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§ 1. Omitted -
§ 2. Repealed. , -
§ 3. Repealed. , , -
§§ 4, 5. Repealed. , -
§§ 21 to 27. Omitted -
§ 28. Repealed. , -
§§ 29 to 38. Omitted -
§ 39. Repealed. –(124), -
§§ 40, 41. Omitted -
§ 42. Repealed. , -
§§ 43 to 45. Omitted -
§ 46. Repealed. , title III, § 301(a)(2), -
§§ 46–1 to 46–3. Omitted -
§ 46a. Repealed. , title VII, § 711, formerly title VI, § 611, ; renumbered , -
§§ 46b to 48a. Repealed. , title III, § 301(a)(1), (3), (5), -
§ 49. Omitted -
§§ 50, 50a. Repealed. , title III, § 301(a)(4), -
§§ 50b to 50d–1. Omitted -
§ 50e. Appropriations for benefit of natives; purchase of supplies for resale to natives, cooperatives, and Department employees - The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to purchase from...
§ 50f. Disposal of miscellaneous revenues from schools, hospitals, and other Indian Service facilities - After , miscellaneous revenues derived from schools, hospitals, and other...
§§ 50g to 58. Omitted -
§§ 61 to 64. Omitted -
§ 65. Repealed. , -
§ 65a. Repealed. , -
§§ 65b, 66. Omitted -
§§ 67 to 72. Repealed. , , -
§§ 73, 73a. Omitted -
§§ 74, 75. Repealed. , , -
§§ 76 to 92. Omitted -
§§ 101 to 122. Omitted -
§ 131. Omitted -
§§ 132, 134. Repealed. , , -
§§ 135 to 149. Omitted -
§§ 161 to 170a. Omitted -
§ 171. Repealed. , , -
§§ 172, 173. Omitted -
§ 174. Repealed. , -
§§ 175, 175a. Omitted -
§§ 191 to 213. Omitted -
§§ 220 to 224. Omitted -
§ 225. Repealed. , , -
§§ 226 to 239. Omitted -
§ 240. Repealed. , , -
§§ 241 to 248b. Omitted -
§§ 250 to 250p. Transferred -
§§ 261 to 291. Repealed. , -
§§ 292, 293. Omitted -
§ 301. Transferred -
§ 301a. Repealed. , , -
§§ 302 to 308. Transferred -
§ 309. Repealed. , 53 Stat. 1 -
§§ 310, 311. Omitted -
§§ 312 to 312d. Repealed. , , -
§§ 315 to 315i. Omitted -
§ 321. Omitted -
§§ 321a to 325. Repealed. , (7), , -
§§ 326 to 330. Omitted -
§§ 331 to 337. Repealed. , -
§§ 338 to 338g. Omitted -
§ 341. Transferred -
§§ 351, 352. Transferred -
§ 353. Repealed. , , -
§§ 353a to 362. Transferred -
§ 363. Repealed. , as added , -
§§ 364 to 365. Transferred -
§§ 366 to 367. Omitted -
§ 367a. Transferred -
§ 368. Omitted -
§§ 371 to 371c. Transferred -
§ 372. Omitted -
§§ 373 to 385. Transferred -
§ 386. Repealed. , , -
§§ 387 to 391. Repealed. , -
§ 392. Omitted -
§§ 395 to 405. Omitted -
§§ 411 to 423. Transferred -
§ 431. Omitted -
§ 432. Repealed. , , -
§ 433. Repealed. , , -
§§ 434 to 445. Repealed. , , -
§ 445a. Transferred -
§§ 446 to 452. Repealed. , , -
§ 453. Transferred -
§§ 455 to 456h. Omitted -
§§ 461 to 466. Transferred -
§§ 471 to 471o. Transferred -
§§ 472, 472a. Repealed. , -
§§ 473 to 484d. Omitted -
§ 484e. Repealed. , title II, § 205, -
§§ 485 to 486j. Omitted -
§§ 487 to 487b. Transferred -
§§ 488 to 488f. Omitted -
§§ 491 to 503. Omitted -
§ 504. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(6), -
§§ 505 to 518. Omitted -
§ 518a. Repealed. , -
§ 519. Omitted -
§ 520. Repealed. , -
§§ 531 to 535. Omitted -
§ 536. Repealed. , , -
§§ 537, 538. Omitted -
§ 539. Repealed. , , -
§ 540. Omitted -
§ 541. Repealed. , , -
§§ 542 to 546. Omitted -
§§ 561 to 599. Omitted -
§§ 611 to 620. Omitted -
§§ 631 to 633. Omitted -
§§ 634, 634a. Repealed. , , -
§§ 634b, 634c. Repealed. , -
§§ 635, 636. Omitted -
§§ 641 to 644. Repealed. , §§ 8, 39, , 992 -
§ 644a. Jurisdiction of district court of cases arising on or within Midway, Wake, Johnston, Sand, etc., Islands; laws applicable to jury trials - The jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the...
