment of contributions under Sections 234, 235, and 245. The surcharge established by this Section shall be due at the same time as contributions with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011 are due, as provided in Section 1400. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, with respect to an employer whose contribution rate with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011, calculated without regard to this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, would have exceeded 5.4% but for the 5.4% rate ceiling imposed pursuant to subsection A of Section 1506.3, the amount due from the employer with respect to that quarter and attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to this Section shall equal the amount, if any, by which the amount due and attributable to the 5.4% rate exceeds the amount that would have been due and attributable to the employer's rate determined pursuant to Sections 1500 and 1506.1. Payments received by the Department with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011 shall, to the extent they are insufficient to pay the total amount due under the Act with respect to the quarter, be first applied to satisfy the amount due with respect to that quarter and attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to this Section. All provisions of this Act applicable to the collection or refund of any contribution due under this Act shall be applicable to the collection or refund of amounts due pursuant to this Section. Interest shall accrue with respect to amounts due pursuant to this Section to the same extent and under the same terms and conditions as provided by Section 1401 with respect to contributions. The changes made to Section 235 by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly are intended to offset the loss of revenue to the State's account in the unemployment trust fund with respect to the first quarter of calendar year 2011 as a result of this Section 1506.5 and the changes made to Section 1506.3 by this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.

(Source: P.A. 97-1, eff. 3-31-11; 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1506.6)
Sec. 1506.6. Surcharge; specified period.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023. For each employer whose contribution rate for calendar year 2025 is determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1, in addition to the contribution rate established pursuant to Section 1506.3, an additional surcharge of 0.350% shall be added to the contribution rate. The surcharge established by this Section shall be due at the same time as other contributions with respect to the quarter are due, as provided in Section 1400. Payments attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to this Section shall be contributions and deposited into the clearing account.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023. For each employer whose contribution rate for calendar year 2024 is determined pursuant to Section 1500 or 1506.1, in addition to the contribution rate established pursuant to Section 1506.3, an additional surcharge of 0.350% shall be added to the contribution rate. The surcharge established by this Section shall be due at the same time as other contributions with respect to the quarter are due, as provided in Section 1400. Payments attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to this Section shall be contributions and deposited into the clearing account.
(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20; 101-633, eff. 6-5-20; 102-671, eff. 11-30-21; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22; 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/1507) (from Ch. 48, par. 577)
Sec. 1507. Contribution rates of successor and predecessor employing units.
A. Whenever any employing unit succeeds to substantially all of the
employing enterprises of another employing unit, then in determining
contribution rates for any calendar year, the experience rating record of
the predecessor prior to the succession shall be transferred to the
successor and thereafter it shall not be treated as the experience rating
record of the predecessor, except as provided in subsection B.
For the purposes of this Section, such experience rating record shall
consist of all years during which liability for the payment of contributions
was incurred by the predecessor prior to the succession, all benefit wages
based upon wages paid by the predecessor prior to the succession, all
benefit charges based on separations from, or reductions in work initiated
by, the predecessor prior to the
succession, and all wages for insured work paid by the predecessor prior
to the succession. This amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly is
intended to be a
continuation of
prior law.
B. The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only to the
determination of contribution rates for the calendar year 1956 and for each
calendar year thereafter. Whenever any employing unit has succeeded to
substantially all of the employing enterprises of another employing unit,
but the predecessor employing unit has retained a distinct severable
portion of its employing enterprises or whenever any employing unit has
succeeded to a distinct severable portion which is less than substantially
all of the employing enterprises of another employing unit, the successor
employing unit shall acquire the experience rating record attributable to
the portion to which it has succeeded, and the predecessor employing unit
shall retain the experience rating record attributable to the portion which
it has retained, if--
If all of the foregoing requirements are met, then the Director shall
transfer such experience rating record to the employing unit which has
applied therefor, and it shall not be treated as the experience rating
record of the employing unit which has joined in the application.
Whenever any employing unit is reorganized into two or more employing
units, and any of such employing units are owned or controlled by the same
interests which owned or controlled the predecessor prior to the
reorganization, and the provisions of this subsection become applicable
thereto, then such affiliated employing units during the period of their
affiliation shall be treated as a single employing unit for the purpose of
determining their rates of contributions.
C. For the calendar year in which a succession occurs which results in
the total or partial transfer of a predecessor's experience rating record,
the contribution rates of the parties thereto shall be determined in the
following manner:
D. The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable if the provisions of Section 1507.1 are applicable.

(Source: P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04; 94-301, eff. 1-1-06.)
(820 ILCS 405/1507.1)
Sec. 1507.1. Transfer of trade or business; contribution rate. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act:
A.(1) If an individual or entity transfers its trade or business, or a portion thereof, to another individual or entity and, at the time of the transfer, there is any substantial common ownership, management, or control of the transferor and transferee, then the experience rating record attributable to the transferred trade or business shall be transferred to the transferee. For purposes of this subsection, a transfer of trade or business includes but is not limited to the transfer of some or all of the transferor's workforce. For purposes of calculating the contribution rates of the transferor and transferee pursuant to this paragraph, within 30 days of the date of a transfer to which this paragraph applies, the transferor and transferee shall provide to the Department such information, as the Director by rule prescribes, which will show the portion of the transferor's experience rating record that is attributable to the transferred trade or business.
(1.5) If, following a transfer of experience rating records under paragraph (1), the Director determines that a substantial purpose of the transfer of trade or business was to obtain a reduced liability for contributions, the experience rating accounts of the employers involved shall be combined into a single account and a single rate shall be assigned to the account.
(2) For the calendar year in which there occurs a transfer to which paragraph (1) or (1.5) applies:
B. If any individual or entity that is not an employer under this Act at the time of the acquisition acquires the trade or business of an employing unit, the experience rating record of the acquired business shall not be transferred to the individual or entity if the Director finds that the individual or entity acquired the business solely or primarily for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate of contributions. Evidence that a business was acquired solely or primarily for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate of contributions includes but is not necessarily limited to the following: the cost of acquiring the business is low in relation to the individual's or entity's overall operating costs subsequent to the acquisition; the individual or entity discontinued the business enterprise of the acquired business immediately or shortly after the acquisition; or the individual or entity hired a significant number of individuals for performance of duties unrelated to the business activity conducted prior to acquisition.
C. An individual or entity to which subsection A applies shall pay contributions with respect to each calendar year at a rate consistent with that subsection, and an individual or entity to which subsection B applies shall pay contributions with respect to each calendar year at a rate consistent with that subsection. If an individual or entity knowingly violates or attempts to violate this subsection, the individual or entity shall be subject to the following penalties:
D. An individual or entity shall not knowingly advise another in a way that results in a violation of subsection C. An individual or entity that violates this subsection shall be subject to a penalty of $10,000 for each violation. Any such penalty shall be deposited into the Special Administrative Account.
E. Any individual or entity that knowingly violates subsection C or D shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. In the case of a corporation, the president, the secretary, and the treasurer, and any other officer exercising corresponding functions, shall each be subject to the aforesaid penalty for knowingly violating subsection C or D.
F. The Director shall establish procedures to identify the transfer or acquisition of a trade or business for purposes of this Section.
G. For purposes of this Section:
H. This Section shall be interpreted and applied in such a manner as to meet the minimum requirements contained in any guidance or regulations issued by the United States Department of Labor. Insofar as it applies to the interpretation and application of the term "substantial", as used in subsection A, this subsection H is not intended to alter the meaning of "substantially", as used in Section 1507 and construed by precedential judicial opinion, or any comparable term as elsewhere used in this Act.

(Source: P.A. 100-484, eff. 9-8-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/1508) (from Ch. 48, par. 578)
Sec. 1508.
Statement of benefit wages and statement of benefit charges.
The Director shall periodically furnish each employer with a statement of
the wages of his workers or former workers which became his benefit wages
together with the names of such workers or former workers. The Director
shall also periodically furnish each employer with a statement of benefits
which became benefit charges together with the names of such workers or
former workers. Any such statement, in absence of an application for revision
thereof within 45 days from the date of mailing of such statement to his
last known address, shall be conclusive and final upon the employer for
all purposes and in all proceedings whatsoever. Such application for
revision shall be in the form and manner prescribed by regulation of the
Director. If the Director shall deem any application for revision
insufficient, he shall rule such insufficient application stricken and
shall serve notice of such ruling and the basis therefor upon the
employer. Such ruling shall be final and conclusive upon the employer
unless he shall file a sufficient application for revision within 20
days from the date of service of notice of such ruling. Upon receipt of
a sufficient application for revision of such statement within the time
allowed, the Director shall order such application allowed in whole or
in part or shall order that such application for revision be denied and
shall serve notice upon the employer of such order. Such order of the
Director shall be final and conclusive at the expiration of 20 days
from the date of service of such notice unless the employer shall have
filed with the Director a written protest and a petition for hearing,
specifying his objections thereto. Upon receipt of such petition within
the 20 days allowed, the Director shall fix the time and place for a
hearing and shall notify the employer thereof. At any hearing held as
herein provided, the order of the Director shall be prima facie correct
and the burden shall be upon the protesting employer to prove that it is
incorrect. All of the provisions of this Act, applicable to hearings
conducted pursuant to Section 2200 and not inconsistent with the
provisions of this Section, shall be applicable to hearings conducted
pursuant to this Section. No employer shall have the right to object to
the benefit wages or benefit charges with respect to any worker as shown on
such statement unless he shall first show that such benefit wages or
benefit charges arose as a result of benefits paid to such worker in
accordance with a finding, reconsidered finding, determination, or
reconsidered determination, or for 1987 or any calendar year thereafter a
Referee's decision, to which such employer was a party entitled to notice
thereof, as provided by Sections 701 to 703, inclusive, or Section 800, and
shall further show that he was not notified of such finding, reconsidered
finding, determination, or reconsidered determination, or for 1987 or any
calendar year thereafter such Referee's decision, in accordance with the
requirements of Sections 701 to 703, inclusive, or Section 800. Nothing
herein contained shall abridge the right of any employer at such hearing to
object to such statement of benefit wages or statement of benefit charges
on the ground that it is incorrect by reason of a clerical error made by
the Director or any of his employees. The employer shall be promptly
notified, by mail, of the Director's decision. Such decision shall be
final and conclusive unless review is had within the time and in the
manner provided by Section 2205.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/1508.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 578.1)
Sec. 1508.1.

Cancellation of Benefit Wages and Benefit Charges Due to
Lack of Notice. A. It is the purpose of this Section to provide relief to
an employer who has accrued benefit wages or benefit charges resulting from
the payment of benefits of which such
employer has not had notice. Whenever any of the following actions taken
by the Department directly results in the payment of benefits to an
individual and hence causes the individual's wages to become benefit wages
in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1501 and 1502 or causes the
benefits to become benefits charges in accordance with Sections 1501.1 and
1502.1, such benefit wages or benefit charges shall be cancelled if
the employer proves that the Department did not give notice of such actions
as required by Section 804 within the following periods of time:
1. With respect to the notice to the most recent employing unit or
to the last employer (referred to in Section 1502.1) issued
under Section 701, within 180 days of the date of the initial finding of
monetary eligibility;
2. With respect to notice of a decision pursuant to Section 701 that
the employer is the last employer under Section 1502.1, within 180 days of
the date of the employer's protest or appeal that he is not the last
employer under Section 1502.1;
3. With respect to a determination issued under Section 702 and the
rules of the Director, within 180 days of the date of an employer's notice
of possible ineligibility or remanded decision of the Referee which gave
rise to the determination, except that in the case of a determination
issued under Section 702 in which an issue was not adjudicated at the time
of the employer's notice of possible ineligibility because of the
individual's failure to file a claim for a week of benefits, within 180
days of the date on which the individual first files a claim for a week
of benefits;
4. With respect to a reconsidered finding or a reconsidered
determination issued under Section 703, within 180 days of the date of such
reconsidered finding or reconsidered determination;
5. With respect to a Referee's decision issued under Section 801 which
allows benefits, within 180 days of the date of the appeal of the finding
or determination of the claims adjudicator which was the basis of
the Referee's decision;
6. With respect to a decision of the Director or his representative
concerning eligibility under Section 604, within 180 days of the date of
the report of the Director's Representative.
B. Nothing contained in this Section shall relieve an employer from the
requirements for application for revision to a statement of benefit wages
or statement of benefit charges pursuant to Section 1508 or any other
requirement contained in this Act or
in rules promulgated by the Director.
C. The Director shall promulgate rules to carry out the provisions
of this Section.

