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§ 271. Establishment - There shall be in the Senate an office to be...
§ 272. Legislative Counsel - The Legislative Counsel shall be appointed by the President pro...
§ 273. Compensation - The Legislative Counsel of the Senate shall be paid at...
§ 274. Staff; office equipment and supplies - The Legislative Counsel shall, subject to the approval of the...
§ 275. Functions - The Office of the Legislative Counsel shall aid in drafting...
§ 276. Disbursement of appropriations - All appropriations for the Office of the Legislative Counsel shall...
§ 276a. Expenditures - With the approval of the President Pro Tempore of the...
§ 276b. Travel and related expenses - Funds expended by the Legislative Counsel of the Senate for...
§ 277. Repealed. , , -