§ 645. Repealed. , , -
§ 646. Repealed. , -
§ 651. Omitted -
§§ 661 to 678. Omitted -
§§ 691 to 718. Omitted -
§§ 721 to 723. Omitted -
§ 724. Repealed. , title II, § 205, -
§ 731. Territory included under name Puerto Rico - The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the island...
§ 731a. Change of name; Puerto Rico - From and after , the island designated “Porto Rico” in...
§ 731b. Organization of a government pursuant to a constitution - Fully recognizing the principle of government by consent, sections 731b...
§ 731c. Submission of sections 731b to 731e of this title to people of Puerto Rico for referendum; convening of constitutional convention; requisites of constitution - Sections 731b to 731e of this title shall be submitted...
§ 731d. Ratification of constitution by Congress - Upon adoption of the constitution by the people of Puerto...
§ 731e. Chapter continued in force and effect - This chapter is continued in force and effect.
§ 732. Repealed. , -
§ 733. Citizens; former Spanish subjects and children; body politic; name - All inhabitants continuing to reside in Puerto Rico who were...
§ 733a. Citizens; residence in island of citizens of United States - All citizens of the United States who have resided or...
§ 733a–1. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(14), -
§ 733b. Omitted -
§ 734. United States laws extended to Puerto Rico; internal revenue receipts covered into treasury - The statutory laws of the United States not locally inapplicable,...
§ 734a. Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Puerto Rico - Title III of the National Prohibition Act, as amended, and...
§ 735. Repealed. , -
§ 736. Puerto Rican law modified - So much of the law which was in force at...
§ 737. Privileges and immunities - The rights, privileges, and immunities of citizens of the United...
§ 738. Free interchange of merchandise with United States - All merchandise and articles coming into the United States from...
§ 739. Duties on foreign imports; books and pamphlets in English language - The same tariffs, customs, and duties shall be levied, collected,...
§ 740. Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benefit of Puerto Rico; ports of entry - The duties and taxes collected in Puerto Rico in pursuance...
§ 741. Export duties, taxes, etc.; bonds to anticipate revenues - No export duties shall be levied or collected on exports...
§ 741a. Internal-revenue taxes; levy and collection; discrimination - The internal-revenue taxes levied by the Legislature of Puerto Rico...
§ 742. Acknowledgment of deeds - Deeds and other instruments affecting land situate in the District...
§ 743. Repealed. , title XIII, § 1313, -
§ 744. Coasting trade laws - The coasting trade between Puerto Rico and the United States...
§ 745. Tax exempt bonds - All bonds issued by the Government of Puerto Rico, or...
§ 745a. Public improvement bonds sold to United States or agency thereof excluded from public indebtedness - Bonds or other obligations of Puerto Rico or any municipal...
§ 745b. Refunding bonds excluded temporarily in computing indebtedness - Any bonds or other obligations of Puerto Rico issued after...
§ 746. Public lands and buildings; reservations; rights prior to - All public lands and buildings, not including harbor areas and...
§ 747. Public property transferred; “control” defined - All property which may have been acquired in Puerto Rico...
§ 748. Conveyance by President to people of lands, buildings, etc. - The President may, from time to time, in his discretion,...