(Source: P.A. 86-3.)
(820 ILCS 405/1509) (from Ch. 48, par. 579)
Sec. 1509.
Notice of employer's contribution rate.
The Director shall promptly notify each employer of his rate of
contribution for each calendar year by mailing notice thereof to his last
known address. Such rate determination shall be final and conclusive upon
the employer for all purposes and in all proceedings whatsoever unless
within 15 days after mailing of notice thereof, the employer files with the
Director an application for review of such rate determination, setting
forth his reasons in support thereof. Such application for review shall be
in the form and manner prescribed by regulation of the Director. If the
Director shall deem any application for review insufficient, he shall rule
such insufficient application stricken and shall serve notice of such
ruling and the basis therefor upon the employer. Such ruling shall be final
and conclusive upon the employer unless he shall file a sufficient
application for review within ten days from the date of service of notice
of such ruling. Upon receipt of a sufficient application for review within
the time allowed, the Director shall order such application for review
allowed in whole or in part, or shall order that such application for
review be denied, and shall serve notice upon the employer of such order.
Such order of the Director shall be final and conclusive at the expiration
of ten days from the date of service of such notice unless the employer
shall have filed with the Director a written protest and a petition for
hearing, specifying his objections thereto. Upon receipt of such petition
within the ten days allowed, the Director shall fix the time and place for
a hearing and shall notify the employer thereof. At any hearing held as
herein provided, the order of the Director shall be prima facie correct and
the burden shall be upon the protesting employer to prove that it is
incorrect. All of the provisions of this Act, applicable to hearings
conducted pursuant to Section 2200 and not inconsistent with the
provisions of this Section, shall be applicable to hearings conducted
pursuant to this Section. In any such proceeding, the employer shall be
barred from questioning the amount of the benefit wages or benefit
charges as shown on any statement of benefit wages or statement of
benefit charges which forms the basis for the computation of
such rate unless such employer shall prove that he was not, as provided in
Section 1508, furnished with such statement containing the benefit wages
or benefit charges which he maintains are erroneous. In such event, the
employer shall have the same rights to revision of such statement in such
proceedings as are provided in Section 1508. Upon the
completion of such hearing, the employer shall be promptly notified by the
Director, by mail, of his decision, and such decision shall be final and
conclusive for all purposes and in all proceedings whatsoever unless review
is had within the time and in the manner provided by Section 2205.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/1510) (from Ch. 48, par. 580)
Sec. 1510. Service
of notice. Whenever service of notice is required by Sections 1400, 1508, and 1509, such
notice may be given and be complete by depositing the same with the United
States Mail, addressed to the employer at his last known address. If
represented by counsel in the proceedings before the Director, then service
of notice may be made upon such employer by mailing same to such counsel. If agreed to by the person or entity entitled to notice, notice may be given and completed electronically, in the manner prescribed by rule, by posting the notice on a secure web site accessible to the person or entity and sending notice of the posting to the last known e-mail address of the person or entity.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11; 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1511) (from Ch. 48, par. 581)
Sec. 1511.
Study of experience rating.
The Employment Security Advisory Board, created by Section 5-540
of the Departments of State Government Law (20 ILCS 5/5-540), is hereby authorized and directed to
study and examine the present provisions of this Act providing for
experience rating, in order to determine whether the rates of contribution
will operate to replenish the amount of benefits paid and to determine the
effect of experience rating upon labor and industry in this State.
The Board shall submit its findings and recommendations based thereon to
the General Assembly. The Board may employ such experts and assistants as
may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section. All expenses
incurred in the making of this study, including the preparation and
submission of its findings and recommendations, shall be paid in the same
manner as is provided for the payment of costs of administration of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98; 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(820 ILCS 405/1511.1)
Sec. 1511.1. Effects of 2004 Solvency Legislation. The Employment Security
Advisory Board
shall hold public hearings on the progress toward meeting the Trust Fund
solvency projections
made in accordance with this amendatory Act of the 93d General Assembly. The
hearings shall
also consider issues related to benefit eligibility, benefit levels, employer
contributions, and
future trust fund solvency goals. The Board shall, in accordance with its
operating resolutions,
approve and report findings from the hearings to the Illinois General Assembly
by April 1, 2007.
A copy of the findings shall be available to the public on the Department's

(Source: P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/1600) (from Ch. 48, par. 600)
Sec. 1600.
to contributions by employees void.
Any agreement by an individual in the employ of any person or concern to
pay all or any portion of an employer's contribution, required under this
Act from such employer, shall be void, and no employer shall directly or
indirectly make or require or accept any deduction from wages to finance
the contribution required from him or require or accept any waiver of any
right under this Act by an individual in his employ.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/1700) (from Ch. 48, par. 610)
Sec. 1700.
Duties and powers of Director.
It shall be the duty of the
Director to administer this Act. To effect such administration, there is
created the Department of Employment Security, under the supervision and
direction of a Director of Employment Security.
The Department of Employment Security shall administer programs for
unemployment compensation and a State employment service. The Director
shall determine all questions of
general policy, promulgate rules and regulations and be responsible for the
administration of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 84-26.)
(820 ILCS 405/1700.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 610.1)
Sec. 1700.1.
Study of legal services.
The Director shall study the
funding and implementation of subsection B of Section 802.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/1701) (from Ch. 48, par. 611)
Sec. 1701.
Rules and
General and special rules may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by the
Director only after public hearing or opportunity to be heard thereon, of
which proper notice has been given. General rules shall become effective
ten days after filing with the Secretary of State and publication in one or
more newspapers of general circulation in this State. Special rules shall
become effective ten days after notification to or mailing to the last
known address of the individuals or concerns affected thereby. Regulations
may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by the Director and shall become
effective ten days after filing with the Secretary of State, and such
filing shall be public notice of such regulation, amendment thereto, or
rescission thereof, as the case may be.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/1701.1)
Sec. 1701.1.
Simplification of forms.
No later than December 31, 1993,
Director shall promulgate rules to simplify forms that the Department requires
small businesses to file under this Act. As used in this Act, "small business"
has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 1-75 of the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act.

(Source: P.A. 88-518.)
(820 ILCS 405/1702) (from Ch. 48, par. 612)
Sec. 1702.

Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Director is
authorized to obtain, subject to the provisions of the "Personnel Code",
enacted by the 69th General Assembly, such employees, accountants,
experts and other persons as may be necessary in the performance of his
duties under this Act.
The Director may delegate to any such person such power and authority as
he deems proper for the effective administration of this Act, and may bond
any person handling money or signing checks, in such penal sum as he may
deem adequate for the protection of the State.

(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2174.)
(820 ILCS 405/1703) (from Ch. 48, par. 613)
Sec. 1703.
The Director may appoint local or industry advisory councils, composed
in each case of an equal number of employer representatives and employee
representatives who may fairly be regarded as such because of their
vocation, employment, or affiliations, and of such members representing the
general public as the Director may designate. The Employment Security
Advisory Board and the local councils appointed by the Director pursuant to
this Section shall aid the Director in formulating policies and discussing
problems related to the administration of this Act and in assuring
impartiality and freedom from political influence in the solution of such
problems. The Employment Security Advisory Board and such local advisory
councils shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for any
necessary expenses.

(Source: P.A. 76-1063.)
(820 ILCS 405/1704)
Sec. 1704. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 87-1178. Repealed by P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1704.1)
Sec. 1704.1. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/1705) (from Ch. 48, par. 615)
Sec. 1705. Employment offices; State employment service. The Director shall create as many employment districts and establish and
maintain as many State employment offices as he or she deems necessary to
out the provisions of this Act. All
such offices and agencies so created and established shall constitute the
service within the meaning of this Act. The Department of Employment
Security and the
Director thereof may continue to be the State agency for cooperation with
the United States Employment Service under an Act of Congress entitled "An
Act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and
for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for
other purposes," approved June 6, 1933, as amended.
The Director may cooperate with or enter into agreements with the
Railroad Retirement Board with respect to the establishment, maintenance,
and use of free employment service facilities. For the purpose
establishing and maintaining free public employment offices, the
is authorized to enter into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board,
or any other agency of the United States charged with the administration of
an unemployment compensation law, or with any political subdivision of this
State, and as a part of any such agreement the Director may accept moneys,
services, or quarters as a contribution, to be treated in the same manner
as funds received pursuant to Section 2103.
Pursuant to Sections 4-6.2, 5-16.2, and 6-50.2 of the general election
law of the State, the Director shall make unemployment offices available
for use as temporary places of registration. Registration within the offices
shall be in the most public, orderly, and convenient portions thereof, and
Sections 4-3, 5-3, and 11-4 of the general election law relative to the
attendance of police
officers during the conduct of registration shall apply. Registration under
this Section shall be made in the manner provided by Sections 4-8, 4-10,
5-7, 5-9, 6-34, 6-35, and 6-37 of the general election law. Employees of
the Department in those offices are eligible to serve as deputy

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/1706) (from Ch. 48, par. 616)
Sec. 1706.

Federal cooperation.
A. The Director is hereby authorized to cooperate with the appropriate
agencies and departments of the Federal government charged with the
administration of any unemployment compensation law, and to comply with all
reasonable Federal regulations governing the expenditures of sums allotted
or apportioned to the State for such administration, and accepted by the
State. The Director may make the State's records relating to the
administration of this Act available to the Railroad Retirement Board, and
may furnish the Railroad Retirement Board, at the expense of such Board,
such copies thereof as the Railroad Retirement Board deems necessary for
its purposes.
B. In the administration of this Act, the Director shall cooperate, to
the fullest extent consistent with the provisions of this Act, with the
United States Secretary of Labor, or other appropriate Federal agency, with
respect to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act that relate to
unemployment compensation, the Wagner-Peyser Act, the Federal Unemployment
Tax Act, and the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of
1970; shall make such reports in such form and containing such information
as the Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency may from time
to time require and shall comply with such provisions as the Secretary of
Labor or other appropriate Federal agency may from time to time find
necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; and
shall comply with the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor or
other appropriate Federal agency governing the expenditures of such sums as
may be allotted and paid to this State under Title III of the Social
Security Act for the purpose of assisting in the administration of this
C. In the administration of the provisions of Section 409, enacted to
conform with the requirements of the Federal-State Extended Unemployment
Compensation Act of 1970, the Director shall take such action as may be
necessary (1) to insure that the provisions are so interpreted and applied
as to meet the requirements of the Federal Act as interpreted by the United
States Secretary of Labor or other appropriate Federal agency, and (2) to
secure to this State the full reimbursement of the Federal share of
extended benefits paid under this Act that are reimbursable under the
Federal Act.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/1800) (from Ch. 48, par. 630)
Sec. 1800.
Records and reports required of employing units - Inspection.
Each employing unit shall keep such true and accurate records with
respect to services performed for it as may be required by the rules and
regulations of the Director promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this
Act. Such records together with such other books and documents as may be
necessary to verify the entries in such records shall be open to inspection
by the Director or his authorized representative at any reasonable time and
as often as may be necessary. Every employer who is delinquent in the
payment of contributions shall also permit the Director or his
representative to enter upon his premises, inspect his books and records,
and inventory his personal property and rights thereto, for the purpose of
ascertaining and listing the personal property owned by such employer which
is subject to the lien created by this Act in favor of the Director of
Employment Security. Each employing unit which has paid no
contributions for employment
in any calendar year shall, prior to January 30 of the succeeding calendar
year, file with the Director, on forms to be furnished by the Director at
the request of such employing unit, a report of its employment experience
for such periods as the Director shall designate on such forms, together
with such other information as the Director shall require on such forms,
for the purpose of determining the liability of such employing unit for the
payment of contributions; in addition, every newly created employing unit
shall file such report with the Director within 30 days of the date upon
which it commences business. The Director, the Board of Review, or any
Referee may require from any employing unit any sworn or unsworn reports
concerning such records as he or the Board of Review deems necessary for
the effective administration of this Act, and every such employing unit or
person shall fully, correctly, and promptly furnish the Director all
information required by him to carry out the purposes and provisions of
this Act.

(Source: P.A. 83-1503.)
(820 ILCS 405/1801) (from Ch. 48, par. 631)
Sec. 1801.
Destruction of records by employing units.

Records which employing units are required to keep and preserve pursuant
to the provisions of Section 1800 may be destroyed not less than five
years after the making of such records, provided that if, within the time
specified by Section 2207, a determination and assessment of
contributions, interest, or penalties is made, or an action for the
collection of contributions, interest, or penalties is brought, records
pertaining to the period or periods covered by such determination and
assessment or action may not be destroyed until the determination and
assessment or action has become final, or has been canceled or withdrawn.
If, in the regular course of business, an employing unit makes
reproductions of any records which it is required to keep and preserve
pursuant to the provisions of Section 1800, the preservation of such
reproductions constitutes compliance with the provisions of this Section.
For the purposes of this Section, "reproduction" means a reproduction or
durable medium for making a reproduction obtained by any photographic,
photostatic, microfilm, micro-card, miniature photographic or other process
which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for so reproducing
the original.

