(a) In generalThe President shall report annually to the Congress as to—(1) the efforts and success of Federal agencies in preventing the illegal entry into the United States of controlled substances from the insular areas of the United States outside the customs territory of the United States, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and states freely associated with the United States and the nature and extent of such illegal entry, and
(2) the efforts and success of Federal agencies in preventing the illegal entry from other nations, including states freely associated with the United States, of controlled substances into the United States territories, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the commonwealths for use in the territories, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and commonwealths or for transshipment to the United States and the nature and extent of such illegal entry and use.
(b) Transmission dateThe annual reports required by subsection (a) shall be transmitted to the Committee on Natural Resources of the United States House of Representatives and to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate not later than the first day of October each year.
Structure US Code
§ 1451. Rights of Indians not impaired; boundaries
§§ 1453 to 1455. Repealed. –(f), ,
§ 1456. Repealed. , title III, § 301(106),
§§ 1457 to 1469–1. Repealed. , (g)–(u), , , 1463
§ 1469a. Congressional declaration of policy respecting “Insular Areas”
§ 1469b. Auditing of transactions of territorial and local governments
§ 1469d. General technical assistance
§ 1469e. Insular government purchases
§§ 1471 to 1479. Repealed. –(ee), ,
§§ 1480 to 1480b. Repealed. , ,
§§ 1481 to 1485. Repealed. –(jj), ,
§§ 1487, 1488. Repealed. , (kk), , , 1463
§ 1492. Energy resources of Caribbean and Pacific insular areas
§ 1492a. Study of electric rates in the insular areas
§ 1494a. Annual reports to Congress