§ 749. Harbors and navigable waters transferred; definitions - The harbor areas and navigable streams and bodies of water...
§ 750. Repealed. , -
§ 751. Interstate commerce and certain other laws inapplicable to Puerto Rico - Subtitle IV of title 49, and the Safety Appliance Acts...
§ 752. Corporate real estate holdings - No corporation shall be authorized to conduct the business of...
§§ 753, 754. Repealed. , (4), -
§ 755. Omitted -
§§ 771 to 793. Repealed. , -
§ 793a. Repealed. , -
§ 793b. Repealed. , -
§ 794. Official reports - All reports required by law to be made by the...
§ 795. Government expenses payable out of revenues - All expenses that may be incurred on account of the...
§§ 796 to 799. Repealed. , -
§§ 811 to 820. Repealed. , -
§ 821. Legislative power - The legislative authority shall extend to all matters of a...
§§ 822, 823. Repealed. , -
§ 823a. Omitted -
§§ 824 to 844. Repealed. , -
§ 845. Income tax laws; modification or repeal by legislature - The Puerto Rican Legislature shall have power by due enactment...
§ 861. Repealed. , -
§ 862. Omitted -
§ 863. Repealed. , , -
§ 864. Appeals, certiorari, removal of causes, etc.; use of English language - The laws of the United States relating to appeals, certiorari,...
§ 865. Repealed. , -
§ 866. Omitted -
§ 867. Repealed. , , -
§ 868. Fees part of United States revenues - All fees, fines, costs, and forfeitures as would be deposited...
§ 869. Fees payable by United States out of revenue of Puerto Rico - Such fees and expenses as are payable by the United...
§ 870. Repealed. , -
§ 871. Omitted -
§ 872. Habeas corpus; mandamus; suit to restrain assessment or collection of taxes - The supreme and district courts of Puerto Rico and the...
§ 873. Repealed. , -
§ 873a. Repealed. , -
§ 874. Judicial process; officials to be citizens of United States; oath - All judicial process shall run in the name of “United...
§§ 875, 876. Repealed. , -
§ 891. Resident Commissioner; election - The qualified electors of Puerto Rico shall choose a Resident...
§ 892. Qualifications of Commissioner; appointment to fill vacancy - No person shall be eligible to election as Resident Commissioner...
§ 893. Salary of Commissioner; allowances; franking privilege - The Resident Commissioner shall receive a salary payable monthly by...
§ 894. Salary and traveling expenses; payment - The salary and traveling expenses of the Resident Commissioner from...
§ 910. Slum clearance and urban redevelopment and renewal projects; powers of government - The government of Puerto Rico acting through its legislature, may...
§ 910a. Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by government and municipalities - The government of Puerto Rico may assist slum clearance and...
§ 910b. Ratification of prior acts - All legislation heretofore enacted by the Legislature of the Territory...
§ 911. Legislative authorization to create authorities - The Legislature of Puerto Rico may create public corporate authorities...
§ 912. Authority to appoint commissioners; powers of authorities - The Legislature of Puerto Rico may provide for the appointment...
§ 913. Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by municipalities - The legislature may appropriate funds for and may make and...
§ 914. Issuance of bonds and obligations - The legislature may authorize such authorities to issue bonds or...
§ 915. Bonds as public debt - Such bonds shall not be a debt of Puerto Rico...
§ 916. Ratification of previous legislation - All legislation heretofore enacted by the Legislature of Puerto Rico...