(Source: Laws 1957, p. 2667.)
(820 ILCS 405/1801.1)
Sec. 1801.1. Directory of New Hires.
A. The Director shall establish and operate an automated directory of newly
hired employees which shall be known as the "Illinois Directory of New Hires"
which shall contain the information required to be reported by employers to the
Department under subsection B.
In the administration of the Directory, the Director
shall comply with any requirements concerning the Employer New Hire Reporting
Program established by the
federal Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation
Act of 1996. The Director is authorized to use the information contained in
the Directory of New Hires to administer any of the provisions of this Act.
B. Each employer in Illinois, except a department, agency, or
instrumentality of the United States, shall file with the Department a report
in accordance with rules adopted by the Department (but
in any event not later
than 20 days after the date the employer hires the employee or, in the case of
an employer transmitting reports magnetically or electronically, by 2 monthly
transmissions, if necessary, not less than 12 days nor more than 16 days apart)
the following information concerning each newly hired employee: the
employee's name, address, and social security number, the date services for remuneration were first performed by the employee, and the employer's name,
address, Federal Employer Identification Number assigned under Section 6109 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and such other information
as may be required by federal law or regulation,
provided that each employer may voluntarily file the address to which the employer wants income
withholding orders to be mailed, if it is different from the address given on
the Federal Employer Identification Number. An
employer in Illinois which transmits its reports electronically or
magnetically and which also has employees in another state may report all
newly hired employees to a single designated state in which the employer has
employees if it has so notified the Secretary of the United States Department
of Health and Human Services in writing.
An employer may, at its option, submit information regarding
any rehired employee in the same manner as information is submitted
regarding a newly hired employee.
Each report required under this
subsection shall, to the extent practicable, be made on an Internal Revenue Service Form W-4 or, at the
option of the employer, an equivalent form, and may be transmitted by first
class mail, by telefax, magnetically, or electronically.
C. An employer which knowingly fails to comply with the reporting
requirements established by this Section shall be subject to a civil penalty of
$15 for each individual whom it fails to report. An employer shall be
considered to have knowingly failed to comply with the reporting requirements
established by this Section with respect to an individual if the employer has
been notified by the Department that it has failed to report
an individual, and it fails, without reasonable cause, to supply the
required information to the Department within 21 days after the date of
mailing of the notice.
Any individual who knowingly conspires with the newly hired
employee to cause the employer
to fail to report the information required by this Section or who knowingly
conspires with the newly hired employee to cause the employer to file a false
or incomplete report shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor with a fine not
to exceed $500 with respect to each employee with whom the individual so
D. As used in this Section,
"newly hired employee" means an
individual who (i) is an employee within the meaning of Chapter 24 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 and (ii) either has not previously been employed by the employer or was previously employed by the employer but has been separated from that prior employment for at least 60 consecutive days; however, "newly hired employee" does not
an employee of a federal or State agency performing intelligence or
counterintelligence functions, if the head of that agency has determined that
the filing of the report required by this Section with respect to the employee
could endanger the safety of
the employee
or compromise an ongoing investigation or
intelligence mission.
Notwithstanding Section 205, and for the purposes of this Section only, the
term "employer" has the meaning given by Section 3401(d) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 and includes any governmental entity and labor
organization as defined by Section 2(5) of the National Labor Relations Act,
and includes any entity (also known as a hiring hall) which is used by the
organization and an employer to carry out the requirements described in Section
8(f)(3) of that Act of an agreement between the organization and the

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11; 97-689, eff. 6-14-12; 97-791, eff. 1-1-13; 98-107, eff. 7-23-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/1900) (from Ch. 48, par. 640)
Sec. 1900. Disclosure of information.
A. Except as provided in this Section, information obtained from any
individual or employing unit during the administration of this Act shall:
B. No finding, determination, decision, ruling, or order (including
any finding of fact, statement or conclusion made therein) issued pursuant
to this Act shall be admissible or used in evidence in any action other than
one arising out of this Act, nor shall it be binding or conclusive except
as provided in this Act, nor shall it constitute res judicata, regardless
of whether the actions were between the same or related parties or involved
the same facts.
C. Any officer or employee of this State, any officer or employee of any
entity authorized to obtain information pursuant to this Section, and any
agent of this State or of such entity
who, except with authority of
the Director under this Section or as authorized pursuant to subsection P-1, shall disclose information shall be guilty
of a Class B misdemeanor and shall be disqualified from holding any
appointment or employment by the State.
D. An individual or his duly authorized agent may be supplied with
information from records only to the extent necessary for the proper
presentation of his claim for benefits or with his existing or prospective
rights to benefits. Discretion to disclose this information belongs
solely to the Director and is not subject to a release or waiver by the
Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, an individual or his or
her duly authorized agent may be supplied with a statement of the amount of
benefits paid to the individual during the 18 months preceding the date of his
or her request.
E. An employing unit may be furnished with information, only if deemed by
the Director as necessary to enable it to fully discharge its obligations or
safeguard its rights under the Act. Discretion to disclose this information
belongs solely to the Director and is not subject to a release or waiver by the
employing unit.
F. The Director may furnish any information that he may deem proper to
any public officer or public agency of this or any other State or of the
federal government dealing with:
The Director may make available to the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission or the Department of Insurance
information regarding employers for the purpose of verifying the insurance
coverage required under the Workers' Compensation Act and Workers'
Occupational Diseases Act.
G. The Director may disclose information submitted by the State or any
of its political subdivisions, municipal corporations, instrumentalities,
or school or community college districts, except for information which
specifically identifies an individual claimant.
H. The Director shall disclose only that information required to be
disclosed under Section 303 of the Social Security Act, as amended, including:
I. The Director, upon the request of a public agency of Illinois, of the
federal government, or of any other state charged with the investigation or
enforcement of Section 10-5 of the Criminal Code of 2012 (or a similar
federal law or similar law of another State), may furnish the public agency
information regarding the individual specified in the request as to:
J. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to interfere with the
disclosure of certain records as provided for in Section 1706 or with the
right to make available to the Internal Revenue Service of the United
States Department of the Treasury, or the Department of Revenue of the
State of Illinois, information obtained under this Act. With respect to each benefit claim that appears to have been filed other than by the individual in whose name the claim was filed or by the individual's authorized agent and with respect to which benefits were paid during the prior calendar year, the Director shall annually report to the Department of Revenue information that is in the Director's possession and may assist in avoiding negative income tax consequences for the individual in whose name the claim was filed.
K. The Department shall make available to the Illinois Student Assistance
Commission, upon request, information in the possession of the Department that
may be necessary or useful to the
Commission in the collection of defaulted or delinquent student loans which
the Commission administers.
L. The Department shall make available to the State Employees'
Retirement System, the State Universities Retirement System, the
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois, and the Department of Central Management Services, Risk Management Division, upon request,
information in the possession of the Department that may be necessary or useful
to the System or the Risk Management Division for the purpose of determining whether any recipient of a
disability benefit from the System or a workers' compensation benefit from the Risk Management Division is gainfully employed.
M. This Section shall be applicable to the information obtained in the
administration of the State employment service, except that the Director
may publish or release general labor market information and may furnish
information that he may deem proper to an individual, public officer, or
public agency of this or any other State or the federal government (in
addition to those public officers or public agencies specified in this
Section) as he prescribes by Rule.
N. The Director may require such safeguards as he deems proper to insure
that information disclosed pursuant to this Section is used only for the
purposes set forth in this Section.
O. Nothing in this Section prohibits communication with an individual or entity through unencrypted e-mail or other unencrypted electronic means as long as the communication does not contain the individual's or entity's name in combination with any one or more of the individual's or entity's entire or partial social security number; driver's license or State identification number; credit or debit card number; or any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to further information pertaining to the individual or entity.
P. (Blank).
P-1. With the express written consent of a claimant or
employing unit and an agreement not to publicly disclose, the Director shall provide requested information related to a claim
to an elected official performing constituent services or his or her agent.
Q. The Director shall make available to an elected federal
official the name and address of an individual or entity that is located within
the jurisdiction from which the official was elected and that, for the most
recently completed calendar year, has reported to the Department as paying
wages to workers, where the information will be used in connection with the
official duties of the official and the official requests the information in
writing, specifying the purposes for which it will be used.
For purposes of this subsection, the use of information in connection with the
official duties of an official does not include use of the information in
connection with the solicitation of contributions or expenditures, in money or
in kind, to or on behalf of a candidate for public or political office or a
political party or with respect to a public question, as defined in Section 1-3
of the Election Code, or in connection with any commercial solicitation. Any
elected federal official who, in submitting a request for information
covered by this subsection, knowingly makes a false statement or fails to
disclose a material fact, with the intent to obtain the information for a
purpose not authorized by this subsection, shall be guilty of a Class B
R. The Director may provide to any State or local child support
agency, upon request and on a reimbursable basis, information that might be
useful in locating an absent parent or that parent's employer, establishing
paternity, or establishing, modifying, or enforcing child support orders.
S. The Department shall make available to a State's Attorney of this
State or a State's Attorney's investigator,
upon request, the current address or, if the current address is
unavailable, current employer information, if available, of a victim of
a felony or a
witness to a felony or a person against whom an arrest warrant is
T. The Director shall make available to the Illinois State Police, a county sheriff's office, or a municipal police department, upon request, any information concerning the current address and place of employment or former places of employment of a person who is required to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act that may be useful in enforcing the registration provisions of that Act.
U. The Director shall make information available to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of Human Services for the purpose of determining eligibility for public benefit programs authorized under the Illinois Public Aid Code and related statutes administered by those departments, for verifying sources and amounts of income, and for other purposes directly connected with the administration of those programs.
V. The Director shall make information available to the State Board of Elections as may be required by an agreement the State Board of Elections has entered into with a multi-state voter registration list maintenance system.
W. The Director shall make information available to the State Treasurer's office and the Department of Revenue for the purpose of facilitating compliance with the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act, including employer contact information for employers with 25 or more employees and any other information the Director deems appropriate that is directly related to the administration of this program.
X. The Director shall make information available, upon request, to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for the purpose of determining eligibility for the adult vocational community college scholarship program under Section 65.105 of the Higher Education Student Assistance Act.
Y. Except as required under State or federal law, or unless otherwise provided for in this Section, the Department shall not disclose an individual's entire social security number in any correspondence physically mailed to an individual or entity.
(Source: P.A. 101-315, eff. 1-1-20; 102-26, eff. 6-25-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-775, eff. 5-13-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/1900.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 640.1)
Sec. 1900.1.
Privileged Communications.
All letters, reports, or
communications of any kind, either oral or written, from an employer or his
workers to each other, or to the Director or any of his agents,
representatives, or employees, made in connection with the administration
of this Act shall be absolutely privileged and shall not be the basis of
any slander or libel suit in any court of this State unless they are false
in fact and malicious in intent.