§§ 1001 to 1008. Omitted -
§ 1009. Repealed. , -
§§ 1010 to 1019. Omitted -
§§ 1041 to 1055. Omitted -
§§ 1071 to 1078. Omitted -
§§ 1091 to 1094. Omitted -
§§ 1111 to 1125. Omitted -
§§ 1141 to 1156. Omitted -
§ 1157. Transferred -
§§ 1171 to 1173. Omitted -
§§ 1191 to 1202. Omitted -
§§ 1221 to 1226. Omitted -
§§ 1231 to 1234. Omitted -
§§ 1235 to 1236. Transferred -
§ 1236a. Omitted -
§§ 1236b to 1237c. Omitted -
§ 1238. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(35), -
§§ 1238a, 1239. Omitted -
§ 1240. Transferred -
§§ 1241 to 1243. Omitted -
§ 1244. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(35), -
§ 1245. Omitted -
§ 1246. Transferred -
§ 1247. Omitted -
§ 1247a. Transferred -
§§ 1248, 1249. Omitted -
§§ 1251 to 1257. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(38), -
§§ 1261 to 1264. Transferred -
§§ 1266 to 1270b. Transferred -
§§ 1272 to 1272g. Transferred -
§§ 1274 to 1274i. Transferred -
§§ 1276 to 1276e. Transferred -
§§ 1301 to 1304. Omitted -
§§ 1304a to 1304c. Repealed. , -
§§ 1305 to 1314. Omitted -
§ 1314a. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1314b to 1314e. Repealed. , -
§§ 1314f to 1315a. Omitted -
§ 1316. Repealed. , -
§§ 1317 to 1319. Omitted -
§ 1320. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1321, 1322. Omitted -
§§ 1323 to 1323–3. Repealed. , -
§ 1323a. Omitted -
§ 1323b. Repealed. , , -
§ 1323c. Omitted -
§§ 1323d to 1323h. Repealed. , , -
§ 1323i. Omitted -
§ 1323j. Repealed. , , -
§ 1323k. Omitted -
§§ 1324, 1325. Repealed. , -
§§ 1325a to 1327. Omitted -
§§ 1328, 1329. Repealed. , -
§§ 1330 to 1336h. Omitted -
§ 1336i. Repealed. , -
§§ 1336j, 1336k. Omitted -
§ 1337. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1337a to 1337c. Omitted -
§§ 1341 to 1344. Omitted -
§ 1344–1. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1344a to 1355. Omitted -
§ 1356. Repealed. , -
§§ 1357, 1358. Omitted -
§ 1361. Repealed. , -
§§ 1361a to 1361l. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1371 to 1371b. Repealed. , -
§ 1371b–1. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1371c to 1371p. Repealed. , -
§ 1372. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1373 to 1374d. Omitted -
§§ 1381, 1382. Transferred -
§ 1383. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1384 to 1387. Transferred -
§ 1391. Repealed. , , -
§ 1392. Local laws continued; courts - Until Congress shall otherwise provide, insofar as compatible with the...
§ 1392a. Repealed. , , , 654 -
§ 1392b. Repealed. , , -
§ 1393. Repealed. , , -
§ 1394. Customs duties and internal-revenue taxes - There shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles...
§ 1395. Tax laws continued; tax on sugar - Until Congress shall otherwise provide all laws now imposing taxes...
§ 1396. Duties and taxes covered into Virgin Islands treasury - The duties and taxes collected in pursuance of sections 1394...
§ 1397. Income tax laws of United States in force; payment of proceeds; levy of surtax on all taxpayers - The income-tax laws in force in the United States of...
§ 1398. Omitted -
§ 1399. Repealed. , , -
§ 1400. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1401 to 1401e. Repealed. , , -
§ 1401f. Omitted -
§ 1402. Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Virgin Islands - Title III of the National Prohibition Act, as amended, and...
§ 1403. Issuance of bonds or other obligations by government or municipalities; use of proceeds; limit on public indebtedness; terms, execution, interest rate, and sale price; taxes - To construct, improve, extend, better, repair, reconstruct, acquire, and operate...
§ 1403a. Expenditure of bond proceeds for public improvements - The proceeds of the bond issues or other obligations herein...
§ 1403b. Bond liability of United States - Bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to sections 1403 to...
§ 1405. Geographical application of subchapter; land and waters included in term “Virgin Islands” - The provisions of this subchapter, and the name “the Virgin...
§§ 1405a, 1405b. Repealed. , , -
§ 1405c. Transfer of property to government - (a) Property not reservedAll property which may have been acquired...
§§ 1405d to 1405g. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1405h, 1405i. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1405j to 1405p. Repealed. , , -
§ 1405q. Laws continued in force until modified; patent, trade mark, and copyright laws extended to Virgin Islands; jurisdiction of district court - The laws of the United States applicable to the Virgin...
§ 1405r. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1405s to 1405t. Repealed. , , , 651, 655 -
§§ 1405u to 1405w. Repealed. , , -
§ 1405w–1. Omitted -
§ 1405x. Repealed. , , -
§ 1405y. Repealed. , , , 650, 654, 657 -
§§ 1405z to 1406e. Repealed. , , -
§ 1406f. Judicial process; title of criminal prosecutions - All judicial process shall run in the name of “United...
§ 1406g. Repealed. , , -
§ 1406h. Taxes, duties and fees as funds for benefit of municipalities; appropriations - All taxes, duties, fees, and public revenues collected in the...
§ 1406i. Taxes and fees; power to assess and collect; ports of entry; export duties - Taxes and assessments on property and incomes, internal-revenue taxes, license...
§ 1406j. Repealed. , , -
§ 1406k. Repealed. , , -
§ 1406l. Effective date - This subchapter shall take effect , but until its provisions...
§ 1406m. Short title - This subchapter may be cited as the Organic Act of...
§§ 1407 to 1407i. Repealed. , , -
§ 1408. Legislative authority to create authorities; appointment of members; powers of authorities - The government of the Virgin Islands, through its legislative assembly,...
§ 1408a. Issuance of notes, bonds, and obligations - The legislative assembly may authorize such authority, any provision of...
§ 1408b. Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by government and municipalities - The government of the Virgin Islands, through its legislative assembly,...
§ 1408c. Grants-in-aid by Federal Government - Notwithstanding the limitation contained in the last sentence of section...
§ 1408d. Ratification of prior acts - All legislation heretofore enacted by the legislative assembly of the...
§ 1408e. Additional powers - Powers granted in this Act shall be in addition to...
§§ 1409 to 1409j. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1409m to 1409o. Repealed. , , -
§ 1411. Guano districts; claim by United States - Whenever any citizen of the United States discovers a deposit...
§ 1412. Notice of discovery of guano and proofs - The discoverer shall, as soon as practicable, give notice verified...
§ 1413. Completion of proof on death of discoverer - If the discoverer dies before perfecting proof of discovery or...
§ 1414. Exclusive privileges of discoverer - The discoverer, or his assigns, being citizens of the United...
§ 1415. Restrictions upon exportation - No guano shall be taken from any island, rock, or...
§ 1416. Regulation of trade - The introduction of guano from such islands, rocks, or keys...
§ 1417. Criminal jurisdiction - All acts done, and offenses or crimes committed, on any...
§ 1418. Employment of land and naval forces in protection of rights - The President is authorized, at his discretion, to employ the...
§ 1419. Right to abandon islands - Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as obliging...
§ 1421. Territory included under name Guam - The territory ceded to the United States in accordance with...
§ 1421a. Unincorporated territory; capital; powers of government; suits against government; type of government; supervision - Guam is declared to be an unincorporated territory of the...
§ 1421b. Bill of rights - (a) No law shall be enacted in Guam respecting an...
§ 1421c. Certain laws continued in force; modification or repeal of laws - (a) The laws of Guam in force on August 1,...
§ 1421d. Salaries and allowances of officers and employees - The salaries and travel allowances of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor,...
§ 1421e. Duty on articles - All articles coming into the United States from Guam shall...
§ 1421f. Title to property transferred - (a) Property employed by naval government of GuamThe title to...
§ 1421f–1. Acknowledgment of deeds - Deeds and other instruments affecting land situate in the District...
§ 1421g. Establishment and maintenance of public bodies and offices - (a) Public health servicesSubject to the laws of Guam, the...
§ 1421h. Duties, taxes, and fees; proceeds collected to constitute fund for benefit of Guam; prerequisites, amount, etc., remitted prior to commencement of next fiscal year - All customs duties and Federal income taxes derived from Guam,...
§ 1421i. Income tax - (a) Applicability of Federal laws; separate taxThe income-tax laws in...
§ 1421j. Authorization of appropriations - There are authorized to be appropriated annually by the Congress...