(Source: P.A. 86-3.)
(820 ILCS 405/1900.2)
Sec. 1900.2. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 97-788, eff. 1-1-13. Repealed by P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/2100) (from Ch. 48, par. 660)
Sec. 2100. Handling of funds - Bond - Accounts.
A. All contributions
and payments in lieu of contributions collected under this Act, including but
not limited to fund building receipts and receipts attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to Section 1506.5, together
with any interest thereon; all penalties collected pursuant to this Act; any
property or securities acquired through the use thereof; all moneys advanced
to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund pursuant to the
of Title XII of the Social Security Act, as amended; all moneys directed for
transfer from the Master Bond Fund or the Title XII Interest Fund to this State's account in the unemployment
trust fund;
all moneys received
from the Federal government as reimbursements pursuant to Section 204 of
the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, as amended;
all moneys credited to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund
pursuant to Section 903 of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended;
all administrative fees collected from individuals pursuant to Section 900 or from employing units pursuant to Section 2206.1; funds directed for deposit into the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund from any other source; and all earnings of such property or securities and any interest earned
upon any such moneys shall be paid or turned over to the Department and held by the Director,
as ex-officio custodian of
the clearing account, the unemployment trust fund account and the benefit
account, and by the State Treasurer, as ex-officio custodian of the special
administrative account, separate
and apart from all public moneys or funds of this State, as hereinafter
provided. Such moneys shall be administered by the Director exclusively
for the purposes of this Act.
No such moneys shall be paid or expended except upon the direction of the
Director in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe pursuant
to the provisions of this Act.
The State Treasurer shall be liable on his general official bond for the
faithful performance of his duties in connection with the moneys in the
special administrative account provided for under
this Act. Such liability on his official bond shall exist in addition to
the liability upon any separate bond given by him. All sums recovered for
losses sustained by the account shall be
deposited in that account.
The Director shall be liable on his general official bond for the faithful
performance of his duties in connection with the moneys in the clearing
account, the benefit account and unemployment trust fund account provided
for under this Act. Such liability on his official bond shall exist in
addition to the liability upon any separate bond given by him. All sums
recovered for losses sustained by any one of the accounts shall be deposited
in the account that sustained such loss.
The Treasurer shall maintain for such moneys a special
administrative account. The Director shall
maintain for such moneys 3 separate accounts: a clearing account,
a benefit account, and an unemployment trust fund account. All moneys payable
under this Act (except moneys requisitioned from this State's account in
the unemployment trust fund and deposited in the benefit account and moneys directed for deposit into the Special Programs Fund provided for under Section 2107), including
but not limited to moneys directed for transfer from the Master
Bond Fund or the Title XII Interest Fund to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund,
receipt thereof, shall be immediately deposited in the
clearing account;
provided, however, that, except as is otherwise provided in this Section,
interest and penalties shall not be deemed a part of the clearing account
but shall be transferred immediately upon clearance thereof to the special
administrative account; further provided that an amount not to exceed $90,000,000 in payments attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to Section 1506.5, including any interest thereon, shall not be deemed a part of the clearing account but shall be transferred immediately upon clearance thereof to the Title XII Interest Fund.
After clearance thereof, all other moneys in the clearing account shall
be immediately deposited by the Director with the
Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America to the credit
of the account of this State in the unemployment trust fund, established
and maintained pursuant to the Federal Social Security Act, as amended,
except fund building receipts, which shall be deposited into the Master Bond
The benefit account shall consist of all moneys requisitioned from this
State's account in the unemployment trust fund. The moneys in the benefit
account shall be expended in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
Director and solely for the payment of benefits, refunds of contributions,
interest and penalties under the provisions of the Act, the payment of
health insurance in accordance with Section 410 of this Act, and the transfer
or payment of funds to any Federal or State agency pursuant to reciprocal
arrangements entered into by the Director under the provisions of Section
2700E, except that moneys credited to this State's account in the unemployment
trust fund pursuant to Section 903 of the Federal Social Security Act, as
amended, shall be used exclusively as provided in subsection B. For purposes
of this Section only, to the extent allowed by applicable legal
requirements, the
payment of benefits includes but is not limited to the payment of principal on
any bonds issued
pursuant to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Financing Act,
exclusive of any
interest or administrative expenses in connection with the bonds. The
shall, from time to time, requisition from the unemployment trust fund such
amounts, not exceeding the amounts standing to the State's account therein,
as he deems necessary solely for the payment of such benefits, refunds,
and funds, for a reasonable future period. The Director, as ex-officio
custodian of the benefit account, which shall be kept separate and apart
from all other public moneys, shall issue payment of
such benefits, refunds, health insurance and funds solely from the moneys so
into the benefit account. However, after January 1, 1987, no payment shall
be drawn on such benefit account unless at the time of drawing there is
sufficient money in the account to make the payment. The Director shall
retain in the clearing account
an amount of interest and
penalties equal to the amount of
interest and penalties to be refunded from the benefit account. After
clearance thereof, the amount so retained shall be immediately deposited
by the Director, as are all other moneys in the clearing account,
with the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. If, at any
time, an insufficient amount of interest and penalties is available for
retention in the clearing account, no refund of interest or penalties
shall be made from the benefit account until a sufficient amount is
available for retention and is so retained, or until the State
Treasurer, upon the direction of the Director, transfers to the Director
a sufficient amount from the special administrative account, for
immediate deposit in the benefit account.
Any balance of moneys requisitioned from the unemployment trust fund
which remains unclaimed or unpaid in the benefit account
after the expiration of the period for which such sums were
shall either be deducted from estimates of and may be utilized for authorized
expenditures during succeeding periods, or, in the discretion of the
Director, shall be redeposited with the Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States to the credit of the State's account in the unemployment
trust fund.
Moneys in the clearing, benefit and special administrative accounts
shall not be commingled with other State funds but they shall be
deposited as required by law and maintained in separate accounts on the
books of a savings and loan association or bank.
No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as
permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements
established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments
of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or
B. Moneys credited to the account of this State in the unemployment
trust fund by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States
pursuant to Section 903 of the Social Security Act may be
requisitioned from this State's account and used as authorized by
Section 903. Any interest required to be paid on advances
under Title XII of the Social Security Act shall be paid in a timely manner
and shall not be paid, directly or indirectly, by an equivalent reduction
in contributions or payments in lieu of contributions from amounts in this
State's account in the unemployment trust fund. Such moneys may be
requisitioned and used for the payment of expenses incurred for the
administration of this Act, but only pursuant to a specific
appropriation by the General Assembly and only if the expenses are
incurred and the moneys are requisitioned after the enactment of an
appropriation law which:
For purposes of paragraph (3) above, amounts obligated for
administrative purposes pursuant to an appropriation shall be chargeable
against transferred amounts at the exact time the obligation is entered
into. The appropriation, obligation, and expenditure or other disposition
of money appropriated under this subsection shall be accounted for in
accordance with standards established by the United States Secretary of Labor.
Moneys appropriated as provided herein for the payment of expenses of
administration shall be requisitioned by the Director as needed for the
payment of obligations incurred under such appropriation. Upon
such moneys shall be deposited with the State Treasurer, who shall hold
such moneys, as ex-officio custodian thereof, in accordance with the
requirements of Section 2103 and, upon the direction of the Director,
shall make payments therefrom pursuant to such appropriation. Moneys so
deposited shall, until expended, remain a part of the unemployment trust
fund and, if any will not be expended, shall be returned promptly to the
account of this State in the unemployment trust fund.
C. The Governor is authorized to apply to the United States
Secretary of Labor for an advance or advances to this State's account in
the unemployment trust fund pursuant to the conditions set forth in
Title XII of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended. The State's account in the unemployment trust fund is authorized to receive appropriations of State funds from other State accounts to repay any such advance or advances. The amount of
any such advance may be repaid from this State's account in the
unemployment trust fund.
D. The Director shall annually on or before the first day of March report in writing to the Employment Security Advisory Board concerning the deposits into and expenditures from this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund.
E. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly to subsection A and subsection C clarify authority already provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 102-700, eff. 4-19-22.)
(820 ILCS 405/2101) (from Ch. 48, par. 661)
Sec. 2101. Special administrative account. Except as provided in Section 2100, all interest and penalties collected
pursuant to this Act shall be deposited in the special administrative
account. The amount in this account in excess of $100,000 on the close of
business of the last day of each calendar quarter shall be immediately
transferred to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund. However, subject to Section 2101.1,
such funds shall not be transferred where it is determined by the Director
that it is necessary to accumulate funds in the account in order to have
sufficient funds to pay interest that may become due under the terms of
Section 1202 (b) of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, upon advances
made to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund under Title XII of
the Federal Social Security Act or where it is determined by the Director
that it is necessary to accumulate funds in the special administrative
account in order to have sufficient funds to expend for any other purpose
authorized by this Section. The balance of funds in the special administrative account that are in excess of $100,000 on the first day of each calendar quarter and not transferred to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund, minus the amount reasonably anticipated to be needed to make payments from the special administrative account pursuant to subsections C through I, shall be certified by the Director and transferred by the State Comptroller to the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund in the State Treasury within 30 days of the first day of the calendar quarter. The Director may certify and the State Comptroller shall transfer such funds to the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund on a more frequent basis. The moneys available in the special
administrative account shall be expended upon the direction of the Director
whenever it appears to him that such expenditure is necessary for:
A. 1. The proper administration of this Act and no Federal funds are
available for the specific purpose for which such expenditure is to be
made, provided the moneys are not substituted for appropriations from
Federal funds, which in the absence of such moneys would be available and
provided the monies are appropriated by the General Assembly.
2. The proper administration of this Act for which purpose
appropriations from Federal funds have been requested but not yet received,
provided the special administrative account will be reimbursed upon receipt
of the requested Federal appropriation.
B. To the extent possible, the repayment to the fund established for
financing the cost of administration of this Act of moneys found by the
Secretary of Labor of the United States of America, or other appropriate
Federal agency, to have been lost or expended for purposes other than, or
in amounts in excess of, those found necessary by the Secretary of Labor,
or other appropriate Federal agency, for the administration of this Act.
C. The payment of refunds or adjustments of interest or penalties, paid
pursuant to Sections 901 or 2201.
D. The payment of interest on refunds of erroneously paid
contributions, penalties and interest pursuant to Section 2201.1.
E. The payment or transfer of interest or penalties to any Federal or
State agency, pursuant to reciprocal arrangements entered into by the
Director under the provisions of Section 2700E.
F. The payment of any costs incurred, pursuant to Section 1700.1.
G. Beginning January 1, 1989, for the payment for the legal services
authorized by subsection B of Section 802, up to $1,000,000 per year for
the representation of the individual claimants and up to $1,000,000 per
year for the representation of "small employers".
H. The payment of any fees for collecting past due contributions,
payments in lieu of contributions, penalties, and interest shall be paid
(without an appropriation) from interest and penalty monies received from
collection agents that have contracted with the Department under Section
2206 to collect such amounts, provided however, that the amount of such
payment shall not exceed the amount of past due interest and penalty collected.
I. The payment of interest that may become due under the terms of Section
1202 (b) of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, for advances made
to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.
The Director shall annually on or before the first day of March report
in writing to the Employment Security Advisory Board concerning the
expenditures made from the special administrative account and the purposes
for which funds are being accumulated.
If Federal legislation is enacted which will permit the use by the
Director of some part of the contributions collected or to be collected
under this Act, for the financing of expenditures incurred in the proper
administration of this Act, then, upon the availability of such
contributions for such purpose, the provisions of this Section shall be
inoperative and interest and penalties collected pursuant to this Act shall
be deposited in and be deemed a part of the clearing account. In the event
of the enactment of the foregoing Federal legislation, and within 90 days
after the date upon which contributions become available for expenditure
for costs of administration, the total amount in the special administrative
account shall be transferred to the clearing account, and after clearance
thereof shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States of America to the credit of the account of this State in the
unemployment trust fund, established and maintained pursuant to the Federal
Social Security Act, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 98-1133, eff. 12-23-14.)
(820 ILCS 405/2101.1)
Sec. 2101.1. Mandatory transfers.
(I) If and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, then
this Part (I) is inoperative retroactive to January 1, 2023.
A. Notwithstanding any other provision in Section 2101 to the contrary, no later than June 30, 2007, an amount equal to at least $1,400,136 but not to exceed $7,000,136 shall be transferred from the special administrative account to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund. No later than June 30, 2008, and June 30 of each of the three immediately succeeding calendar years, there shall be transferred from the special administrative account to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund an amount at least equal to the lesser of $1,400,000 or the unpaid principal. For purposes of this Section, the unpaid principal is the difference between $7,000,136 and the sum of amounts, excluding interest, previously transferred pursuant to this Section. In addition to the amounts otherwise specified in this Section, each transfer shall include a payment of any interest accrued pursuant to this Section through the end of the immediately preceding calendar quarter for which the federal Department of the Treasury has published the yield for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund. Interest pursuant to this Section shall accrue daily beginning on January 1, 2007, and be calculated on the basis of the unpaid principal as of the beginning of the day. The rate at which the interest shall accrue for each calendar day within a calendar quarter shall equal the quotient obtained by dividing the yield for that quarter for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund as published by the federal Department of the Treasury by the total number of calendar days within that quarter. Interest accrued but not yet due at the time the unpaid principal is paid in full shall be transferred within 30 days after the federal Department of the Treasury has published the yield for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund for all quarters for which interest has accrued pursuant to this Section but not yet been paid. A transfer required pursuant to this Section in a fiscal year of this State shall occur before any transfer made with respect to that same fiscal year from the special administrative account to the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund.
B. If and only if an appropriation is made in calendar year 2023 to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund, as a loan solely for purposes of paying unemployment insurance benefits under this Act and without the accrual of interest, from a fund of the State treasury, the Director shall take all necessary action to transfer 10% of the total amount of the appropriation from this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund to the State's Budget Stabilization Fund prior to July 1 of each year or as soon thereafter as practical. Transfers shall begin in calendar year 2024 and continue on an annual basis until the total amount of such transfers equals the total amount of the appropriation. In any calendar year in which the balance of this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund, less all outstanding advances to that account, pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act, is below $1,200,000,000 as of June 1, any transfer provided for in this subsection shall not be made that calendar year.
(II) This Part (II) becomes operative if and only if funds from the State treasury are not appropriated on or before January 31, 2023 that are dedicated to pay all outstanding advances made to the State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund pursuant to Title XII of the federal Social Security Act. If this Part (II) becomes operative, it is operative retroactive to January 1, 2023. Notwithstanding any other provision in Section 2101 to the contrary, no later than June 30, 2007, an amount equal to at least $1,400,136 but not to exceed $7,000,136 shall be transferred from the special administrative account to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund. No later than June 30, 2008, and June 30 of each of the three immediately succeeding calendar years, there shall be transferred from the special administrative account to this State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund an amount at least equal to the lesser of $1,400,000 or the unpaid principal. For purposes of this Section, the unpaid principal is the difference between $7,000,136 and the sum of amounts, excluding interest, previously transferred pursuant to this Section. In addition to the amounts otherwise specified in this Section, each transfer shall include a payment of any interest accrued pursuant to this Section through the end of the immediately preceding calendar quarter for which the federal Department of the Treasury has published the yield for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund. Interest pursuant to this Section shall accrue daily beginning on January 1, 2007, and be calculated on the basis of the unpaid principal as of the beginning of the day. The rate at which the interest shall accrue for each calendar day within a calendar quarter shall equal the quotient obtained by dividing the yield for that quarter for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund as published by the federal Department of the Treasury by the total number of calendar days within that quarter. Interest accrued but not yet due at the time the unpaid principal is paid in full shall be transferred within 30 days after the federal Department of the Treasury has published the yield for state accounts in the Unemployment Trust Fund for all quarters for which interest has accrued pursuant to this Section but not yet been paid. A transfer required pursuant to this Section in a fiscal year of this State shall occur before any transfer made with respect to that same fiscal year from the special administrative account to the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund.