§ 1421k. Designation of naval or military reservations; closed port - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as limiting...
§ 1421k–1. Repealed. , , -
§ 1421l. Repealed. , -
§ 1421m. Repealed. , , -
§ 1421n. Applicability of Federal copyright laws - The laws of the United States relating to copyrights, and...
§ 1421o. Federal assistance for fire control, watershed protection, and reforestation - The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to provide financial and...
§ 1421p. Authorization of appropriations - There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as...
§ 1421q. Applicability of Federal laws - The laws of the United States which are made applicable...
§ 1421q–1. Applicability of laws referred to in section 502(a)(1) of Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Effective on the date when section 502 of the Covenant...
§ 1421r. Port of Guam Improvement Enterprise Program - (a) In generalThe Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator...
§ 1422. Governor and Lieutenant Governor; term of office; qualifications; powers and duties; annual report to Congress - The executive power of Guam shall be vested in an...
§ 1422a. Removal of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or member of legislature; referendum election - (a) The people of Guam shall have the right of...
§ 1422b. Vacancy in office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor - (a) Temporary disability or temporary absence of GovernorIn case of...
§ 1422c. Executive agencies and instrumentalities - (a) Appointment of heads; establishment of merit system; Civil Service...
§ 1422d. Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Guam to Inspector General, Department of the Interior - (a) Functions, powers, and duties transferredThe following functions, powers, and...
§ 1423. Legislature of Guam - (a) Unicameral nature; powerThe legislative power and authority of Guam...
§ 1423a. Power of legislature; limitation on indebtedness of Guam; bond issues; guarantees for purchase by Federal Financing Bank of Guam Power Authority bonds or other obligations; interest rates; default - (a) substantially equal semiannual installments of principal and interest; (b)...
§ 1423b. Selection and qualification of members; officers; rules and regulations; quorum - The legislature shall be the judge of the selection and...
§ 1423c. Privileges of members - (a) The members of the legislature shall, in all cases...
§ 1423d. Oath of office - Every member of the legislature and all officers of the...
§ 1423e. Prohibition against acceptance of salary increases or newly created offices - No member of the legislature shall, during the term for...
§ 1423f. Qualifications of members - No person shall sit in the legislature who is not...
§ 1423g. Vacancies - Vacancies occurring in the legislature shall be filled as the...
§ 1423h. Regular and special sessions - Regular sessions of the legislature shall be held annually, commencing...
§ 1423i. Approval of bills - Every bill passed by the legislature shall, before it becomes...
§ 1423j. Authorization of appropriations - (a) Appropriations, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, and...
§ 1423k. Right of petition - The legislature or any person or group of persons in...
§ 1423l. Omitted -
§ 1424. District Court of Guam; local courts; jurisdiction - (a) District Court of Guam; unified court system(1) The judicial...
§ 1424–1. Jurisdiction and powers of local courts - (a) Supreme Court of GuamThe Supreme Court of Guam shall...
§ 1424–2. Relations between courts of United States and courts of Guam - The relations between the courts established by the Constitution or...
§ 1424–3. Appellate jurisdiction of District Court; procedure; review by United States Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit; rules; appeals to appellate court - (a) Appellate jurisdiction of District CourtPrior to the establishment of...
§ 1424–4. Criminal offenses; procedure; definitions - Where appropriate, the provisions of part II of title 18...
§ 1424a. Repealed. , -
§ 1424b. Judge of District Court; appointment, tenure, removal, and compensation; appointment of United States attorney and marshal - (a) The President shall, by and with the advice and...
§ 1424c. Review of claims respecting land on Guam - (a) JurisdictionNotwithstanding any law or court decision to the contrary,...
§ 1425. Omitted -
§ 1425a. Legislative authority to create authorities; appointment of members; powers of authorities - The Legislature of Guam may by law grant to a...
§ 1425b. Issuance of notes, bonds, and obligations - The Legislature of Guam may by law authorize such authority,...
§ 1425c. Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc. - The Legislature of Guam may by law assist such authority...
§ 1425d. Ratification of prior act - Each and every part of , approved , heretofore enacted...