(Source: P.A. 102-1105, eff. 1-1-23.)
(820 ILCS 405/2102) (from Ch. 48, par. 662)
Sec. 2102.
Management of funds upon discontinuance of unemployment trust fund.

The provisions of Sections 2100 and 2101, to the extent that they
relate to the unemployment trust fund, shall be operative only so long as
such unemployment trust fund continues to exist and so long as the
Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America continues to
maintain for this State a separate book account of all funds deposited
therein by this State for benefit purposes, together with this State's
proportionate share of the earnings of such unemployment trust fund, from
which no other State is permitted to make withdrawals. If and when such
unemployment trust fund ceases to exist, or such separate book account is
no longer maintained, all moneys, properties, or securities therein,
belonging to this State, shall be transferred to the State Treasurer as
ex-officio custodian thereof, who shall hold, invest, transfer, sell,
deposit, and release such moneys, properties or securities in a manner
approved by the Director in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
provided that such money shall be invested in the bonds or other interest
bearing obligations of the United States of America and of the State of
Illinois; and provided, further, that such investment shall at all times be
so made that all the assets shall always be readily convertible into cash
when needed for the payment of benefits. The Treasurer shall dispose of
such securities or other properties only upon the direction of the

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2103) (from Ch. 48, par. 663)
Sec. 2103. Unemployment compensation administration and other workforce
development costs.
All moneys received by the State or by the Department from any source for the
financing of the cost of administration of this Act, including all federal
moneys allotted or apportioned to the State or to the Department for that
purpose, including moneys received directly or indirectly from the federal
government under the Job Training Partnership Act, and including moneys
received from the Railroad Retirement Board as compensation for services or
facilities supplied to said Board, or any moneys made available by this State
or its political subdivisions and matched by moneys granted to this State
pursuant to the provisions of the Wagner-Peyser Act, shall be received and
held by the State Treasurer as ex-officio custodian thereof, separate and
apart from all other State moneys, in the Title III Social Security and
Employment Fund, and such funds shall be distributed or expended upon the
direction of the Director and, except money received pursuant to the last
paragraph of Section 2100B, shall be distributed or expended solely for the
purposes and in the amounts found necessary by the Secretary of Labor of the
United States of America, or other appropriate federal agency, for the
proper and efficient administration of this Act. Notwithstanding any
provision of this Section, all money requisitioned and deposited with the
State Treasurer pursuant to the last paragraph of Section 2100B shall
remain part of the unemployment trust fund and shall be used only in
accordance with the conditions specified in the last paragraph of Section
If any moneys received from the Secretary of Labor, or other appropriate
federal agency, under Title III of the Social Security Act, or any moneys
granted to this State pursuant to the provisions of the Wagner-Peyser Act,
or any moneys made available by this State or its political subdivisions
and matched by moneys granted to this State pursuant to the provisions of
the Wagner-Peyser Act, are found by the Secretary of Labor, or other
appropriate Federal agency, because of any action or contingency, to have
been lost or expended for purposes other than, or in amounts in excess of,
those found necessary, by the Secretary of Labor, or other appropriate
Federal agency, for the proper administration of this Act, it is the policy
of this State that such moneys shall be replaced by moneys appropriated for
such purpose from the general funds of this State for expenditure as
provided in the first paragraph of this Section. The Director shall report
to the
Governor's Office of Management and Budget, in the same manner as is provided generally
for the submission by State Departments of financial requirements for the
ensuing fiscal year, and the Governor shall include in his budget report to
the next regular session of the General Assembly, the amount required for
such replacement.
Moneys in the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund
shall not be commingled with other State funds, but they shall be deposited as
required by law and maintained in a separate account on the books of a savings
and loan association or bank.
The State Treasurer shall be liable on his general official bond for the
faithful performance of his duties as custodian of all moneys
in the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund. Such liability on his
bond shall exist in addition to the liability upon any separate bond given
by him. All sums recovered for losses sustained by the fund herein
described shall be deposited therein.
Upon the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1987 (January 1,
1988), the Comptroller shall transfer all unobligated funds from the Job
Training Fund into the Title III Social Security and Employment Fund.
On September 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably
practicable, the State Comptroller shall transfer all unobligated moneys
from the Job Training Partnership Fund into the Title III Social Security and
Employment Fund. The moneys transferred pursuant to this amendatory Act may be
used or expended for purposes consistent with the conditions under which those
moneys were received by the State.
Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General
Assembly, all moneys that would otherwise be deposited into the Job Training
Partnership Fund shall instead be deposited into the Title III Social Security
and Employment Fund, to be used for purposes consistent with the conditions
under which those moneys are received by the State, except that any moneys that
may be necessary to pay liabilities outstanding as of June 30, 2000 shall be
deposited into the Job Training Partnership Fund.

(Source: P.A. 97-791, eff. 1-1-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/2103.1)
Sec. 2103.1.

(Source: P.A. 94-232, eff. 7-14-05. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-06.)
(820 ILCS 405/2104) (from Ch. 48, par. 664)
Sec. 2104.

(Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/2105)
Sec. 2105. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99. Repealed by P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/2106.1)
Sec. 2106.1. Master Bond Fund. There is hereby established the Master Bond
Fund held by the
Director or his or her designee as ex-officio custodian thereof separate and
apart from all other
State funds. The moneys in the Fund shall be used in accordance with the
Illinois Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Financing Act.

(Source: P.A. 93-634, eff. 1-1-04.)
(820 ILCS 405/2107)
Sec. 2107. Special Programs Fund. The Special Programs Fund shall be held separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of this State. All moneys that may be received by the State for the payment of trade readjustment allowances or alternative trade adjustment assistance for older workers under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, or disaster unemployment assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, or for the payment of any other benefits where the Department will pay the benefits as an agent of the United States Department of Labor or its successor agency pursuant to federal law (except benefits payable through the State's account in the federal Unemployment Trust Fund established and maintained pursuant to the federal Social Security Act, as amended), shall be deposited into the Special Programs Fund, together with any moneys that may otherwise be directed for deposit into that Fund. No such moneys shall be paid or expended except upon the direction of the Director who, as ex officio custodian of the Special Programs Fund, shall expend such moneys only in accordance with the directions of the United States Department of Labor or its successor agency, as an agent of the United States Department of Labor or its successor agency. Moneys in the Special Programs Fund shall not be commingled with other State funds, but they shall be deposited as required by law and maintained in a separate account on the books of a savings and loan association, bank, or other qualified financial institution. All interest earnings on amounts within the Special Programs Fund shall accrue to the Special Programs Fund. The Director shall be liable on her or his general official bond for the faithful performance of her or his duties in connection with the moneys in the Special Programs Fund. Such liability on her or his official bond shall exist in addition to the liability upon any separate bond given by her or him. All sums recovered for losses sustained by the Special Programs Fund shall be deposited into the Fund.
This amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly is not intended to alter processes or requirements with respect to the Special Programs Fund from those in existence immediately prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly.

(Source: P.A. 94-1083, eff. 1-19-07.)
(820 ILCS 405/2108)
Sec. 2108. Title XII Interest Fund. The Title XII Interest Fund shall be held separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of this State. Payments attributable to the surcharge established pursuant to Section 1506.5 in an amount not to exceed $90,000,000 shall be deposited into the Title XII Interest Fund, together with any moneys that may otherwise be directed for deposit into that Fund. No such moneys shall be paid or expended except upon the direction of the Director who, as ex officio custodian of the Title XII Interest Fund, shall expend such moneys only for the payment of interest required to be paid on advances under Title XII of the Social Security Act or for transfer to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund. Any funds remaining in the Title XII Interest Fund after payment of the interest due as of September 30, 2011, on advances under Title XII of the Social Security Act shall be transferred to this State's account in the unemployment trust fund no later than October 31, 2011.
Moneys in the Title XII Interest Fund shall not be commingled with other State funds, but they shall be deposited as required by law and maintained in a separate account on the books of a savings and loan association, bank, or other qualified financial institution. All interest earnings on amounts within the Title XII Interest Fund shall accrue to the Title XII Interest Fund. The Director shall be liable on her or his general official bond for the faithful performance of her or his duties in connection with the moneys in the Title XII Interest Fund. Such liability on her or his official bond shall exist in addition to the liability upon any separate bond given by her or him. All sums recovered for losses sustained by the Title XII Interest Fund shall be deposited into the Fund.

(Source: P.A. 97-1, eff. 3-31-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/2200) (from Ch. 48, par. 680)
Sec. 2200.
Determination and assessment of contributions by the director.

If it shall appear to the Director that any employing unit or person has
failed to pay any contribution, interest or penalty as and when required by
the provisions of this Act or by any rule or regulation of the Director,
or if the amount of any contribution payment made by an employing unit for
any period is deemed by the Director to be incorrect in that it does not
include all contributions payable for such period, or if the Director shall
find that the collection of any contributions which have accrued but are
not yet due will be jeopardized by delay, and declares said contributions
immediately due and payable, or if it shall appear to the Director that he
has made any final assessment which did not include all contributions
payable by the employer for the periods involved, or if it appears to the
Director that any employing unit or person has, by reason of any act or
omission or by operation of law, become liable for the payment of any
contributions, interest or penalties not originally incurred by him, the
Director may in any of the above events determine and assess the amount of
such contributions or deficiency, as the case may be, together with
interest and penalties due and unpaid, and immediately serve notice upon
such employing unit or person of such determination and assessment and make
a demand for payment of the assessed contribution together with interest
and penalties thereon. If the employing unit or person incurring any such
liability has died, such assessment may at the discretion of the Director
be made against his personal representative. Such determination and
assessment by the Director shall be final at the expiration of 20 days from
the date of the service of such written notice thereof and demand for
payment, unless such employing unit or person shall have filed with the
Director a written protest and a petition for a hearing, specifying its
objections thereto. Upon the receipt of such petition within the 20 days
allowed, the Director shall fix the time and place for a hearing and shall
notify the petitioner thereof. The Director may amend his determination and
assessment at any time before it becomes final. In the event of such
amendment the employing unit or person affected shall be given notice
thereof and an opportunity to be heard in connection therewith. At any
hearing held as herein provided, the determination and assessment that has
been made by the Director shall be prima facie correct and the burden shall
be upon the protesting employing unit or person to prove that it is
incorrect. Upon the conclusion of such hearing a decision shall be made by
the Director either canceling, increasing, modifying or affirming such
determination or assessment and notice thereof given to the petitioner.
Such notice shall contain a statement by the Director of the cost of the
certification of the record computed at the rate of 5¢ per 100 words. The
record shall consist of the notices and demands caused to be served by the
Director, the original determination and assessment of the Director, the
written protest and petition for hearing, the testimony introduced at such
hearing, the exhibits produced at such hearing, or certified copies
thereof, the decisions of the Director and such other documents in the
nature of pleadings filed in the proceeding.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2201) (from Ch. 48, par. 681)
Sec. 2201. Refund or adjustment of contributions. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, not later than 3 years after the date upon which an employing unit has paid
contributions, interest, or penalties erroneously, the employing unit may file a
claim with the Director for an adjustment thereof in connection with
subsequent contribution payments, or for a refund thereof where such
adjustment cannot be made; provided, however, that no refund or adjustment
shall be made of any contribution, the amount of which has been determined
and assessed by the Director, if such contribution was paid after the
determination and assessment of the Director became final, and provided,
further, that any such adjustment or refund, involving contributions with
respect to wages on the basis of which benefits have been paid, shall be
reduced by the amount of benefits so paid. In the case of an erroneous payment that occurred on or after January 1, 2015 and prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, the employing unit may file the claim for adjustment or refund not later than June 30, 2018 or 3 years after the date of the erroneous payment, whichever is later, subject to all of the conditions otherwise applicable pursuant to this Section regarding a claim for adjustment or refund. Upon receipt of a claim the
Director shall make his determination, either allowing such claim in whole
or in part, or ordering that it be denied, and serve notice upon the
claimant of such determination. Such determination of the Director shall be
final at the expiration of 20 days from the date of service of such notice
unless the claimant shall have filed with the Director a written protest
and a petition for hearing, specifying his objections thereto. Upon receipt
of such petition within the 20 days allowed, the Director shall fix the
time and place for a hearing and shall notify the claimant thereof. At any
hearing held as herein provided, the determination of the Director shall be
prima facie correct and the burden shall be upon the protesting employing
unit to prove that it is incorrect. All of the provisions of this Act
applicable to hearings conducted pursuant to Section 2200 shall be
applicable to hearings conducted pursuant to this Section. Upon the
conclusion of such hearing, a decision shall be made by the Director and
notice thereof given to the claimant. If the Director shall decide that the
claim be allowed in whole or in part, or if such allowance be ordered by
the Court pursuant to Section 2205 and the judgment of said Court has
become final, the Director shall, if practicable, make adjustment without
interest in connection with subsequent contribution payments by the
claimant, and if adjustments thereof cannot practicably be made in
connection with such subsequent contribution payments, then the Director
shall refund to the claimant the amount so allowed, without interest
except as otherwise provided in Section 2201.1 from
moneys in the benefit account established by this Act. Nothing herein
contained shall prohibit the Director from making adjustment or refund upon
his own initiative, within the time allowed for filing claim therefor,
provided that the Director shall make no refund or adjustment of any
contribution, the amount of which he has previously determined and
assessed, if such contribution was paid after the determination and
assessment became final.
If this State should not be certified for any year by the Secretary of
Labor of the United States of America, or other appropriate Federal agency,
under Section 3304 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the
Director shall refund without interest to any instrumentality of the United
States subject to this Act by virtue of permission granted in an Act of
Congress, the amount of contributions paid by such instrumentality with
respect to such year.
The Director may by regulation provide that, if there is a total credit
balance of less than $2 in an employer's account with respect to contributions,
interest, and penalties, the amount may be disregarded by the Director; once
disregarded, the amount shall not be considered a credit balance in the
account and shall not be subject to either an adjustment or a refund.

(Source: P.A. 100-484, eff. 9-8-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/2201.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 681.1)
Sec. 2201.1. Interest on overpaid contributions, penalties and
interest. The Director shall quarterly furnish each employer with a
statement of credit balances in the employer's account where the balances
with respect to all contributions, interest and penalties combined equal or
exceed $2. Under regulations
prescribed by the Director and subject to the limitations of Section 2201,
the employer may file a request for an adjustment or refund of the amount
erroneously paid. Interest shall be paid on refunds of erroneously paid
contributions, penalties and interest imposed by this Act, except that if
any refund is mailed by the Director within 90 days after the date of the
refund claim, no interest shall be due or paid. The interest shall begin
to accrue as of the date of the refund claim and shall be paid at the rate
of 1.5% per month computed at the rate of 12/365 of 1.5% for each day or
fraction thereof. Interest paid pursuant to this Section shall be paid from
monies in the special administrative account established by Sections 2100
and 2101. This Section shall apply only to refunds of contributions,
penalties and interest which were paid as the result of wages paid after
January 1, 1988.

(Source: P.A. 100-484, eff. 9-8-17.)
(820 ILCS 405/2202) (from Ch. 48, par. 682)
Sec. 2202.

Finality of finding of claims adjudicator, Referee or Board of
Review in proceedings before the director or his representative.
If at any hearing held pursuant to Sections 2200 or 2201 before the
Director or his duly authorized representative it shall appear that, in a
prior proceeding before a claims adjudicator, Referee or the Board of
Review, a decision was rendered in which benefits were allowed to a
claimant, based upon a finding by such claims adjudicator, Referee or the
Board of Review, as the case may be, that (A) the petitioning employing
unit is an employer as defined by this Act, or (B) the claimant has
rendered services for such employing unit that constitute employment as
defined by this Act, or (C) the claimant was paid or earned, as the case
may be, any sum that constitutes "wages" as defined by this Act, and that
such employing unit was given notice of such prior proceedings and an
opportunity to be heard by appeal to such Referee or the Board of Review,
as the case may be, in such prior proceeding, and that such decision of the
claims adjudicator, Referee or Board of Review allowing benefits to the
claimant became final, the aforementioned finding of the claims
adjudicator, Referee or the Board of Review, as the case may be, shall be
final and incontrovertible as to such employing unit, in the proceedings
before the Director or his duly authorized representative, and shall not be
subject to any further right of judicial review by such employing unit. If,
after the hearing held pursuant to Sections 2200 or 2201, the Director
shall find that services were rendered for such employing unit by other
individuals under circumstances substantially the same as those under which
the claimant's services were performed, the finality of the findings made
by the claims adjudicator, Referee or the Board of Review, as the case may
be, as to the status of the services performed by the claimant, shall
extend to all such services rendered for such employing unit, but nothing
in this Section shall be construed to limit the right of any claimant to a
fair hearing as provided in Sections 800, 801, and 803.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/2203) (from Ch. 48, par. 683)
Sec. 2203. Service
of notice-Place of hearing-By whom conducted.
Whenever service of notice is required by Sections 2200 or 2201, such
notice shall be deemed to have been served when deposited with the United
States certified or registered mail addressed to the employing unit at its
principal place of business, or its last known place of business or
residence, or may be served by any person of full age in the same manner as
is provided by statute for service of process in civil cases. If
represented by counsel in the proceedings before the Director, then service
of notice may be made upon such employing unit by mailing same to such
counsel. If agreed to by the person or entity entitled to notice, notice may be given and completed electronically, in the manner prescribed by rule, by posting the notice on a secure web site accessible to the person or entity and sending notice of the posting to the last known e-mail address of the person or entity. All hearings provided for in Sections 2200 and 2201 shall be held
in the county wherein the employing unit has its principal place of
business in this State, provided that if the employing unit has no
principal place of business in this State, such hearing may be held in Cook
County, provided, further, that such hearing may be held in any county
designated by the Director if the petitioning employing unit shall consent
thereto. The hearings shall be conducted by the Director or by any
full-time employee of the Director, selected in accordance with the
provisions of the "Personnel Code" enacted by the Sixty-Ninth General
Assembly, by him designated. Such representative so designated by the
Director shall have all powers given the Director by Sections 1000, 1002,
and 1003 of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/2204) (from Ch. 48, par. 684)
Sec. 2204.
of director's decision in absence of judicial review.
Any decision of the Director made upon the conclusion of any hearing
held pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2200 or 2201 shall be final
and conclusive, unless reviewed as provided in Section 2205.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2205) (from Ch. 48, par. 685)
Sec. 2205.
Judicial review of decisions on contributions.
The Circuit Court of the county wherein the hearing provided for in
Sections 2200 and 2201 was held shall have power to review the final
administrative decisions of the Director rendered pursuant to those
Sections. The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all
amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant
thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial
review of such final administrative decisions of the Director. The term
"administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of
Civil Procedure. Such review
proceedings shall be given
precedence over all other civil cases except cases arising under the
Workers' Compensation Act of this State.
The Director shall not be required to certify the record to the
Circuit Court unless the party commencing such proceedings for review
shall pay to the Director the cost of certification of the record as
provided in Section 2200. The Director or the Commissioner of
Unemployment Compensation, in the absence of the Director, upon receipt
of such payment, shall prepare and certify to the court a true and
correct typewritten copy of all matters contained in such record.
The Clerk of any court rendering a decision affecting a decision of
the Director shall promptly furnish the Director with a copy of such
court's decision, without charge, and the Director shall enter an order
in accordance with such decision.

(Source: P.A. 84-1438.)
(820 ILCS 405/2206) (from Ch. 48, par. 686)
Sec. 2206.
Collection of amounts due.
If any employing unit or person shall default in any payment required
to be made under this Act, the Director is authorized to
contract for assistance in collecting such amounts and to expend sums from
the nonappropriated portion of the Special Administrative Account
established by Section 2101 in an amount not to exceed any penalties and
interest collected to pay for such services. Any amount due
may also be collected by civil action against the employing unit or
person brought in the name of the People
of the State of Illinois, without regard as to whether or not the amount
of such contributions has been assessed by the Director as provided in
Section 2200, and the same, when collected, shall be treated in the same
manner as contributions paid under this Act, and such employing unit's
or person's compliance with the provisions of this Act requiring
payments to be made under this Act shall date from the time of the
payment of said money so collected. Civil action brought under this
Section to collect contributions or interest thereon shall be entitled
to preference upon the calendar over all other civil actions except
judicial review proceedings under this Act and cases arising under the
Workers' Compensation Act of this State.

(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
(820 ILCS 405/2206.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 686.1)
Sec. 2206.1.
In addition to the remedies provided by this Act,
when an employing unit defaults in any payment or contribution required to be made to
the State under the provisions of this Act, the Director may request
the Comptroller to withhold the amount due in accordance with the
provisions of Section 10.05 of the State Comptroller Act and the Director may request the Secretary of the Treasury to withhold the amount due to the extent allowed by and in accordance with Section 6402(f) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Where the Director requests withholding by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to this Section, in addition to the amount of the payment otherwise owed by the employing unit, the employing unit shall be liable for any legally authorized administrative fee assessed by the Secretary, with such fee to be added to the amount to be withheld by the Secretary.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/2207) (from Ch. 48, par. 687)
Sec. 2207.

No determination and assessment of contributions, interest, or penalties
shall be made, and no action for the collection of contributions, interest,
or penalties which is not based upon a final determination and assessment
shall be brought against any employing unit, more than four years after the
last day of the month immediately following the calendar quarter in which
the wages, upon which such contributions accrued, were paid. This paragraph
shall not apply to any employing unit which, for the purpose of evading the
payment of contributions, interest or penalties, has willfully failed to
pay any contribution, interest or penalty, or part thereof, or to file any
report, when required by the provisions of this Act or the rules and
regulations of the Director, or has knowingly made a false statement or
knowingly failed to disclose a material fact.
Commencing July 1, 1951, whenever the interest provided for in Section
1401 on contributions in any quarter, has accrued to sixty per cent of
the amount of the contributions due from any employing unit for such
quarter prior to the payment of any part of such contributions, no action
shall be brought, or determination and assessment made, against such
employing unit for collection of the interest in excess of said sixty per
cent of such contributions; provided, however, that nothing herein
contained shall be construed to act as a limitation upon the collection of
any interest which has accrued prior to July 1, 1951.

(Source: Laws 1957, p. 2667.)
(820 ILCS 405/2208) (from Ch. 48, par. 688)
Sec. 2208.
Jurisdiction over resident and nonresident employing units.

Any employing unit which is not a resident of this State and which
exercises the privilege of having one or more individuals perform services
for it within this State, and any resident employing unit which exercises
that privilege and thereafter removes from this State, shall be deemed
thereby to appoint the Secretary of State as its agent and attorney for the
acceptance of process or notice in any judicial or administrative
proceeding under this Act. The filing of such process or notice with the
Secretary of State shall be sufficient service upon or notice to such
employing unit and shall be of the same force and validity as if served
upon it personally within this State if (A) notice of the service of such
process or notice together with a copy thereof is sent by certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested, to such employing unit at its
principal place of business or its last known place of business or
residence and (B) an affidavit of compliance with the provisions of this
Section and a copy of the notice of service are appended to the original of
the process filed in the course of such action.
Such continuances in any such action shall be granted as are necessary
to afford such employing unit a reasonable opportunity to defend its

(Source: Laws 1957, p. 2667.)
(820 ILCS 405/2208.1)
Sec. 2208.1. Return receipts. Whenever any provision of this Act requires service by certified or registered mail, either a paper return receipt issued by the United States Postal Service or an electronic return receipt issued by the United States Postal Service shall constitute proof of service.

(Source: P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/2300) (from Ch. 48, par. 700)
Sec. 2300.
of hearings-Evidence.
The Director may adopt regulations governing the conduct of hearings
held pursuant to any provisions of this Act. All such hearings shall be
conducted in a manner provided by such regulations whether or not they
prescribe a procedure which conforms to the common law or statutory rules
of evidence or other technical rules or procedure, and no informality in
the manner of taking testimony, in any such proceeding, nor the admission
of evidence contrary to the common law rules of evidence, shall invalidate
any decision made by the Director.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2301) (from Ch. 48, par. 701)
Sec. 2301.
under oath.
At any hearing held pursuant to the provisions of this Act, all
testimony shall be given under oath or affirmation.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2302) (from Ch. 48, par. 702)
Sec. 2302.
Admissibility of certified copies.
A copy of any document or record on file with the Director certified to
be a true copy by the Director, or the Commissioner of Unemployment
Compensation, under the seal of the Department of Employment Security, shall be
admissible in evidence at any hearing conducted pursuant to the provisions
of this Act and in all judicial proceedings, in the same manner as are
public documents.