§ 1425e. Additional powers - Powers granted herein shall be in addition to, and not...
§ 1426. Repealed. , title II, § 205, -
§ 1428. Authorization of appropriations - (a) For the purpose of promoting economic development in the...
§ 1428a. Submission of plan for use of funds; contents of plan; term, interest rate, and premium charge of loan - Prior to receiving any funds pursuant to this subchapter the...
§ 1428b. Prerequisite for loan or loan guarantee; maximum participation in available funds; reserves for loan guarantees - No loan or loan guarantee shall be made under this...
§ 1428c. Accounting procedures - The plan provided for in shall set forth such fiscal...
§ 1428d. Report for inclusion in annual report by Governor - The Governor of Guam shall include in the annual report...
§ 1428e. Audit of books and records of agency, or agencies, administering loan funds - The Comptroller General of the United States, or any of...
§§ 1431 to 1440. Transferred -
§ 1451. Rights of Indians not impaired; boundaries - Nothing in title 23 of the Revised Statutes shall be...
§ 1452. Regulation of Indians - Nor shall anything in title 23 of the Revised Statutes...
§§ 1453 to 1455. Repealed. –(f), , -
§ 1456. Repealed. , title III, § 301(106), -
§§ 1457 to 1469–1. Repealed. , (g)–(u), , , 1463 -
§ 1469a. Congressional declaration of policy respecting “Insular Areas” - (a) Any department or agency of the Government of the...
§ 1469a–1. Full amounts to be covered into treasuries of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; reductions prohibited - Pursuant to the terms of the Organic Act of Guam...
§ 1469b. Auditing of transactions of territorial and local governments - All financial transactions of the territorial and local governments herein...
§ 1469c. Availability of services, facilities, and equipment of agencies and instrumentalities of United States; reimbursement requirements - To the extent practicable, services, facilities, and equipment of agencies...
§ 1469d. General technical assistance - (a) Assistance with matters generally within responsibility of governments; methods...
§ 1469e. Insular government purchases - The Governments of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American...
§ 1470. Repealed. , , -
§ 1470a. Omitted -
§§ 1471 to 1479. Repealed. –(ee), , -
§§ 1480 to 1480b. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1481 to 1485. Repealed. –(jj), , -
§ 1486. Repealed. , , -
§§ 1487, 1488. Repealed. , (kk), , , 1463 -
§ 1489. Loss of title of United States to lands in territories through adverse possession or prescription forbidden - On and after , no prescription or statute of limitations...
§ 1490. Repealed. , -
§ 1491. License, permit, etc., for transportation for storage or storage of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste; prerequisites; applicability; “territory or possession” defined - (a) Prior to the granting of any license, permit, or...
§ 1492. Energy resources of Caribbean and Pacific insular areas - (a) Congressional findingsThe Congress finds that—(1) the Caribbean and Pacific...
§ 1492a. Study of electric rates in the insular areas - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) Comprehensive energy planThe term “comprehensive energy...
§ 1493. Prosecution; authorization to seek review; local or Federal appellate courts; decisions, judgments or orders - (a) a decision, judgment, or order of a trial court...
§ 1494. Purposes - The purposes of sections 1494 to 1494c of this title...
§ 1494a. Annual reports to Congress - (a) In generalThe President shall report annually to the Congress...
§ 1494b. Enforcement and administration in insular areas - (a) American Samoa(1) With the approval of the Attorney General...
§ 1494c. Drug Enforcement Agency personnel assignments - To assist in the enforcement of the controlled substances laws...
§ 1501. Lands in Territories - No alien or person who is not a citizen of...
§ 1502. Previously acquired lands; bona fide resident aliens; mining or incorporated village lands - This chapter shall not apply to land owned in any...
§ 1503. Acquisition by inheritance, in collection of debts, etc. - This chapter shall not prevent aliens from acquiring lands or...
§ 1504. Conveyance of lands in Territories by aliens before escheat proceedings - Any alien who shall hold lands in any of the...
§ 1505. Proceedings for escheat of improperly held lands - It shall be the duty of the Attorney General of...