(Source: P.A. 83-1503.)
(820 ILCS 405/2303) (from Ch. 48, par. 703)
Sec. 2303.
Decisions of Board of Review or Director prima facie correct.
At any hearing held pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1508, 1509,
2200, or 2201 and in all judicial proceedings involving the review of any
decision of the Board of Review or of any decision, order, ruling,
determination and assessment, statement of benefit wages, statement of
benefit charges, or rate
determination made by the Director, the finding or decision of the Board of
Review, or decision, order, ruling, determination and assessment, statement
of benefit wages, statement of benefit charges, or rate determination
of the Director, sought to be
reviewed, shall be prima facie correct, and the burden shall be upon the
person seeking such review to establish the contrary.

(Source: P.A. 85-1009.)
(820 ILCS 405/2304) (from Ch. 48, par. 704)
Sec. 2304.
reports of director's employees as evidence.
At any hearing held pursuant to any of the provisions of this Act and
in all judicial proceedings, the written report of any employee of the
Director made in the regular course of the performance of such employee's
duties, shall be competent evidence of the facts therein contained.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2305) (from Ch. 48, par. 705)
Sec. 2305.
Presumption of validity of determination and assessment-Employing unit's
contribution reports prima facie evidence.
In any action for the collection of contributions based upon a
determination and assessment by the Director, it shall be presumed that
such determination and assessment has been validly made and the burden
shall be upon the defendant to prove the contrary. In any hearing conducted
pursuant to Sections 2200 or 2201 and in any action for the collection of
contributions based upon contribution report forms issued to any employing
unit and received by the Director in the regular course of his
administration of this Act, such reports shall be admissible into
evidence upon presentation without proof of execution and shall be prima
facie evidence that the employing unit to whom such reports were issued was
an employer during the period covered by such reports and of the liability
of such employing unit for the payment of the amount of contributions
therein set forth.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/2306) (from Ch. 48, par. 706)
Sec. 2306.

copies of decisions or notices as evidence.
A copy of any finding or decision of a claims adjudicator, Referee or
the Board of Review and of any decision, order, ruling, determination and
assessment, statement of benefit wages, statement of benefit charges,
or rate determination made by the
Director, and of any notice served by the Director, upon certification by
the Commissioner of Unemployment Compensation or the Director to be a true
and correct copy, and further certification that the records of the
Director disclose that it was duly served upon the employing unit therein
named, shall be admissible into evidence in all hearings and judicial
proceedings as prima facie proof that it was made, rendered, or issued and
that it was duly served upon such employing unit at the time and in the
manner stated in such certification.

(Source: P.A. 85-1009.)
(820 ILCS 405/2400) (from Ch. 48, par. 720)
Sec. 2400.
Lien upon
assets of employer-Commencement-Limitation.
A lien is hereby created in favor of the Director upon all the real and
personal property or rights thereto owned or thereafter acquired by any
employer from whom contributions, interest or penalties are or may
hereafter become due. Such lien shall be for a sum equal to the amount at
any time due from such employer to the Director on account of
contributions, interest and penalties thereon. Such lien shall attach to
such property at the time such contributions, interest or penalties became,
or shall hereafter become due. In all cases where a report setting forth
the amount of such contributions has been filed with the Director, no
action to foreclose such lien shall be brought after 3 years from the date
of the filing of such report and in all other cases no action to foreclose
such lien shall be brought after 3 years from the date that the
determination and assessment of the Director made pursuant to the
provisions of this Act became final.

(Source: Laws 1965, p. 1792.)
(820 ILCS 405/2401) (from Ch. 48, par. 721)
Sec. 2401. Recording and release of lien.
A. The lien created by Section 2400 shall be invalid only as to any
innocent purchaser for value of stock in trade of any employer in the usual
course of such employer's business, and shall be invalid as to any innocent
purchaser for value of any of the other assets to which such lien has
attached, unless, with respect to liens created prior to January 1, 2020, notice thereof has been filed by the Director in the
office of the recorder of the county within which the property
subject to the lien is situated or, with respect to liens created on or after January 1, 2020, notice has been filed in the Lien Registry as provided by Section 2401.1. The Director may, in his discretion, for
good cause shown, issue a certificate of withdrawal of notice of lien filed
against any employer, which certificate shall be recorded in the same
manner as herein provided for the recording of notice of liens. Such
withdrawal of notice of lien shall invalidate such lien as against any
person acquiring any of such employer's property or any interest therein,
subsequent to the recordation of the withdrawal of notice of lien, but
shall not otherwise affect the validity of such lien, nor shall it prevent
the Director from re-recording notice of such lien. In the event notice of
such lien is re-recorded, such notice shall be effective as against third
persons only as of the date of such re-recordation. Recording a lien in the Lien Registry which had previously been recorded by the Director with a county recorder of deeds shall not constitute a re-recordation of that lien and does not change the original filing date of such lien.
B. The recorder of each county shall procure at the expense of
the county a file labeled "Unemployment Compensation Contribution Lien
Notice" and an index book labeled "Unemployment Compensation Contribution
Lien Index." When a notice of any such lien is presented to him for filing,
he shall file it in numerical order in the file and shall enter it
alphabetically in the index. The entry shall show the name and last known
business address of the employer named in the notice, the serial number of
the notice, the date and hour of filing, and the amount of contribution,
interest and penalty thereon due and unpaid. When a certificate of complete
or partial release of such lien issued by the Director is presented for
filing in the office of the recorder where a notice of lien was
filed, the recorder shall permanently attach the certificate of release to
the notice of lien and shall enter the certificate of release and the date
in the Unemployment Compensation Contribution Lien Index on the line where
the notice of lien is entered.
C. The Director shall have the power to issue a certificate of partial
release of any part of the property subject to the lien if he shall find
that the fair market value of that part of such property remaining subject
to the lien is at least equal to the amount of all prior liens upon such
property plus double the amount of the liability for contributions,
interest and penalties thereon remaining unsatisfied.
D. Where the amount of or the liability for the payment of any
contribution, interest or penalty is contested by any employing unit
against whose property a lien has attached, and the determination of the
Director with reference to such contribution has not become final, the
Director may issue a certificate of release of lien upon the furnishing of
bond by such employing unit in 125% the amount of the sum of such
contribution, interest and penalty, for which lien is claimed, with good
and sufficient surety to be approved by the Director conditioned upon the
prompt payment of such contribution, together with interest and penalty
thereon, by such employing unit to the Director immediately upon the
decision of the Director in respect to the liability for such contribution,
interest and penalty becoming final.
E. When a lien filed by the Director before January 1, 2020 has been satisfied, the
Department shall issue a release to the person, or his or her agent, against whom
the lien was obtained and such release shall contain in legible letters a
statement as follows:
E-1. When a lien filed by the Director in the Lien Registry has been satisfied, the Department shall permanently attach a certificate of complete or partial release, as the case may be, in the Lien Registry and provide notice of the release to the person, or his or her agent, against whom the lien was obtained.
F. The Director may, by rule, require, as a condition of withdrawing, releasing, or partially releasing a lien recorded pursuant to this Section, that the employer reimburse the Department for any recording fees paid with respect to the lien.
(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/2401.1)
Sec. 2401.1. Lien Registry.
A. As used in this Section:
B. A notice of lien filed by the Director in the Lien Registry shall include:
C. When a notice of lien is filed by the Director in the Lien Registry, the lien is perfected and shall be attached to all existing and after-acquired: (1) personal property of the debtor, both tangible and intangible, that is located in any and all counties within the State of Illinois; and (2) real property of the debtor located in the county or counties as specified in the notice of lien.
D. The amount of the lien shall be a debt due the Director and shall remain a lien upon all property and rights to: (1) personal property of the debtor, both tangible and intangible, that is located in any and all counties within the State of Illinois; and (2) real property of the debtor located in the county or counties as specified in the notice of lien. Interest and penalty shall accrue on the lien as provided by this Act.
E. A notice of release, partial release, or withdrawal of lien filed in the Lien Registry shall constitute a release, partial release, or withdrawal, as the case may be, of the lien within the Department, the Lien Registry, and any county in which the lien was previously filed. The information contained on the Lien Registry shall be controlling, and the Lien Registry shall supersede the records of any county.
F. Information contained in the Lien Registry shall be maintained and made accessible as provided by Section 1-30 of the State Tax Lien Registration Act.
G. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to invalidate any lien filed by the Department with a county recorder of deeds prior to the effective date of this Act.
H. In the event of conflict between this Section and any other law, this Section shall control.

(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/2402) (from Ch. 48, par. 722)
Sec. 2402.
of lien.
The lien created by Section 2400 shall be prior to all other liens,
whether general or specific, and shall be inferior only to any claim for
wages filed pursuant to "An Act to protect employees and laborers in their
claims for wages" approved June 15, 1887, as amended, in an amount not
exceeding $250.00 for work performed within six months from the date of
filing such claim, and to such liens as shall attach prior to the filing of
Notice of Lien by the Director as provided in
this Act; provided, however, that in all cases where statutory provision
is made for the recordation or other public notice of a lien, the lien of
the Director shall be inferior only to such liens as shall have been duly
recorded, or of which public notice shall have been duly given, in the
manner provided by such statute, prior to the filing of notice of lien by
the Director as in this Act provided.

(Source: P.A. 101-423, eff. 1-1-20.)
(820 ILCS 405/2403) (from Ch. 48, par. 723)
Sec. 2403.
Enforcement of lien.
In addition and as an alternative to any
other remedy provided by law, the Director may foreclose the lien created by
Section 2400 by petition in the name of the People of the State of Illinois to
the Circuit Court of the county wherein the property subject to the lien is
situated, in the same manner as provided by law for the foreclosure of other
liens, provided that no hearing or proceeding provided by this Act for the
review of the liability for the payment of the sums secured by such lien is
pending and the time for taking thereof has expired. The process, practice and
procedure for such foreclosure shall be the same as provided in the Civil
Practice Law, as amended, except that in all such cases, it shall not be
necessary that the petition describe the property to which the lien has
attached. The employer against whom such petition has
been filed shall file in the proceedings a full and complete schedule,
under oath, of all property and rights thereto which he owned at the time
the contributions, upon which the lien sought to be foreclosed is based,
became due, or which he subsequently acquired, and if such employer fails
to do so after having been so ordered by the court, he may be punished
as in other cases of contempt of court.
The court in any proceeding commenced pursuant to the provisions of this
Act may appoint a receiver with power to administer or liquidate the assets
subject to the lien, pursuant to the order of the court.
Upon sale of the above stated property, the proceeds shall be applied to
the payment of the costs incurred in the proceedings, and the satisfaction
of such liens as have attached to the property in the order of their
priority; the balance, if any, shall be paid to such parties as the court
shall find to be entitled thereto. The Director is hereby empowered to bid
at any sale conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
The Director may also enforce the lien created by this Act to the same
extent and in the same manner as is provided by the Retailers' Occupation
Tax Act, as amended, for the enforcement of the lien
created by that Act, except that, notwithstanding any provision of that Act
to the contrary, the Director may also enforce the lien created by this Act by
using designated agents to serve and enforce bank levies.
The Director's rights to redemption from a judicial sale or a sale
for the enforcement of a judgment, or a judgment satisfying indebtedness
secured by a mortgage on, any real estate which is subject to a lien created by
this Act, which is inferior to the lien enforced or foreclosed by such sale, or
the lien securing the indebtedness satisfied, as the case may be, shall be the
same as those of the Department of Revenue with reference to the lien created
by the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and the procedure provided by law for the
termination of the rights of redemption by the Department of Revenue shall be
applicable to the termination of the rights of redemption of the Director. The
statutory notice required to be served upon and endorsed by the Director of
Revenue by the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall be served upon and endorsed
by the Director.

(Source: P.A. 88-655, eff. 9-16-94.)
(820 ILCS 405/2404) (from Ch. 48, par. 724)
Sec. 2404.
Court may
enjoin delinquent employing unit.
Any employing unit which willfully refuses or fails to pay any
contribution, interest or penalties found to be due to the Director by his
final determination and assessment, after 30 days' written notice of intent
to proceed under this Section, sent by the Director to the employing unit
at its last known address by registered or certified mail, may be enjoined
from operating any business as an "employer", as defined in this Act,
anywhere in this State, while such contribution, interest or penalties
remain unpaid, upon the complaint of the Director in the Circuit Court of
the county in which the employing unit resides or has or had a place of
business within the State. The provisions of this Section shall be deemed
cumulative and in addition to any provision of this Act relating to the
collection of contributions by the Director.

(Source: Laws 1965, p. 1792.)
(820 ILCS 405/2405)
Sec. 2405. Process; failure to file reports or make payments. The process available to the Department of Revenue pursuant to Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act with respect to an unpaid trust tax, interest, or penalties shall be available to the Department of Employment Security with respect to unpaid contributions, payments in lieu of contributions, penalties, and interest due pursuant to this Act where any officer or employee of the employer who has the control, supervision, or responsibility of filing wage or contribution reports and making payment of contributions or payments in lieu of contributions pursuant to this Act willfully fails to file the report or make the payment or willfully attempts in any other manner to evade or defeat a liability pursuant to this Act. For purposes of this Section, references to the Department or Director of Revenue in Section 3-7 of the Uniform Penalty and Interest Act shall be deemed to be references to the Department or Director of Employment Security. Procedures for protest and review of a notice of penalty liability under this Section shall be the same as those prescribed for protest and review of a determination and assessment under Section 2200.