§ 1506. Condemnation and sale of lands in escheat proceedings - If it shall be determined upon the trial of any...
§ 1507. Public lands - This chapter shall not in any manner be construed to...
§ 1508. Application to District of Columbia - Aliens shall have the same rights and privileges concerning the...
§§ 1509 to 1512. Omitted -
§ 1541. Organization and status - (a) Composition and territorial designationThe provisions of this chapter and...
§ 1542. Voting franchise; discrimination prohibited - (a) The franchise shall be vested in residents of the...
§ 1543. United States citizenship requirement for government officials - All members of the Legislature of the Virgin Islands, the...
§ 1544. Reports by Governor; jurisdiction of Secretary of the Interior; exceptions - All reports required by law to be made by the...
§ 1545. Lease and sale of public property; conveyance of title in certain lands to the government of Virgin Islands - (a) The Secretary of the Interior shall be authorized to...
§ 1546. Authorization of appropriations - There are authorized to be appropriated annually by the Congress...
§ 1561. Rights and prohibitions - No law shall be enacted in the Virgin Islands which...
§ 1571. Legislature - (a) Designation and unicameral characterThe legislative power and authority of...
§ 1572. Legislators - (a) Terms of officeThe term of office of each member...
§ 1573. Time, frequency, and duration of regular sessions; special sessions; place of holding - (a) Regular sessions of the legislature shall be held annually,...
§ 1574. Legislative powers and activities - (a) Scope of authority; limitation on enactments and taxationThe legislative...
§ 1574–1. Applicability of laws referred to in section 502(a)(1) of Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Effective on the date when section 502 of the Covenant...
§ 1574a. Revenue bonds or other obligations - (a) Authorization for issuance; use of proceeds; legislative initiative and...
§ 1574b. Federal guarantee for issuance of revenue bonds or other obligations - (a) Application to Secretary of the Interior; contentsWhen authorized under...
§ 1574c. Priority for payment of principal and interest of revenue bonds or other obligations - Each issue of bonds or other obligations issued under subsection...
§ 1574d. Repealed. , , -
§ 1575. Legislative procedure - (a) Quorum and method of voting on billsThe number of...
§ 1576. General elections; time; transfer of Council functions, property, etc. - The next general election in the Virgin Islands shall be...
§ 1591. Governor and Lieutenant Governor; election; eligibility; official residence; powers and duties; report - The executive power of the Virgin Islands shall be vested...
§ 1592. Repealed. , , -
§ 1593. Initiative and recall - (a) Grant of rightsThe people of the Virgin Islands shall...
§ 1594. Repealed. , , -
§ 1595. Vacancy in office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor - (a) Temporary disability or temporary absence of GovernorIn case of...
§ 1596. Repealed. , , -
§ 1597. Reorganization of government - (a) Consolidation of departments, bureaus, etc.; popular election of school...
§ 1598. Omitted -
§ 1599. Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Virgin Islands to Inspector General, Department of the Interior - (a) Functions, powers, and duties transferredThe following functions, powers, and...
§ 1611. District Court of Virgin Islands; local courts; jurisdiction; practice and procedure - (a) District Court of Virgin Islands; local courtsThe judicial power...
§ 1612. Jurisdiction of District Court - (a) JurisdictionThe District Court of the Virgin Islands shall have...
§ 1613. Relations between courts of United States and courts of Virgin Islands; review by United States Court of Appeals for Third Circuit; reports to Congress; rules - The relations between the courts established by the Constitution or...
§ 1613a. Appellate jurisdiction of District Court; procedure; review by United States Court of Appeals for Third Circuit; rules; appeals to appellate court - (a) Appellate jurisdiction of District CourtPrior to the establishment of...
§ 1614. Judges of District Court - (a) Appointment; tenure; removal; chief judge; compensationThe President shall, by...
§ 1615. Judicial divisions - The Virgin Islands consists of two judicial divisions; the Division...
§ 1616. Trial by jury - All criminal cases originating in the district court shall be...
§ 1617. United States attorney; appointment; duties - The President shall, by and with the advice and consent...