(Source: P.A. 97-621, eff. 11-18-11.)
(820 ILCS 405/2500) (from Ch. 48, par. 740)
Sec. 2500.
Director not required to pay costs.
Neither the Director nor the State of Illinois shall be required to
furnish any bond, or to make a deposit for or pay any costs of any court or
the fees of any of its officers in any judicial proceedings
pursuance to the provisions of this Act; provided, further, that whenever
enforcement or collection of any judgment liability
created by this Act, is levied by any sheriff or coroner upon any personal
property, and such property is claimed by any person other than the defendant
or is claimed by the defendant as exempt from levy
by virtue of the exemption laws of this State, then it shall be the duty of
the person making such claim to give notice in writing of his or her claim
and of his or her
intention to prosecute the same, to the sheriff or coroner within 10 days
after the making of the levy; on receiving such notice the sheriff or
coroner shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Article
XII of the Code of Civil Procedure, as amended; the giving of such notice
within the 10 day period shall be a condition precedent to any judicial
action against the sheriff or coroner for wrongfully levying, seizing or
selling the property and any such person who fails to give such notice within
the time shall be forever barred from bringing any judicial action against
such sheriff or coroner for injury or damages to or conversion of the property.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(820 ILCS 405/2600) (from Ch. 48, par. 750)
Sec. 2600.

Every assignee, receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, liquidator,
administrator, executor, sheriff, mortgagee, conditional vendor, or any
other person who shall sell substantially all of (A) the business, or (B)
the stock of goods, or (C) the furniture or fixtures, or (D) the machinery
and equipment, or (E) the goodwill of any employing unit shall, at least 7
days prior to the date of such sale, notify the Director of the name and
address of the person conducting such sale, the date, the place and the
terms of such sale and a description of the property to be sold. Any
assignee, receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, liquidator, administrator,
executor, sheriff, mortgagee, conditional vendor, or any other person who
shall fail to observe the requirements of this section shall be personally
responsible for all loss in contributions, penalties and interest
attributable to such failure to notify the Director as herein provided.
Any employing unit which shall, outside the usual course of its
business, sell or transfer substantially all or any one of the classes of
its assets hereinabove enumerated and shall cease to own said business,
shall, within 10 days after such sale or transfer, file such reports as the
Director shall prescribe and pay the contributions, interest and penalties
required by this Act with respect to wages for employment up to the date of
said sale or transfer. The purchaser or transferee shall withhold
sufficient of the purchase money to cover the amount of all contributions,
interest and penalties due and unpaid by the seller or transferor or, if
the payment of money is not involved, shall withhold the performance of the
condition that constitutes the consideration for the transfer, until such
time as the seller shall produce a receipt from the Director showing that
the contributions, interest and penalties have been paid or a certificate
that no contributions, interest or penalties are due. If the seller or
transferor shall fail to pay such contributions within the 10 days
specified, then the purchaser or transferee shall pay the money so withheld
to the Director of Employment Security. If such seller or
transferor shall fail to pay
the aforementioned contributions, interest or penalties within the 10 days
and said purchaser or transferee shall either fail to withhold such
purchase money as above required or fail to pay the same to the Director
immediately after the expiration of 10 days from the date of such sale as
above required, or shall fail to withhold the performance of the condition
that constitutes the consideration for the transfer in cases where the
payment of money is not involved or is not the sole consideration, such
purchaser or transferee shall be personally liable to the Director for the
payment to the Director of the contributions, interest and penalties
incurred by the seller or transferor up to the amount of the reasonable
value of the property acquired by him.
Any person who shall acquire any property or rights thereto which at the
time of such acquisition is subject to a valid lien in favor of the
Director shall be personally liable to the Director for a sum equal to the
amount of contributions secured by such lien but not to exceed the
reasonable value of such property acquired by him.

(Source: P.A. 83-1503.)
(820 ILCS 405/2700) (from Ch. 48, par. 760)
Sec. 2700.
Reciprocal arrangements.

The Director is hereby authorized to enter into arrangements with the
appropriate agencies of other States or the Federal Government or Canada
(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/2701) (from Ch. 48, par. 761)
Sec. 2701.
Authorization of financial transactions resulting from reciprocal
Authority is hereby given to the Director to make and the Treasurer to
make or receive payments of such amounts as the Director finds are due to
or from this State by reason of any arrangement entered into by him
pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2700 and 2702. Reimbursements of
benefits paid pursuant to such arrangements shall be deemed to be benefits
for the purpose of Section 2100. The Director is authorized to make to
other State, Canadian or Federal agencies and to receive from such other
State, Canadian or Federal agencies reimbursements from or to this State's
account in the unemployment trust fund in accordance with arrangements
entered into pursuant to Section 2700.

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/2702) (from Ch. 48, par. 762)
Sec. 2702.

of information, services and facilities-Equality of rights of
A. The administration of this Act and of other State and Federal
unemployment compensation and public employment service laws will be
promoted by cooperation between this State and such other States and the
appropriate Federal agencies in exchanging services, and making available
facilities and information. The Director is therefore authorized to make
such investigations, secure and transmit such information, make available
such services and facilities and exercise such of the other powers provided
herein with respect to the administration of this Act as he deems necessary
or appropriate to facilitate the administration of any such unemployment
compensation or public employment service law and, in like manner, to
accept and utilize information, services, and facilities made available to
this State by the agency charged with the administration of any such other
unemployment compensation or public employment service law.
B. To the extent permissible under the laws and Constitution of the
United States, the Director is authorized to enter into or cooperate in
arrangements whereby facilities and services provided under this Act and
facilities and services provided under the unemployment compensation law of
any foreign government may be utilized for the taking of claims and the
payment of benefits under this Act or under the unemployment compensation
law of such foreign government.
C. Benefits shall not be denied or reduced to an individual solely
because he files a claim in another State or in Canada or solely because he
resides in another State or in Canada at the time he files a claim for

(Source: P.A. 77-1443.)
(820 ILCS 405/2800) (from Ch. 48, par. 780)
Sec. 2800. Violations and penalties.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person or employing unit to--
B. Any employing unit or person who willfully violates any provision of
this Section or any other provision of this Act or any rule or regulation
promulgated thereunder, or does any act prohibited by this Act, or who
fails, neglects, or refuses to perform any duty required by any provision
of this Act or rule or regulation of the Director, within the time
prescribed by the Director, for which no penalty has been specifically
provided, or who fails, neglects, or refuses to obey any lawful order given
or made by the Director, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor, and each
such act, failure, neglect, or refusal shall constitute a separate and
distinct offense. An employing unit's or person's willful filing of a fraudulent quarterly wage report shall constitute a Class 4 felony if the amount of contributions owed with respect to the quarter is less than $300 and a Class 3 felony if the amount of contributions owed with respect to the quarter is $300 or more. An employing unit's or person's willful failure to honor a subpoena issued by the Department shall constitute a Class 4 felony. If a person or employing unit described in this Section is a corporation, the
president, the secretary, and the treasurer, and any other officer
exercising corresponding functions, shall each be subject to the aforesaid
penalties for the violation of any provisions of this Section of which he
or they had or, in the exercise of his or their duties, ought to have had
knowledge, not including the provisions regarding the filing of a fraudulent quarterly wage report or the willful failure to honor a subpoena.

(Source: P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
(820 ILCS 405/2900) (from Ch. 48, par. 790)
Sec. 2900.
and increments to be sole source of benefits-Non-priority of rights.
The moneys payable under this Act, together with increments thereon,
shall be the sole and exclusive source for the payment of benefits payable
hereunder, and such benefits shall be deemed to be due and payable only to
the extent that such moneys payable under this Act with increments thereon,
are available.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to grant any employer or
individuals in his service prior claims or rights to the amounts paid by
him either on his own behalf or on behalf of such individuals.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/3000) (from Ch. 48, par. 800)
Sec. 3000.
Separability of provisions.

If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person
or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this Act and the
application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not
be affected thereby.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/3100) (from Ch. 48, par. 810)
Sec. 3100.
The legislature reserves the power to amend or repeal this Act at any
time, and all rights, privileges or immunities conferred by this Act, or by
acts done pursuant thereto, shall exist subject to such power.

(Source: Laws 1951, p. 32.)
(820 ILCS 405/3200) (from Ch. 48, par. 820)
Sec. 3200.

Title of
This Act may be cited as the Unemployment Insurance Act. Whenever the term "unemployment compensation" appears in this
Act it shall mean "unemployment insurance".

(Source: P.A. 86-1475.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Chapter 820 - EMPLOYMENT

820 ILCS 5/ - Labor Dispute Act.

820 ILCS 10/ - Collective Bargaining Successor Employer Act.

820 ILCS 12/ - Collective Bargaining Freedom Act.

820 ILCS 15/ - Employment Contract Act.

820 ILCS 17/ - Broadcast Industry Free Market Act.

820 ILCS 20/ - Artistic Contracts by Minors Act.

820 ILCS 25/ - Advertisement for Strike Workers Act.

820 ILCS 30/ - Employment of Strikebreakers Act.

820 ILCS 35/ - Employee Arbitration Act.

820 ILCS 40/ - Personnel Record Review Act.

820 ILCS 42/ - Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act.

820 ILCS 45/ - Health Insurance Claim Filing Act.

820 ILCS 46/ - Consumer Coverage Disclosure Act.

820 ILCS 55/ - Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act.

820 ILCS 60/ - Union Employee Health and Benefits Protection Act.

820 ILCS 61/ - Sexual Harassment Victim Representation Act.

820 ILCS 65/ - Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act.

820 ILCS 70/ - Employee Credit Privacy Act.

820 ILCS 75/ - Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act.

820 ILCS 80/ - Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act.

820 ILCS 90/ - Illinois Freedom to Work Act.

820 ILCS 92/ - Employee Misclassification Referral System Act.

820 ILCS 95/ - Lodging Services Human Trafficking Recognition Training Act.

820 ILCS 96/ - Workplace Transparency Act.

820 ILCS 97/ - Customized Employment for Individuals with Disabilities Act.

820 ILCS 105/ - Minimum Wage Law.

820 ILCS 110/ - Equal Wage Act.

820 ILCS 112/ - Equal Pay Act of 2003.

820 ILCS 115/ - Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act.

820 ILCS 120/ - Sales Representative Act.

820 ILCS 125/ - Wages of Women and Minors Act.

820 ILCS 130/ - Prevailing Wage Act.

820 ILCS 135/ - Burial Rights Act.

820 ILCS 140/ - One Day Rest In Seven Act.

820 ILCS 145/ - Eight Hour Work Day Act.

820 ILCS 147/ - School Visitation Rights Act.

820 ILCS 148/ - Civil Air Patrol Leave Act.

820 ILCS 149/ - Employee Blood Donation Leave Act.

820 ILCS 150/ - Employee Medical Contribution Act.

820 ILCS 151/ - Family Military Leave Act.

820 ILCS 154/ - Family Bereavement Leave Act.

820 ILCS 155/ - Employer as Lessee Bond Act.

820 ILCS 160/ - Employee Benefit Contribution Act.

820 ILCS 165/ - Personal Service Wage Refund Act.

820 ILCS 170/ - Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act.

820 ILCS 175/ - Day and Temporary Labor Services Act.

820 ILCS 180/ - Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act.

820 ILCS 182/ - Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights Act.

820 ILCS 185/ - Employee Classification Act.

820 ILCS 190/ - Illinois Fringe Benefit Portability and Continuity Act.

820 ILCS 191/ - Employee Sick Leave Act.

820 ILCS 205/ - Child Labor Law.

820 ILCS 210/ - Disclosure of Offenses Against Children Act.

820 ILCS 219/ - Occupational Safety and Health Act.

820 ILCS 227/ - OSHA Program Reorganization Act.

820 ILCS 230/ - Employee Washroom Act.

820 ILCS 235/ - Medical Examination of Employees Act.

820 ILCS 245/ - Work Under Compressed Air Act.

820 ILCS 250/ - Underground Sewer Employee Safety Act.

820 ILCS 255/ - Toxic Substances Disclosure to Employees Act.

820 ILCS 260/ - Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.

820 ILCS 265/ - Substance Abuse Prevention on Public Works Projects Act.

820 ILCS 270/ - Aerial Exhibitors Safety Act.

820 ILCS 275/ - Workplace Violence Prevention Act.

820 ILCS 305/ - Workers' Compensation Act.

820 ILCS 310/ - Workers' Occupational Diseases Act.

820 ILCS 315/ - Line of Duty Compensation Act.

820 ILCS 320/ - Public Safety Employee Benefits Act.

820 ILCS 325/ - Hotel and Casino Employee Safety Act.

820 ILCS 405/ - Unemployment Insurance Act.